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November 1999 - present
Publications (119)
Early detection of diseases in crops is essential to prevent harvest losses and improve the quality of the final product. In this context, the combination of machine learning and proximity sensors is emerging as a technique capable of achieving this detection efficiently and effectively. For example, this machine learning approach has been applied...
Significant advancements in the field of wood species identification are needed worldwide to support sustainable timber trade. In this work we contribute to automate the identification of wood species via high-resolution macroscopic images of timber. The main challenge of this problem is that fine-grained patterns in timber are crucial in order to...
The latest Deep Learning (DL) models for detection and classification have achieved an unprecedented performance over classical machine learning algorithms. However, DL models are black-box methods hard to debug, interpret, and certify. DL alone cannot provide explanations that can be validated by a non technical audience such as end-users or domai...
The17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations Agenda 2030 constitute a global blueprint agenda and instrument for peace and prosperity worldwide. Artificial intelligence and other digital technologies that have emerged in the last years, are being currently applied in virtually every area of society, economy and the e...
The United Nations Agenda 2030 established 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a guideline to guarantee a sustainable worldwide development. Recent advances in artificial intelligence and other digital technologies have already changed several areas of modern society, and they could be very useful to reach these sustainable goals. In this pa...
The latest Deep Learning (DL) models for detection and classification have achieved an unprecedented performance over classical machine learning algorithms. However, DL models are black-box methods hard to debug, interpret, and certify. DL alone cannot provide explanations that can be validated by a non technical audience. In contrast, symbolic AI...
An important part of art history can be discovered through the visual information in monument facades. However, the analysis of this visual information, i.e, morphology and architectural elements, requires high expert knowledge. An automatic system for identifying the architectural style or detecting the architectural elements of a monument based o...
La gestión del territorio plantea numerosos desafíos en la distribución espacial de personas y recursos, así como en el uso del suelo. El rápido crecimiento de las ciudades, el envejecimiento de sus infraestructuras, la demanda de conectividad, el dinamismo de usos del suelo y la exigencias crecientes de los ciudadanos a los servicios urbanos (ener...
El presente artículo aborda la revisión sistemática de literatura sobre la educación virtual para todos. Concretamente con este trabajo se da respuesta a interrogantes como: ¿cuáles son las consideraciones tecnológicas y pedagógicas para implementar propuestas e-learning accesibles en educación superior inclusiva? ¿Qué papel cumple el Diseño Univer...
This article presents the design and pilot of an open online course, based on the principle of universal design for learning (Center for Applied Special Technology, 2011), to promote inclusive virtual education as an improvement transferable to other contexts. The course constitutes the first massive open online course (MOOC) training proposal of t...
Due to the development of intelligent decision-making, social network group decision-making (SNGDM) has become increasingly valued. Generally, real SNGDM cases involve not only the mathematical formulation of the social network analysis but also the experts’ psychological behaviors. Self-confidence, an expert's psychological implication of self-sta...
Este estudio contempla el uso de un modelo sim-
ple de comunicacion automatizada a trav ´ es de un chatbot de ´
Telegram, denominado EDUtrack, que se conecta a Moodle, un
Sistema de Gestion del Aprendizaje. Est ´ a pensado para docentes ´
interesados en evaluar sus clases de alguna manera, as´ı como
mantener informados a sus estudiantes sobre su re...
Preference relations have been widely used in group decision‐making (GDM) problems. Recently, a new kind of preference relations called fuzzy preference relations with self‐confidence (FPRs‐SC) has been introduced, which allow experts to express multiple self‐confidence levels when providing their preferences. This paper focuses on the analysis of...
Este estudio contempla el uso de un modelo simple de comunicación automatizada a través de un chatbot de Telegram, denominado EDUtrack, que se conecta a Moodle, un Sistema de Gestión del Aprendizaje. Está pensado para docentes interesados en evaluar sus clases de alguna manera, así como mantener informados a sus estudiantes sobre su rendimiento aca...
En la educación actual la colaboración e interacción para el desarrollo de actividades mediante el uso de la tecnología y dispositivos móviles, así como la satisfacción del estudiante y la comunicación virtual estudiante-estudiante y estudiante-profesor que se genera al utilizar los dispositivos móviles como herramientas para la educación, son crit...
