Roger PyddokeSwedish National Road and Transport Research Institute | VTI · Transport economics unit
Roger Pyddoke
Fil. Lic.
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Research interests: welfare optimal policy instruments for car use and public transport, procurement and contracting, cost benefit analysis, infrastructure planning, governance and public administrator behavior in public administration.
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May 2005 - present
Publications (59)
Cities around the world contemplate how the transports of the city can be greened by shifting passenger transport demand from private car to more sustainable modes. Car users in cities frequently do not fully pay for the externalities (for example congestion, delays, accidents, noise, and air pollution) they cause other car users and citizens. This...
Theoretical work on auctions has shown conceptual benefits of awarding contracts
to the bidder offering the best combination of price and quality, rather than the lowest bidder. Correspondingly, EU policy on public procurement promotes such multi-criteria bid evaluation, which is already common in Europe. However, very few empirical studies have ex...
Under de senaste tio åren har antalet elfordon, dvs. laddbara bilar, i Sverige ökat dramatiskt och utgör nu 10 procent av den totala personbilsparken. Detta är i linje med målet att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser från inrikes transporter med minst 70 procent till 2030 jämfört med 2010. Regeringen har betonat vikten av att bygga ut laddinfrastrukt...
The EU is currently promoting sustainable mobility in its cities. This promotion can take the form of subsidies for cycling and public-transport infrastructure. This paper compares existing Swedish policy instruments for promoting more sustainable transport: government subsidies to infrastructure for sustainable modes in the form of city environmen...
Collaborative contracting between public transport authorities (PTAs) and bus operators has been presented as a successful method for reaching public transport policy goals. This paper examines management processes and outcome data, asking whether this management approach, incorporating more far-reaching collaborative elements, is associated with h...
Collaborative contracting between public transport authorities (PTAs) and bus operators
has been presented as a successful method for reaching public transport policy goals. This paper examines management processes and outcome data, asking whether this
management approach, incorporating more far-reaching collaborative elements, is
associated wit...
This paper evaluates the impact of different sets of distributional weights on optimal bus fares and frequencies in the small Swedish city of Uppsala, with a two-way public transport demand per bus line of 200 pax/h in peak and 100 pax/h in off-peak. One result is that, compared with the welfareoptimal scenario without distributional weights, incre...
This is the report of a part of a government assignment (I2021 / 02212) on how electrification of road transport can be accelerated economically efficient. VTI’s work has consisted of compiling investigations and research.
The most important conclusions are the following: The expansion of charging infrastructure may need to be accelerated. This sho...
Få offentliga investeringar i stora IT system underkastas en samhällsekonomisk analys. När en statlig
expertgrupp som studerade beredning av IT-investeringar i statsförvaltningen rapporterade sitt
slutbetänkande nämndes inte möjligheten att göra sådana analyser (SOU 2018:72). Denna studie
analyserar i vilken utsträckning utredningarna som föregått...
We analyze the distributional effects, from car use and car choice adaptation to three car-related policy instruments intended to reduce CO2 emissions in Sweden to 2030: fossil-fuel taxes, a bonus-malus system for new cars, and mandated biofuel blending. The results show that even with a fast introduction of plug-in electric vehicles, many fossil c...
Studies of cities that have successfully shifted demand from cars to more sustainable modes suggest that coordinated packages of mutually reinforcing policy instruments are needed. Congestion charges and parking fees can be important parts of such packages. This paper examines the introduction of welfare-optimal congestion charges and parking fees...
Working paper available at:
The standard public procurement approach has been to award contracts to the lowest bidder meeting the requirements. In the EU, another award mechanism is almost as common and, moreover, is being promoted, i.e. awarding contracts to the best combination of price...
Available at
Recently several papers have analyzed optimal supply of public transport in the sense of optimal prices, frequencies, bus sizes, spacing of bus stops for a public transport authority facing a certain static demand for trips. This paper is motivated by the observation that demand for b...
This paper studies penalty design for cancellations and delays for bus contracts in two Swedish regions, Stockholm and Skåne. In these regions regional public transport authorities are responsible for the procurement. The paper reports findings on how the designs of the incentives are motivated, how the performance monitoring is managed, and the co...
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Denna Outreach-rapport sammanfattar resultat från K2 projektet Incitament och utvärdering
för en förbättrad kollektivtrafik, som gav resultat om effekter av tilldelningskriterier och
avtalsvillkor. Rapporten sammanfattar också valda b...
