Rodrigo F. Herrera

Rodrigo F. Herrera
Rodrigo F. verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Rodrigo F. verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso | PUCV · Institute of Civil Engineering

Doctor of Engineering


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Assistant Professor of the School of Civil Engineering of the Ponticia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. My research lines are Project Management, Lean Project Management, Virtual Design and Construction, BIM, Construction Management, and Engineering Education.
Additional affiliations
March 2014 - present
Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso
  • Professor (Full)
September 2019 - December 2020
University of Alcalá
Field of study
  • Higher Education
March 2017 - June 2020
Polytechnic University of Valencia
Field of study
  • Civil Engineering and Construction Management
March 2016 - June 2020
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Field of study
  • Civil Engineering and Construction Management


Publications (135)
Downloaded 26 times Technical Papers Analyzing the Association between Lean Design Management Practices and BIM Uses in the Design of Construction Projects Rodrigo F. Herrera, Ph.D., S.M.ASCE; Claudio Mourgues, Ph.D.; Luis F. Alarcón, Ph.D., M.ASCE; and Eugenio Pellicer, Ph.D., M.ASCE Abstract There is a beneficial effect when integrating Building...
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The physical progress of a construction project is monitored by an inspector responsible for verifying and backing up progress information, usually through site photography. Progress monitoring has improved, thanks to advances in image acquisition, computer vision, and the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). However, no comprehensive an...
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Road infrastructure projects are essential for a country's economic and social development. Due to the magnitude, the projects are associated with considerable economic investments that in the case of failure can seriously affect regions' economies. Despite the importance, roads from different countries are affected by cost overruns, hence, it is e...
Building Information Modeling (BIM) allows the integration of work teams, collaboration, and the generation of intelligent parametric digital models. Therefore, because BIM is a collaborative working methodology, it is not possible to effectively teach BIM without the use of collaborative teamwork. Traditionally, teaching at universities has promot...
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The traditional structural design produces elements that can be improved from the point of view of the use of the material. As a way of perfecting these processes, methodologies such as BIM have emerged, which, although they fulfill their mission of creating information models through collaborative work, their form of parameterization is still limi...
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The construction industry often faces substantial challenges during the design phase, characterized by poor communication, inadequate documentation, and inefficient information management. These issues create a need for more effective tools to manage the complexity of design processes in building projects. To address this gap, this study proposes t...
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En la actualidad existe una tendencia hacia la transformación digital de las industrias. El sector de la construcción se ha enfocado más en las herramientas tecnológicas; no obstante, todavía no se han generado cambios disruptivos en las estructuras organizacionales de las empresas del sector de la construcción. Por estas razones, a partir del méto...
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El empleo en el sector construcción en Colombia es un tema que suscita debate, debido a que existe una alta informalidad y riesgo, sumado a una industria que genera miles de empleos formales e informales. Este artículo aborda las perspectivas de los trabajadores de la construcción sobre su situación laboral, considerando variables como oportunidade...
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Current railway infrastructure maintenance work, which is mostly carried out by visual inspection, has a reactive approach, dissociated information, and limited follow-up. On the other hand, railway bridges, being critical infrastructures, require effective monitoring and maintenance to guarantee their safety and operation over time. The designed t...
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Many challenges in partial Last Planner System implementations can be attributed to the underutilization of Make-Ready Planning, although other factors also play a role. Failing to identify constraints in time to prevent Reasons for Noncompliance (RNCs) decreases short and long-term performance. Reducing the complexity of identifying, registering,...
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The objective of this study is to adapt the Last Planner System (LPS) for managing subcontractors in natural gas installations within repetitive housing projects, using BIM technology for enhanced modeling and efficiency. Our methodology was applied to a large-scale, multi-family, low-cost housing project in Lima, Peru. Through this application, we...
Visual impact is defined as the modification of a visual resource of the landscape, generating an effect on the perception of potential observers. This effect is evaluated using the value of the landscape that has not been altered or destroyed (visual quality of the landscape), as is the case with building projects that generate visible changes in...