Este estudio contempla el uso de un modelo simple de comunicación automatizada a través de un chatbot de Telegram, denominado EDUtrack, que se conecta a Moodle, un Sistema de Gestión del Aprendizaje. Está pensado para docentes interesados en evaluar sus clases de alguna manera, así como mantener informados a sus estudiantes sobre su rendimiento aca...
There are dozens of tools to automatically evaluate web accessibility. Some are online, and some are toolbars to complement web browsers. In order to select the best Web Accessibility Test Tool, various aspects should be considered. Among the various aspects, the evaluation environment has an important role to assume in the evaluation criteria of t...
Recently, large scale group decision making (LSGDM) problems are becoming a hotspot. This paper focuses on the hesitant fuzzy LSGDM problems, where decision makers (DMs) use hesitant fuzzy reciprocal preference relations (HFPRs) to express their assessment information. HFPRs can represent the fuzziness and hesitancy of DM assessment information wel...
Boosting collaborative or participatory consumption is a priority for the European Commission. It is in line with the provisions of the Europe 2020 Strategy, which proposes that consumption of goods and services should take place in accordance with smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. These have motivated us to develop an online community for c...
This contribution deals with multi-instance classification , where the labeled data samples are bags composed on instances instead of labeled instances as in standard classification. Every bag contains a number of traditional instances (described by a number of attributes) and the number of instances is not usually the same in all the bags. So, the...
El objetivo principal del proyecto reside en favorecer la movilidad de los flujos migratorios internacionales basándose en conceptos de economía colaborativa y consumo participativo. En concreto se ha desarrollado un sistema web/app similar al concepto de carsharing pero basándose en los flujos migratorios entre España y Senegal para aprovechar el...
El aprendizaje a través de Internet está revolucionando la forma de concebir los modelos de formación en las
instituciones, y la irrupción del fenómeno de los MOOC (cursos masivos, abiertos y en línea) es la punta del iceberg de este proceso de cambio.
Este libro recoge las experiencias llevadas a cabo en el marco del proyecto de innovación docent...
En clasificación multi-instancia (MIC en sus siglas en inglés) [1], los datos son colec-ciones de instancias (llamadas bolsas). Las instancias son similares a los ejemplos que se utilizan en problemas de clasificación tradicionales (mono-instancia) y cada bolsa puede tener un número distinto de instancias. La principal característica de la MIC es q...
En el ámbito de la toma de decisiones (TD) un problema tipo se caracteriza por una serie de alternativas sobre las que elegir, que son valoradas por expertos en el área. Los expertos son personas capaces de proporcionar valoraciones específicas sobre determinadas propieda-des de cada alternativa, de cara a que un proceso de computación determine cu...
Trabajo de Fin de Master tutorizado en el Curso 14/15
Trabajo de Fin de Master tutorizado en el Curso 13/14
Trabajo de Fin de Master tutorizado en Curso 12/13
Trabajo de Fin de Master tutorizado en Curso 12/13
Moodle es una aplicación de software libre que se utiliza como plataforma docente en la Universidad de Granada de forma oficial desde el 2008. En este proyecto se estudia y analizan las nuevas herramientas incluidas en la versión actualizada de Moodle 2.5, mediante una experiencia piloto que cuenta con la participación de profesores y estudiantes d...
This paper proposes a method for designing Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems to deal with One-Class Clas-sification, where during the training phase we have access only to objects originating from a single class. However, the trained model must be prepared to deal with new, unseen adversarial objects, known as outliers. We use a Genetic Algor...
p>At present, there is great interest over the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER) in all of its forms: OpenCourseware repositories OCW, spare open resources, or even more recently as Massive Online Open Courses (also called MOOC). This panorama has generated considerable debate about their effectiveness in terms of learning, sustainability...
The General Accounting subject is on the curricula of five different bachelor's degrees offered in the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Granada (UGR), Spain. In a coordinated way, all the lecturers involved in this subject have generated interactive materials and a methodology that allows students to undertake online self-asse...
