Rony Caballero

Rony Caballero
Technological University of Panama | UTP · Ingenieria de Control e Instrumentacion

Doctor of Engineering


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Robotics, artificial intelligence, computer vision, automatic control
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January 2014 - November 2015
Technological University of Panama
  • Head of Department


Publications (75)
Conference Paper
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This article presents a review of unconventional mass rail transportation systems called monorails. This review includes the description of the main characteristics of the monorails, the technical diagrams, the advantages and disadvantages, a general list of the main operating monorails in the world with their general characteristics, the main reas...
Conference Paper
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This article presents a proposal for the percentage of text similarities for academic documents prepared by teachers, researchers, and students from Latin American and Caribbean universities. Current practices are presented and a summary review of text similarity indices in European and Latin American universities and editorial funds is conducted....
Conference Paper
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Este artículo corresponde a un estudio de caso relativo del uso del Whatsapp como herramienta de comunicación complementaria a las plataformas: e-Campus, Campus virtual UTP y la plataforma virtual contingente y a los demás recursos virtuales de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá. Se presenta un resumen de las estrategias y las acciones institucio...
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Este capítulo corresponde al desarrollo de una propuesta de guía práctica universitaria para criterios anti-plagio. El texto se divide n secciones como: la introducción, la metodología, los resultados y las conclusiones. En la introducción, los autores realizaron una revisión documental de otras experiencias relativas a recursos anti plagio. La sec...
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Con especial satisfacción, compartimos con la sociedad panameña y la comunidad científica mundial, los resultados de 10 años de investigación científica, con una muestra de investigaciones que han recibido apoyos económicos por parte de la Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Senacyt) en distintas áreas del conocimiento. Este co...
Conference Paper
Este capítulo corresponde al desarrollo de una propuesta de guía práctica universitaria para criterios anti-plagio. El texto se divide en secciones como: la introducción, la metodología, los resultados y las conclusiones. En la introducción, los autores realizaron una revisión documental de otras experiencias relativas a recursos anti plagio. La se...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, we propose to validate the capabilities and limitations of the Underwater-ready Dark Channel Prior Algorithm. Also, a set of modifications of this algorithm are proposed for underwater images in different lighting conditions. In addition, a blurriness-based index is proposed, in order to confirm or not the use of any of the Dark Chan...
Conference Paper
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The camera homography estimation involves using complex algorithms. They provide good results after some interactions, however the error model provided for such algorithm seems to be no appropriate for sensorial data fusion in real time. In this work a new methodology is proposed for camera homography and IMU data fusion. The experiment consists in...
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The presented study in this paper deals with the development of a cranio-maxillofacial reconstruction system in three dimensions, which will interact with a haptic tool. In turn, a specific robot will be controlled using this tool, which it has installed applications associated with surgery. The proposed system will help physicians gain pre-operati...
Conference Paper
Resumen-La mayoría de los enfoques sobre el problema de la distorsión radial, asume la presencia de pixeles cuadrados, más no rectangulares, lo que complica el proceso de calibración en tiempo real. En este trabajo se propone una nueva metodología que permita tanto recalibrar la cámara, como analizar los efectos de la segmentación de imágenes compe...
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In this research, a new methodology for color image segmentation is proposed. In this approach, a pixel entropy derivative based rule is used. The algorithm is tested not only with good quality images, but also with some of them with light scattering and absortion problems. Preliminary results shows good performance of this algorithm.Keywords: Imag...
Conference Paper
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R&D activities as a supporting tool of the active teaching and learning methodologies in an engineering course has been less explored. This document compares the results obtained after two questionnaires were applied to two different groups of students at the College of Electrical Engineering (FIE) at the Universidad Tecnologica de Panama. The firs...
Conference Paper
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En este trabajo de investigación se compara y evalúa los algoritmos de detección de esquinas basados en el algoritmo de Harris, así como el de Shi-Tomasi. El estudio se realiza en condiciones acuáticas con poca y mucha turbiedad. Posteriormente se presenta y evalúa un algoritmo para el seguimiento de esquinas en espacios confinados acuáticos basado...
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Para la definición geométrica de la posición de los carriles de la línea 1 del metro de Panamá, se utilizan dos elementos geométricos que son: el eje en planta y el eje de alzado. El trazado en planta es definido por el eje de la entrevía, ya que la línea 1 del Metro de Panamá es una vía doble con conducción a la derecha. El trazado de la línea 1 d...