Crowding in public transportation is increasingly perceived as a problem in large cities. Public transport authorities strive to develop policies that manage demand and reduce crowding in the best way. This paper reviews studies of policy instruments aimed at crowding and demand management of public transportation, mainly quantitative studies. The...
This paper evaluates the welfare effects of optimizing bus service fares and frequencies in small cities by modeling street congestion and crowding in public transport vehicles. The model is calibrated to the Swedish city of Uppsala. A simple demand model is used. Sensitivity analyses suggest that this is sufficient for representing important welfa...
Over the years, passenger incentives have increasingly been used in Swedish public bus transport to increase ridership by introducing passenger incentive contracts. In 2015, half of all active contracts were of this type. In those contracts, operator revenue comprises production-related revenue and a per-passenger–based incentive payment. Using ric...
We analyze the long-term effects on the car fleet and welfare distribution of three car-related policy instruments intended to reduce CO2 emissions: increased fossil-fuel taxes, an intensified bonus-malus system for new cars, and increased mandated biofuel blending. The effects on the car fleet are analyzed in terms of energy source, weight, and CO...
Studies of cities which successfully have shifted mode choice from car to more sustainable modes, suggest that coordinated packages of mutually reinforcing policy instruments are needed. Congestion charges and parking fees can be important parts of such packages. This paper aims to examine the introduction of welfare optimal congestion charges and...
Swedish public transport authorities emphasize that quality of service and customer
satisfaction are important goals. For this purpose, tendered public transport contracts are
frequently given quality incentives in the form penalties for failure to deliver desired
quality. This paper studies penalty design for cancellations and delays, stated desig...
The two Nordic countries Norway and Sweden have launched governance regimes for the early phases of transport infrastructure investments after experiencing frequent cost overruns and low cost-benefit ratios. This study seeks to find out if these governance regimes have reduced the escalation of costs from early estimates to finalized projects and i...
There is scope for generating welfare effects by changing parking fees, where knowledge on price elasticities are central elements in the implementation of an efficient parking policy. The purpose of this paper is to estimate price elasticities of demand for five parking garages in the central business district of Stockholm, using transaction data...
Full working paper at:
Over the years, passenger incentives have increasingly been used in Swedish public bus transport to increase ridership by introducing passenger incentive contracts. In those contracts, operator revenue comprises productio...
The Swedish Public Transport Association has adopted recommendations on incentives for increased ridership in tendered contracts, though there is little evidence on how public transport contracts should be designed to reach this goal. This study begins amassing the needed evidence by analyzing the performance of four Stockholm Region bus contracts...
This paper evaluates welfare effects of optimization of fares and frequencies for bus services in small cities. The model used takes into account both congestion on streets and crowding in public transport vehicles, and is calibrated with data for the Swedish city of Uppsala. Four policies are evaluated: optimal fares with unchanged baseline freque...
We analyse distributional effects of four car-related tax instruments: an increase of the fuel tax, a new kilometre tax, an increased CO2-differentiated vehicle ownership tax, and a CO2-differentiated purchase tax on new cars. Distributional effects are analysed with respect to income, lifecycle category, and spatial dimensions. The analysed taxes...
Growing populations and car traffic in cities pose challenges to city planners in the form of increased congestion on roads and demand for parking, crowding in public transport and more car traffic and may also affect safety and comfort in infrastructure for cycling. Current Scandinavian transport planning models do not handle these factors and sol...
We analyse the impact of increased public transport supply on private car use using micro data on individuals from 17 mid-sized cities in Sweden. The data is obtained from Swedish administrative registers (tax and odometer), which exists for all Swedish adults and cars, and information of public transport supply, namely bus kilometres supplied. In...
We analyse distributional effects of four car-related tax instruments: an increase of the fuel tax, a new kilometre tax, an increased CO2-differentiated vehicle ownership tax, and a CO2-differentiated purchase tax on new cars. Distributional effects are analysed with respect to income, lifecycle category and several spatial dimensions. All the anal...
This paper compares two approaches for providing public transport: competitive tendering and targeted subsidies. The subsidy option means that commercial operators charge a fare, and are paid by the public sector principal both per passenger and per bus in service. This is the case since quality (the number of buses) would otherwise be sub-optimal....
Under de senaste två decennierna har både utbud av och resande med regionaltåg ökat väsentligt i Sverige. Konsekvenserna av dessa ökningar har hittills endast i begränsad utsträckning analyserats från samhällsekonomisk utgångspunkt.
