Roger ByrdSandia National Laboratories · Space Mission Program
Roger Byrd
Doctor of Philosophy
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September 1986 - August 2010
Publications (203)
A new monochromatic neutron-beam facility has been set up at the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, primarily for (n, p) reaction measurements at intermediate energies (100–200 MeV). Reported are the experimental layout of the facility and preliminary results of the first measurements: 6Li(n,p)6He cross sections at six angles ranging from Θcm =...
Countering clandestinely delivered nuclear and radiological threats requires a multielement, global, civil/military, system-of-systems approach. One important element is geographically layered, sensor-based detection of threat objects, including radiation detection systems. An effective defense against these threats should take advantage of the lat...
We describe an experimental flight validation payload for detecting atmospheric and space nuclear events with a planned launch date in 2004. The five detector subsystems in the payload employ 27 sensors including Si, CdZnTe, gas proportional counter tubes, photomultiplier tubes, channel electron multipliers, and photodiodes. Detection of events is...
We describe an experimental flight validation payload for detecting atmospheric and space nuclear events with a planned launch date in 2004. The five detector subsystems in the payload employ 27 sensors including Si, CdZnTe, gas proportional counter tubes, photomultiplier tubes, channel electron multipliers and photodiodes. Detection of events is b...
The energy spectrum of fast neutrons generated by interactions between galactic cosmic rays and the Mars Odyssey spacecraft during quiet interplanetary conditions is determined. It is given by Phin(En) = (0.071 +/- 0.0044) En-(0.28+/-0.055) cm-2 s-1 MeV-1 for energies between 0.7 and 6 MeV. The estimated ratio of this component of spacecraft neutro...
Neutron detection and multiplicity counting has been investigated using a boron-loaded plastic scintillator/bismuth germanate phoswich detector array. The boron-loaded plastic combines neutron moderation (H) and detection (10B) at the molecular level, thereby physically coupling increasing detection efficiency and decreasing die-away time with dete...
The excitation energy, spin and parity of levels in 13C have been determined for excitation energies between 13 and 16 MeV via a phase-shift analysis of the measured total cross section, elastic differential cross section and analysing power for n+12C in the neutron energy range from 8.9 to 12.0 MeV. New analysing power measurements are reported fo...
An array of boron-loaded plastic optically coupled to bismuth germanate scintillators has been developed to detect neutrons for measurement of special nuclear materials. The phoswiched detection system has the advantage of a high neutron detection efficiency and short die-away time. This is achieved by mixing the moderator (plastic) and the detecto...
A neutron facility for the study of (n,p) reactions was set up at the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility. The neutrons were produced by the reaction 7Li(p,n)7Be. The energy spread of the neutron beam is dominated by the thickness of the 7Li production target. At the (n,p) target the collimated neutron-beam intensity is about 105 n/s/cm2 for a 1...
Monte Carlo simulations were carried out to simulate the response of a boron-loaded plastic scintillator array. These detectors offer potential advantages compared to moderated 3He systems because of their fast response and high efficiency. Tallies were made of neutron capture probability as a function of time and the results were coupled to assay...
Cross sections at six angles between 0° and 19° in the center-of-mass system have been measured for the ground-state transition in the reaction ¹³C({ital n},{ital p})¹³B at {ital E}{sub {ital n}}=118 MeV. The 0° cross section gives a value of 186±25 MeVfm³ for the volume integral of the spin-isospin component of the central part of the eff...
Instruments designed to record high-intensity gamma-ray flashes must have fast time response, wide dynamic range, and good rejection of photon backgrounds at lower energies. In principle, plastic scintillators can easily provide the necessary time response and dynamic range; like other photon detectors, however, they must be carefully shielded to r...
Procedures used for, and results of, a calibration of the combined anticoincidence shield and neutron detector (A/C-N subsystem) of the Mars Observer Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (MOGRS) are reported. Pulsed energy-dispersed neutrons were generated by directing a chopped deuterium beam from the Los Alamos Van De Graaff accelerator onto a thick Be target...
Double differential cross sections and analyzing powers over the quasielastic region have been measured using the (p→,n) reaction on 12C and natPb. The data were obtained at proton energies of 495 and 795 MeV and cover momentum transfers from 1.0–2.1 fm-1 at 495 MeV data and from 0.0–3.5 fm-1 at 795 MeV. The cross section data are compared to resul...
