Roman Yershov

Roman Yershov
Chernihiv National University of Technology · Industrial Electronics Department

Master of Engineering


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Roman Yershov currently works at Industrial Electronics Department, Chernihiv National University of Technology.
Additional affiliations
March 2012 - February 2018
Chernihiv National University of Technology
  • Lecturer
September 2010 - February 2012
Chernihiv National University of Technology
Field of study
  • Specialized Computer Systems
September 2006 - June 2010
Chernihiv Polytechnic National University
Field of study
  • Computer engineering


Publications (51)
Conference Paper
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Why typical VHDL description of encoder is non-optimal ? How to describe using VHDL a generic logic element with optimal interconnection depth and highest possible fastness ? How to generate an optimal interconnection network between logic elements according to a various list of laws ? In next presentation you can find answers ...
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Currently, there is a problem of ensuring a stable electricity supply in Ukraine, caused by the terrorist activities of an insidious neighboring country. Stationary solar power stations consisting of an array of solar panels are one of the most important components of autonomous power networks.The main functional subsystem in autonomous electrical...
This paper presents results of the physical modeling and experimental investigations of the photovoltaic system based on full-SiC quasi-z-source inverter. The goal of the current research is to analyze the impact of the gate drive DC-DC converters on the photovoltaic inverter efficiency change based on experimental measurements. There are different...
To reduce the load on the operator of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) during long search and rescue, and monitoring missions, the concept of an automatic system is proposed, which directly on board performs a preliminary analysis of images received from a high-resolution navigation video camera, determines areas of interest, and sets the position...
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Increasing requirements for data transfer and storage is one of the crucial questions now. There are several ways of high-speed data transmission, but they meet limited requirements applied to their narrowly focused specific target. The data compression approach gives the solution to the problems of high-speed transfer and low-volume data storage....
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Autonomous systems based on the "Internet of Things" paradigm have become widespread. The Internet of Things devices are used for collecting and analyzing data, control electrical systems. The Internet of Things the most common fields of use are smart houses, smart cities, smart traffic, environment monitoring, healthcare etc. With the automation t...
A comparative analysis between the characteristics of a buck converter driven by pulse-width modulation and a buck half-wave zero-current switching quasi-resonant converter driven by pulse-frequency modulation for application in the power supply systems of the unmanned aerial vehicles is presented. All the characteristics are obtained both analytic...
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Розробка програмного проєкту для системи керування електроприводами безпілотного літального апарату (БПЛА) та автономного робота (АР) зазвичай виконується мовами програмування високого або середнього рівня, що збільшує обсяг, складність та час створення коду. В роботі експериментально підтверджена ефективність надвисокорівневого програмування для с...
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Актуальність теми дослідження. Дводіапазонна чотириквадрантна система стабілізації положення (ССП) безколекторного двигуна постійного струму (БДПС) у складі рухомої платформи (РП), в якій силовий каскад побудований на основі квазірезонансного імпульсного перетворювача (КРІП), має кращу швидкодію та точність у порівнянні із системами на основі перет...
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Актуальність теми дослідження. Вирішення ряду таких актуальних проблем імпульсних напівпровідникових перетворювачів енергії (ІНПП) для бортових систем, що входять до складу рухомих платформ і безпілотних літальних апаратів (БПЛА), як підвищення точності стабілізації цільового параметру (кута, швидкості, напруги, струму), а також покращення динаміки...
Conference Paper
Analytical and experimental investigations of active damping of free vibrations of a cantilever viscoelastic beam assembled together with the piezoelectric actuator and piezoelectric sensor are performed. In order to include dissipative properties of composite material, the complex elastic modulus is used. The dependence of modal characteristics (c...
Conference Paper
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A novel engineering software-based solution for contact debounce in embedded systems is proposed by dint of a specialized finite-state machine. A cross-platform C-language implementation of algorithm in conjunction with maintain data structures description is shown. Independence of hardware is guaranteed by using of pointer to port read function. A...
Conference Paper