Syftet med denna studie är att med hjälp av efterfrågesimuleringar analysera konsekvenserna av tänkta förändringar av...
The objective of this paper is to analyse how the use of privately owned cars in Sweden varies across a number of background parameters including fuel price, disposable income, car purchase cost index, children over 18, employment and the car owners’ distance to work. These factors are analysed separately for men and women, individuals living in ur...
The purpose of this study is to take stock of Swedish data and studies that could form the basis of the
estimation of marginal costs for congestion on roads and scarcity of railway capacity. Furthermore, the
development of methods to estimate and evaluate the congestion in public transport is discussed.
The Transport Administration’s investigation...
This paper studies household car ownership in urban and rural areas in Sweden using register data for all adult Swedes from 1999 to 2008. Data for individuals are linked to members of the same household, allowing us to estimate models of households. Multinomial ordered probit models for households' private car ownership in Sweden are estimated and...
The purpose of this paper is to describe Sweden's recent reforms to open the railway passenger markets to entry, and to address how the reforms have handled four critical issues for the success of the reforms: the allocation of infrastructure capacity; the provision of maintenance and terminal facilities; the access to rolling stock; and the provis...
The purpose of this paper is to describe Sweden's recent reforms to open the railway passenger markets to entry, and to address how the reforms have handled four critical issues for the success of the reforms: the allocation of infrastructure capacity; the provision of maintenance and terminal facilities; the access to rolling stock; and the provis...
The presence of distortive taxation and agglomeration benefits in the labour market means that there are benefits and losses not captured by standard cost-benefit analyses of transport policy measures. Recent theoretical analyses have raised concerns that the labour market effects of congestion charges may constitute considerable losses in the form...
The purpose of this paper is to describe Sweden’s recent reforms to open the railway passenger markets to entry, and to addresses four critical issues for the success of the reforms; the allocation of infrastructure capacity, the provision of maintenance and terminal facilities, the access to rolling stock and the provision of information and ticke...
Cost overrun of transport projects is one of the most important problems in transport planning. It also makes the result of the cost-benefit analyses uncertain, thus decreasing their usefulness for decision making. In recent years more emphasis has been put on improving cost calculations and reducing cost overruns, in Sweden and internationally. St...
Simulations of net cost contracts augmented with a subsidy per passenger for public transport bus operators in Sweden indicate that such contracts may shift the operators profit maximising price and frequency combination in a direction that yields an increased patronage. The calculations suggest that a subsidised increase in patronage is welfare im...
The purpose of this project is to examine if contracts where public transport operators as a part of their compensation receive ticket revenues (so called net contracts) give the operators stronger incentives to achieve the public transport authorities objectives´. The alternativ is gross contracts where operators hand over ticket revenues to the p...
Gross contracts appear to be the most common contract form for procured public transport in Sweden and elsewhere. This contract form, it has been argued, gives weak incentives for operators to deliver the desired quality level. Therefore many procuring public transport authorities amend contracts with quality incentives. This paper examines how suc...
We study tacit collusion by investigating experimentally the effect of explicit instructions on how to coordinate prices. We find: (i) no tacit collusion in triopoly markets even with explicit instructions on how to coordinate, and (ii) increased tacit collusion with explicit instructions in duopoly markets. The results suggest that there are addit...
Tacit cartels did not arise in experimental triopoly markets even with the help of detailed instructions to prospective cartel members on how to coordinate actions. In duopoly markets tacit cartels were successful, with winning bids and supporting "pass" bids increasing gradually. A simulated third bidder, entering whit known probability, prevented...
The purpose of this report is to assess the likelihood of expansion of supply from established or new operators in the Swedish passenger rail market, what may be hindrances to such developments and to analyze possible alternative measures to remove entry barriers or at least reduce their influence. Three major obstacles for expanded supply are iden...
Denna rapport analyserar Trafikverkets, Transportstyrelsens, Konkurrensverkets och Konsumentverkets aktiviteter med järnvägs- och kollektivtrafikmarknaderna under 2011. Vi finner inga indikationer på att företag av Trafikverket förfördelats i tilldelningen av järnvägskapacitet. Däremot kan vi konstatera underprissättning av kapacitet och bristande...
European railway regulation proceeds on the assumption that increased competition among railway operating companies will yield lower prices and better services for passengers. At the same time legislators are aware that insufficient provision of information on the supply of services and time consuming procedures for through ticket reservations may...