Complete sets of polarization transfer coefficients have been measured for quasifree (p⃗,n⃗) scattering from 2H, 12C, and 40Ca at 494 MeV and scattering angles of 12.5°, 18°, and 27° (q=1.2, 1.7, 2.5 fm-1). These measurements yield separated transverse (σ×q) and longitudinal (σ·q) isovector spin responses. Comparison of the separated responses to c...
Measurements of the differential cross section for the 16O(p,n)16F and 18O(p,n)18F reactions are made at θlab= 0°, 1°, 2°, 3°, 4°, 6°, and 8° with a bombardment energy of 494 MeV. Multipole decomposition methods based on the measured angular distributions are used to extract ΔL=0, ΔL=1, and ΔL=2 contributions to the cross sections. The summed Gamow...
Measurements of the gamma-ray and neutron distributions produced by cosmic-ray bombardment of planetary surfaces can provide important information about water content and near-surface elemental compositions. Accurate interpretation of such measurements depends heavily on comparisons with radiation-transport calculations, which involve not only the...
Although penetrating neutron and gamma-ray emissions arguably provide the most effective signals for locating sources of nuclear radiation, their relatively low fluxes make searching for radioactive materials a tedious process. Even assuming lightly shielded sources and detectors with large areas and high efficiencies, estimated counting times can...
The polarization transfer observable DLL(0°) has been measured for 2H(p-->,n-->)2p, 12C(p-->,n-->)12N, and 14C(p-->,n-->)14N reactions with beam energies of 318 and 494 MeV. The deuterium results are in close agreement with free NN scattering constrained to the DeltaJpi=1+ channel. The results for the carbon targets, however, are systematically mor...
Differential (p,xn) cross sections were measured at emission angles of 30, 60, 120, and 150 deg for the 597-MeV proton bombardment of thin targets of elemental beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, aluminum, iron, lead, and depleted uranium. Time-of-flight techniques were used to determine the neutron energy spectrum and to identify and discr...
Double differential cross sections were measured for neutron emission induced by 256 MeV and 800 MeV protons incident on Li, Al, Zr, and Pb targets. The experimental spectra obtained are almost exclusively attributable to a preequilibrium emission mechanism and are compared to predictions made by several preequilibrium reaction models. The intranuc...
A complete set of polarization-transfer observables has been measured for quasifree (p→,n→) reactions on 2H, 12C, and 40Ca at a bombarding energy of 495 MeV and a laboratory scattering angle of 18°. The data span an energy-loss range from 0 to 160 MeV, with a corresponding momentum transfer range of qc.m.=1.7–1.9 fm-1. The laboratory observables ar...
We review the current status of the Los Alamos program to develop a neutron spectrometer for the Lunar Scout-1 mission, which is the first of two such missions to obtain global compositional, gravity, topography, and image maps of the lunar surface during nominal one-year missions. The neutron spectrometer will measure fast and slow (epithermal and...
Los Alamos has designed gamma ray and neutron spectrometers for Lunar Scout, two robotic missions to map the Moon from 100 km polar orbits. Knowledge of the elemental composition is desirable in identifying resources and for geochemical studies and can be obtained using gamma ray and neutron spectrometers. Measurements with gamma ray and neutron sp...
Because neutrons are uncharged, neutron detectors must usually employ massive shielding in order to provide narrow angular resolution or to reduce the effect of backgrounds incident from different directions. If a detector is divided into multiple elements, the differences in count rate between different segments can indicate the direction of the i...
Although the number of warheads on a missile can be determined relatively simply by a scan of the emitted gamma radiation, this approach may be considered too intrusive because of the possibility that high-resolution energy or position measurements may reveal warhead design information. information. Neutron spectra are nearly featureless, and obtai...
Differential (p,xn) cross sections are measured for 800-MeV protons incident on thin targets of depleted uranium and of natural beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, aluminum, iron, cadmium, tungsten, and lead. Measurements for neutron energies from 0.3 to 800 MeV are made at angles of30, 60, 120, and 150 deg. Time-of-flight techniques are us...
We report the results of a precise test of charge symmetry in the scattering of polarized neutrons from polarized protons at a laboratory bombarding energy of 183 MeV. The observable sensitive to charge symmetry is the difference between the analyzing powers associated with the neutron spin [An(θ)] and with the proton spin [Ap(θ)]. Systematic error...
