Ruben Vanderlinde

Ruben Vanderlinde
Ghent University | UGhent · Department of Educational Studies

Educational researcher with an interest in teacher education, professional development, and educational innovation


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Prof. Dr. Ruben Vanderlinde is an Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Studies at Ghent University in Belgium. His research interests are in the field of educational innovation, teacher training and professionalisation, and the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education. He publishes widely on these topics, both in ISI listed journals and more practitioner oriented journals. He teaches “Educational Innovation” and “Pedagogy of Teaching” at the bachelors and masters of Educational Sciences, and "Teaching Methodology" in the Specific Teacher Training Program. Dr. Ruben Vanderlinde is methodologically experienced in mixed method research, and a founding member of InFo-TED (International Forum for Teacher Educator Development).


Publications (191)
Teamteaching, waarbij twee of meerdere leraren samen voor de klas staan, wordt naar voren geschoven als een beloftevolle strategie om actuele onderwijsuitdagingen het hoofd te bieden. Ondanks de groeiende populariteit, blijft het specifieke karakter van teamteaching in Vlaanderen nog onduidelijk: op welke manier implementeren scholen teamteaching,...
Complex competences, such as managing students' aggressive behaviour, are challenging to develop during teacher training. Recently, video‐based simulations have been considered promising, yet suitable assessment instruments are limitedly available. This paper reports on the design and evaluation of a video‐based assessment tool tailored to measure...
Conference Paper
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Lerarenopleiders hebben inherent een modellerende functie ten aanzien van hun student-leraren: alles wat ze doen heeft een educatieve waarde. Vanuit deze vaststelling kunnen ze een belangrijke maatschappelijke rol spelen in de manier waarop het huidige en vooral toekomstig onderwijsveld omgaat met diversiteit. Dragen ze ertoe bij dat bestaande soci...
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Teachers in secondary vocational education face challenges in interdisciplinary teaching due to their traditional teacher education within specific subject domains. Collaborative efforts—like those implemented in Teacher Design Teams (TDTs)—can prepare and support teachers for interdisciplinary teaching. Research has demonstrated the factors determ...
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Motivating students in general subjects within secondary vocational education poses a challenge for teachers. Flanders introduced Project Integrated General Subjects (PGS), an interdisciplinary course designed to tackle this issue. However, despite its establishment, the dynamic nature of both society and the vocational student population has made...
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De onderzoeksgroep ‘Lerarenopleiding & Professionele Ontwikkeling’ (LOPO) verbonden aan de Vakgroep Onderwijskunde van de Universiteit Gent, presenteert in dit beschouwend artikel evidence-informed strategieën die een mogelijk antwoord kunnen bieden op het huidige lerarentekort. Deze niet allesomvattende strategieën zijn in grote mate gebaseerd op...
Conference Paper
A supportive research culture is crucial for promoting teacher involvement in inquiry-based working. There is, yet, a lack of empirical evidence on how to establish such a culture in primary schools. To address this gap, this study employs a mixed-methods approach to explore the role of research culture in primary teacher involvement in inquiry-bas...
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Introduction The first part of the worldwide lockdown starting in March 2020 forced teachers in higher education to implement emergency remote teaching (ERT) in an online learning environment. Some students appreciated the autonomy they acquired and the appeal to their self-discipline. Other students, preferring structure and guidelines, perceived...
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This study aims to gain insight into the experiences of beginning team teaching teams and the dimensions of effective teaching behavior that are perceived as clear added value in their pedagogical practices. Sixteen beginning team teaching teams from twelve different elementary schools participated in team interviews. The more complex dimensions of...
A crucial competence for mentor teachers is the ability to analyse classroom practices as they are expected to model effective teaching practices and to provide feedback to student teachers. This ability is referred to in the literature as professional vision. The present study assesses mentor teachers’ (n = 137) professional vision regarding teach...
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1) Background: Dealing with students’ maladaptive behaviour in the classroom, such as verbal aggressive behaviour, is challenging, particularly for novice teachers. They often encounter limited opportunities for training and practice in handling such incidents during their pre-service education, rendering them ill-equipped and uncertain when confro...
