Ronald PohorylesIndependent Researcher · ICCR
Ronald Pohoryles
PhD; ass.Prof.
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Ronald J. Pohoryles is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the European Association for the Advancement of Social Sciences and ass. Prof. for Comparative Political systems, experienced in social science research for more than 40 years and has coordinated more than 100 projects. His work relates to an understanding of sustainability, bringing together economy, environment, society and democracy. He is editor-in-chief of the journal The European Journal of Social Science Research — Innovation.
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September 1985 - June 1989
January 1985 - September 2015

Independent Researcher
- Chairman of the Board of Directors
- The ICCR Foundation is an independent, international, non-profit research institute specialized in strategic policy analysis based in Vienna. Clients are the European Commission, Austrian authorities, Research Funds, and the Deutscher Bundestag (TAB).
January 1989 - present
The European Association for the Advancement of the Social Sciences
February 2014 - August 2014
February 1982 - June 1989
Publications (86)
Across Europe, we find quite different levels of public participation and respectively, eDemocracy. But there are enough reasons to argue that the potential of eDemocracy is in the cumulative value of ever broadened political culture and a culture of democracy with the digital tools to continuously promote and defend participative political develop...
The report provides a summary of European transport policy and targets, five case studies from mem-ber states, as well as synthesized policy recommendations for a secure and low emission transport sector in Europe.
The debate on the function of the social sciences in complex societies, and more generally of the role of knowledge, leads necessarily to a discussion on pragmatism. The gap between theoretical approaches and empirical research still exists and has even widened, in part as a result of the use and abuse of social science knowledge in politics and by...
Der 2005 verstorbene Ökonom und Wissenschaftshistoriker Robert L. Heilbroner hat 1987
eine Zusammenstellung von Auszügen aus Adam Smiths Werken unter dem Titel „The Essential
Adam Smith“ herausgebracht. Als Begründung für die Notwendigkeit dieser Publikation stellte
er lapidar fest: „No economist‘s name is more frequently invoked than that the one...
The European Union climate and energy package 2009 foresees a reduction of 20% of GHG emissions, a 20% increase of energy efficiency and a 20% increase of the use of renewable energy.
As the EU Member States differ according to their economic structure, their topographic geographical and topographical situation, and their initial situation in 2009...
Jüdische Identität – " Objektiver Sachverhalt " und/oder ein sehr persönliches Thema? Als ich vom "Jüdischen Echo" eingeladen wurde, einen Beitrag zu diesem Thema zu verfassen, sagte ich-wie ich heute meine, unvorsichtigerweise-sofort zu. Schließlich bin ich sowohl Jude als auch Wissenschaftler, und habe auch die letzten 63 Jahre in Wien verbracht:...
Despite the fact that an efficient and effective European Energy Union has a long way to go the
development over the last 20 years suggest that the European policy making has a reasonable impact
on the national energy and environment policies of the Member States. Austria is an excellent case
for both, the success as well as the short-comings of th...
This is a report on the views of the European social scientist (FP6 Project SSH-Futures, Project no: 028770)
Report of an FP6- Project no: 028770 (SSH-FUTURES)
Huntington’s book The Clash of Civilizations, published in the late 1990s, was written as a critique of the then fashionable book by Francis Fukuyama The End of History, which had advanced the claim that the end of the Cold War signalled the adoption, globally, of market economic principles, besides freedom and democracy. The hype surrounding Fukuy...
This article reports on the findings of the Europe Union (EU) project “Enhancing the capacity of EU transport projects to transform research results into innovative products and services” (TIPS) funded in the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development. The project was coordinated by Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH, the ICCR Foundation was in c...
The financial crisis has created serious doubts about the Future of Europe: Does Intergovernmentalism help? Is there a European polity? Is it the Age of Populism? German hegemony?
“Allianz für Deutschland” – The end of European Integration?
For instance: Saving Greece – too little, too late?
A ‘Latin Europe’ with France as a leader?
This article examines the intensification of development cooperation in the field of biogenetic fuels, in particular bioethanol, in light of increasing knowledge on the positive and negative impacts of biofuel production and use. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, biofuels made from biomass have become an important alternative nonfoss...
