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Publications (95)
"The use of local toponyms is common practice in the scientific description of new species. In a historical perspective of palaeontological taxonomy, this use of toponyms substantially enriches the existing nomenclature and allows for a more effective geographical contextualization. Since the mid-XIX century, many naturalists have visited the Azore...
The Portuguese maritime epopee was one of the main historical facts
of European Renaissance, enhancing the geographic discovery of the
World, with its diversity of exotic cultures and natural environments. After
being discovered during the XV century, the Atlantic CPLP (Community of
Portuguese Language Countries) islands soon provided the first con...
The use of local toponyms is common practice in the scientific description of new species. In a historical perspective of palaeontological taxonomy, this use of toponyms substantially enriches the existing nomenclature and allows for a more effective geographical contextualization. Since the mid-XIX century, many naturalists have visited the Azores...
Iniciou a carreira docente na Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa mas pouco depois foi transferido para a UNL, onde foi um dos membros iniciais do DCT/FCT. Aqui, doutorouse em Geologia (Estratigrafia e Paleobiologia) e terminou a carreira como Professor Catedrático e Presidente do DCT. Foi um especialista da estratigrafia do Miocénico das bacias do Tej...
Inúmeras denominações têm servido na língua portuguesa, desde há mais de sessenta anos, para designar a bacia sedimentar de tipo atlântico, formada entre o Triásico Superior e o final do Cretácico Inferior, localizada na parte central da margem ocidental ibérica e associada aos episódios iniciais de fragmentação da Pangea, que levaram à abertura do...
The Peniche Peninsula shows the most continuous carbonate sedimentary succession of the Jurassic in Portugal. In this paper, supported by several important scientific arguments from the different domains of Sedimentary Geology, we highlight this locality as a focal point to understand the Early Jurassic time interval. Among several other themes we...
Clarifica-se o conceito geológico (estratigráfico) de estratótipo global e evidenciam-se dificuldades e incoerências na tentativa de aplicação ao "Antropoceno".
Dactylioceras (Eodactylites). The Pliensbachian/ Toarcian boundary (PLB/TOA) is contained in a continuous section forming over 450m of carbonate-rich sediments. Tectonics, syn-sedimentary disturbance, metamorphism or significant diagenesis do not significantly affect this area. At the PLB/TOA, no vertical facies changes, stratigraphical gaps or hia...
No decurso da 4ª edição do Mestrado em Paleontologia (NOVA, UÉ), a Comissão de Curso, o Departamento de Ciências da Terra da FCT-NOVA e o Departamento de Geociências da ECT-Universidade de Évora, entenderam oportuno promover o Simpósio NOVAPALEO 2016, a realizar nos dias 13 e 14 de maio de 2016, com o intuito de reunir jovens investigadores em Pale...
In the present paper we describe the distribution of brachiopods in the proposed Toarcian GSSP (Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point) at Peniche. We differentiated four assemblages in the stratigraphic interval from the upper Emaciatum Zone of the Pliensbachian to the Levisoni Zone of the Toarcian. Assemblage 1 clearly presents Northwestern...
As the evolution of one Wilson Cycle spans over some hundreds of millions years, it is impossible to visualize its complete evolution. Thus, it is necessary to use examples from all over the world, which are considered to represent different stages of evolution from different Wilson cycles; the integration of these examples allows the understanding...
The link between the implementation of vineyards which produce the various wine grapes in protected geographical regions (the protected geographical indication is used as a description of an agricultural product or foodstuff whose production, processing or preparation takes place within the determined geographical area) and the geological and geogr...
In this paper, we present the general tectonic framework that conditioned the evolution of the Lusitanian Basin during the Jurassic, when most of the filling of the basin was accumulated. The rifting episodes and the evolution of the basin’s geometry are presented and their close relationship with the main basinwide unconformities is discussed. The...
In this paper we present the first palaeogeographical maps of the Lusitanian Basin during the Jurassic. We also present the methodology used to produce these maps and discuss the close relationship of the temporal and spatial distributions of facies with the sequence of tectonic events in the basin (already discussed in Part I of this study, this v...
Using the example of the upper Hauterivian in the Lusitanian Basin, we demonstrate a climatic control of cyclic variations in the biological, mineralogical, chemical, and magnetic markers in a lagoonal environment. In a lagoonal setting, variations in detrital supply, controlled by climate changes, modify the water turbidity. During humid climatic...
