Rudolf Stichweh

Rudolf Stichweh
University of Bonn | Uni Bonn · Forum Internationale Wissenschaft and Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies

Prof. Dr.


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Publications (239)
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A conference presentation for the Max-Planck-Society that analyzes the semantics and institutions of freedom of science as an immune system that protects the self-organization of science.
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Keywords: Strong asymmetrical dependency; slavery; asymmetrical control; including exclusion and excluding inclusion; hierarchy and equality; balancing operations; total institutions. Abstract: The paper looks for a general analytical perspective that allows to understand and compare slavery and its related institutions (serfdom, debt slavery, forc...
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Ihre selbstreflexiven Methoden und Verfahren verpflichten die modernen Wissenschaften zu Offenheit und Unabhängigkeit: Sie sollen sich nicht an gesellschaftlich-politischen Ansprüchen orientieren, sondern frei forschen können. Gleichwohl sind die Wissenschaften in Routinen und Institutionen eingepasst, die ihnen mit Hinweis auf praktischen Nutzen G...
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The paper looks for a general analytical perspective that allows to understand and compare slavery and its related institutions (serfdom, debt slavery, forced labor) in premodern and modern societies. The paper starts with a theory of asymmetrical control that identifies six cumulative dimensions of social control and thereby allows to understand t...
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The paper reconstructs the genesis of a sociological theory and especially a systems theory of world society. The first books on world society in World War II and immediately after it look at the possibility of world government and its relevance for the solution of global problems. Other authors are interested in the behavioural and normative unifi...
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Das Wissenschaftssystem in Deutschland erlebt eine Phase rasanter Internationalisierung: Globale Vernetzung gilt als Voraussetzung, Merkmal oder Garant wissenschaftlicher Spitzenforschung. Forschung ohne internationalen Einfluss und Anschluss wirkt heute undenkbar und rückständig. Doch was genau verstehen die Akteure im System eigentlich unter Inte...
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In den ersten Wochen des Jahres 1976 fiel uns Studenten in den Lehrveranstaltungen Niklas Luhmanns ein Prospekt in die Hand, der für den April desselben Jahres ein dreiwöchiges Seminar zu «Ethik und Gesellschaftstheorie» am Inter-University Center for Postgraduate Studies in Dubrovnik ankündigte. Zu den dort genannten Dozenten des Seminars gehörten...
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Resumo O artigo analisa forças divisivas nas sociedades contemporâneas e as conecta às esperanças incumpridas oriundas das revoluções do início da modernidade: as esperanças por igualdade, liberdade e fraternidade/solidariedade. Antes de tudo, no século XXI, podemos dizer que há desigualdades persistentes que emergem em todos os sistemas funcionais...
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Zusammenfassung Der Aufsatz sucht nach systematischen Differenzen in der gegenwärtigen ‚World Polity‘, aus denen die bipolare Differenz von demokratischen und autoritären Systemen hervorgeht. Er behandelt die Akzeptanz funktionaler Differenzierung als Zusammenspiel gleichwertiger Systeme, die radikale Individualisierung der Inklusion, die Kontingen...
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Sociology has two interesting and useful theories of social change: differentiation theory and the theory of sociocultural evolution. Both have their origins in biological theory (embryology and general biology); both have been completely sociologized over more than a hundred years. Evolution is a theory about the interplay of structures and events...
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Der Aufsatz sucht nach systematischen Differenzen in der gegenwärtigen ‚World Polity', aus denen die bipolare Differenz von demokratischen und autoritären Systemen hervorgeht. Er behandelt die Akzeptanz funktionaler Differenzierung als Zusammenspiel gleichwertiger Systeme, die radikale Individualisierung der Inklusion, die Kontingenz von Werten, da...
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The world polity is a mess-just open any news source. If you are looking, however, for a thorough and neatly organized analysis of democratic and authoritarian regimes, how they evolved, and how they function, this is your book. Anna Ahlers, Damien Krichewsky, Evelyn Moser, and Rudolf Stichweh introduce their book Democratic and Authoritarian Polit...
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This chapter explains the genesis of inequalities and hierarchies in modern science. It studies the forms and mechanisms of scientific communication on the basis of which the social structures of science are built: publications, authorship, co- and multiple authorship, citations as units of information and as social rewards, peer review as evaluati...
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I Werte, Normen, Institutionen Gesellschaften sind immer ein Geflecht von Werten, Normen und Institutionen (Parsons 1937). Bei Normen handelt es sich um Erwartungen, die mit einer Bindungswirkung ausgestattet sind. Wenn jemand sich dieser Bindungswirkung zu entziehen versucht, stehen negative Sanktionen zur Verfügung, die denjenigen angedroht werde...
