Roman ChlibekUniversity of Defence · Department of Epidemiology,Hradec Kralove
Roman Chlibek
Prof. in Epidemiology
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Publications (175)
Úvod: Pásový opar je virová infekce s typickou kožní manifestací, která vzniká z důvodu endogenní reaktivace varicella
zoster viru. Vzhledem k vysoké promořenosti virem je v podstatě celá populace ohrožena rozvojem onemocnění. Základními
rizikovými faktory jsou vyšší věk a imunkompromitující stavy. Vzhledem k dostupné prevenci očkováním je důležité...
Pásový opar, herpes zoster (HZ) je onemocnění způsobené reaktivací viru varicella zoster a je hrozbou pro každého, kdo
v minulosti onemocněl planými neštovicemi. V Evropě prodělá onemocnění planými neštovicemi více jak 90 % osob, v České
republice podle údajů sérologického přehledu z let 1996/7 dokonce 90–98 % osob starších 40 let. K reaktivaci vir...
Ai Ivasive eigccca disease (ID) is sti a ar threat t y t the yugest age grup f chidre but as t adescets ad yug aduts Higher rates f eigccca disease have as bee reprted i specific atris grups such as secdary ad tertiary studets ad ebers f the iitary Ifecti ccurs after cse ctact with a ciicay i idividua but st fte with a asyptatic carrier The ai f ur...
Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) have been a major public health concern for years. These pathogens are highly resistant, which facilitates their spread in health care settings where they may cause infections difficult to treat with antibiotics, particularly in immunocompromised patients. Over recent years, a considerable increase in VRE has...
Chronic HCV infection is associated with cirrhosis of the liver, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and liver transplantation. HCV disease burden and the impact of new potent direct acting antivirals (DAAs) in the Czech Republic are unknown.
Using a modelling framework, HCV disease progression in the Czech Republic was predicted...
In two pivotal efficacy studies (ZOE-50; ZOE-70), the adjuvanted recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV) demonstrated >90% efficacy against herpes zoster (HZ).
Adults aged ≥50 or ≥70 years (ZOE-50 [NCT01165177]; ZOE-70 [NCT01165229]) were randomized to receive 2 doses of RZV or placebo 2 months apart. Vaccine efficacy and safety were evaluated post-hoc in...
Úvod: Rotavirové gastroenteritidy (RVGE) jsou akutní průjmová onemocnění provázená horečkou a zvracením. Před zavedením očkování v roce 2006, byly rotaviry celosvětově nejčastější příčinou závažných akutních gastroenteritid u dětí mladších 5 let. Cílem naší práce bylo analyzovat hlášená epidemiologická data výskytu RVGE v České republice (ČR...
The increasing incidence of multiresistant bacterial strains is currently a serious health concern. These pathogens are often the cause of nosocomial infections with limited treatment options and high fatality rates. A case report is presented of an uncommon detection of four different species (Citrobacter freundii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherich...
The ZOE-50 (NCT01165177) and ZOE-70 (NCT01165229) phase 3 clinical trials showed that the adjuvanted recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV) was ≥90% efficacious in preventing herpes zoster in adults. Here we present a comprehensive overview of the safety data from these studies.
Adults aged ≥50 (ZOE-50) and ≥70 (ZOE-70) years were...
The duration of protection provided by varicella vaccines is unclear. We assessed the 10-year vaccine efficacy of two doses of a combined measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine (MMRV), one live attenuated varicella vaccine (V) dose given after one measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR) dose (MMR + V), versus two MMR doses (control vaccin...
In 2017 chronic hepatitis C (CHC) seems to be a curable disease in most cases. Analysis of epidemiologic data of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection gained from a primary care office shows how HCV is underdiagnosed in the Czech Republic (CZ). The importance of primary care in screening of HCV infection is shown, as is the necessity of spreading infor...
Břišní tyfus je onemocnění lidí způsobené bakterií Salmonella typhi. Onemocnění je rozšířeno v zemích s teplým klimatem a nízkým hygienickým standardem. K nákaze dochází fekálně-orální cestou. Od roku 2010 je popisován zvýšený výskyt multirezistentních kmenů S. typhi. Znalost cirkulujících kmenů je stěžejní pro správnou volbu antibiotické te...
The herpes zoster subunit vaccine (HZ/su), consisting of varicella-zoster virus glycoprotein E (gE) and AS01B Adjuvant System, was highly efficacious in preventing herpes zoster in the ZOE-50 and ZOE-70 trials (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01165177; NCT01165229). We present immunogenicity results from those trials.
Participants (ZO...
Background: In adults aged ≥60 years, two doses of the herpes zoster subunit vaccine (HZ/su; 50µg varicella-zoster virus glycoprotein E [gE] and AS01B Adjuvant System) elicited humoral and cell-mediated immune responses persisting for at least six years. We assessed immunogenicity nine years post-initial vaccination.