Conference Paper
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Resumen– En este trabajo se propone una metodología para el manejo de los servicios parciales en la línea 1 del metro de Panamá. Para validar esta propuesta se presentan los resultados una serie de simulaciones que permiten caracterizar el modelo propuesto con esta metodología a nivel de ingeniería ferroviaria. Palabras Clave—Metro
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Passenger flow modeling and station dwelling time estimation are significant elements for railway mass transit planning, but system operators usually have limited information to model the passenger flow. In this paper, an artificial-intelligence technique known as fuzzy logic is applied for the estimation of the elements of the origin-destination m...
Technical Report
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Se presente el reporte tecnico resumido del proyecto de I+D " Metodologias e indices de desempeño para sistemas de transporte ferroviario"
The objective of this work is the development, implementation and validation of a Kalman filter to estimate the orientation and displacements of submarine systems. In order to achieve this objective, the use of an adaptive-hybrid Kalman filter is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is determined through simulations and experiments...
Conference Paper
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El tráfico de pasajeros y la estimación del tiempo de parada son dos parámetros importantes para la planificación del transporte masivo de viajeros. Sin embargo, las metodologías clásicas no son fáciles de aplicar en ciertas situaciones prácticas. Este trabajo presenta un nuevo enfoque que combina el método de matrices origen-destino con la aplicac...
Conference Paper
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The internal inspections of some submerged structures require the use of remote operated underwater vehicles. However, such kinds of vehicles demand power, handling, and resilience characteristics in order to work properly without compromising its structure and its internal components. As a consequence, the selected vehicle must have several degree...
Conference Paper
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Los servicios nominales corresponden a la circulación de los trenes durante su operación con regulaciones de control ATS y aquellos movimientos planificados en las líneas de carga, en los casos de trenes de mercancías. En este trabajo de investigación se presenta el comportamiento de la circulación de los trenes en la línea 1 del metro de Panamá du...
Conference Paper
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Durante los servicios parciales, el tren circula en una trayectoria que no es la esperada o planificada a diferencia de los servicios nominales. Esto puede ocurrir cuando, por alguna razón ocurre una incidencia ferroviaria, por ejemplo, parte de la zona utilizada en el servicio nominal no está operativa. Los servicios parciales se definen entre dos...
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The passengers´ traffic and station dwelling time estimation are significant parameters for mass transit planning. Nevertheless, classical methodologies are not easy to apply in certain practical situations. This work presents a new approach that combines the origin destination matrices method with the application of fuzzy logic using as a case stu...
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A new Lyapunov-based index for designing a rescheduling algorithm in real time for metro lines has been proposed in this paper. A modified real time discrete space state model which considers saturation effects in the metro line has been utilized in this study. Once the space state model has been obtained, the direct method of Lyapunov is applied i...
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A new Lyapunov-based index for designing a rescheduling algorithm in real time for metro lines has been proposed in this paper. A modified real time discrete space state model which considers saturation effects in the metro line has been utilized in this study. Once the space state model has been obtained, the direct method of Lyapunov is applied i...
Conference Paper
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En los últimos años existe la necesidad de reducir las congestiones del tránsito, contribuir a la reducción o disminución de emisiones de CO2 o contaminación del aire. Lo cual en muchos países podría verse como una nueva tarifa o como un nuevo impuesto para hacer que la sociedad sea más consciente y contribuya al cuidado del medio ambiente. Las ext...
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The authors have developed a remote operate vehicle (ROV) that allow carried out highly risky task, in confined space such as inside of submerged sewers and pipes systems, areas were commercial ROV may not provide good performing. In addition, this ROV is low cost. This paper analyses based on the computational fluid dynamic the hydrodynamic perfor...
Conference Paper
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La estimación del flujo de pasajeros y el tiempo de parada en la estación constituyen importante tareas para la planificación de los sistemas de masivos de pasajeros. Sin embargo, los métodos clásicos son difíciles de aplicar para algunas aplicaciones prácticas. Este trabajo presenta un nuevo enfoque que modela el flujo de pasajeros y su efecto en...
