Rosa Maria E. M. da CostaRio de Janeiro State University | UERJ · Departamento de Informática e Ciência da Computação (COMPUT)
Rosa Maria E. M. da Costa
Full professor at Rio de Janeiro State University
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Rosa Maria E. M. da Costa had her PhD at the Computing and Systems Engineering Program at COPPE/UFRJ, in the Artificial Intelligence area. She developed a virtual 3-D environment to stimulate cognitive functions of people with schizophrenia.
Nowadays, she is full professor at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
Her researches are in Computer Science, specially: Virtual Reality, Serious Games, Mobile and Multi-agents systems applied to health and education.
Additional affiliations
March 2001 - present
Publications (81)
In recent years, the health area has received technological contributions that provide support for diagnostic practices, monitoring, and treatment of different disorders and diseases, mainly combining various techniques of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Mobile Computing. There are many challenges to integrating these technologies and...
Context: Ethical aspects are of increasing interest to the computing communities. Part of this interest is related to ethics in research and institutional ethics related to research ethics committees. This phenomenon has also increased ethical or moral demands by institutions and academic-scientific collectives. Problem: Research in Ehics presents...
É fundamental promover, analisar, avaliar, criticar e propor alternativas baseadas na ética ou na moral numa sociedade cada vez mais digital, com sistemas de informação complexos, sistemas interoperantes baseados em valores morais antecipados e tecnologias disruptivas. Esta rota sugere a discussão da ética em SI de vários ângulos, incluindo conceit...
Diagnostic and decision-making processes in the 2019 Coronavirus treatment have combined new standards using patient chest images, clinical and laboratory data. This work presents a systematic review aimed at studying the Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches to the patients’ diagnosis or evolution with Coronavirus 2019. Five electronic databases...
In the 2020 s, we perceive complexity unique to the 20th century with issues such as younger and younger children playing on cell phones; the rise of e-Sports; with virtual reality, a player can role-play acts with near-real proximity; gamification invading areas such as Education and Business; less demanding and more popular technical components,...
O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um ambiente virtual imersivo 3D, integrando técnicas de Inteligência Artificial para apoiar o tratamento da ansiedade utilizando as estratégias EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) para dessensibilizar eventos traumáticos passados. O sistema é uma representação 3D de um consultório com um terap...
The aim of this work is to present a 3-D virtual immersive environment, integrating Artificial Intelligence techniques to support the treatment of anxiety using the EMDR strategies to desensitize past traumatic events. KEYWORDS Artificial Intelligence, Subjective Units of Distress Scale
Resumo-Há uma relação dialógica entre a Ética, Moral e Jogos. As diferentes facetas dos jogos, exploradas em campos in-terdisciplinares como o design, parecem inexploradas nos estudos de jogos, tanto analógicos quanto digitais, abarcando o domínio da Computação. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um panorama dos aspectos éticos por meio das p...
Resumo-A notoriedade dos reality shows alcançada naś ultimas décadas motivou a proposta do game Big Gamer Brasil (BGB), que se baseou em jogos já desenvolvidos para esse contexto. O BGB foi avaliado com questões sobre a proposta, relevância cultural, socioeducativa, personagens, ambiente e jo-gabilidade. Na análise dessa avaliação, foi possível con...
Resumo-De forma crescente, os jogos digitais vêm permeando diferentes contextos, seja para entretenimento, terapias ou aprendizado. Entretanto, ainda temos pouca aderência às questões de acessibilidade, que poderiam ampliar a difusão desses jogos a um maior número de pessoas. Este artigo apresenta um Mapeamento Sistemático, que destaca vários aspec...
Os jogos eletrônicos do gênero plataforma têm como característica popular serem simples e divertidos e são uma escolha natural para aventuras com planos de fundo menos complexos. Neste artigo, é apresentado o desenvolvimento do jogo ``Avlistoria", que faz uso dessas características para ensinar sobre o tema atual das criptomoedas, de forma pouco co...
Educação e Negócios; componentes técnicos menos exigentes e mais populares, permitindo que cada vez mais interessados desenvolvam jogos. Esta pluralidade de fatores leva a pensar: estamos pensando no cenário brasileiro de jogos, inclusive em pesquisas, a partir de fundamentos e princípios em Ética? As pesquisas acadêmicas-científicas estão consider...
In the last years, the dissemination of Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality applied in the health area have expanded, opening new treatment possibilities for people with different disabilities. The integration of these technologies has been explored in some applications in the health area. On the other hand, the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensiti...