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The article looks at divisive forces in contemporary societies and links them to the unfulfilled hopes of the revolutions at the beginning of modernity: the hopes for equality, freedom, and fraternity/solidarity. There are, first, in the twenty-first century situation, persistent inequalities that emerge in all the function systems of society and t...
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Why is there so much fraud in PhD disssertations by politicians in Germany? Is this deception or systemic corruption and which reform will change this?
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The introduction summarizes the analytical perspectives used and the conceptual structures introduced in the essays of this volume. On the basis of the results of this synthesis it proposes four directions for further research: 1. The identification of beginnings of functional differentiation in premodern societies in different world regions. 2. Th...
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Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, die Hefte unserer Zeitschrift sind in den letzten Jahren leider mit erheblicher Verzögerung erschienen, wofür wir vielmals um Entschuldigung bitten. Im Her-ausgeberkreis haben wir uns auf eine Reihe von Maßnahmen verständigt, damit die Zeitschrift wieder pünktlich und regelmäßig erscheint. Wir erweitern, verjün-gen und i...
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This book is about the radical novelty of modern polities in a functionally differentiated world society. Premodern states were at the apex of a stratified, hierarchical society. They dominated society and all its groups and strata. Modern polities have to be understood through the ecology of relations among different function systems. They have to...
Norbert Wieners Buch über die Kybernetik ist kein Lehrbuch, sondern eine Sammlung von Aufsätzen, die in Wieners Forschungsagenda eine besondere Rolle spielten. Der Beitrag diskutiert einige auch heute noch faszinierende Leitthemen: Mensch und Maschine, Computer und Gedächtnis, die irreversible Zeit der Systeme, Information als Übermittlung von Alte...
Norbert Wieners Buch über die Kybernetik ist kein Lehrbuch, sondern eine Sammlung von Aufsätzen, die in Wieners Forschungsagenda eine besondere Rolle spielten. Der Beitrag diskutiert einige auch heute noch faszinierende Leitthemen: Mensch und Maschine, Computer und Gedächtnis, die irreversible Zeit der Systeme, Information als Übermittlung von Alte...
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This book is about the radical novelty of modern polities in a functionally differentiated world society. Premodern states were at the apex of a stratified, hierarchical society. They dominated society and all its groups and strata. Modern polities have to be understood through the ecology of relations among different function systems. They have to...
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This book is about the radical novelty of modern polities in a functionally differentiated world society. Premodern states were at the apex of a stratified, hierarchical society. They dominated society and all its groups and strata. Modern polities have to be understood through the ecology of relations among different function systems. They have to...
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This book is about the radical novelty of modern polities in a functionally differentiated world society. Premodern states were at the apex of a stratified, hierarchical society. They dominated society and all its groups and strata. Modern polities have to be understood through the ecology of relations among different function systems. They have to...
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Die Corona-Pandemie hat die Gesellschaft abrupt verändert - und ihre Folgen werden lange nachwirken. Zu Beginn beherrschte die Expertise der Virologie die öffentliche Debatte. Angesichts der Tragweite der Veränderungen ist jedoch klar, dass auch sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Sichtweisen auf die Pandemie unverzichtbar sind, denn: Die Corona-Kr...
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This book is about the radical novelty of modern polities in a functionally differentiated world society. Premodern states were at the apex of a stratified, hierarchical society. They dominated society and all its groups and strata. Modern polities have to be understood through the ecology of relations among different function systems. They have to...
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This book is about the radical novelty of modern polities in a functionally differentiated world society. Premodern states were at the apex of a stratified, hierarchical society. They dominated society and all its groups and strata. Modern polities have to be understood through the ecology of relations among different function systems. They have to...
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This book is about the radical novelty of modern polities in a functionally differentiated world society. Premodern states were at the apex of a stratified, hierarchical society. They dominated society and all its groups and strata. Modern polities have to be understood through the ecology of relations among different function systems. They have to...
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This book is about the radical novelty of modern polities in a functionally differentiated world society. Premodern states were at the apex of a stratified, hierarchical society. They dominated society and all its groups and strata. Modern polities have to be understood through the ecology of relations among different function systems. They have to...
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This book is about the radical novelty of modern polities in a functionally differentiated world society. Premodern states were at the apex of a stratified, hierarchical society. They dominated society and all its groups and strata. Modern polities have to be understood through the ecology of relations among different function systems. They have to...
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The paper gives an overview of the most important conceptual structures for writing the history and constructing a theory of world society. It 1. defines the concept of society and asks how many types of society can be observed in the history of human social systems; 2. connects the argument about types of society with a reconstruction of patterns...
