Rui Zhang

Rui Zhang
Zhejiang A & F University | ZAFU · State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Silviculture



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March 2014 - February 2015
January 2014 - February 2015
Texas A&M University
  • Researcher
September 2011 - June 2016
Nanjing Forestry University
Field of study
  • Silviculture
September 2007 - June 2011
Nanjing Forestry University
Field of study
  • Forestry


Publications (58)
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Under climate warming, earlier spring phenology has heightened the risk of late spring frost (LSF) damage. However, the intricate interplay among LSF, spring phenology and photosynthetic carbon uptake remains poorly understood. Using 286,000 ground phenological records involving 870 tree species and remote-sensing data across the Northern Hemispher...
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Tree phenology, the timing of periodic biological events in trees, is highly sensitive to climate change. Previous studies have indicated that forest greening can impact the local climate by modifying the seasonal surface energy budget. However, the understanding of tree phenological responses to forest greening at large spatial scales remains limi...
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Late spring frosts, occurring after spring phenological events, pose a dire threat to tree growth and forest productivity. With climate warming, earlier spring phenological events have become increasingly common and led to plants experiencing more frequent and severe frost damage. However, the effect of late spring frosts after leaf-out on subseque...
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Lammas growth of trees means the additional growth of the shoot after the growth cessation and bud set in late summer. In temperate tree species, lammas growth occurs irregularly and is often regarded as abnormal, disturbed growth. In subtropical tree species, however, lammas growth is a prevalent phenomenon, possibly due to the prolonged occurrenc...
Physiological seed drop is a recognized phenomenon in economic forest, caused by the abscission of developing seeds due to intergroup competition for resources. However, little is known about the resource allocation dynamics in species exhibiting a biennial fruiting cycle, where interactions occur not only among seeds of the same year but also betw...
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In studies of plant spring phenology, temperature sum models are traditional tools. They are used to quantify plant development in terms of accumulation of temperature-dependent developmental units, such as Growing Degree Hours, GDHs. A key parameter in these models is the threshold (or base) temperature, Tthr, representing the lower thermal limit...
Winter rest and chilling accumulation play a crucial role in regulating the leaf-out and flowering of extratropical woody plants. Still, there is a lack of understanding regarding the potential rest condition of overwintered immature cones of coniferous trees and how the dormancy of different organ types responds to environmental cues. To address t...
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Spring phenology is a key indicator of temperate and boreal ecosystems' response to climate change. To date, most phenological studies have analyzed the mean date of budburst in tree populations while overlooking the large variability of budburst among individual trees. The consequences of neglecting the within-population variability (WPV) of budbu...
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Tree phenology, periodic biological events in trees, is highly sensitive to climate change. It has been reported that forest greening can influence the local climate by altering the seasonal surface energy budget. However, tree phenological responses to forest greening remains poorly understood at large spatial scales. Combining remote-sensing deri...
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In autumn, the buds of extratropical trees are in a state of endodormancy, since regardless of the prevailing environmental conditions, growth cannot be activated in these buds because the dormancy is caused by physiological factors in the buds. In natural conditions the growth-arresting physiological factors are removed by prolonged exposure to lo...
Nutrient addition affects the available content of soil nutrients and the structure and diversity of soil microorganisms. However, there are few studies on how added nutrients affect the microorganisms in Torreya grandis soil. In this study, we established a 3-month experiment to explore the bacterial and fungal communities in bulk and rhizosphere...
In association with past global warming, advanced spring phenological events have been observed worldwide. The global average temperature will continuously increase approximately 2 • C to 4 • C within this century. However, whether spring phenology will continue to advance in a future warmer world remains largely uncertain. Through a comprehensive...
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Spring phenology is a key indicator of temperate and boreal ecosystems’ response to climate change. To date, most phenological studies have analyzed the mean date of budburst in tree populations while overlooking the large variability of budburst among individual trees. The consequences of neglecting the within-population variability (WPV) of budbu...
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Global warming has generally advanced the spring phenology of extratropical trees. In several cases, however, the advancing has levelled off, indicating a declining temperature sensitivity of phenological timing. The potential reasons for the decline have been actively debated, but no direct experimental evidence has been produced to support any of...