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The construction sector has been characterized by having lower productivity than other industries. Construction has been encouraged to improve project performance and promote improvements in the life cycle. BIM is a project management methodology based on virtual construction and collaborative work that allows better integration in the life-cycle p...
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La vida independiente es un objetivo prioritario en el ámbito de la discapacidad. Un elemento clave para lograr esta independencia personal está asociada a la accesibilidad de los espacios donde se desenvuelven las personas; y primordialmente su hogar. Alineado a ello, de forma de promover el derecho a la vida independiente de las personas con disc...
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The construction sector has historically had lower productivity rates than other industries. This situation has led to the implementing new technologies and tools to increase the sector’s added value. One of the significant trends has been digital transformation, adopting technological methodologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), Dron...
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Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been widely adopted in the building sector. However, it is still an emerging topic in road infrastructure projects despite its enormous potential to solve ongoing issues. While there have been several recent studies on BIM implementation in road projects, there is a lack of research analyzing the actual BIM U...
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The evaluation of cracks and fissures in bridge structures is essential to ensure the long-term safety, durability, and functionality of these infrastructures. In this sense, processing grayscale images and adjusting brightness and contrast levels can improve the visibility of cracks and fissures in bridge structures. These techniques, complemented...
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Experiencias de Instituciones de educación superior introduciendo BIM en carreras técnicas y profesionales de Arquitectura, Ingeniería y Construcción
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Construction is a sector that has been operating with lower productivity rates than other industries; historically, it has used artisanal methods, which have generated low competitiveness and efficiency, leading to considerable cost overruns and waste. For these reasons, the industrial revolution 4.0 is a movement involving large-scale changes and...
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The implementation of building information modeling (BIM), enabling the creation of digital database files containing semantic representation of civil structures and infrastructures, also concerns the field of road engineering. Differently from highly trafficked motorways, low-volume roads (LVRs) represent the largest part of the global road networ...
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Building Information Modelling (BIM) se considera la metodología más utilizada en el sector de la arquitectura, la ingeniería y la construcción (AIC) y ha revolucionado la forma en que el sector practica y opera. El enfoque integral e integrado que promueve demanda su implementación y desarrollo en empresas, pero también en educación y capacitac...
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During the last decades, the construction sector has had lower productivity rates than other industries. This low productivity has been the starting point for implementing new methodologies to generate added value in construction. One of the most relevant movements has been that of digital transformation. However, technologies alone will not genera...
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There is a lack of knowledge of the interactions required over time among the members of a building project design team. Without a specific target, it is impossible to identify gaps to propose improvement plans in the coordination and management of projects in the early stages. Therefore, this study proposes a model of the required interaction amon...
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The Last Planner System (LPS) promotes collaboration to plan, prepare and execute work systematically. Make-Ready Planning (MRP) is a key LPS component, connecting mid- and short-term planning by proactively identifying and removing constraints. However, systematic deficiencies in MRP implementation have been observed, and MRP assessment mechanisms...
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A wealth of studies is available on the key success factors of managing interrelated projects in a construction supply chain. The human factor, however, is often overlooked in normative success solutions. According to classical management theory, individuals are expected to act rationally and maximise their utility. Although, due to an individual's...
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This study investigates the impact of teaching through a method developed by a chilean company, Malabares Consultores, based on psychology of learning theories and in the adherence to the Last Planner System methodology. It takes a qualitative and descriptive approach to the teaching of LPS by implementing this so-called the Malabares method, that...
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Design processes generate inputs to plan and control the development of project construction processes. There is a growing interest in implementing design techniques involving various options to reach a systemic overview and select the best proposal. One such technique is Set-Based Design (SBD) which identifies and explores multiple design options...
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Value generation occurs during the life cycle of construction projects. However, the ability to influence the projects’ characteristics at the design stage increases the probability of maximizing value. Nevertheless, few studies assess value creation during the design. Considering this gap, the aim of this paper is to analyze the value generated at...