Conference Paper
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La inspección internas de túneles de hidroeléctricas, tuberías de presión, cascos de barco y lugares muy cerrados dentro de estructuras sumergidasrequieren la utilización de un vehículo submarino operado remotamente. Sin embargo,las inspecciones en aplicaciones como las mencionadas,requieren que el vehículo a diseñar presente características de pot...
Conference Paper
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Para determinar el comportamiento hidrodinámico del ROV, cuando este utiliza una combinación de motores para realizar cualquiera de sus 6 maniobras (surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch, yaw) fue necesario utilizar un análisis computacional (CFD: computational fluid dynamic) en donde se recurrió a la técnica de múltiples marcos de referencia o MRF (mult...
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En este trabajo de investigación se presenta el segundo de los productos de la segunda etapa del proyecto I+D “Metodología e índices de desempeño para sistemas de transporte ferroviario” financiado por la SENACYT. Se construye el modelo dinámico ferroviario de la línea 1 del metro de Panamá mediante el modelo en variables de estado de la línea, se...
Los primeros resultados obtenidos corresponden a las variables mecánicas críticas de desempeño para la operación de la línea ferroviaria [Berbey & Caballero, 2009], [Berbey & Caballero, 2010]. Adicionalmente, se hace un análisis de la productividad de las paradas de la línea 1 del metro de Panamá. Otros resultados obtenidos nos ha permitido conocer...
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Los primeros resultados obtenidos corresponden a las variables mecánicas críticas de desempeño para la operación de la línea ferroviaria [Berbey & Caballero, 2009], [Berbey & Caballero, 2010]. Adicionalmente, se hace un análisis de la productividad de las paradas de la línea 1 del metro de Panamá. Otros resultados obtenidos nos ha permitido conocer...
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Los primeros resultados obtenidos corresponden a las variables mecánicas críticas de desempeño para la operación de la línea ferroviaria [Berbey & Caballero, 2009], [Berbey & Caballero, 2010]. Adicionalmente, se hace un análisis de la productividad de las paradas de la línea 1 del metro de Panamá. Otros resultados obtenidos nos ha permitido conocer...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents a new approach that designs the flow of passengers in mass transportation systems in presence of uncertainties. One of the techniques used for the prediction of passenger demand is the origin-destination matrices. However, this method is limited to urban areas and rarely to explicit stations. Otherwise, the gravity models based...
Conference Paper
Most of the existing biped robots realizations use a lot of inertial and force sensors information in order to achieve a smooth and stable locomotion. A common practice in walking robot design consists in using MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) sensors. This choice arises from the small size and low weight MEMS characteristic. Nevertheless, the...
Technical Report
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En este informe se presentan los resultados de la segunda etapa del proyecto titulado Metodología e índices de desempeño para sistemas de transporte ferroviario. Esta propuesta se enmarca en el área de la planificación y la gestión de sistemas de transporte ferroviario. Berbey- Alvarez et al.,[1] propone diseñar una nueva metodología que permita mo...
Technical Report
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Deseamos agradecer primeramente a la SENACYT por los fondos otorgados para la realización de este proyecto. Adicionalmente a la Fundación Tecnológica de Panamá por la gestión y manejo de los fondos concernientes a este proyecto de investigación. También a la cooperación internacional recibida del Dr. Ramón Galán López (q.e.p.d) del Departamento de...
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Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta el estado del arte de los sistemas olfativos artificiales o narices electrónicas, su funcionamiento y algunas de sus aplicaciones. Además, se revisa el concepto de olfato electrónico, pasando por sus aplicaciones más relevantes. Posteriormente, se analizan las similitudes del funcionamiento de la nariz electróni...
This paper presents the artificial olfaction systems or electronic noses state of art, their operation and applications. Moreover, electronic olfaction concept and more representative applications are reviewed. Then the similarities between human olfaction and electronics devices are analyzed. Finally, the main concepts related with the use of elec...
One of the most important tasks in mobile robotics is the vehicle self localization from a reference frame system. In this sense, most of the mobile robots fuse odometry sensors with laser range finders or sonar sensors. Nevertheless, the odometry and kinematic model error statistics are usually unknown and time variant. An Adaptive Extended Kalman...
Conference Paper
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In this work a new method to analyze the stability of metro lines with respect to a previously constructed time schedule is presented. For this purpose, metro lines are modelled using a nonlinear real time discrete space state representation and then the Lyapunov-based stability analysis is applied considering time delays of trains as disturbances....