Methods: This open extension st...
The aim of work: The aim of the paper was to quantitatively and qualitatively determine measles and mumps IgG antibody seroprevalence in adult population, to compare individuals belonging to particular age groups, to compare vaccinated and unvaccinated subject groups, to compare differences between men and women, and to evaluate collective protecti...
Patients with diabetes mellitus belong among the most prominent groups of people with recommended vaccinations for at-risk patients. The number of diabetics grows worldwide every year, for example, in the Czech Republic there are 68,000 new patients every year (6.9 % annual growth). The disease itself reduces both cellular and humoral immunity, and...
Herpes zoster (shingles) is a disease affecting especially the elderly. Increase in the incidence of the disease begins at the age of 50 years. At the highest risk of shingles are the oldest age categories. The second primary risk factor for shingles is immunosuppression of any etiology. A new subunit recombinant adjuvanted herpes zoster vaccine (S...
Lyme disease is most common tick-carried human disease in the Czech Republic. It is a disease characterized by multiorgan affection with varied clinical manifestations. The knowledge of clinical signs and the correct evaluation of laboratory results play a main role in determination of the correct diagnosis and adequate antibiotic treatment.
Vaccination in HIV-positive people is an important and increasingly discussed part of the care of patients with this infection. This group of patients is at higher risk of infectious diseases, many of which are preventable and may have a more severe course compared to healthy population. There is also an increased risk of inadequate immune response...
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a global public health problem with significant morbidity and mortality. More than 240 million individuals worldwide are infected with HBV. Among the untreated, 15 to 40 % progress to cirrhosis (CH), which may lead to liver failure and liver cancer. Epidemiology of this disease has changed due to several fa...
Invasive meningococcal disease represents a serious, peracute disease with mortality rate 8–15% despite treatment. Although the Czech Republic is not a high-incidence country, there has been an increase in the absolute number of reported cases in the year 2017. Despite the fact that meningococcus B remains the most common serogroup in our country,...
Mumps outbreaks, especially in adolescents and young adults, have been reported in the Czech Republic. The aim of the presented study was to determine the seroprevalence of specific IgG antibodies against mumps in the adult population of the Czech Republic. The study was designed as a multicenter serological survey of adults aged 18 years and over....
Despite widespread vaccination programmes, pertussis remains a significant health burden in many countries. Low awareness of the disease, the high rate of asymptomatic cases in adults and difficulties with diagnosis could explain the under-reporting of pertussis. The lack of data on actual incidence constitutes an obstacle for public h...
Seasonal influenza is a prevalent and serious annual illness resulting in widespread morbidity and economic disruption throughout the population; the elderly and immunocompromised are particularly vulnerable to serious sequelae and mortality. The changing demographics worldwide to an aging society have important implications for public health polic...
The challenge of assimilating millions of immigrants in the European region each year presents significant socioeconomic issues. Among them is the threat of vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) disease transmission within immigrant groups and the broader population given the permeability of nation state borders. A total of 3.8 million people immigra...
Chronic hepatitis C is curable disease. Low detection rate could be one of the reasons of poor treatment uptake. It is important to identify HCV prevalence and anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) positive patients in population by effective screening strategy such as risk-based or birth cohort screening programs. There are no national population-based est...
In recent years, Europe has recorded an increase in the number of measles outbreaks despite the implementation of vaccination into the National Immunization Programs. The Czech Republic introduced vaccination against measles into National Immunization Program in 1969. The aim of this study was to determine seroprevalence of IgG antibodies agai...
Population in the Czech Republic is highly susceptible to hepatitis A virus infection. According to serological survey from 2001, the lowest seroprevalence of anti-HAV antibodies was observed in the age-groups of children and adults under 40 years of age. Since 2001, the high susceptibility has probably shifted to older age groups. In recent years,...
Vaccination before traveling abroad is an important part of the preparation travellers undergo. It is a basic and in many cases the most important part of prevention of infectious diseases when traveling abroad. Despite this fact, travellers often do not consider vaccination. The number of travellers who are at risk in terms of transmission and in...
Until 2015, when the Zika virus infection outbreak started in Central and South America, it was a disease with mild clinical manifestations, of no special interest to healthcare professionals. However, at that time, in 2015, the suspicion of an association between infection during pregnancy and the occurrence of microcephaly and other congenital ab...
Tick-borne encephalitis is a serious viral disease affecting the central nervous system. Its incidence has increased in recent decades, which has led to an increase in the significance of this infection in many European countries. The Czech Republic is one of the most affected countries. Over the past ten years, approximately 630 cases of tick-born...
Vaccine-preventable infectious diseases are in many cases the cause of complications in hospitalized patients. Healthcare workers can play various roles in the nosocomial transmission of these diseases. First, as a source of infection for their patients, and as a susceptible individual who is at risk of a possible professional infection. For health...