Results from a complete set of polarization-transfer observables for quasifree (p→,n→) scattering at 495 MeV are reported. Measurements were carried out on CD2, carbon, and calcium targets at a laboratory scattering angle of 18° using the new neutron time-of-flight facility at LAMPF. The ratio of spin-longitudinal to spin-transverse responses at a...
Large, multi-element scintillation detectors are increasingly being used in neutron experiments, particularly at medium energies, to provide the coincidence requirements needed for kinematic constraints and background rejection. These arrays involve specialized techniques for event processing and calibration, and their development has created the n...
The neutron defection efficiency of a cylindrical (5.08 cm diameter by 5.08 cm long) BC418 detector has been measured for neutrons at 780 MeV, using the time-of-flight technique to identify the transitions to the ground and first excited states in the 7Li(p, n01)7Be reaction at 0°. For energies between 135 and 800 MeV, an energy-dependent efficienc...
By adapting routines from existing simulation programs for the interaction of neutrons and gammas with organic scintillators, a code has been produced to calculate the response of multi-element detectors to neutrons below 200 MeV and gammas below 10 MeV. The approach for the gamma calculations is similar to the macroscopic model used for neutron in...
One of the early Space Exploration Initiatives will be a lunar orbiter to map the elemental composition of the Moon. This mission will support further lunar exploration and habitation and will provide a valuable dataset for understanding lunar geological processes. The proposed payload will consist of the gamma ray and neutron spectrometers which a...
Some elements in the Moon can be resources, such as hydrogen and oxygen. Other elements, like Ti or the minerals in which they occur, such as ilmenite, could be used in processing lunar materials. Certain elements can also be used as tracers for other elements or lunar processes, such as hydrogen for mature regoliths with other solar-wind-implanted...
Interactions of neutrons in a prototype of the Compton imaging telescope
(COMPTEL) gamma ray detector for the Gamma Ray Observatory were studied
to determine COMPTEL's sensitivity as a neutron telescope and to
estimate the gamma ray background resulting from neutron interactions.
The IUCF provided a pulsed neutron beam at five different energies
The imaging Compton telescope COMPTEL on the Gamma Ray Observatory has unusual spectroscopic capabilities for measuring solar gamma-ray and neutron emissions. Flares can be observed above the 800 keV gamma-ray threshold of the telescope. The telescope energy range extends to 30 MeV with high time resolution burst spectra available from 0.1 to 10 Me...
In the context of ``Charge Symmetry Tests'', we report final results from an n-p scattering experiment completed at IUCF providing definitive evidence for charge-symmetry-breaking (CSB) in the strong interaction. Our results are well described by meson-exchange calculations which include rho-omega mixing in addition to the n-p mass difference effec...
In this paper, differential (p,xn) cross sections are measured for 800-MeV protons incident on thin targets of depleted uranium and of natural beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, aluminum, iron, cadmium, tungsten, and lead. Measurements for neutron energies from 0.3 to 800 MeV are made at angles of 30, 60, 120, and 150 deg. Time-of-flight t...
The radiation emitted by weapons based entirely on highly enriched uranium can often be easily shielded. Verification of a treaty that limits the number of such weapons may require an active technique, such as interrogating the suspect assembly with an external neutron source and measuring the number of fission neutrons produced. Difficulties inclu...
In this paper a detector design that is capable of finding the image of neutron sources within a nuclear missile is discussed. The method involves the double scatter of a neutron in an array of organic scintillator elements and the partial reconstruction of the incident neutron direction vector from the information the array provides. The Monte Car...
Laboratory and space tests of a fast-neutron spectrometer that uses a new borated plastic scintillator are described. The sensor is composed of four close-packed rods of plastic scintillator loaded with 5 mass% of natural boron. Each rod is 7.6 cm in diameter and 20.3 cm long; the total package has a maximum sensitive area of 380 cm2, weighs 18.2 k...
This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-9314783
Differential cross sections and analyzing powers for neutron elastic scattering from {sup 93}Nb have been measured at energies from 8 to 17 MeV using pulsed-beam time-of-flight methods. These data plus total cross-section data from 1 to 20 MeV are interpreted in terms of the spherical optical model. Several sets of optical potential parameters with...
Cross sections and analyzing powers have been measured for 12C(p, n) at 494 MeV and 795 MeV and for Pb(p, n) at 795 MeV. The data span an energy loss range of at least 200 MeV, vhich is sufficient to clearly reveal the large peak associated with quasifree neutron knockout. The kinematics, cross section and analyzing power for this peak are compared...
