Rocky Marbun

Rocky Marbun
Pancasila University · Department of Law

Juris Doctor


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Publications (55)
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membongkar model permainan-kebenaran (truth-games) dari Penuntut Umum melalui komunikasi instrumental berbasis logika monolog guna mencapai kepentingannya dalam mempersalahkan Terdakwa—sebagai tujuan utama, dalam proses penegakan hukum pidana pada perkara Korupsi Tata Niaga PT. Timah. Diskursus validitas terhadap Sura...
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Women are considered vulnerable under the UN Charter of Human Rights due to many factors, two of which are historical and systemic marginalization. Women, as a vulnerable group, increase their chances of becoming victims of sexual harassment, both physical and verbal abuse. This practice occurs across various settings, including Higher Education en...
This article aims to increase knowledge and insight into the language of power in law enforcement. Media is a means of communication to convey a message or opinion to a large audience. The language commonly used in the media often looks a little impolite or even tends to be rude. It seems that people pay less attention to the language used, hence t...
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p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji ratio legis dan kekuatan berlaku secara sosiologis (soziologische geltung) kebijakan penghapusan persyaratan khusus pembebasan bersyarat narapidana korupsi dalam dalam UU No. 22 Tahun 2022 tentang Pemasyarakatan. Penelitian ini penting dilakukan sebagai menjadi bahan evaluasi bagi pembentuk undang-undang un...
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Penyuapan dan Gratifikasi merupakan dua tindak pidana yang memiliki kemiripan dan terkadang sulit untuk dibedakan. Suap ditandai dengan pegawai negeri yang secara aktif memberikan patokan biaya atau fee atas urusan tertentu, sedangkan gratifikasi ditandai dengan pemberi uang atau harta yang secara aktif memberikan imbalan tertentu dengan maksud mel...
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Artikel ini akan menjelaskan mengenai kemuncullan suatu mens rea dalam penyebaran suatu berita yang dijustifikasi sebagai suatu berita bohong (hoax) melalui media sosial, sehingga dipandang sebagai suatu perbuatan (tindak) pidana yang memanfaatkan instrumen elektronik. Objek yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah suatu penyampaian informasi mengen...
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The right to health is part of human rights guaranteed in the constitution. The state is obliged to strive for the fulfillment of these rights through the provision of health services. Concerning health services, the existence of doctors plays an important role. Juridically the medical profession has been regulated in “Law Number 29 of 2004 concern...
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The right to health is part of human rights guaranteed in the constitution. The state is obliged to strive for the fulfillment of these rights through the provision of health services. Concerning health services, the existence of doctors plays an important role. Juridically the medical profession has been regulated in “Law Number 29 of 2004 concern...
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This research is based on the power of the judiciary through the implementation of the main functions and duties of the judge to resolve a case submitted to him as well as to uphold the law and provide justice. The method used in this research is normative legal research with data sources obtained from primary legal materials, namely laws and regul...
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Keberagaman modus dari dugaan tindak pidana mengakibatkan adanya penggolongan jenis dari tindak pidana itu sendiri, yang membawa akibat terhadap perbedaan asas hukum dalam pemeriksaannya. Penggolongan tersebut, pun disebabkan karena adanya anasir dengan bidang hukum lain diluar Hukum Pidana, yaitu Hukum Administrasi Negara. Anasir perbuatan yang te...
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The process of examining pretrial applications, through Supreme Court Regulation Number 4 of 2016, is determined to only seek formal truth. Therefore, the Pretrial Sole Judge is required to only examine the formal requirements of legal action as a coercive measure as stipulated in the pretrial object in Article 77 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Ho...
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Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning the Criminal Procedure Code is legislation that has been positioned as a legal umbrella for every law enforcement officer. However, not all powers and discretion exercised by law enforcers—especially investigators and public prosecutors, can be tested or questioned for their validity through the submission of a pretr...
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Judges as holders of judicial power have been given freedom and independence in resolving disputes in the daily life of every citizen. However, this freedom and independence in judicial power are limited by the existence of sufficient legal considerations as the basis for formulating decisions through an interpretive process based on legal norms an...
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The National Police Investigator of the Republic of Indonesia, based on Article 7 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code, has the authority to determine someone as a suspect for a criminal offense. The implementation of this authority is not absolutely; however, there are several restrictions and parameters, as established both through the Cr...
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The enforcement of criminal law against corruption, nowadays, increasingly shows the existence of a form of truth play through the construction of knowledge that is normalized through authority as a manifestation of the cognitive interpretation of law enforcement. The formation of the game of truth hides behind social framing, thus ignoring the pro...
Investigators, both in the Indonesian National Police Institution and who are in other law enforcement institutions, in the investigation process have the authority to determine someone suspected of committing a criminal offense as a suspect, as regulated in Article 7 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code. However, in the level of criminal j...