Climatic warming is currently changing the spring phenology of extratropical trees, and this has several important effects on the trees and ecosystems. The major climatic cues regulating the spring phenology are winter chilling, spring forcing, and photoperiod. The interactions between these three remain largely unstudied because most studies conce...
Bud dormancy and its release are complex physiological phenomena in plants. The molecular mechanisms of bud dormancy in Liriodendron chinense are mainly unknown. Here, we studied bud dormancy and the related physiological and molecular phenomena in Liriodendron under long-day (LD) and short-day (SD). Bud burst was released faster under LD than unde...
Abscisic acid (ABA) is a signaling phytohormone to improve stress adaption under harsh environments. ABA is sensed by the pyrabactin resistance1/PYR1-like/regulatory components of the ABA receptor (PYR1/PYL/RCAR) (named PYLs) and is the core regulator of ABA stress signaling. ABA receptor PYL gene family have been well studied in rubber tree, apple...
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Protein kinases play an essential role in plants' responses to environmental stress signals. SnRK2 (sucrose non-fermenting 1-related protein kinase 2) is a plant-specific protein kinase that plays a crucial role in abscisic acid and abiotic stress responses in some model plant species. In apple, corn, rice, pepper, grapevine, Arabidopsis thaliana,...
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Key message Autumn phenology and physiology in the subtropical tree speciesTorreya grandisand in a subtropical provenance ofCarya illinoinensisare affected by air temperature rather than photoperiod. Abstract Though leaf phenology is a key tree trait affecting several ecological processes in forested ecosystems, its environmental and genetic regul...
Process-based phenological models are currently used for assessing the effects of climatic warming on the timing of spring phenological events, such as leafout and flowering, in trees. However, the biological realism of the models may be undermined by the practices of often formulating the models solely on the basis of observational records of the...
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Pecan (Carya illinoinensis) is an important nut tree species in its native areas in temperate and subtropical North America, and as an introduced crop in subtropical southeastern China as well. We used process-based modeling to assess the effects of climatic warming in southeastern China on the leaf-out phenology of pecan seedlings and the subseque...
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Among abiotic stressors, drought and salinity seriously affect crop growth worldwide. In plants, research has aimed to increase stress-responsive protein synthesis upstream or downstream of the various transcription factors (TFs) that alleviate drought and salinity stress. TFs play diverse roles in controlling gene expression in plants, which is ne...
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Endodormancy and the related chilling requirement synchronize the seasonal development of trees from the boreal and temperate regions under the climatic conditions prevailing at their native growing sites. The phenomenon of endodormancy has been known at the whole‐plant level for 100 years, and in the last couple of decades, insights into the physi...
The environmental regulation of spring phenology in boreal and temperate trees is generally well-understood, but little is known about the regulation in subtropical trees. It has been shown recently that similarly to the more northern trees, subtropical trees also exhibit rest (endodormancy) and chilling requirement of rest break (chilling requirem...
A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: Bud burst chilling requirement climatic variation endodormancy flowering leafout subtropical trees tree phenology A B S T R A C T Spring phenology is a key phenomenon mediating the effects of climate change on terrestrial plants and ecosystems , but in regard to subtropical trees, the dormancy mechanisms that regulat...
We developed process-based tree phenology models for four subtropical tree species, and for the first time for these trees, we based the model development on explicit experimental work particularly designed to address the processes being modelled. For all the four species, a model of seedling leafout was developed, and for Torreya grandis , a model...
To project the effects of climatic warming on the timing of spring leafout and flowering in trees, process-based tree phenology models are often used nowadays. Unfortunately, the biological realism of the models is often compromised because the model development has often been based on various assumptions and indirect methods. We developed process-...
Studies addressing endodormancy release in adult trees are usually carried out using twigs detached from the trees in the experiments. Potential problems caused by cutting the root-shoot connection when detaching the twigs can be avoided by using grafts as the experimental material. We studied the effects of chilling on the endodormancy release in...