ABSTRACT: Measurements of the spin dependence of {ital n}-{ital p} elastic scatteing at {ital E}{sub {ital n}}=183 MeV have been carried out with polarized neutrons and polarized protons. If charge symmetry holds, the two analyzing powers {ital A}{sub {ital n}} and {ital A}{sub {ital p}} must be equal. The measured value of Î{ital A}=={ital A}{sub...
We compare angular distributions calculated by folding nucleon- nucleon scattering kernels, using the theory of Feshbach, Kerman and Koonin, and the systematics of Kalbach, with a wide range of data. The data range from (n,xn) at 14 MeV incident energy to (p,xn) at 160 MeV incident energy. The FKK theory works well with one adjustable parameter, th...
La dépendance en fonction du spin des asymétries gauche-droite a été mesurée sur une grande région angulaire (60° c.m.) dans la diffusion élastique de neutrons polarisés sur des protons polarisés. La symétrie de charge exige que les pouvoirs d'analyses proton et neutron doivent être égaux. Nos résultats préliminaires pour leur différence ΔA(Θ) = An...
Nous avons mesuré des pouvoirs d'analyse et le coefficient de corrélation de spin CNN de la diffusion élastique n-p et p-p près de l'énergie 180 MeV. En outre, nous avons fait un programme expérimental pour fixer avec précision la normalisation absolue des données. On décrit les expériences et on présente les résultats préliminaires en comparaison...
Zero-degree cross sections have been measured for the 11B(p,n)11C reaction at bombarding energies of Ep=160, 200, 494, 644, and 795 MeV. In addition, spectra have been obtained at laboratory scattering angles of 3° and 5° at 494 MeV, and the transverse spin-flip probability at zero degrees has been measured for Ep=160 MeV. These data are used to ob...
Cross sections at 0° for the pure Fermi (0+, 2.31, MeV) and Gamow-Teller (1+, 3.95 MeV) states in the 14C(p,n)14N reaction have been measured at Ep=494, 644, and 795 MeV using the LAMPF neutron time-of-flight facility with a new 617-m neutron flight path. The measured cross sections per unit transition strength, σ^, provide a measure of the isovect...
Differential-cross-section distributions for the 7Li(p,n)7Be(g.s.+0.43-MeV) reaction have been measured for Ep=80, 120, 160, 200, 494, 644, and 795 MeV. These distributions have been integrated and normalized to independent values for the total cross section obtained from parametrizations of 7Li(p,n) activation measurements. Zero-degree cross secti...
We address the problem of detection of fast neutrons at energies of 5–30 MeV in the presence of strong backgrounds of low-energy neutrons and gammas. In an organic scintillator, the neutrons are detected mainly as recoil protons from n-p scattering; the gammas produce electrons primarily by Compton scattering. The recoil protons and electrons can b...
The spectral continua ${\mathit{E}}_{\mathit{n}}$$\ge${}30 MeV of neutrons from the reactions $^{27}\mathrm{Al}$, $^{90}\mathrm{Zr}$, $^{208}\mathrm{Pb}$(p,xn) have been measured for ${\mathit{E}}_{\mathit{p}}$=120 and 160 MeV and angles 0\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}$\le${}$\theta${}$\le${}145\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}. Angular dist...
Differential-cross-section distributions for the {sup 7}Li({ital p},{ital n}){sup 7}Be(g.s.+0.43-MeV) reaction have been measured for {ital E}{sub {ital p}}=80, 120, 160, 200, 494, 644, and 795 MeV. These distributions have been integrated and normalized to independent values for the total cross section obtained from parametrizations of {sup 7}Li({...
We describe the simulation of a new concept for a neutron detector system involving polyethylene radiators and multiwire proportional detectors which detect protons produced by neutron interactions in the radiators. The detector system is relatively insensitive to gamma radiation as long as the individual proportional counters maintain their stabil...
Measurements of the spin-dependent left-right asymmetries for n-p elastic scattering at En = 183 MeV have been obtained by scattering polarized neutrons from polarized protons. If charge symmetry holds in the n-p system, the two analyzing powers An and Ap must be equal. Our preliminary experimental result for the average value of An−Ap in the range...
