Roman Dzyk

Roman Dzyk
Chernivtsi National University · Department of World Literature and Theory of Literature

Doctor of Philosophy


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Additional affiliations
September 2008 - present
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  • Professor (Associate)
September 2003 - June 2008
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Field of study
  • World Literature and Theory of Literature


Publications (65)
მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ ლიტერატურული კანონის კონცეფცია სრუ­ლიად განსხვავებული ტრადიციიდან იღებს სათავეს, ის საოცრად ორგანული აღმოჩნდა იმის აღსაწერად, რაც ტოტალიტარული სახელმწიფოს მექა­ნიზმების საშუალებით ჩამოყალიბდა, მათ შორის, უკრაინულ საბჭოთა ლიტერატურაში. ასეთი კანონი უკიდურესად სტრუქტური­რებულია, მაგრამ არ არის გაყინული, რადგან მან განიცადა ტრანს...
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To Literary Anniversaries: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Kostiantyn Ushynsky, Olena Pchilka, William Somerset Maugham, Ernest Hemingway
The concept of literary canon to be surprisingly organic for description of what has been formed for a long time through totalitarian state mechanisms, in particular, in Ukrainian Soviet literature. Such canon is extremely structured, but not frozen. The totalitarian nature of this canon meant that nothing could exist outside of it. What was outsid...
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To Literary Anniversaries: Molière, Hryhoriy Skovoroda, Bohdan Lepky
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To the 200th Anniversary of Fyodor Dostoevsky
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To the 150th Anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka
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Taking in to account the analytical experience of Metaphorology, the article understudies deals with the ontological essence of a literary metaphor. It mostly occurs as a receptive issue and is regarded on a specific example of poetry by W. Shakespeare’s – the central figure of “the western canon”. Particular emphasis has been laid on Sonnet 64 and...
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Understanding of new historical stages requires new literary approaches. An interesting attempt to describe Ukrainian reality of the '90s in a new journalistic style is the novel by Les Beley "The Wicked Nineties: Love and Hatred in Uzhhorod" (2014). In this work, real characters tell real stories in their own voices. These are the representatives...
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The article presents the Ukrainian segment of Leskov studies. Particular attention is paid to the history of translations of Leskov's works into Ukrainian and debatable issues related to that. The main milestones of Leskov's study by the Ukrainian literary criticism of the Soviet period are emphasized, in particular, the thematic spectrum of the th...
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The article outlines the reception of the theory of intertextuality of Ukrainian literary science. Taking into consideration the common experience of the Soviet and the similarity of the first post-Soviet steps in the development of Western literary schools, the article comments upon the Russian interpretation of the theory of intertextuality. The...
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The entire body of the literary works by Fyodor Dostoevsky has been viewed from the point of view of the ontology of a child. The detailed analysis of this phenomenon gives the possibility to understand its nature, quintessence, specificity of the literary embodiment. It is the question of the actualization of the principles of the research experie...
The creative work of Julia Kristeva the French author of the Bulgarian origin is investigated. She is perceived as an organic part of the French culture, but in France her status is not so unambiguous. J. Kristeva does not only accept her strangeness in the French language and culture, but also tries to comprehend it. Strangeness is examined on the...
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Aim. The article set the object to constitute and study the problems of the creative background of the author’s writing which is often ignored by the traditional approach to the analysis of the formation of the author’s style. Methods. The main method of research is a comparative practice in the aspect of the theory of reception. The translation ex...
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The article outlines the reception of the theory of intertextuality of Ukrainian literary science. Taking into consideration the common experience of the Soviet and the similarity of the first post-Soviet steps in the development of Western literary schools, the article comments upon the Russian interpretation of the theory of intertextuality. The...
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Розглядається феномен глобалізації, що включає в себе як позитивні процеси культурної інтеграції, так і загрозу культурної гібридизації та уніфікації. На прикладі роману Юлії Крістевої „Смерть у Візантії”, в якому наявні дві протилежні просторово-часові моделі світоустрою (Санта-Барбара, концентроване уособлення глобалізованого світу, і Візантія, я...
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The article deals with the phenomenon of globalization, which includes positive processes of cultural integration as well as the threat of cultural hybridization and unification. The historical and cultural dimensions of globalization are emphasized. The ways and levels of possible confrontation and acceptance of globalization are analyzed on the e...
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The modernist version of the paradigm ―Dostoyevsky‖ in A.Gide’s literary practice is analyzed. The shift of accents in the modernist reception of the paradigm is manifested in the enhanced attention to the versatile personality of the writer, his ideas, innovative literary forms, specific construct of the system of personages etc.
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Досліджується творчість француженки болгарського походження Юлії Крістевої, що сприймається як органічна частина французької культури. Проте в самій Франції її статус не настільки однозначний. Крістева не тільки не відкидає своєї чужості у французькій мові та культурі, а й усіляко намагається осмислити цей стан. Чужість розглядається тут на онтолог...