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By making use of some quantitative indicators the paper describes contemporary world science and the German position in this system (I). It explains the place of the research university as the centre of the system of science (II), and presents the German case by describing the numerous new institutions for doing and supporting science arising since...
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In premodern social systems politics was the task of members of privileged social strata who were born into these rights. Modern political systems are based on the universal inclusion of all citizens who participate in politics with equal rights. A political system consists of public roles, performance roles, public opinion, political parties, elec...
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La sociedad moderna en la que vivimos desde hace 250 años se basa en un intercambio completo de órdenes sociales. En lugar de los estamentos jerárquicamente ordenados, la sociedad los reemplaza por sistemas de comunicación temáticamente y funcionalmente orientados. Estos sistemas son sin excepción sistemas globales: la política, la economía, la rel...
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Die Fakultät für Soziologie in Bielefeld feiert 2019 ihren 50. Geburtstag. Die in diesem Band versammelten Interviews mit Professor*innen, die an der Fakultät gelehrt und geforscht haben, erzählen greifbar und authentisch ihre vielfältige Geschichte. Der tiefe Einblick in die Geschehnisse dieser wegweisenden Institution stellt damit eine der ersten...
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Alle menschlichen Gesellschaften kennen Begriffe für soziale Objekte, die sie als 'Fremde' identifizieren. Eine nach wie vor sehr produktive soziologische Deutung bietet Georg Simmels 'Exkurs über den Fremden'.
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Resumo: Este artigo esboça, primeiramente, a distinção, sociologicamente orientada, entre in-clusão e exclusão (exclusão da sociedade, e comunicação baseada em todos os acontecimen-tos). O artigo apresenta a diferenciação funcional da sociedade mundial como forma primária de diferenciação. Quando a sociedade é assim descrita, quais seriam então as...
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The paper begins with the observation that today’s world society exhibits a political regime bipolarity and suggests an interpretation, based on the sociological theories of inclusion and functional differentiation. We (1) distinguish democratic and authoritarian political regimes by identifying the different value patterns underlying collectively...
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The article starts with an overview of four core mechanisms in the formation of world society: Communication, migration, observation and knowledge. The first three can be seen as dynamic factors bringing about and transferring variants in world society, (world) knowledge is a kind of storage for temporary results of these dynamic operations. In the...
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The paper gives an overview of the most important insights one needs to construct a theory of world society. The paper 1 defines the concept of society and tries to find out how many different types of society are to be observed in the history of human social systems, 2 connects the argument about the sequence of types of society with a reconstruct...
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Alle Gesellschaften handeln auf der Basis von Wissen, das sie als bekannt unterstellen. Unsere hingegen fügt neues Wissen hinzu, das wir unab-lässig suchen und intentional produzieren. Dieses Verhalten ist eine Signatur der Moderne.«
Knowledge is a social universal. We always act on the basis of knowledge that we assume to be generally known and to be shared by others. But we add new knowledge that we are continually searching for or trying to produce intentionally. And the latter is a signature of modernity. The considerations in this essay focus on the societal order in which...
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Resumo Esse artigo oferece uma visão geral dos insights necessários para se construir uma teoria da sociedade mundial. A seção 1 define o conceito de sociedade e busca identificar tipos diferentes de sociedade que podem ser observados na história dos sistemas sociais humanos; 2 conecta o argumento sobre a sequência de tipos de sociedade com uma rec...
Conference Paper
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The history of human social systems illustrates that societies can be small or large social systems, from hunter-gatherer societies to states, civilisations and, finally, to contemporary world society. However, they all share common defining features such as self-sufficiency and self-reproductive closure. In sociology, descriptions and analyses of...
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Resumo O artigo inicia com um quadro geral sobre quatro mecanismos centrais na formação da sociedade mundial: comunicação, migração, observação e conhecimento. Os três primeiros podem ser vistos como fatores dinâmicos que causam e movimentam variáveis na sociedade mundial, enquanto o conhecimento (mundial) é um tipo de estoque de resultados temporá...
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In this publication, we present the talks given at the first workshop of this series, entitled “Modelling Nature and Society – Can We Control the World?” The workshop took place in the city of Weimar from 30 June to 2 July 2016. Its objective was to provide an overview of current attempts to understand and control complex systems in nature and soci...
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After World War II the political world was for nearly 50 years shaped by the ideological bipolarity of capitalism and socialism/communism. And there was a second bipolarity given by the distinction of democracy and totalitarianism. Both distinctions lost their relevance between 1970 and 1990. There was first the 'discovery' that some dictatorial re...


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