This paper (see also part II, this volume) intended to clarify the multiple proposals presented on the infilling models of the Lusitanian Basin, focusing in particular on the more complex sector: the central sector throughout the Oxfordian.
Thus, an integrated model of the lithostratigraphic units controlled by the chronostratigraphy of ammonite fa...
This paper (see also part I, Kullberg & Rocha, 2014) intended to clarify the proposals presented on the infilling models of the Lusitanian Basin, focusing in particular on the more complex sector and time interval, in this case the central sector throughout the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian.
Thus, an integrated model of the lithostratigraphic units contro...
Since the nineteenth century new taxa of invertebrates (32), one vertebrate and one fossil plant have been defined, using toponyms from Mozambique. Besides the toponym Mozambique itself, the most used for specific names, fourteen others were used. The establishment of some of these taxa, some of which have been forgotten by the geological literatur...
As the evolution of one Wilson Cycle spans over somehundreds of millions years, it is impossible to visualize its completeevolution. Thus, it is necessary to use examples from all over theworld, which are considered to represent different stages of evolutionfrom different Wilson cycles; the integration of these examplesallows the understanding of t...
The link between the implementation of vineyards which produce the various wine grapes in protected geographical regions (the protected geographical indication is used as a description of an agricultural product or foodstuff whose production, processing or preparation takes place within the determined geographical area) and the geological and geogr...
This paper (see also part II, this volume) intended to clarify the multiple proposals presented on the infilling models of the Lusitanian Basin, focusing in particular on the more complex sector: the central sector throughout the Oxfordian. Thus, an integrated model of the lithostratigraphic units controlled by the chronostratigraphy of ammonite fa...
Since the nineteenth century new taxa of invertebrates (32), one vertebrate and one fossil plant have been defined, using toponyms from Mozambique. Besides the toponym Mozambique itself, the most used for specific names, fourteen others were used. The establishment of some of these taxa, some of which have been forgotten by the geological literatur...
The 1st International Congress on Stratigraphy (STRATI 2013), hold in Lisbon, 1–7 July 2013, follows the decision to internationalize the conferences previously organized by the French Committee of Stratigraphy (STRATI), the last one of which was held in Paris in 2010. Thus, the congress possesses both the momentum gained from an established confer...
The International Congress on Stratigraphy – STRATI 2013 follows the decision to internationalize the STRATI conferences previously organized by the French Committee of Stratigraphy, the last one of which was held in Paris in 2010. Thus, the Congress possesses both the momentum gained from an established conference event and the excitement of being...
The lowermost Portuguese Pliensbachian is characterized by the association of Apoderoceras dunrobinense Spath, Tragophylloceras numismale (Quenstedt) and Vicininodiceras aff. mouterdei Donovan. This ammonite fauna indicates the lower part of the Jamesoni Chronozone (lower to middle Taylori Subchronozone). Thanks to the numerous specimens collected,...
At the beginning of the Alpine cycle, the breakup of Pangea lead to the early stages of the North Atlantic opening. In the western Iberian sector of the European margin, the Lusitanian basin starts to evolve bordered eastwards by inherited reliefs from the late episodes of the Variscan orogeny. The base unit, the Silves Group, considered not earlie...
An integrated analysis of the Hauterivian shallow-marine carbonates from the western margin of the Lusitanian
Basin (Portugal) allows us to assess the paleoenvironmental significance of variations of biological, mineralogical,
chemical and magnetic markers in a lagoonal environment. The Guincho section is characterized by nine facies
included in di...
A review of the Pliensbachian ammonite faunas of the Algarve Basin is given covering their taxonomy, stratigraphy and palaeobiogeography
(palaeobiodiversity). This review is based on both an extensive revision of the previously collected and/or published material
and on new finds precisely located within the ammonite succession. This new material a...
This work synthesizes all of the observations since the late nineteenth century of the highly endemic Late Sinemurian (Obtusum Chronozone) ammonite faunas of the Lusitanian Basin. It is based mainly on recent abundant collections from the Penedo da Saudade section near São Pedro de Muel (Leiria, Portugal). This rich material (some eight species and...