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Lean philosophy has shown successful results in the manufacturing industry since the eighties regarding efficiency, reducing cost and errors. However, the philosophy originated in the private sector, where the work rules are defined by business owners within the framework of some regulation. In the public sector, however, the picture is different....
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Heritage façades are relevant to the historical preservation and identity of a city. Their deterioration can cause the devaluation of the urban environment, together with accidents caused by possible detachment of their different elements; therefore, maintaining them is crucial. It is important to have early warning systems in place, systems which...
Within the construction industry, there are firms dedicated to designing, executing, and restoring all types of buildings. To achieve their objectives, design offices form multidisciplinary project groups with designers from the same or other organizations. Design offices form small, unstable, and dynamic social networks dissolved at the end of eac...
The competitiveness in the construction industry is leading companies to implement the Lean philosophy to improve project management and prepare to begin the adoption of Construction 4.0. However, this implementation generates several barriers, depending on the type of company and the country where it is implemented. For this reason, the following...
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RESUMEN Existe una alta variabilidad en la gestión del proyecto de título y la mayoría de las veces depende únicamente del tutor. A lo largo de la confección del TFT el estudiante está acompañado de un tutor, quien se encarga de guiar y evaluar el avance del proyecto en sus distintas etapas. Parece imprescindible averiguar cuáles son las experienci...
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Designing prequalified connections is a process of iterative calculation, in which certain dimensions are varied until the verifications and restrictions stipulated by the standard are met. This is a slow process that can be automated using various software and optimized using a new design method called generative design, which consists of establis...
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The use of building information modelling (BIM) in construction projects is expanding, and its usability throughout building lifecycles, from planning and construction to operation and maintenance, is gaining increasing proof. In the design of domestic drinking-water and sewerage systems (DDWSSs), BIM focuses on coordinating disciplines and their d...
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Construction projects require complex management of people, resources and goals. The Last Planner® System (LPS) provides a systematic framework based on short cycles of work preparation, commitment, and control to allow implementing corrective actions. Successful LPS implementations require the combination of homogeneous mature practices and effici...
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COVID-19 has severely impacted construction projects, not only by contagions and imposed restrictions but also by dynamically changing supply, work, and labor conditions. Management teams have had to adapt to these dynamically constrained conditions, mostly reacting through trial and error. Since decisions regarding planning, resource, and preventi...
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An efficient highway infrastructure network is a determining factor in promoting the socio-economic development of countries and regions. Highway planning activities are highly important because their results ensure that projects are delivered within budget, schedule, and scope. Therefore, academics and professionals have promoted various methodolo...
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Thermal comfort can impact the general behavior of the occupants, and considering that humans currently perform 90% of their daily work indoors, it is necessary to improve the accuracy of thermal comfort assessments, and a correct selection of variables could make this possible. However , no review integrates all the variables that could influence...
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Requests for information (RFIs) are frequently used by the architecture, engineering, construction, and operation (AECO) industry to resolve doubts and inaccuracies and to request complimentary information. However, they can be inefficient due to the lag between issuance and response, generating delays and cost overruns. The building information mo...
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Monitoring the progress on a construction site during the construction phase is crucial. An inadequate understanding of the project status can lead to mistakes and inappropriate actions, causing delays and increased costs. Monitoring and controlling projects via digital tools would reduce the risk of error and enable timely corrective actions. Alth...
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La pandemia del Covid-19 aceleró los procesos de transición hacia la enseñanza virtual. Rápidamente las universidades se adaptaron a estos cambios, con diversos resultados y métodos. Diversas plataformas se robustecieron para soportar clases virtuales, repositorios de material y herramientas para la interacción con los estudiantes, de forma de repl...
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There is no comprehensive understanding of the problems that may impact the performance of the different actors that participate in the design of construction projects. In the absence of clarity about the problems and challenges that may impact the interactions, it is not possible to propose action plans to optimize the performance of the design te...