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Coordinador: Dra. Aranzazu Berbey Álvarez. Correo: Objetivo General  Desarrollar líneas de investigación en materias ferroviaria que impulsen el desarrollo nacional a través de proyectos de I+D, tesis de licenciatura, maestría o doctorales enmarcadas dentro del proyectos I+D financiados por subvenciones del gobierno panam...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this paper is to develop and test experimentally a ZMP direct feedback controller that could handle adequately some limitations presented by other known controllers, specifically lack of robustness due to non-modeled dynamics, saturation effect of non-ideal actuators, and slow response time to disturbances. After ZMP modelling the design...
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Frequency domain methodology is applied to obtain a nominal model for the Zero-Moment Point (ZMP) stability index of a biped robot in an attempt to establish a relationship between the robot trunk trajectories and the stability margin of the contact surface of the foot (or feet) touching the supporting soil. To this end the biped robot trunk is exc...
Conference Paper
This paper present Zero Moment Point (ZMP) frequency domain based mathematical models are developed to establish a relationship among the robot angular trajectories and the stability margin of the foot (or feet) contact surface and the supporting ground. This proposed ZMP modeling approach not only considers classical rigid body model uncertainties...
In this paper we consider the postural stability problem for nonlinearly actuated quasi-static biped robots, both with respect to the joint angular positions and also with reference to the gripping effect between the foot/feet against the ground during robot locomotion. Zero moment point based mathematical models are developed to establish a relati...
The prospect of using humanoid robots in practical applications attracts an important research effort and the latest steps forward in robot technology show many remarkable achievements where design aspects, control systems and software evolution regarding humanoid machines have been realised. While aiming to improve humanoid robots' overall perform...
In this paper we consider the postural stability problem for nonlinearly actuated quasi-static biped robots, both with respect to the joint angular positions and also with reference to the gripping effect between the foot/feet against the ground during robot locomotion. Zero moment point based mathematical models are developed to establish a relati...
Conference Paper
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Improving walking robots overall performance requires that they could work for a long time spending minimum energy without losing their kinematic skills. In this paper the efficiency of locomotion mechanisms when designing humanoid robots is considered, and it is shown that proficient application of non-linear drives in selected joints allows exten...
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Referencia OEPM: P200002423.-- Fecha de solicitud: 06/10/2000.-- Titular: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Actuador para las piernas de un robot caminante (ver figura en archivo de texto adjunto). El actuador para las piernas de un robot caminante, en su mayor parte robots bípedos, con un elemento móvil, con un motor localiza...
Conference Paper
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Earlier experiments with a simplified laboratory prototype of a biped robot actuated by means of non-linear drives have lead to the development of a novel humanoid robot, SILO2. The main features of SILO2 are presented, highlighting the critical aspects of its mechanical design, and giving an overview of the sensorial system and control principles...
Conference Paper
Thc IAI-CSIC laboratories have designed a biped robot using SMART (Special Mechanism for the Actuation of Robot joinTs) drives. The aim of this paper is to present the main features of mechanical design, sensorial system and control principles for this nonlinearly actuated biped robot. The effectiveness of this mechatronic design is not only tested...
Conference Paper
The research for efficient locomotion mechanisms for walking machines has yielded to the creation of SMART (Special Mechatronic Actuator for Robot joinTs). This actuator has demonstrated to share some properties of the high efficient quasi-resonance drive, but also, presents a nonlinear dynamics regime that should be considered in robot control alg...
In this paper, a new way for driving the joints of a biped robot leg by using a special purpose non-linear actuator is presented. In the authors' opinion, using constant transmission ratio in each biped robot joint is not the right choice, specially if the speed of movement, stability, and autonomy are among the main goals. The objective of this pa...
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This paper presents a methodology that integrates several available techniques to manage the massive amount of alarm signals in electrical power dispatch control centers, as well as the contribution of each entity involved in the system. Artificial intelligence techniques that can be used to solve this problem are reviewed herein. The final objecti...
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Improving walking robots overall performance requires that they could work for a long time spending minimum energy without losing their kinematic skills. In this paper the efficiency of locomotion mechanisms when designing humanoid robots is considered, and it is shown that proficient application of non-linear drives in selected joints allows exten...


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