RESUMO Os avanços técnicos e científicos observados na última década na área da saúde têm levado ao aumento no número de projetos de pesquisa básica, translacional e clínica. Em geral, essas pesquisas necessitam de biobancos e biorrepositórios para o armazenamento adequado de amostras biológicas e dados associados. O objetivo deste artigo é definir...
Nosso objetivo consiste em abordar conceitos e definições de Ética e como se aplicam à Sistemas de Informação, tanto do ponto de vista prático como da pesquisa. Para isso, serão conduzidos os temas de ética aplicada à pesquisa em Sistemas de Informação e ética aplicada à engenharia de Sistemas de Informação. São apresentados e discutidos casos reai...
Information Systems (IS) play an essential role in shaping almost all sectors of society, such as commerce, politics, services, entertainment, information, relationships, among others. Digital technologies have enabled a new dimension of products, transmission, storage, and access to information. The outcome of this whole transformation process is...
Resumo- Cada vez mais, os jogos digitais estão inseridos no nosso cotidiano, seja para lazer, seja para educação ou difusão cultural, sendo uma indústria em crescimento. Neste artigo é apresentado o desenvolvimento do jogo "AIKA-A Canção dos Cinco" de estilo digital Role-Playing Games (RPG). O objetivo deste trabalho foi produzir um jogo de RPG com...
Data duplication is a common problem on data streams processing applications that occurs due to software error or adoption of data loss prevention measures, jeopardizing real-time data analyses. This paper explores stream-based deduplication methods to identify challenges from these methods and proposes a decision method to choose the most appropri...
This work aims at presenting an educational game for people with down syndrome with a focus on learning how to prevent and diagnose, viral Dengue disease. STOP-Dengue game was developed considering bibliographic research, a search for apps classified as games on the Google Play platform for smartphones, and a survey applied to a group of parents an...
A business process is a sequence of activities organized in a logical way in order to produce a service or a product that is valued for a particular group of customers. Process auditing in corporate environment aims to assess the degree of compliance of processes and their controls. Due to the volume of information that needs to be analyzed in an a...
Virtual learning environments (VLE) have frequently been used in educational practices, and the evaluation of their effectiveness as instruments to support learning gains must consider several dimensions. This paper presents an evaluation model for VLE, called MA-AVA (Model for the Evaluation of VLE), built after a review of the literature and focu...
Contemporary society is going through the so-called Digital Age. In this scenario, information systems (IS) play an essential role in many sectors of society, such as commerce, politics, services, entertainment, information sharing. Although discussions about ethical issues become increasingly necessary, it is not always an easy task. This paper pr...
Considerando a evolução e a disseminação de equipamentos móveis e a expansão de redes, os programas antigos não consegue mais atrair a atenção de seus usuários, principalmente quando estão em plataformas desktop. Este artigo propõe descrever alguns aspectos relacionados ao processo de migração de um sistema multiagentes com interface tridimensional...
The challenges faced by caregivers of the elderly with chronic diseases are always complex. In this context, mobile technologies have been used with promising results, but often have restricted functionality, or are either difficult to use or do not provide the necessary support to the caregiver - which leads to declining usage over ti...
Biobanks and biorepositories present major challenges in managing, storing and making available large amounts of samples and associated information. The ability to share these samples is an important issue to improve research using human biological samples. A systematic review of the literature on information management of biobanks and biorepositor...
A business process is a sequence of activities logically organized with the goal to produce a service or product which add value for a customer. Process auditing in corporate environment aims to assess the degree of compliance of processes and their controls. Due to the volume of information that needs to be analyzed in an audit job, its cost can b...
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is characterized by a fusion of technologies, which is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. In this context, two fundamental characteristics emerge: transparency and privacy. From one side, transparency can be seen as the quality that allows participants of a community to k...
This paper describes results of a research carried out with students and alumni of undergraduate courses from the technological area of different universities. It aimed to raise perceptions related to the issue of the low number of women in these courses, mainly in the courses related to the computing area and in the labor market.
Multi-agents are being increasingly used in many areas, especially in Health Systems. In a game the agents’ paradigm provides more autonomy, intelligence and pro-activity. In this context, Multi-agents systems can be used to control the user performance, by adapting the interface to the difficulty tasks level. This paper aims at describing the deve...
This paper describes the main characteristics of two integrated systems that explore Virtual Reality technology and Fuzzy Logic to support and to control the assessment of people with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder during the Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy. The integration of different technologies, the development methodology and the test proced...
In general, serious games motivate people from all ages and have been applied in many areas to stimulate the learning processes. However, the adoption of specific methodologies to construct these games is still rare. This paper aims at presenting an experiment that applied an agile methodology to develop the MEDEDUC. It is a multi-agent game to imp...