Zero-degree cross sections have been measured for the ¹¹B({ital p},{ital n})¹¹C reaction at bombarding energies of {ital E}{sub {ital p}}=160, 200, 494, 644, and 795 MeV. In addition, spectra have been obtained at laboratory scattering angles of 3° and 5° at 494 MeV, and the transverse spin-flip probability at zero degrees has been measured f...
The neutron detection efficiency of a cylindrical (5.08 cm diameter by 5.08 cm deep) BC418 detector has been measured for monoenergetic neutrons of 30, 55, 90, 140, and 200 MeV, using the time-of-flight technique to identify the ground-state plus first-excited-state transition in the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction at 0°. A comparison with standard Monte Carl...
This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 87-14406
This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-9314783
A detector with the ability to determine both the angle of incidence and the energy of neutrons or gammas is described. It has moderate spatial resolution, good timing resolution, large acceptance, and reasonable detection efficiency. The detector may be operated either with a neutron or gamma generator or in a stand-alone mode with a radioactive s...
The tensor analyzing power Ayy(θ), vector analyzing power Ay(θ), and cross section σ(θ) of the 2H(d→,γ)4He reaction have been measured for the angular range of 55°–149° in the center of mass system at an incident deuteron energy of 95 MeV. The reaction is dominated by the 〈1D2‖E2‖1S0〉 transition involving the S-state component of 4He, as indicated...
Zero-degree (p,n) cross sections, measured with approximately 1-MeV energy resolution at Ep=492 MeV, are reported for 7Li, 11B, and 12,13,14C. Measurements for 11B(p,n) and 13C(p,n) were also obtained at 590 MeV. The cross sections for Gamow-Teller and Fermi type transitions are used to estimate the strengths of the isovector spin-dependent (Jστ) a...
An adaptation of the Monte Carlo code of Stanton has been used to calculate the pulse-height spectra for monoenergetic neutrons incident on organic scintillators at energies 28 < En < 492 MeV. Pulse-height distributions calculated with the code are compared to recent experimental results to determine the relative importance of various reaction chan...
The tensor analyzing power A/sub y//sub y/(theta), vector analyzing power A/sub y/(theta), and cross section sigma(theta) of the /sup 2/H(d-italic-arrow-right,..gamma..)/sup 4/He reaction have been measured for the angular range of 55/sup 0/--149/sup 0/ in the center of mass system at an incident deuteron energy of 95 MeV. The reaction is dominated...
Differential cross sections for neutron elastic scattering and inelastic scattering to the first 2+ and 3- excited states have been measured at 10, 14, and 17 MeV for 120Sn and at 10 and 14 MeV for 116Sn. Analyzing powers have also been measured at 10 and 14 MeV for elastic scattering from both isotopes and at 10 MeV for inelastic scattering from 1...
The reactions /sup 90/Zr, /sup 208/Pb(p,xn) have been measured with 80.5 MeV protons in the neutron continuum E/sub n/>20 MeV and the angular range 0/sup 0/less than or equal tothetaless than or equal to145/sup 0/. Whereas the angle-integrated spectrum can be explained by semiclassical preequilibrium models, this nucleon-nucleon scattering approach...
The 7Li(p, n) reaction at 0° has been used to measure the response of single-element organic scintillators to monoenergetic neutron beams at five energies between 25 and 200 MeV. Zero-degree cross section data were also obtained for the 7Li(p, n) reaction for neutron energies down to 20 MeV. The scintillator response data agree within ±20% with dif...
Angular distributions of the analyzing power Ay(θ) have been measured for neutron elastic scattering and for neutron inelastic scattering to the first 21+ states of 54,56Fe and 58.60Ni at 10 MeV, and for 54Fe and 58Ni at 14 and 17 MeV. The differential cross sections σ(θ) for the same processes were measured at 17 MeV for 54Fe and 58Ni. These measu...
Measurements of the differential cross sections and analyzing powers have been made for 28Si(n,n0) and 28Si(n,n1) for incident neutron energies between 8 and 17 MeV. These data have been combined with previous differential and total cross-section data to obtain the most complete data set for neutron scattering from 28Si over the 8-40 MeV energy ran...
Cross sections at six angles from 0° out to 20° in the c.m. system have been measured for 1+-->0+ transition in the reaction 6Li(n,p)6He at En=118 MeV. The 0° cross section is in good agreement with measurements of the same quantity on 6Li(p,n)6Be at similar energies. The 0° (n,p) cross section gives a value of 161+/-17 MeV fm3 for the volume integ...