The evolution of varicella zoster virus lasts more than 400 million years. While primates were the original reservoirs of the virus, subsequently VZV started to circulate in human population and humans have been the exclusive hosts for VZV for more than 45 000 years. VZV is a highly contagious and neurotropic herpetic virus a member of the herpesvi...
The article provides information on an outbreak of infection with a strain of Staphylococcus aureus resistant to gentamicin (SARG) and a hyperproducer of enterotoxins A and D at a neonatal intensive care unit of the University Hospital in Hradec Kralove. A retrospective investigation was carried out that provided an overview of the presence of the...
b>Background : A trial involving adults 50 years of age or older (ZOE-50) showed that the herpes zoster subunit vaccine (HZ/su) containing recombinant varicella-zoster virus glycoprotein E and the AS01B adjuvant system was associated with a risk of herpes zoster that was 97.2% lower than that associated with placebo. A second trial was performed co...
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important human pathogen that causes hepatitis, advanced liver fibrosis, cirrhosis (CIH), and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Especially the chronic form of hepatitis C (HC), with 55-85% of acute cases progressing to it, is a serious problem worldwide. HCV is a cause of the significant morbidity and mortality that are...
Pertussis is a respiratory disease caused by the Gram-negative encapsulated bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Despite the high vaccination coverage rate and addition of new booster doses to the immunisation scheme (in response to the epidemiological situation), pertussis is on the rise not only in the Czech Republic but also in many other countries....
We undertook an epidemiological survey of the annual incidence of pertussis reported from 2000 to 2013 in ten Central and Eastern European countries to ascertain whether increased pertussis reports in some countries share common underlying drivers or whether there are specific features in each country. The annual incidence of pertussis in the parti...
Pertussis in Central and Eastern European countries follow-up questionnaire.
Pertussis epidemiology and vaccine recommendations in Central and Eastern European countries questionnaire.
Studies focused on arbovirus diseases transmitted by invasive species of mosquitoes have become increasingly significant in recent years, due to the fact that these vectors have successfully migrated to Europe and become established in the region. Mosquitoes, represented by more than 3 200 species, occur naturally worldwide, except in Antarctica. T...
There are two types of vaccines available for the adult vaccination against pneumococcal diseases, the first generation – 23valent polysaccharide vaccine, registered in 1983 and the second generation – 13valent conjugate vaccine with adult indication since 2011. An important criterion is vaccine efficacy in preventing invasive disease, but also aga...
The important goal of immunization programs in many countries is the reduction of the incidence of cervical cancer using either the quadrivalent (Silgard/Gardasil) or the bivalent (Cervarix) HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine. Nevertheless, HPV infection is associated with the development of cancers of anus, vagina, vulva and penis, and cancers of...
Viral hepatitis is a severe, infectious liver disease. These diseases are caused by different hepatotropic viruses. Hepatitis C virus is a genetically variable. The virus occurs in many different types and subtypes. HCV is transmitted parenterally. Intravenous drug users are the primary at-risk group in developed countries. The course of the diseas...
Viral hepatitis A continues to occur in the Czech Republic due to the high susceptibility of the population and existing opportunities for the transmission of the disease. The aim was to describe and analyse the incidence of viral hepatitis A in the Hradec Králové Region in the Czech Republic in 2005-2014, including the study of two out...
Formaldehyde is a chemical agent that is used to inactivate bacteria, viruses or detoxify bacterial toxins during vaccine manufacturing. It remains as a manufacturing residual substance in vaccines. The most common use is in diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis toxoids vaccines. The usual level of formaldehyde in the blood of human is 2.6 mg/l. In Euro...
Background: An investigational subunit vaccine containing the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) glycoprotein E (gE) and the AS01 B adjuvant system is being evaluated for the prevention of herpes zoster (HZ) in older adults. A phase II trial evaluating different formulations of this vaccine (containing 25 g, 50 g, or 100 g gE) was conducted in adults ≥60...
In previous phase 1-2 clinical trials involving older adults, a subunit vaccine containing varicella-zoster virus glycoprotein E and the AS01B adjuvant system (called HZ/su) had a clinically acceptable safety profile and elicited a robust immune response.
We conducted a randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 3 study in 18 cou...
Vaccination is one of a most important achievements in the field of prevention of infectious diseases, which in the 19th century were one of the most common causes of death in Europe, and still in the developing world are a major cause of mortality especially in child population. Vaccination is one of the few activities in the area of disease preve...
Clinical trials are an important part of clinical research. The conduction of clinical trials is strictly regulated and has to comply with an approved protocol. Local regulatory authorities, independent ethic committees, sponsors of clinical trials as well as the investigators are involved from the submission until the very end of the trial. All cl...