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The article analyses the relation of O. Potebnya’s concepts to the theory of intertextuality. The attention to the peculiar interpretation of the notion of “poetic language” by the Russian formalists and their successors, as well as to the development of the dialogical nature of the word and the text, according to M. Bakhtin, reconstructs the genet...
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The creative work of Julia Kristeva the French author of the Bulgarian origin is investigated. She is perceived as an organic part of the French culture, but in France her status is not so unambiguous. Kristeva does not only accept her strangeness in the French language and culture, but also tries to comprehend it. The exile experiences of J. Brods...
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The creative work of Julia Kristeva the French author of the Bulgarian ori- gin is investigated. She is perceived as an organic part of the French culture, but in France her status is not so unambiguous. J. Kristeva does not only accept her strangeness in the French language and culture, but also tries to comprehend it. Strangeness is examined on t...
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The genological modifications of the theory of intertextuality in French post-strukturalist discourse are analyzed. Particular attention is focused on the interpretation of intertext by R. Barthes, who along with M. Foucault and J. Derrida represents the «broad» understanding of the concept under investigation, thus developing a vector outlined in...
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Different interpretations of the literary category of „author” are considered in the connotation of poststructural concept of „death of the author”. The terminological syntagma „paradigm of the writer”, which means the presence of a writer in a text at various formal and substantive levels: compositional, plot, stylistic, narrative, level of the ch...
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The actualization of the paradigm «Dostoyevsky» in the Nouveau roman literary and critical discourse is analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the form of Dostoyevsky’s texts, his stylistic innovations and novelistic technique of the characters construction. It is proved that the figure of F. Dostoyevsky was perceived by the authors in the style...
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The penetration of F.Dostoyevsky into the French literary space in the end of the ХІХ century is investigated. The responses of the literary critics of that time are analyzed, especially our attention is focused on the book «The Russian Novel» (1886) E.-M. de Vogüé. Dostoyevsky’s entrance into the French literature is examined in the context of the...
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The vector of the human and the bestial is analyzed in the meaning of the semantic circle on the examples of the M. Houellebecq’s novels as one of the modern adepts of F.Dostoyevsky. Focusing attention on a human being, Dostoyevsky’s paradigm shapes like: thing – animal – human being – overman (theanthropos) – God man. In the text of the French wri...
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The realization of the ideological parallelism between G. Bernanos and F. Dostoyevsky is examined in the aspect of the real nature and the semantic content of the notion of "realism". Particularly the first novel of the French author "Under the Sun of Satan" is analyzed.
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The novel „The Possibility of an Island” by M. Houellebecq is analyzed as an example of the utopian genre, which is characterized by both utopian and dystopian features. The influence of religious, philosophical and literary tradition on the given text is traced. We concentrate our attentuion on the intertextual references to Dostoyevsky’s works.
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The article deals with the intertextual relationship of the modern French literature with the figure of Dostoevsky. The main attention is concentrated on the imagological and thematic parallels texts by G. Bernanos, A. Glucksmann, M. Houellebecq, F. Beigbeder to creativity of the Russian classic. The themes of mystical, nihilism, the arrangement of...
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The reception of the novel-confession „The Adolescent” by F. Dostoyevsky is realized through defining in the text the main features that are inherent in this genre: narration from the first person, specific role of the reader, realization by the main hero the fallibility of his actions and his desire for correction, revival of personality in the en...
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The connection of O.Potebnya’s concepts with the theory of intertextuality is analyzed. The attention to the peculiar interpretation of the notion „poetic language” by the Russian formalists and their successors as well as to the development of the dialogical nature of the word and the text, according to M. Bakhtin, reconstruct the genetic connecti...
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The article deals with the interpretation of the phenomenon of nihilism, perceived through the prism of the Russian literature, given in the book „Dostoevsky in Manhattan” by A. Glucksmann. The similarities between the principles of the representative of the „new philosophy” and the concept of the „engaged literature by J.-P. Sartre are revealed. T...
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The phenomenon of confession is considered in the light of genre theory. The given phenomenon was analyzed by means of the offered classification which included confession as a discourse form, discourse genre, canonical discourse genre, and secularized literary genre. The secularization of the religious confession is revealed on the models of Latin...
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Dramaturgical text is considered due to its existential nature. In this aspect the creativity is regarded as a manifestation of author’s personality. The brought up question is answered by means of demarcation of the existential play and the play with existential problematics. Relying on the powerful existential archetext, L.Chupis’s drama is consi...
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The entire body of the literary works by Fedir Dostoevsky has been viewed from the point of view of the ontology of a child. Detailed analysis of this phenomenon gives the possibility to understand its nature, distillation, specificity of the literary embodiment.New principles of the investigation experience show that the deceptive simplicity of...


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