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Publications (117)
Africa boasts high biodiversity while also being home to some of the largest and fastest-growing human populations. Although the current environmental footprint of Africa is low compared to other continents, the population of Africa is estimated at around 1.5 billion inhabitants, representing nearly 18% of the world’s total population. Consequently...
Societal Impact Statement
Biological samples and their associated information are an essential resource used by scientists, governments, policymakers, practitioners and communities to ensure that biodiversity can be appropriately protected and sustainably used. Yet, considering the enormous task of documenting the vast numbers of as‐yet‐unknown pla...
Pineapple is one of the most important tropical fruit species, widely cultivated and economically important in Benin. This study aimed to identify potentially favorable areas for the cultivation of pineapple under current and future environmental conditions in Benin. The two cultivars of pineapple grown in Benin were separately considered: Sugarloa...
The management of mangrove ecosystems faced to serious problem while these ecosystems are among the world’s richest ecosystems and provide a wealth of important services to human well-being. 35% of the areas of mangrove forests has globally been lost in the past two decades and supposed to be reach 60% by 2030. It is urgent to prospect the potentia...
Carapa procera plays an important socio-cultural and economic role for local people. The species is threatened by several factors including climate changes. This study explored the current and future distribution of the species in Benin and Burkina Faso. The maximum entropy (Maxent) software was used which combined the occurrence data of the specie...
The variation of climatic parameters influences the distribution of several indigenous fruit species in Benin. This research evaluates the spatio-temporal dynamics of favorable habitats to the cultivation of Cola nitida under current climatic conditions and by 2085 in Benin. To do this, 230 occurrences of C. nitida were combined with the environmen...
Kobus megaceros is a wetland antelope listed as endangered by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in its natural habitat in South Sudan. The population of the species in South Sudan’s wetlands remains unknown. Climate change is expected to have a significant impact on the species population in a variety of ways...
Floriculture is a growing sector and represents an asset to the economy of most developing countries in Africa. This paper aims to access the existing knowledge gaps and how such gaps might be filled to develop the floriculture industry sustainably in Africa. Scientific information on the floriculture industry was searched on three online databases...
Pseudocedrela kotschyi is one of the most widely exploited species in Benin. Therefore, populations of the species are faced with the issue of human disturbance. This study investigated the ethnobotanical knowledge of the species in order to set sustainable management strategies. Individual face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted wit...
Mono Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (MTBR) is rich in biodiversity associated with different multi-functional ecosystems in the Dahomey-Gap corridor in the southern border between Benin and Togo. The reserve has been facing many anthropogenic pressures since few years including the uncontrolled exploitation of forest resources, and fragmentation o...
Pseudocedrela kotschyi is one of the most widely exploited species in Benin. Therefore, populations of the species are faced with the issue of human disturbance. This study investigated the ethnobotanical knowledge of the species in order to set sustainable management strategies. Individual face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted wit...
Balanites aegyptiaca is a key agroforestry tree species widely distributed across the African drylands, and with a high socioeconomic potential for rural communities. Previous research studies have revealed the importance of this multipurpose fruit tree species from an ecological perspective, however, there is still little documentation of the curr...
Ricinodendron heudelotii (Baill.) Heckel is an important nutraceutical reservoir. Its Sustainable exploitation requires information on its potential distribution in the current context of rapid population growth and climate change threats. This study aimed to map the suitable areas for its domestication and conservation under current and future cli...
A better understanding of rainfall variability and trends is vital for agricultural production systems which are largely dependent on climate. This study aims to analyze and to quantify the significance of change on annual, seasonal and daily rainfall in North and Central Benin, and to infer future challenges for crop production. Daily rainfall dat...
Contexte : Le Cèdre des zones sèches (Pseudocedrela kotschyi (Schweinf.) Harms), originaire de l’Afrique de Ouest et de l’Est, est très important pour les communautés locales en raison de ses multiples utilisations, notamment alimentaires, médicinales, industrielles et technologiques. Toutefois, les connaissances relatives à la biologie de la conse...