This article aims to contribute to the literature on sociology of the social sciences, or, in a broader context, to the sociology of knowledge in the tradition of Karl Mannheim. Its main argument is that the future of the social sciences and the humanities depends on two interrelated dimensions: the development of the disciplinary state of the art...
This special issue of Innovation – The European Journal of Social Science Research is an outcome of the EUROCOOP project, carried out under the 6th Framework Programme for Research and Development. The project's full title is ‘Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment and Benchmarking Process: Cooperation for Sustainable Regional Innovation’. Th...
The pen industry is a wonderful case study. Sociology, History and Economy have produced a lot of knowledge on the economic and technological development of the XXth century; and there is enough material left for further research. Take the issue of globalization, a fancy topic in contemporary sociology:
looking at companies like Parker, Waterman, o...
This article discusses the findings of the INNOCULT project ‘Internationalization of Research: Institutional Innovation, Culture and Agency in the Framework of Competition and Cooperation’. The project examined the impact of the European research programmes on research policies against the background of multi-level governance, on key research actor...
The European Union project of political integration faces three main challenges. The first concerns the constitutional make-up of the European Union as a political system. Key here is the role of subsidiarity and the question of statehood. The second challenge has to do with the opportunity structures for participation in a multilevel and supra-nat...
With the launching in December 2002 of the first calls of the “6th Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities, contributing to the creation of the European Research Area and to innovation (2002 to 2006)”, it is very timely to have a critical look at its reality and its potentia...
With the launching in December 2002 of the first calls of the "6th Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities, contributing to the creation of the European Research Area and to innovation (2002 to 2006)", it is very timely to have a critical look at its reality and its potentia...
ResumeDepuis le lancement en decembre 2002 des premiers appels a propositions concernant le « sixieme programme-cadre de la Communaute europeenne pour des actions de recherche, de developpement technologique et de demonstration contribuant a la realisation de l’espace europeen de la recherche et a l’innovation (2002 a 2006) », il est tout a fait op...
The aim of this contribution is to look at the impact of European research policies on the European Research Area. In 2000, during the preparation of the Sixth Framework Programme for RTD, the Commission published a communication calling for the creation of this area. There are, however, good reasons to think that the European Research Area existed...
When studying income, especially as an indicator of ‘social capital’ and with reference to social exclusion—or alternatively for judging the degree of social integration—it is important to be aware of the context of investigation as much as of the role of income in the lives of households and/or individuals. The aim of this article is to discuss in...
The events surrounding the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989 represented a watershed for the research and technological development (RTD) co‐operation activities of the European Union/ European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries with the Central and Eastern European and Baltic states (CEBS).
In a first phase one could find some non‐targeted and explor...
In comparison with other countries, and considering its size, Austria spends a significant amount of funds on RTD co‐operation with its neighbouring countries to the East. This eastward orientation is not specific to the science and research collaboration field, but a more general characteristic of the Austrian policy framework and political cultur...
The present paper has two objectives in mind: On the one hand, it attempts to present and clarify the attitudes of the Austrian population on ecological issues. On the other hand, its second objective is to explicate, via a documentation and discourse analysis of a discussion on the ‘social compatibility’ of the location of radioactive waste dispos...
The present article looks at the challenge posed by the process of internationalization for the social sciences and examines the structural constraints on the development of adequate comparative social‐scientific research. The comparative advantages and disadvantages of universities, consultants and the professionalized research sector respectively...
The migration problem has acquired a new dimension with the breakdown of State‐Communism which has induced new and variable waves of migration out of Eastern Europe. The response of the West to these waves, as well as to the ever‐increasing likelihood of emigration from countries of the Third World has been one of mounting regulation. The present a...
Delineates the parallel and complex processes of integration and disintegration under way in both Eastern and Western Europe. By drawing attention to the interrelatedness and consequent long-ranging implications of these transformational processes, the author calls for a re-evaluation of the role of Western aid to Eastern Europe as well as that of...
This article examines the question of European integration from the vantage point of national education systems. Taking Austria and its education system as examples, it argues that even if Austria should join the European Community, it does not follow that its education system should be merged into a common education system. Just as the European Co...