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A novel engineering solution for all-digital phase and frequency comparators is proposed, implemented and tested. It is not only allows measuring the inequality sign between two periodic processes but also the numeric degree of difference between them. They in turn can be used for regulator input value, or directly for modulator input. Both compa...
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Актуальність теми дослідження. Мінімізація енергоспоживання електроприводами безпілотного літального апарату (БПЛА) або робота дозволяє підвищити ступінь автономності (дальність, швидкість, або час дії). Постановка проблеми. У середовищі для багатодоменного моделювання на рівні структурних схем Simulink®, яке інтегроване з MATLAB®, представлено дек...
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This paper proposes a new photovoltaic panel maximum-power-point optimizer based on a buck converter. It can be connected to the DC-link distributed energy harvesting system that should perform the true maximum-power-point tracking algorithm based on maintaining a constant DC link voltage. The algorithm is based on the sensorless hysteresis control...
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The induction motor (IM) with squirrel cage rotor is the most effective among three-phase asynchronous AC motors used in the modern direct electric drive. The vector control system for the IM allows keeping a constant torque on the motor shaft with a high accuracy in a wide range of the angular velocities. Realization of the high-grade specialized...
Conference Paper
The problems of measurement the thickens of metal-oxide corrode film by using of customer-grade digital scanner and camera are considered. The theoretical background of dependence between color components, reflected wavelengths, and oxide film thickness for given metal alloy is described. Based on it the problem of violet color wavelength interpret...
Why typical VHDL description of encoder is non-optimal ? How to describe using VHDL a generic logic element with optimal interconnection depth and highest possible fastness ? How to generate an optimal interconnection network between logic elements according to a various list of laws ? In next presentation you can find answers ...
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Розглянуто проблему вибору типу акумуляторної батареї для використання у складі автономної системи електроживлення на основі фотоелектричних перетворювачів. Сучасний ринок насичений різноманітними типами та моделями акумуляторів, що робить остаточний вибір достатньо складним. Запропонована методика базується на порівнянні питомої ємнісної вартості,...
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Urgency of the research. Lighting consumes around of 17.5% of the total volume of electricity produced on Earth. In some regions the consumption reaches to 50%. Improving of electronic devices and algorithms for autonomous lighting control reduces the consumption of more than a half (60%). Target setting. Existing "smart lighting" devices is suppli...
Conference Paper
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this paper carries applied character, the links onto application notes, that confirmed by a practice, was collected and systematized, in simple terms the substantiation of the need for the three functional units of the gearless precision position stabilizers: power factor corrector (PFC), brake chopper (ballast) and isolated gate driver power suppl...
Conference Paper
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There is a growing interest in bidirectional dc-dc converters for interface battery with energy source and load. This paper provides a comprehensive review of non-isolated bidirectional dc-dc converter topologies. The classification and description of each type presented is based on the features and applications. This review paper is intended as a...
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In this work the calculation of energy indicators of electromagnetic processes in power switches of boost quasi-resonant pulse converters (QRPC) with parallel and series resonant circuits is performed. The calculations were performed using the operator method and the method of stitching the results of change of transistor switch current and voltage...
Conference Paper
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This article presents the analysis of electromagnetic processes in MOSFET switch of a zero-current switching quasi-resonant pulse converter with series resonant circuit. The analysis performed by stitching equations illustrating change of MOSFET current and MOSFET voltage. The obtained results for each switching interval allowed to estimate the ove...
Conference Paper
Two wheeled robots are commonly used in our time. They find their usage in many fields due to simplicity of creation and good maneuverability. One of the benefits of such design is that we can make rotation on any angle at one place without any linear motion. A two wheeled robot is similar to the differential gears used in automobiles in that both...
Conference Paper
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Modern problems of energy efficiency analysis and electromagnetic compatibility currently presented in Ukraine are analyzed. The use of combined algorithm based both on PQ-theory and the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for analysis of electric energy parameters and power components is given. The architecture of embedded system for the analysis of ener...


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