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The maintenance of port infrastructures presents difficulties due to their location: an aggressive environment or the variability of the waves can cause progressive deterioration. Maritime condi-tions make inspections difficult and, added to the lack of use of efficient tools for the management of assets, planning maintenance, important to ensure o...
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There is qualitative evidence showing that design teams that use BIM-lean management have a higher level of interaction than design teams that do not use this management approach. However, there is no quantitative empirical evidence of this higher level of interaction. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to present quantitative empirical evid...
Conference Paper
Construction projects, both in developed and developing countries, are widely affected by cost deviations that arise at the completion of the construction process; these deviations manifest themselves as a difference between the executed cost and the planned cost. To mitigate cost deviation, the first step is to identify the causes that originate t...
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In the construction industry, project planning is commonly developed through the Critical Path Method (CPM); however, this technique is not adapted to repetitive projects such as pipeline installation, power line installations, roads, tunnels, among others. In view of this, the Balance Line Method or flow line is a technique that brings many benef...
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A sustainable approach in the construction industry requires civil engineering professionals with technical and soft skills. Those skills complement each other and facilitate the professional to work effectively in multidisciplinary groups during the development of construction projects. Uni-versities apply collaborative learning methods such as gr...
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A sustainable approach in the construction industry requires civil engineering professionalswith technical and soft skills. Those skills complement each other and facilitate the professionalto work effectively in multidisciplinary groups during the development of construction projects.Universities apply collaborative learning methods such as group...
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The construction companies have achieved different levels of BIM use and in some developed countries, it is very advanced. Traditionally, the use of BIM has been evaluated by maturity models; however, it does not provide an integral evaluation of BIM use. BIM Use Assessment (BUA) was proposed as a tool to satisfy this need, it is based on the evalu...
Traffic analysis at road intersections is an important activity in the project design and planning phases because it allows selecting the most suitable traffic requirements and site characteristics. Therefore, traffic simulation models are indispensable and useful tools to support collaborative decision-making. The building information modeling (BI...
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The design of retaining walls follows a classic structure. The engineer proposes certain dimensions that will be modified until they comply with the regulatory and site restrictions presented by the project. This is an iterative process that can be optimized through a new method called generative design. The designer codes the characteristics and r...
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On January 30 of 2020, The World Health Organization declared the pandemic crisis as the first public emergency with international importance. Because of this, many building projects were paralyzed since then and the building industry experienced changes that have brought the inclusion of new tools to achieve the objectives of the projects. The pur...
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The Value Stream Mapping (VSM) as a management tool helps evaluate the waste within the workflow. However, it must be adapted to the construction since it was originated in manufacture. This adaptation is possible through appropriate process mapping. This study aims to map the process of the basement construction system in the execution of a buildi...
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The use of games in engineering teaching is common practice in classes with lecturers all over the world. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, undergraduate civil engineering education became virtual and remote. In this context, many games traditionally played in person among students have undergone adaptations to the digital environment. The gam...
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Pavement maintenance aims to provide optimal service conditions. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to efficiently carry out pavement monitoring and inspection activities. In this field, damage analysis of road infrastructure by means of image processing has emerged as a low-cost alternative to other, more sophisticated methods. In this res...
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Although the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry is highly relevant to national development, it suffers from significant productivity challenges. Beneath the design and documentation of structures, a dynamic, complex process is taking place, with constant modifications and feedback involving numerous professionals from differe...
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La industria de la construcción contribuye al crecimiento económico de un país, pero esta contribución se ve obstaculizada por los riesgos, los cuales pueden provocar aumento de los costos y retraso en los plazos del proyecto. Para determinar la incertidumbre que caracteriza a estos proyectos, es necesario el análisis cuantitativo, ya que generalme...
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Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry requires many interactions between professionals of different areas. Thus, project managers in the AEC industry should have a set of management-aligned skills. International agreements and accreditation boards states the expected skills for engineering graduates, but they usually overrate te...