Effectiveness of Balanites aegyptiaca conservation and sustainable exploitation requires a better knowledge of the intrinsic environmental factors linked with its current and future geographic distribution. This study aimed to map suitable areas for the conservation and domestication of B. aegyptiaca under present-day and future climate conditions...
Uvaria chamae is a wild shrub species widely used as a source for traditional medicine, food and fuel in West Africa. The species is threatened by uncontrolled harvesting of its roots for pharmaceutical applications and by the extension of agricultural land. This study assessed the role of environmental variables for the current distribution and th...
Bombax costatum is one of the multipurpose indigenous species in Mali, found in the Sudanian and Sudano-Guinean climatic zones with an important socioeconomic contribution. This study assessed the potential impact of climate change on the geographic distribution of B. costatum in Mali, using the 19 bioclimatic variables downloaded from Worldclim at...
La majeure partie de la production mondiale du cacao est assurée principalement par les pays africains comme la Côte d'Ivoire, le Ghana, le Nigéria et le Cameroun. Au Bénin, la filière fait l'objet d'un regain d'intérêt ces dernières années. Une étude diagnostique dans la commune de Kétou au Bénin a identifié les contraintes auxquelles sont confron...
The diversity of forest resources is threatened in its current form of exploitation by rural communities. In order to contribute to the sustainable use of forest resources, this study aimed to assess the diversity of 'utilitarian' plant species (those that are useful to humans) among communities living in the 11 classified forests managed by the Na...
Uvaria chamae P. Beauv is known as a key shrub species providing several goods and services for sustaining livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite its great medicinal importance for local communities, little is known about its conservation status and sustainable management strategies regarding the current overexploitation of the species’ fruits...
Rice (Oryza spp.) is one of the major staple foods in Benin. Benin has increased rice production through the expansion of cultivation area rather than increasing rice yields. To better understand the factors affecting rice yields, a thorough understanding of the current rice production system characteristics and constraints is required. The present...
Bombax costatum is one of the multipurpose indigenous species in Mali, found in the Sudanian and Sudano-Guinean climatic zones with an important socio-economic contribution. This study assessed the potential impact of climate change on the geographic distribution of B. costatum in Mali, using the 19 bioclimatic variables downloaded from Worldclim a...
The endemic plant of Benin, Ipomoea beninensis Akoègn, Lisowski and Sinsin, is threatened in its natural habitats. This study assesses the suitability of the current and future habitat for its conservation countrywide. Maxent models were run using records added to environmental variables under present and two climates. The results showed that the m...
The mature seeds of Khaya senegalensis are from 2 to 2.5 cm long and weigh 289 g per 1000 seeds. These seeds contain about 67% oil by weight. This oil, which is fairly rich in oleic acid (66%), is used in West Africa for cooking, for cosmetics, as an insecticide and in traditional medicine. Prospecting to enhance the development of this oil in Chad...
Background: Storage pests cause extensive damages to stored products and are responsible for huge post-harvest losses affecting the quality, quantity, and germination potential of stored grains and seeds. This study aimed to investigate the variability of traditional methods of storage and conservation of maize seeds practiced by farmers to propose...
Sustainable conservation of crop wild relatives is one of the pathways to securing global food security amid climate change threats to biodiversity. However, their conservation is partly limited by spatio-temporal distribution knowledge gaps mostly because they are not morphologically charismatic species to attract conservation attention. Therefore...
Sustainable conservation of crop wild relatives is one of the pathways to securing global food security amid climate change threats to biodiversity. However, their conservation is partly limited by spatio-temporal distribution knowledge gaps mostly because they are not morphologically charismatic species to attract conservation attention. Therefore...
Key Message
Strychnos spinosa growth was less responsive than its fruit production, to tree size, protection status and climate; its fruit production increased with tree size, and more so on protected sites.
Abiotic and biotic mechanisms (e.g. climate, human perturbations) are presumed to shape tree growth and reproductive performances. U...
Plant species providing Non‐Timber Forest Products (NTFP) are economically important across Africa. How this heterogeneous and understudied resource will respond to ongoing climate change remains understudied. Here, we modelled the impact of end‐of‐the‐century climate change on the distribution of 40 NTFP plant species distributed across tropical A...