In 2005-2010, a nosocomial infection prevalence study was conducted in 12 university hospitals, namely at the departments of surgery, urology, neurology, cardiology, neurosurgery, otorhinolaryngology, and traumatology. The primary objective was to evaluate the overall epidemiological situation of nosocomial infections (NI) at the highes...
The epidemiology of selected sexually transmitted diseases in the Czech Republic has been carefully evaluated for many years. Data from 1981-2011 for eastern Bohemia shows a sharp decrease in the incidence of gonorrhea in 1993-1994 and a very low incidence thereafter with a slightly higher prevalence in males. However, syphilis and genitourinary in...
An investigational subunit vaccine containing the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) glycoprotein E (gE) and the AS01B adjuvant system is being evaluated for the prevention of herpes zoster (HZ) in older adults. A phase II trial evaluating different formulations of this vaccine (containing 25μg, 50μg, or 100μg gE) was conducted in adults ≥60...
Epidemiological data on sexually transmitted infections in the Czech Republic has been carefully reported for many years. Here we present an analysis of regional data on syphilis spanning more than 30 years in eastern Bohemia. The epidemiological data were derived from the mandatory reporting of sexually transmitted diseases covering the period 198...
The 16th Meeting of the International Scientific Working Group on Tick-Borne Encephalitis (ISW-TBE) - a group of neurologists, general practitioners, clinicians, travel physicians, virologists, paediatricians, and epidemiologists - was held under the title "Tick-borne Encephalitis - a Notifiable Disease, a Review after One Year". With the inclusion...
Over the last decade, childhood immunization has substantially reduced morbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases. However, particular paediatric risk groups, such as those with comorbidities, may not be adequately vaccinated despite being more susceptible to complications and death from certain infectious diseases. This may be due t...
This study investigated the safety and immunogenicity of different formulations and schedules of a candidate subunit herpes zoster vaccine containing varicella-zoster virus glycoprotein E (gE) with or without the adjuvant system AS01B.
In this phase II, single-blind, randomized, controlled study, adults aged ≥60years (N=714) received one dose of 10...
Objective. The aim of the presented survey was to determinate the awareness about the importance and availability of prevention, preventive care and voluntary vaccination among the adult population. Methods. Between January and September 2013 the clients of vaccination facilities aged ≥ 50 years were asked to fill a questionnaire with 19 questions...
Japanese encephalitis (JE) is an infectious disease caused by a virus transmitted by hematophagous arthropods. JE, together with California encephalitis, Saint Louis encephalitis, tick-borne encephalitis is serious disease affecting the nervous system. After the introduction of universal vaccination against polio, JE is according to WHO (World Heal...
Pneumococcal diseases are one of the most common causes of death from among vaccine preventable diseases. During the last 5 years, age-specific morbidity and lethality are the highest in adults of 65 years of age and older in our country. The most threatened groups are the elderly and risk patients regardless of their age. There are two types of va...
Elimination of measles is one of the basic priorities of the World Health Organization in terms of action against preventable infectious diseases. Thanks to implementation of measles vaccination the incidence of measles significantly decreased worldwide as well as in Europe. Despite of improvement the epidemics of measles developed in recent years...
The epidemiology of selected sexually transmitted diseases in the Czech Republic has been carefully evaluated for many years. Data from 1981-2011 for eastern Bohemia shows a sharp decrease in the incidence of gonorrhea in 1993-1994 and a very low incidence thereafter with a slightly higher prevalence in males. However, syphilis and genitourinary in...
The genetic diversity and epidemiology of VZV results from an interplay of the geographic area, climate conditions, and population factors. Studies of the genetic diversity of VZV can have direct implications for both the epidemiological and evolutionary analyses and identification of the genetic correlates of VZV pathogenicity or resistance to ant...
An important development in the field of adult pneumococcal vaccination since the last Consensus Statement, published by the Expert Panel of Central and Eastern Europe and Israel (the Region) in September 2012, was the licensure of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) for adults aged 50 years and older.
The Expert Panel has develope...
Background. An adjuvanted varicella-zoster virus glycoprotein E (gE) subunit vaccine candidate for herpes zoster is in development. In this trial we compared the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of the vaccine antigen combined with different adjuvant doses.
Methods. This was a phase II, observer-blind, randomized, multinational study. Adu...
Each year, rotavirus (RV) infection is the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis requiring hospitalisation and of nosocomially transmitted diseases in children younger than 5 years across Central European Vaccination Awareness Group (CEVAG) countries; however, inadequate surveillance systems and lack of routine RV testing still exist in most CEVAG...
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a viral neurological zoonotic disease transmitted to humans by ticks or by consumption of unpasteurized dairy products from infected cows, goats, or sheep. TBE is highly endemic in areas of Central and Eastern Europe and Russia where it is a major public health concern. However, it is difficult to diagnose TBE as cl...