Carta Geológica de Portugal na escala de 1:50 000. Notícia explicativa da folha 19A – Cantanhede
Paul Léon Choffat nasceu e foi baptizado em Porrentruy (Suíça) no dia 14 de Março de1849, sendo o quarto e último filho de Henri Joseph Choffat (1797-1869) e de Marie Anne Jeanne Baptiste Béchaux (1812-1881), família oriunda de Lobschez, na região de Soubey (Jura bernois); faleceu em Lisboa na madrugada de 6 de Junho de 1919. Paradigma de excelênci...
This work refers to the development of modelling tools to create Ammonite shells in order to produce animated models for scientific dissemination and didactic purposes.
In the approach here proposed we assume that the growth of those shells from an initial stage – the protoconch – can be interpreted as a succession of revolutions in turn of a centr...
Since the XIX century, Portuguese and foreign geologists have defined 47 new invertebrate taxa (foraminifera, ostracods, coelenterates, brachiopods, gastropods, ammonoids, echinoids), 2 new fossil plant taxa (charophyte and pteridophyte) and 1 ichnofossil, using toponymy from the Algarve; these taxa refer to 1 genera, 47 species and 2 varieties.
A Bacia Lusitaniana1 é uma bacia sedimentar que se desenvolveu na Margem Ocidental Ibérica (MOI2) durante parte do Mesozóico, e a sua dinâmica enquadra-se no contexto da fragmentação da Pangeia, mais especificamente da abertura do Atlântico Norte. Caracteriza-se como uma bacia distensiva, pertencente a uma margem continental do tipo atlântico de ri...
This paper studies the very first Lusitanian ammonites. These late Sinemurian (Obtusum Zone) forms are found in two distinctly marly layers within the mainly calcareous "Coimbra Beds s.s." which crop out north of São Pedro de Muel (Portugal). These ammonites are endemic taxa belonging to the groups Ptycharietites ptychogenos (Pompeckj) and Ptychari...
Evidence for three short-lived compressive episodes of late Carixian, late Callovian-early Oxfordian, and Tithonian-Berriasian ages that lasted <5 m.yr. and occurred during the process of rifting of the Algarve Basin is presented. These tectonic-inversion episodes are described at outcrop and cartographic scales and have been dated with the accurac...
Flat-pebble conglomerates have been identified in the Lower Toarcian (Levisoni Zone) carbonates of the Sesimbra region (30 km south of Lisboa, Portugal) and related to submarine mass movements. Their origin is explained through a three-stage model based on the comparative analysis of potential generating mechanisms taking into account timing and ty...
The treatment by multivariate analyses of the list of Foraminifera identified in 10 sections of Domorian series in the Aquitaine and Lusitanian Basins shows a palaeogeographic gradient in relation to warmer waters from northern Quercy to Portugal. This change in space is associated with a change in time that corresponds to a cooling in two climatic...
Les travaux faits sur le terrain et les interprétations cartographiques de ces dernières années, montrant la pertinence des observations de Paul Choffat au siècle dernier, permettent de préciser l'échelle stratigraphique et de mieux distinguer les phases de l'histoire tectonique de la structure de Serra de EI-Rei.
En attendant la publication d'une...
The zonal scheme proposed in 1971, mainly for the french sequences, is slighthy modified in order to improve thecorrelations: 1, inside the NW european province, where several charts have been proposed, which were based on different ammonites-groups; 2, with the Western Tethys. A new “Fluitans” Subzone is introduced to avoid the confusions which ha...
The units of the Upper Jurassic of the Alcobaça region «Camadas com Pholadomya protei», «Camadas de Alcobaça» and «Grés Superiores») were originally defined by P. Choffat, having all posterior works of other authors been based on the ages admitted by him.
The reference to the existence of ammonoids, collected in sections executed on the «Camadas de...
Geologic Map of Portugal at 1/500 000 scale; Sheet North and Sheet South
Aalenian-Bajocian limit beds of Cape Mondego have been the subject of recent revision. Lower Bajocian ancient and recent material had provided the recognition of four zones and a few subzones. Aalenian-Bajocian limit beds are relatively rich in Graphoceratids. In order to establish Concavum-Discites biozones limit we have used the presence of the m...
A revision on Aalenian-Bajocian limit of Cape Mondego section has provided a very important collection which includes new forms of Zurcheria genus belonging to basal Discites zone. Preliminary paleontological study has allowed the distinction of two groups. First group includes two new species associated with Z. ubaldi DOUV. type species. Second gr...