The response of organic scintillators to monoenergetic neutrons has been calculated using a Monte Carlo approach. The code TRACE is largely based on the well-tested code of Stanton, except that multi-element capabilities, energy-dependent reaction kinematics, and photon loss through attenuation and reflection are introduced. The modeling assumption...
It has been recognized for a number of years that certain spin-isospin components of the nucleon-nucleus effective interaction can be inferred from (p,n) reactions to states of known nuclear structure. For L = 0, S = 0 and L = 0, S = 1 transitions, the 0-degree (p,n) cross section can be related respectively to Fermi and Gamow-Teller beta decay mat...
The tensor analyzing power A/sub y//sub y/, vector analyzing power A/sub y/, and cross section sigma(theta) of the reaction /sup 1/H(d-arrow-right,..gamma..) /sup 3/He have been measured at a deuteron energy of 95 MeV, corresponding to photo- disintegration with 37 MeV photons. The total cross section is in good agreement with /sup 3/He(..gamma..,p...
The tensor analyzing power Ayy, vector analyzing power Ay, and cross section σ(θ) of the reaction 1(d→,γ) 3He have been measured at a deuteron energy of 95 MeV, corresponding to photo- disintegration with 37 MeV photons. The total cross section is in good agreement with 3(γ,p)2H measurements; Ay and Ayy were both small and negative. Ayy is known to...
The spin correlation parameter CNN has been measured for n-p elastic scattering at 181 MeV. A comparison with predictions from various phase shift sets and potential models reveals sizeable deviations from the for the data Paris potential and Saclay phase shifts. For the Paris potential the deviations are directly related to an overprediction of th...
The evidence for a useful proportionality relationship between 0° (p, n) cross sections and the corresponding Gamow-Teller and Fermi beta-decay transition strengths is examined in detail. A simple parameterization for small momentum transfer L = 0 transitions is developed and used in the analysis of (p, n) data in the bombarding energy range 120–20...
Neutron time-of-flight measurements have been performed on the 81Br(p,n)81Kr reaction at Ep = 190 and 200 MeV. Gamow-Teller transition strengths have been deduced for final 81Kr states accessible through solar neutrino capture on 81Br. For the standard solar model, 81Br is most sensitive to 8B neutrinos, not - as previously believed - 7Be neutrinos...
Triple coincidences between intermediate mass fragments (IMFs) and angle-correlated fission fragments were measured in the 270 MeV 3He + 232Th reaction. These measurements demonstrate that on the average IMF emission occurs prior to fission from a source which carriers 75–80% of the beam momentum. It was deduced that the average number of IMFs per...
The cross section and transverse polarization transfer for the 2H(p,n)2p reaction at Ep=160 MeV and theta=0° have been measured with good energy resolution (1 MeV). An asymmetric peak shape characteristic of the 1S0 final-state interaction of the residual two-proton system has been clearly observed. The measured transverse polarization transfer coe...
Differential cross sections and analyzing powers for neutron elastic scattering from $^{89}\mathrm{Y}$ have been measured at energies from 8 to 17 MeV using a neutron time-of-flight facility. The data have been analyzed with the spherical optical model and excellent representations are achieved at all energies with the derived optical potential par...
Differential cross sections at 16.44 and 17.57 MeV and analyzing powers at 8.0, 9.1, 11.1, 13.5 and 15.0 MeV have been measured for the 9Be(p, n0)9B reaction and combined with previous measurements for 9Be(p, p0)9Be, 9Be(p, n0)9B and 9Be(n, n0)9Be to form the first model-complete data base for a Lane model analysis. Energy dependences of the model...
Differential cross sections sigma(theta) and analyzing powers Ay(theta) for neutron scattering to the ground and first 3- excited state of 40Ca have been measured in the energy range from 11 to 17 MeV. Elastic and inelastic scattering measurements have been obtained for Ay(theta) at energies of 11.0, 13.9, and 16.9 MeV, the inelastic scattering dat...
Measurements and a Lane model analysis were Performed for σ(Θ) and Ay (Θ) for B(n,n)B, and B(p,n)C. Measurements for B(n,n)B σ(Θ) and Ay(Θ) were analyzed with complementary (n,n) and (p,p) data to obtain real and imaginary Coulomb corrections.