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In a teacher's career, each phase brings its own challenges. In a convenience sample of 913 teachers from 76 different schools, this cross-sectional study examined self-reported differences in burnout, motivation to teach, and (de-)motivating teaching styles, across the full teacher career. Three multivariate analyses of variances (controlled for g...
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The practice of team teaching—how teachers deliver team teaching in the classroom—substantially determines its effect. The collaboration between the teachers and the level of shared responsibility between them are two important dimensions of the team teaching practice. To date, no instrument exists to measure these dimensions. However, in view of e...
Conference Paper
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Addressing issues of diversity, inclusion and equity is a contemporary challenge at all levels of education, as well as in society at large (Vantieghem & Van de Putte, 2019). Teacher educators in particular have an important responsibility in meeting this challenge, as they foster how diversity is addressed in education by educating the next genera...
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(1) Background: In preparing the next generation of teachers, teacher educators are key actors in fostering diversity-responsive education. However, evidence-informed professional development initiatives (PDIs) are needed to raise teacher educators’ awareness and increase their diversity-responsive practices. This study provides insight into the de...
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Background: Self-Determination Theory-based studies showed that teachers’ need-supportive styles (i.e. autonomy-supportive and structuring) enhance students’ motivation and well-being, while teachers’ need-thwarting styles (i.e. being controlling and chaotic), have been related to several detrimental outcomes. The value of jointly depicting teacher...
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Teacher educators play a crucial part in preparing student teachers for teaching in diversity. Because of their modelling role, they automatically convey messages about approaching diversity via their practices. In this study, we look into these—often hidden—messages of teacher educators to uncover the discourses that inform and are being reproduce...
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Given the dyadic and multi-layered nature of professional relations, informal teacher learning mostly goes through complex, non-linear, and context dependent professional interactions. Advice-seeking relationships (ASRs) are the most common form of informal interactions between teachers. However, due mostly to analytical constraints, little is know...
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Research on the potential role of teacher educators (TEs) in the reduction or perpetuation of inequality and exclusion mechanisms in the Flemish educational system is scarce. Teacher educators are defined by the European Commission (2013) as “all those who actively facilitate the (formal) learning of student teachers and teachers” (p.8). By prepari...
By presenting the results of a large-scale international study, this study targets a better empirical understanding of teacher educators’ researcherly disposition or the teacher educators' habit of mind to engage with research to improve their practice and contribute to the knowledge base on teacher education. Data was collected from an internation...
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A principal’s technology leadership (TL) practices can facilitate information and communication technologies (ICT) integration into K-12 schools, alongside a drastic change in teachers' organizational behaviors to accompany this technological and cultural transformation process. However, there is little evidence of which TL practices contribute to...
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Mentoren hebben naast hun taak als leraar de belangrijke verantwoordelijkheid om student-leraren te begeleiden bij hun ervaringen met lespraktijken tijdens stages. Op deze manier kunnen mentoren een aanzienlijke invloed uitoefenen op het leren van student-leraren. Mentoren geven onder meer tijdens het mentoringsgesprek feedback aan de student-leraa...
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This study was conducted to further explore the possible mechanism behind the finding that rural teachers are disadvantaged for participation in inquiry-based working compared to their urban counterparts. School organisation factors are the most obvious mediating variables since they can be easily connected with wider school regional features and w...
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This poster provides insight into the design of a PhD project with its main objective to advance fundamental knowledge on teacher educators’ dealing with diversity. Our last study is given most attention: an intervention-based study, concerning a professional development initiative (PDI) to foster the dimensions of teacher educators’ dealing with d...
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Dit rapport geeft het Vlaamse gemiddelde weer van lerarenopleiders met betrekking tot hun attitudes en praktijken voor diversiteitsresponsief onderwijs, bevraagd via een grootschalig surveyonderzoek. Het kwam tot stand door een samenwerking met 10 verschillende instellingen die lerarenopleidingen aanbieden. De instellingen waarbij minstens de helft...
Conference Paper
During the past few decades, primary teachers worldwide ae more and more expected to be able to work in an inquiry-based manner (Papanastasiou & Karagiorgi, 2019). People believe that teacher involvement in inquiry-based working(ie. reflect on their classroom practices or school-level educational reforms building on research literature or conductin...