This paper aims at presenting the integration of technologies used to improve the experience of immersion in virtual reality applications with affordable devices. The application explored the Kinect motion capture and the Smartphone sensors. Also, it used an intermediary computer and a virtual reality cardboard with a Smartphone. The application pr...
Games applied to health education have emerged as a motivational improvement in learning and clinical performance of students from the health care area. Currently, there are several agent oriented methodologies that support the multi-agent systems development. However none are specific to the domain of medical and health education. Agent-oriented d...
Regular physical activities such as weight training exercises are part of everyday modern life. If executed correctly, contribute to the health of its practitioners, for example, increases physical fitness, strengthen the muscles and the cardiovascular system, prevent obesity and stimulate the immune system. Many people practice physical exercises...
This paper describes the main characteristics of two integrated systems that explore Virtual Reality technology and Fuzzy Logic to support and to control the assessment of people with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder during the Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy. The integration of different technologies, the development methodology and the test proced...
This paper presents a set of tools that helps architects design their accessibility projects. The proposal stems from the difficulties faced by architects to present their projects to customers, since the latter do not possess the necessary technical repertoire to understand traditional technical drawings. To minimize such difficulties, we develope...
Este artigo apresenta um sistema que integra a tecnologia GPS com um mashup que combina o Google Maps com uma aplicacao desenvolvida para equipamentos moveis. Este aplicativo possibilita a criacao colaborativa de roteiros de viagem, disponibilizando informacoes relacionadas aos lugares escolhidos pelos usuarios. O Mashup informa a localizacao do us...
This paper presents an environment that simulates the activities of a hive to support the Biology
learning. The system variables can be changed in order to analyze the different parameters
involved in the development and maintenance of a hive, such as weather, time and flowering of
different plants, winds and humidity. For controlling the combinati...
Computational tools are increasingly supporting the learning process in several areas. They open new opportunities for teachers to teach contents and interact with their students. This group of tools includes simulations based on multi-agent systems. This work aims to present a simulation game to study the population growth of a beehive. System var...
This paper describes two systems that explore Virtual Reality technology and Fuzzy Logic to support and to control the assessment of people with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder during the Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy.
Since the first electronic game produced in the 40´s, a large market of entertainment games has been established. Since then, the main focus of games continue to be provide fun for users. However, Serious Games (SG) have been developed as a special class of games devoted to join fun activities with specific content. The multidisciplinary aspects ne...
Since the first electronic game produced in the 40s, a large market of entertainment games has been established. Since then, the main focus of games continues to be provide fun for users. However, Serious Games (SG) have been developed as a special class of games devoted to join fun activities with specific content. The multidisciplinary aspects ne...
In this paper we present an overview of the LATVI –Laboratório de Tecnologias Virtuais e Inteligentes (Virtual andIntelligent Technologies Laboratory) at the Rio de Janeiro StateUniversity. The mission and main objectives are discussed.Current and ongoing projects are outlined.
Despite much research effort addressing the development of environments for virtual rehabilitation processes, few of them consider a modeling step before the system implementation. Our previous experience in developing virtual environments for stimulating cognitive functions stresses the necessity of adopting some software engineering practices. Sy...
Therapies for cognitive stimulation must be developed when some of the cognitive functions are not working properly. In many
applications there is a strong dependence on therapist’s intervention to control the patient’s navigation in the environment
and to change the difficulty level of a task. In general, these interventions, cause distractions, r...
Multi-agents are increasingly gaining the attention of researchers and developers of virtual games. The agents can control the user performance, adapting the interface and automatically changing the difficulty level of tasks. The objective of this paper is to describe the development of a game that combines the technologies of Virtual Reality and M...
A evolução tecnológica tem permitido utilizar novas abordagens no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Os serious games se relacionam com uma categoria especial de jogos, voltados a conteúdos e finalidades específicos, nos quais o jogador utiliza seus conhecimentos para resolver problemas, conhecer novas problemáticas e treinar tarefas. Uma das tecnolo...
This chapter aims at presenting characteristics of Virtual and Augmented Reality applications for health care area, highlighting aspects that must be considered in their implementation. Particularly topics about immersion, realism and motivation are explored because they are important requirements in this category of computational tools. Resumo Est...
Virtual Reality (VR) is a typically multidisciplinary field which involves concepts from Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Arts as well as concepts from the specific application field. Because VR allows a more natural human-computer interaction in three-dimensional environments and enables the reproduction of real situations, it becomes a res...