La asignatura Contabilidad general se imparte en cinco titulaciones de grado que se ofertan en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de Granada. Los profesores de la asignatura han generado, de forma coordinada, materiales educativos en línea asociados a una metodología que permite que los estudian-tes realicen cada a...
The paper explores the implementation of open learning in the European university system. The concept of open learning is based on the use of open educational resources (OER), such as open educational programs and open online courses. The authors demonstrate the following ad- vantages of open educational resources: education cost savings, an abilit...
The arrival of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has stimulated teachers and universities to change in some ways the teaching methodologies. The success of these massive courses is based on involving students to acquire knowledge and skills in a wider community by learning from others and using active learning practices. MOOC providers also help...
Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) are a modality of e-learning that have created social disruption and a considerable debate about its effectiveness in terms of learning, sustainability, and the role played by universities. We present AbiertaUGR a MOOC experience carried out at the University of Granada oriented towards the use of stable and dyna...
At present, there is great interest over the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER) in all of its forms: OpenCourseware repositories OCW, spare open resources, or even more recently as Massive Online Open Courses (also called MOOC). This panorama has generated considerable debate about their effectiveness in terms of learning, sustainability a...
Resumen En este trabajo se propone un Algoritmo Gené-tico para aprender un Sistema de Clasificación Basado en Reglas Difusas para clasificación con una única clase o one-class classification, una si-tuación que está presente en numerosos proble-mas reales en la que los ejemplos disponibles pa-ra el aprendizaje son todos de una misma clase (clase ob...
Resumen En este trabajo aplicamos el modelo lingüístico 2-tuplas con hesitant fuzzy linguistict term sets (HFLTS) para evaluar un sistema de toma de de-cisiones lingüístico que puede implementarse on-line. Partiendo de la evaluación objetiva y pro-fesional que un determinado número de agentes inmobiliarios pueden realizar sobre los pisos y casas qu...
This paper considers the interest of traditional high educational institution to bounce into the world of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). This learning approach is defined over the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER) in a basis of a high number of users that interact with the learning materials (mostly multimedia resources). This approa...
At present, there is great interest over the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER) in all of its forms: OpenCourseware repositories OCW, spare open resources, or even more recently as Massive Online Open Courses (also called MOOC). This panorama has generated considerable debate about their effectiveness in terms of learning, sustainability a...
El aprendizaje permanente (LifeLong Learning) es cada vez más im-portante y necesario en una sociedad que evoluciona sobre modelos productivos basados en nuevas formas de gestión de la información. Internet es tanto un medio de transmisión como una fuente de información cada vez más importante en todo este proceso. En este artículo abordaremos las...
It is already known that power in multimarker transmission/disequilibrium tests may improve with the number of markers as some associations may require several markers to be captured. However, a mechanism such as haplotype grouping must be used to avoid incremental complexity with the number of markers. 2G, a state-of-the-art transmission/disequili...
Resumen La introducción de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC) en las universidades está provocando profundos cambios en el mundo académico por su indudable potencial para el desarrollo de la docencia, la gestión y la investigación. Sin embargo, al analizar este proceso se puede comprobar que no es un simple cambio de herra...
Social media is increasingly a part of our life. This is also the case for our students: most of them have Facebook, some of them have a Twitter account and they are more and more accustomed to these tools and others so it makes sense to try to integrate some of them in our teaching routines: the class is not only a place, but a set of resources av...
Online Learning Communities have great potential in sharing experiences and creating a collective knowledge based on the interaction among members. This paper presents some our experience and conclusions of using PLE to mixing personal profiles with community building as a mean to exchange experiences from different stakeholders involved in learnin...
Este artículo presenta el panorama de los sistemas de calidad y buenas prácticas en docencia no presencial, cuyos orígenes y enfoques son muy heterogéneos. Actualmente existe un gran interés por unificar los procesos y modelos para tener un marco de referencia común. Otro aspecto de creciente interés y con muchas posibilidades es la proliferación d...
Multimarker Transmission/Disequilibrium Tests (TDTs) are very robust association tests to population admixture and structure which may be used to identify susceptibility loci in genome-wide association studies. Multimarker TDTs using several markers may increase power by capturing high-degree associations. However, there is also a risk of spurious...