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Teacher educators are increasingly perceived as crucial players for maintaining the quality of the teacher workforce. As such, the literature on teacher educators’ professional development keeps steadily growing. One area of focus in this specific research field, like educational research in general, are current issues of diversity, inclusion, equi...
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Blended learning is door de Corona pandemie niet meer weg te denken uit het onderwijs. Ook het Vlaams secundair onderwijs schakelde noodgedwongen over op blended learning. Terwijl blended learning in eerste instantie werd geïmplementeerd vanuit noodzaak, willen sommige scholen blended learning ook structureel implementeren. Een eerste doel van het...
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Tijdens de eerste lockdown ten gevolge van de Covid-19-pandemie schakelden scholen over op nood-afstandsonderwijs.1 Bij aanvang van de tweede lockdown, in het najaar van 2020, werd door onze secundaire scholen vaak een vorm van blended learning georganiseerd.2 Hierbij werden zowel face-to-face (F2F) als online onderwijsleeractiviteiten ontworpen. V...
Conference Paper
The use of virtual reality simulations to foster competence development of preservice teachers. Over the last decade, there has been increasing interest in the use of virtual reality (VR)-based simulations in teacher education to incorporate authentic learning experiences. However, effectiveness studies mainly rely on teachers' self-reports. The cu...
Many (inter)national policy agendas state the ambition to ensure equity and justice in education for all, regardless of someone’s personal traits (European Commission, 2017; UNESCO, 2017). As such, all educational professionals are challenged to deal with the diversity in society to help realize this ambition (Gay, 2018; Vantieghem et al., 2020). T...
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All over Europe, the rapidly increasing number of newly arrived migrant students (NAMS) not only transformed countries into ethnically diverse societies but also led to various challenges for the educational system in general and its schools and teachers in particular. In Flanders, education for NAMS has several limitations, such as an overrepresen...
As a growing number of educational institutions are offering online programs, teachers need to be competent in this new way of teaching. This is especially the case for synchronous online learning through videoconferencing technology, an emergent and so far understudied form of online education. Based on a systematic literature review of 30 studies...
To ensure inclusion and equity in education, both teacher beliefs and practice are cited as influential. However, the connection between beliefs on student diversity and inclusive practice is often more complex than straightforward. Professional vision is theorised to be important in aligning beliefs with practice. Hence, this study investigates wh...
Conference Paper
Improving rural teachers’ quality is meaningful for narrowing the inequality in educational outcomes between rural and urban schools. In this respect, supporting teacher involvement in inquiry-based working for their professional development could be a potential approach. However, previous studies revealed that rural teachers are facing disadvantag...
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Onderzoek naar hoe lerarenopleiders omgaan met diversiteit is eerder schaars. Het gebrek aan een gemeenschappelijke taal bemoeilijkt het uitbouwen van een consistente onderzoeksbasis rond dit topic, evenals de gerichte professionalisering van lerarenopleiders. Om hieraan tegemoet te komen werd een systematische literatuurstudie opgezet die antwoord...
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Recently, teacher training programs implement more authentic learning experiences in their courses. For aiding preservice teachers (PSTs) to practice their classroom management skills for example, desktop (video-based) simulations are increasingly used. However, due to a lack of authenticity, these simulations appear to make a limited contribution...
Teacher educators are tasked with preparing student teachers to deal with diversity (Han et al., 2014). While extensive literature focuses on teacher education programmes and curricula to fulfill this task (Cochran-Smith et al., 2016), little research exists on how higher education-based teacher educators carry out this task or deal with diversity...
Military academies request initiatives for better pedagogy to keep their cadets motivated and successful. Following the self-determination theory, one could promote autonomous motivation by fulfilling the three basic psychological needs of students: the need for autonomy, relatedness and competence. In this qualitative research, we investigated whi...
Despite their crucial role, Flemish teacher educators remain an under-researched professional group with particularly limited fundamental knowledge on how they deal with diversity (Vanderlinde et al., 2021). This is rather surprising since Flemish policy documents increasingly stress the need for teacher education to prepare teachers to teach in di...