Technological innovations have allowed new approaches in educational processes. "Serious games" are a particular category of games and content devoted to specific purposes, in which players use their knowledge to solve problems, learn new issues, and train tasks. One of the technologies for developing serious games is virtual reality, which offers...
Future interfaces will increasingly explore three-dimensional (3D) scenes that will have 3D virtual characters interacting with users. Currently, the characters' influence on users' navigation is not well known. The aim of our research is to study the potential of virtual characters in influencing users' decisions in 3D virtual environments. We imp...
The study of the Agent-Oriented design approach is still recent, even though many systems development methodologies that adopt this concept have been proposed so far. Agent-Oriented paradigm emerges tomeet the demand for new application modeling which should consider characteristics of autonomy, pro-activity and integration This paper presents the...
We present the sorting algorithm Smoothsort, developed by Dijkstra in 1981 which, inexplicably, is not mentioned in the current literature on methods of ordering as a special one. Its importance comes from the fact that it has worst case complexity O(n log n) in general, restricted to O(n) for sets of data already ordered. This is an important prac...
The growing complexity of modern systems is demanding more and more time from software designers and developers. The challenge
of constructing complex systems is complicated by the geographic distribution of the systems. An agent oriented paradigm reinforces
the software flexibility and the agent’s social possibilities, taking space as a solution i...
Due to the increase in the number of WWW home pages, we are facing new challenges for information retrieval and indexing.
Some “intelligent” techniques, including neural networks, symbolic learning, and genetic algorithms have been used to group
different classes of data in an efficient way.
This chapter describes a system for cluster analysis of...
In the last few years we have observed the evolution and a growing interest in the application of computer systems in the health care area, opening new possibilities of visualization of medical images, manipulation of medical data, interaction and communication among professional and patients, besides new ways for training and updating professional...
This paper presents a general view of computational applications in the health area, highlighting the use of Virtual Reality technology resources in Brazil and other countries. From this initial survey, suggestions for improvements in this area were presented along with the relevant research needed to make these improvements and overcome the curren...
Due to the increase in the number of WWW home pages, we are facing new challenges for information retrieval and indexing. Some "intelligent" techniques, including neural networks, symbolic learning, and genetic algorithms have been used to group different classes of data in an efficient way. This article describes a system for cluster analysis of h...
The aim of this article is to present partial results of a pilot study that explores computer technology to enhance some cognitive and executive functions of patients who had a stroke. They each experienced activities that stimulate cognitive functions in virtual environments, which present some activities related to day-to-day situations
Some macular pathology produces degeneration, which causes a perception loss in specific areas of the visual field. In this
case, people visualize “blind spots” that hide part of the images captured by the impaired eye.
The goal of this paper is to present an image distortion system that explores the Virtual Reality technology potential. To
This study presents a process of virtual environment development supported by a cognitive model that is specific to cognitive deficits of diverse disorders or traumatic brain injury, and evaluates the acceptance of computer devices by a group of schizophrenic patients. The subjects that participated in this experiment accepted to work with computer...
This article presents partial results of a pilot study that explores computer technology and virtual environments to enhance some cognitive deficits of patients who had a stroke or a traumatic brain injury. They each experienced activities that stimulate cognitive functions in virtual environments which present some activities related to day to day...
This paper describes the research lines of an interdisciplinary group composed by two government universities in Rio de Janeiro. The first research line, a Virtual Environment for testing the acceptance of Virtual Reality equipment by schizophrenia patients, has stimulated a growing interest in this area in the country and abroad. The second resear...
This work discusses the increasing computer use in the educational process, points to Virtual Reality as a new tendency in this field and presents an experiment with an integrated Virtual Environment for treatment of people with schizophrenie. 1. Introdução Ultimamente o uso dos computadores nos processos educacionais vem consolidando-se através da...
Virtual reality technology offers opportunities to create new
products, which could be applied to the cognitive rehabilitation of
people with acquired brain injuries or neurological/psychiatric
disorders. The effects provided by virtual environments (VEs) stimulate
cerebral neuroplastic changes, enhancing the rehabilitation process.
This article di...
This work discusses the increasing computer use in the Cognitive Rehabilitation area, points to Virtual Reality as a new tendency in this field, relates associated ethical values and presents an integrated Virtual Environment for Cognitive Rehabilitation of persons with acquired brain injury or brain disorders. ,QWURGXomR O sucesso do uso dos compu...
Despite the increasing interest and research on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), complex questions continue to limit their diffusion. In this paper, we discuss some issues involved in developing ITS, such as, the lack of systematic development process and of an approach to evaluate the ITS process and product, the insufficiency of shells, the mi...