Rosana Caro

Rosana Caro
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | UPM · Construction and Architectural Technology

PhD Architect. MsC Sustainable City and Arquitecture


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Rosana Caro is a PhD architect and researcher specialising in low-carbon, energy-efficient and high environmental quality buildings and urban complexes. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the project "AI4E3nvelope Artificial Intelligence for Energy Efficient Envelope design in Buildings", where the application of artificial intelligence algorithms to the optimisation problem of designing Zero Energy Buildings is being investigated.
Additional affiliations
November 2016 - February 2022
Universidad de Sevilla
  • PhD Candidate


Publications (7)
Conference Paper
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The European energy efficiency directive allows heritage buildings to be retrofitted to less demanding energy-standards than those required for the rest. In dwellings of listed residential buildings, such exclusion entails environmental, socioeconomic and health risks that are worth investigating further. The aim of this work is to assess the air q...
Residential heritage buildings in the Mediterranean region face unexpected challenges in the field of energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality to ensure the sustainable conservation of historic town centres. This paper evaluates whether the conservation of their values can coexist with the current energy efficiency requirements and be inc...
Although European heritage buildings are excluded from energy efficiency targets, it would be beneficial to include the largest group, that of listed housing, in energy retrofit plans, in order to encourage its occupation and contributing to the sustainable maintenance of historic cities. This requires reliable experimental studies, which have been...
The potential benefits for making the historic buildings of heritage cities non-polluting and energy efficient have only recently stirred the interest of researchers and policy makers in facing the necessary challenges. In southern Europe, most of these buildings are residential and are mainly listed at low grades of protection, allowing for signif...
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Buildings represent 40% of the European Union's final energy consumption and are largely of residential use. From 2006 to 2016, existing European housing stocks have been analysed at national level to make the energy refurbishment processes transparent and effective. However, at the meta-scale of regions, cities or neighbourhoods, case-by-case anal...
Conference Paper
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Buildings represent 40% of the European Union's final energy consumption and are largely of residential use. From 2006 to 2016, existing European housing stocks have been analysed at national level to make the energy refurbishment processes transparent and effective. However, at the meta-scale of regions, cities or neighbourhoods, case-by-case anal...
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La actual política española de eximir a los edificios protegidos del cumplimiento de las exigentes condiciones de eficiencia energética obligadas a los demás se lleva a cabo sin la suficiente reflexión sobre sus consecuencias socio-económicas. Dejando al margen los edificios singulares con altos niveles de protección, anecdóticos en el tejido urban...


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