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Bud dormancy of plants has traditionally been explained either by physiological growth arresting conditions in the bud, or by unfavourable environmental conditions, such as non‐growth‐promoting low air temperatures. This conceptual dichotomy has provided the framework also for developing process‐based plant phenology models. Here we propose a novel...
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Key message Moderate shading is optimal for the growth of Torreya grandis seedlings during drought. Abstract Light and water are two important environmental factors affecting tree seedling traits and regulating seedling survival and growth, but the effects of light on seedlings under drought remain poorly understood. The purpose of the present stu...
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Background Pecan (Carya illinoinensis) and Chinese hickory (C. cathayensis) are important commercially cultivated nut trees in the genus Carya (Juglandaceae), with high nutritional value and substantial health benefits. Results We obtained >187.22 and 178.87 gigabases of sequence, and ∼288× and 248× genome coverage, to a pecan cultivar (“Pawnee”)...
In boreal and temperate trees, air temperature is a major environmental factor regulating the timing of spring phenological events, such as vegetative bud burst, through underlying physiological processes. This has been established by experimental research, and mathematical process-based tree phenology models have been developed based on the result...
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Cytosine methylation plays important roles in regulating gene expression and modulating agronomic traits. In this study, the fluorescence-labeled methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (F-MSAP) technique was used to study variation in cytosine methylation among seven pecan (Carya illinoinensis) cultivars at four developmental stages. In addit...
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Seed oil content is an important trait of nut seeds, and it is affected by the import of carbon from photosynthetic sources. Although green leaves are the main photosynthetic organs, seed sarcotesta photosynthesis also supplies assimilates to seed development. Understanding the relationship between seed photosynthesis and seed development has theor...
The standard gas chromatogram of the main fatty acids in seeds of Torreya grandis cv. “Merrillii.”
Light responses of net photosynthesis Pn in seeds of Torreya grandis cv. “Merrillii” during seed development; expressed on surface area (A), dry weight (B), and single seed (C) basis. For the Pn values mean ± SD is indicated. Different letters denote significant differences at P ≤ 0.05 level. n = 4. The light responses were measured on eight dates...
The inhibitive effect of different concentrations of DCMU on the ETR of seed in comparison with the control.
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Atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition can increase the susceptibility of vascular plants to other stresses, but the physiological basis of such a response remains poorly understood. This study was designed to clarify the physiological mechanisms and to evaluate bioindicators of N deposition impact on vascular plants. We evaluate multiple physiologica...
Torreya grandis, an economically important nut tree in Southeast China, is being subjected to increasing atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, and thus far its impact on nut quality remains unknown. Also, studies evaluating nut quality response to biochar application (commonly used as soil amendment) to soils under N deposition conditions are rare....
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Root systems of pecan trees are usually dominated by a single taproot with few lateral roots, which are commonly thought to inhibit successful transplanting. This study aimed to evaluate early growth and root/shoot development of pecan seedlings in response to taproot pruning. Taproots of ‘Shaoxing’ seedling pecan trees were mildly (1/3 of the tota...
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Scion wood of ‘Caddo’ and ‘Desirable’ pecan (Carya illinoinensis) was grafted onto the epicotyl of 1-month-old, open-pollinated ‘Shaoxing’ pecan seedlings for evaluation as a grafting technique to reduce the time to produce grafted trees. The results showed that seedlings grafted with ‘‘base scions’’ had higher survival than those grafted with ‘‘te...
This study examined the ability to vegetatively propagate 1-year-old pecan (Carya illinoinensis) through the rooting of hardwood cuttings. Cuttings were treated with varying concentrations of different auxins and different combinations of media and ambient temperatures. Under different temperature conditions, all auxin treatments induced the rootin...
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This study examined the ability to vegetatively propagate 1-year-old pecan ( Carya illinoinensis ) through the rooting of hardwood cuttings. Cuttings were treated with varying concentrations of different auxins and different combinations of media and ambient temperatures. Under different temperature conditions, all auxin treatments induced the root...
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The morphological flowering characteristics, pollen viability and stigma receptivity of Chinese-grown pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) C. Koch] under defined developmental stages were investigated by digital photography, in vitro germination, and benzidine-H2O2 testing, respectively. The results show that the optimal time for pollen collection...


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