This study explores the structure of French teachers’ educational beliefs. First, instruments to measure these beliefs are adapted and developed. Data is collected through focus group discussions and an online survey (n = 302). Factor analyses reveal a three-factor structure to measure teachers’ general beliefs about teaching and learning: ‘beliefs...
This study explores whether the relationship between departmental leadership (i.e. group-oriented and development-oriented departmental leadership) and the interpersonal characteristics of professional learning communities (PLC) (i.e. collective responsibility and reflective dialogue) varies between departments, depending on whether teachers displa...
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Although reacting properly to students’ aggressive behaviour in the classroom is considered a key competence (Emmer & Stough, 2001), novice teachers often fail to react properly to students’ problem behaviour such as (verbal) aggressive behaviour. Furthermore, they report feeling ill-prepared to deal with problem behaviour (Brouwers & Tomic, 2000)....
This study investigated the effectiveness of clinical simulations (CS) as an instructional strategy to prepare student teachers to conduct parent-teacher conferences. A pre-test/post-test study was set up in order to study the impact of online (n = 181) and face-to-face CS (n = 95) on student teachers’ parent-teacher communication competence (PTCC)...
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Research suggests that physical education (PE) teachers can play a crucial role in the promotion of students’ physical activity. Grounded in Self-Determination Theory, this study investigated how students’ perceptions of PE teachers (de-)motivating style relate to students’ device-based physical activity levels during PE. Moreover, it was examined...
Globally, large numbers of early career teachers (ECTs) drop out of the profession in the first years of practice. This chapter reports about Flemish research focusing on the role of collegial support networks in keeping ECTs in the profession, using mixed-methods social network analysis. Links to Communities of Practice—as the central theme of thi...
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Educating student teachers to teach highly diverse groups of pupils has become one of the central tasks of teacher education programmes. Research on inclusive education has pointed to the need for more studies around student teachers’ inclusive teaching competence. This study explores the extent to which student teachers’ beliefs and self-efficacy...
Because of the evolution towards inclusive education, professional vision becomes a central skill, which is teachers’ ability to notice and reason about classroom situations. Two aspects are quintessential for maximal learning outcomes among diverse learners: positive teacher-student interactions (PTSI) and differentiated instruction (DI). Conseque...
As teachers’ reading motivation and self-efficacy for promoting reading motivation can be considered vital for their reading-oriented promotive teaching practices and students’ reading motivation, this study evaluated the impact of a year-long CPD program for beginning primary school teachers. A convergent parallel mixed-methods design with repeate...
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A major area of interest within the field of professional development is the concept of motivation. However, research explaining how to enhance motivation in participants during training is scarce. Grounded in Self-Determination Theory, this study aimed to gain insight into the design approaches of professional development initiatives in higher edu...
Previous research has pointed at the pivotal role of professional collegial support relationships to keep beginning teachers in the profession. In this study, we build on previous research by using follow-up mixed-method social network data to explore (1) to what extent, in what ways and for which reasons beginning teachers’ work-related network (p...
This article describes the development of a self-report survey measure of student teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs about family-teacher communication. Consistent with a guiding conceptual framework (Walker & Dotger, 2012), an exploratory factor analysis (n = 266) suggested a two-factor structure: (1) structuring the conversation (α = .92) and (2) re...
In deze bijdrage vertrekken we vanuit de belangstelling voor het concept competenties in de lerarenopleiding met daaraan gekoppelde conceptuele en methodologische uitdagingen. Deze uitdagingen verwijzen naar de moeilijkheid om op een valide en betrouwbare wijze competenties te meten en te beoordelen. De intrede van competentiegericht opleiden in de...
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De laatste decennia worden scholen en klassen steeds diverser. Lerarenopleidingen worden verantwoordelijk gesteld om toekomstige leraren daarop voor te bereiden. Dat kunnen ze doen door opleidingsmodellen te introduceren waarbij student-leraren de mogelijkheid krijgen om cruciale aspecten van inclusief lesgeven te identificeren en te interpreteren...