Balanites aegyptiaca, a key agroforestry species, is being overexploited in the Sahel due to increasing market demand for its derived products. The present study aims to model the potential current distribution of B. aegyptiaca and to assess the potential impact of the future climate (at 2055 and 2085 time horizons) on the species distribution in C...
Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile and Ricinodendron heudelotii (Bail.) Pierre are multipurpose wild oil plants (WOP) with high socio-economic and ethnoecological importance. Both WOP remained neglected and underutilized at the national or regional level. In this study, their geographic distribution and structural characteristics were assessed in Ben...
Orphan legume crops play an important role in smallholder farmers’ food systems. Though less documented, they have the potential to contribute to adequate nutrition in vulnerable communities. Unfortunately, data are scarce about the potential of those crops to withstand current and future climate variations. Using Macrotyloma geocarpum as an exampl...
Abstract: Large old trees (LOTs) are emblematic elements of the cultural landscape and can live for hundreds of years. They represent an intermediate aspect of cultural heritage, linking spirits and humans. They can also provide a range of ecosystem services. In spite of their importance, declining numbers have been reported. This study examined th...
The growing interest for more natural products in food and health industries has led to increasing research on traditional knowledge related to plants. While theoretical knowledge (TK) on the uses of a species informs on the wide spectrum of potential uses of that species, actual uses (AU) highlight their potential being actually used. D...
Garcinia kola est une espèce à usage multiple dont la mauvaise gestion contribue à sa rareté. L’Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature (UICN) l’a déclarée « vulnérable ». L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer l’influence du phytodistrict et de l’âge sur les phénophases de Garcinia kola au Bénin. Un échantillonnage stratifié a...
African baobab (Adansonia digitata) is an agroforestry species used by local people for many purposes such as food, medicine, craft, etc. It is uncertain how climate change will impact the suitability of the habitat for the species in Benin. This study aimed to assess the present-day distribution and forecast the probable impact of future climate,...
Wild oil plants (WOP) are species used for food, cosmetics, nutraceutical, and medicine. In Benin, their importance is still poorly documented. This study investigated the diversity of WOPs and identified priority species for valorization in Benin. Literature synthesis was used to gather data on a list of WOP species. This was completed by ethnobot...
Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb is a medicinal plant with high therapeutic values but declared extinct in the wild in Benin. This study explored the potential distribution and climatic suitability of the species under the present-day and future conditions in Benin, based on two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) at the 2055-time...
La modélisation de la distribution des espèces est devenue un outil très populaire d'aide à l'anticipation et à la prise de décision en matière de conservation des ressources biologiques. Le présent travail avait pour objet de faire une synthèse des recherches en la matière en Afrique, de dégager leurs insuffisances et de proposer des perspectives...
A better understanding of rainfall variability and trends is vital for agricultural production systems. This study evaluates the spatio-temporal variability and trends in annual, seasonal and daily rainfall in Benin. Daily rainfall data for the 1970-2016 period measured at three weather stations (Savè, Malanville, and Tanguiéta) were obtained from...
Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile and Ricinodendron heudelotii (Bail.) Pierre are socioeconomically important species in sub-Saharan Africa. This study was conducted to assess the seed germinability and seedling growth of those species based on several treatments and to define proper conservation and domestication strategies in Benin. The seeds were...
Yam species (Dioscorea spp.) constitute important staple foods for local communities in Sub-Saharan in Africa. Among yam species, Dioscorea dumetorum (Kunth) Pax, commonly consumed, has been reported to be among the most nutritious and well-appreciated local resource although it remains neglected and underutilized species in Benin. Here, we combine...
Mangroves around the world provide humanity with a variety of ecosystem services. However, rising populations coupled with human activities jeopardize the sustainable management of these ecosystems. Climate change is also expected to have a severe impact on mangrove ecosystems, especially in Benin, West Africa. Since 2000, several initiatives for t...
Strychnos spinosa Lam. is an important wild edible fruit tree (WEFT) that is increasingly threatened due to anthropogenic pressure. Despite its remarkable socio-economic potential, commercial plantations for the species are rare. Characterization of the genetic diversity and potential of WEFT is a prerequisite for domestication and genetic improvem...
African healthcare system depends upon indigenous medicinal plants, harvested wild and traded for significant income generation. Mondia whitei , one of these plants, is threatened by over‐exploitation, climate change and unsustainable land use management. Detailed knowledge is lacking regarding the species' conservation—driving forces and preservat...
Orphan legume crops play an important role in smallholder farmers’ food systems. Though less documented, they have the potential to contribute to adequate nutrition in vulnerable communities. Unfortunately, data are scarce about the potential of those crops to withstand current and future climate variations. Using Macrotyloma geocarpum as an exampl...
Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile and Ricinodendron heudelotii (Bail.) Pierre are socioeconomically important but endemic species to sub-Saharan Africa. This study was conducted to assess the germination capacity of their seeds and seedling growth according to seed provenance, seed mass and pre-treatment techniques as a contribution to the developme...
In West Africa, African locust bean (P. biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth.) and Shea (V. paradoxa (Gaertn. F) are among the most important multipurpose plant species commonly found in traditional agroforestry systems. Most of research on these species are dominated by patterns and properties of their food uses, and additionally cosmetics for the shea. Yet, t...
Detarium microcarpum (Fabaceae) is a priority, multipurpose, and indigenous food tree species in West Africa. However, data related to its efficient conservation and sustainable use, through changing ecological environments, are still lacking. Thus, species occurrence records were combined with climatic and soil data in Maximum Entropy (Maxent), a...
The sustainable conservation of forest resources in a context of climate change and population growth would be compromised in their current form of exploitation by rural communities. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of climate change on the dynamics of habitats favorable to species of conservation priority in the forests under ON...
Water deficit is one of the significant environmental factors limiting plant production. This stress occurs during drought period. The aim of this study was to select gamma irradiation-induced drought tolerant mutant drought lines during vegetative stage. Seeds of the reference cultivar were gamma irradiated using the gamma irradiated facility at t...
Invasive fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a species native to the Americas which has spread to Africa in 2016. This insect has been reported in Benin as a major pest of maize causing important economic losses and putting at risk food and nutritional security. This study evaluated the damage cause...
L’irrégularité des pluies et la baisse pluviométrique constituent des préoccupations majeures pour les producteurs de riz pluvial. Cette étude avait pour objectif de mettre en évidence les variabilités et tendances des débuts et fins des pluies ainsi que de la pluviométrie totale sur une période de 46 ans dans les localités de Glazoué, Malanville e...
Ipomoea beninensis Akoègn., Lisowski & Sinsin (Convolvulaceae) is the only endemic plant known for Benin. To date, no data exist on its usages, distribution, abundance, and threats. An improved understanding of indigenous knowledge and of local practices can provide insight into how the species could be sustainably conserved. We interviewed 114 loc...
Pseudocedrela kotschyi, fait partie des espèces les plus exploitées en bois d’oeuvre, en charbon de bois et d’autres utilisations au Bénin. Face à cette exploitation, elle est confrontée au problème de régénération naturelle. Pour une gestion durable de cette espèce, il est impérieux de procéder à la régénération assistée. L’objectif de cette étude...
The African baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) is a large tree of great socio-economic and cultural importance in Africa, with almost all the parts of the species used for various purposes. A major concern about baobab fruit pulp production is the long time it takes for first fruiting (about 15 years). Vegetative propagation offers several advantages w...
The Mono Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (RBTM) has significant resources but faces many threats that lead to habitat fragmentation and reduction of ecosystem services. This study, based on satellite image analysis and processing, was carried out to establish the baseline of land cover and land use status and to analyze their dynamics over the peri...
Hypertension is a global public health problem. This study aimed to determine the diversity of plant species used by traditional healers. Thus, semi-structured interviews were carried out with 195 informants through traditional healers associations of Sanmatenga, Bazega and Zounweogo located in different phytogeographical sectors. Questionnaire ref...
Understanding folk classification system of perceived variation and preferences in fruit traits are necessary to effectively engage farmers in the domestication of wild edible fruit tree species. Social attributes can help to better understand perception of variation, and preferences. We focused on Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth., a valuable fruit...