Standardised measurement of teachers' professional vision (i.e., noticing and reasoning) is commonly done through analytic assessment methods. These are effective to measure teachers' reasoning but are inadequate to measure noticing in an uninfluenced way. Video-based comparative judgement (CJ) is presented as a holistic alternative to measure teac...
Grounded in the Self-Determination Theory, this study examines the relations between teacher educators’ experienced work pressure and opportunities for professional growth, their work related basic needs satisfaction (i.e. autonomy, competence and relatedness) and their researcherly disposition (i.e. being a smart consumer of research, being able t...
Drawing theoretically from the social network perspective, this article focuses on the collegial support networks of two beginning teachers, and how this is related to their job attitudes. A whole-school survey to investigate the support network structure of their primary school team, and an in-depth interview with the beginning teacher to explore...
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The growing diversity in pupil populations poses challenges to the professional development of student teachers. Therefore, teacher preparation has placed sufficient emphasis on the development of student teachers' professional vision in the context of inclusive education. In this study, professional vision refers to student teachers ability to not...
Professional learning communities (PLCs) are considered ideal contexts for teachers’ professional development and school improvement. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the interplay between PLC characteristics (i.e. collective responsibility, reflective dialogue, and deprivatized practice) in secondary school departments, and understand what va...
This study reports on the development and validation of a video-based measurement instrument to assess pre-service teachers' (n = 278) professional vision of inclusive classrooms (PVIC). PVIC includes two dimensions of teacher quality that are essential in effective inclusive classrooms: (positive) teacher-student interactions (TSI) and differentia...
In research on teacher induction, scholars have pointed at the pivotal role of collegial support to overcome the challenges inherent to the first years of teaching. In this quantitative study, we extend current work by using a social network perspective to examine characteristics (i.e. network size, frequency and perceived usefulness) of profession...
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Clinical simulations have recently been presented as a promising instructional strategy to overcome the theory-practice gap in teacher education. Taking this into account, this chapter aims to enhance insight into the core ideas underlying the design and construction of simulation-based learning environments. For this purpose, this chapter first pr...
Insight in the way teachers' beliefs filter their interpretation of inclusive classrooms is vital to support teachers’ competences to teach diverse learners. This study explores how three types of teacher beliefs about teaching diverse learners (i.e., professional beliefs about diversity, beliefs about differentiating the curriculum, and growth min...
In deze praktijkbijdrage beschrijven we een tweejarig project waarbij blended leren werd geïmplementeerd in de lerarenopleiding van de Universiteit Gent. Bij de implementatie van dit blended leren zijn docenten en opleidingsonderdelen uit verschillende faculteiten betrokken. In deze bijdrage schetsen we enkele praktijkvoorbeelden, belichten we het...
Teacher attrition is a global concern that is particularly prevalent among beginning teachers. Teachers’ intrinsic motivation to teach, affective organisational commitment and job satisfaction are considered job attitudes that stop them from dropping out of the profession. This study explores the interplay between factors at the school level (i.e....
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This presentation reports about a quasi-experimental study in which the impact of clinical simulations on the development of student teachers' competences needed to communicate successfully with parents is studied.
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The ability to give constructive, purposeful and timely feedback is essential to the teaching profession. Research indicates that this competence remains underdeveloped during initial teacher education. This paper focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of a competence development intervention with secondary mathematics student teache...
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Universities seek innovation by designing and implementing professional development initiatives (PDI) for their teachers. Here it is expected that teachers will apply their learning to the workplace. However, such transfer does not always occur. To address this problem, we analyse the PDI design process of 12 universities in terms of how they consi...
This study reports on the design of a video-based instrument to assess student teachers’ parent–teacher communication competences (PTCC) in a reliable and valid way. PTCC refer to the competences needed to communicate successfully with parents during conversations such as parent–teacher conferences. Taking into account both conceptual and methodolo...
This chapter introduces the concept “researcherly disposition” (Tack H: Towards a better understanding of teacher educators’ professional development: theoretical and empirical insight into their researcherly disposition. Ghent University Press, Ghent, 2017) as a promising concept to enhance theoretical and empirical understanding of teacher educat...