p>Proses penegakan hukum pidana di Indonesia, kerapkali menggunakan suatu instrumen sosial melalui media massa guna melakukan social framing sebagai wujud dari pola kinerja dari institusi penegak hukum sebagai wujud pelaksanaan fungsi pemerintahan. Penggunaan instrumen sosial berupa konferensi pers dalam mempertontonkan dari hasil operasi tangkap t...
Refining activities Legal Studies as a science that is sui generis, in the end, have exposed a pattern of reasoning and legal arguments against the concrete fact to be very rigid and lexical. In fact, law that emerges from a social agreement and grows together with the development of society, has taken a distance (distantiation) from society, which...
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The Constitutional Court Decision Number 21/PUU-XII/2014 has placed restrictions on the investigator’s discretional action in determining a person as a suspect in addition to being based on two valid evidence, it is also based on the completion of an examination of a potential suspect. However, in the realm of legal praxis, the meaning of the phras...
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p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji proses pertukaran pesan dan tanda dalam suatu komunikasi antara tersangka/terdakwa atau penasihat hukumnya dengan Penyidik dan Penuntut Umum, pada dasarnya, bukanlah merupakan proses kontaminasi biner. Dimana, Penyidik dan Penuntut Umum sebagai pemegang kekuasaan merupakan oposisi biner “ the central ” mela...
Komunikasi instrumental salah satu bentuk komunikasi yang dikembangkan dalam ranah interogasi penyidikan. Model komunikasi instrumental memberikan kekuasaan absolut bagi penyidik untuk mendominasi dan menghegemoni terperiksa, termasuk kekuasaan untuk menetapkannya sebagai tersangka. Guna mencapai tujuannya Penyidik kerapkali memproduksi pengetahuan...
Konsekuensi logis dari ketertundukan terhadap civil law system—salah satunya, adalah paper working atau administrative minded. Sebagaimana dicirikan melalui Pasal 75 KUHAP, yaitu setiap tindakan hukum harus dalam bentuk Berita Acara Pemeriksaan (BAP). Maka, suatu BAP merupakan dokumen hukum yang mengandung bahan keterangan bagi Aparat Penegak Hukum...
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Introduction to The Problem:Â As part of the organization of the government duties and community services, the authority to make a decision is attributed to the government officials (inherent aan het bestuur), which has led many to become a suspect and a convict. On the other hand, it is believed that the government's policies are not subject to th...
Proses pemeriksaan dalam penyidikan terhadap Tersangka dan Saksi selalu berbentuk Berita Acara Pemeriksaan (BAP) sebagai produk hukum yang sah. Berdasarkan Pasal 117 ayat (2) KUHAP, Penyidik memiliki kewajiban untuk menuangkan keterangan yang diperoleh melalui tindak tuturan tanpa adanya upaya reifikasi terhadap Tersangka atau Saksi. Guna menjaga k...
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p> Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan meganalisa parole sebagai alat komunikasi dalam praktik peradilan pidana. Bahasa adalah "rumah besar" untuk setiap sains, termasuk untuk Hukum. Praktisi Akademik & Hukum - khususnya Hukum Pidana, dalam tradisi keluarga hukum Eropa Kontinental dengan sistem hukum sipil, menyebabkan bahasa ditaf...
Myths in the modern era are things that are considered like truth. It arises through the process of hegemony and dialectical domination by the authority in history. So, myth is a phenomenon of common sense without criticism. The state's presence in the criminal justice process as a grand narrative identified with the interests of victims and societ...
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The existence of a Third Party in the Civil Code, in general, is a party to be taken into account not to suffer harm to a civil dispute. However, things are different in Arbitration Law which is a special branch of the Civil Code. Moving from the principle of secrecy, there is a disclosure of information on disputes in the world of commerce, which...
Conference Paper
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Language is a 'big house' for every science, there is no single science that does not use language as an intermediary instrument including Law. Language in the field of law is used no more than a way to formulate laws and track fallacies. On the other hand, the language in the form of speech as a form of communication has never been seriously studi...
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Aparat Penegak Hukum dalam menjalankan fungsinya yaitu melakukan penegakan hukum berdasarkan kekuasaan dan kewenangannya, saat ini mengalami keterlemparan (gowerfen-sein) dalam modernitas yang mempertahankan narasi besar dimana Hukum Pidana sebagai ujung tombak dalam melakukan penegakan hukum. Akibatnya, asas accusatoir yang diyakini merupakan asas...
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If the value in the ethics of a particular profession is attributed to the property of that particular profession, then the judgment of a 'good faith' offense can only be traced through a mutual consensus agreed upon by those in the profession. However, in this case, the Researcher is not in a position to say an Advocate can not be convicted. The r...
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Abstrak Reformasi Hukum Pidana pasca kemerdekaan Indonesia telah dimulai sejak 1963 terhadap Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana sebagai warisan dari kolonial Belanda. Semangat kemerdekaan menginginkan adanya reformasi, bukan hanya terhadap produk hukum yang masih bernuansa kolonialisme, namun juga pada cara pandang atau pola pikir dalam memandang per...
Conference Paper
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Since 1981, marked by the enactment of law number 8 of 1981 on criminal procedure law, it has become a consensus to abandon the Cartesian paradigm embodied in the inquisitoire principle. The inquisitoire principle sees any person drawn into a criminal justice struggle as an object. The Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) through the philosophical foundat...
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ABSTRAK Melalui metode eklektis-inkorporasi dan konsep prismatik, konsep diyat yang telah dimodifikasi akan dapat mengalami unifikasi hukum bagi seluruh komponen bangsa Indonesia. Kebaikan dan keunggulan konsep diyat dapat menjadi solusi alternatif terhadap kegagalan dari sistem hukum pidana yang saat ini dipergunakan. Tujuan utama dari paradigma h...
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ABSTRAK Munculnya fallacy argumentum ad verecundiam dalam suatu putusan pengadilan merupakan suatu penalaran hukum yang tidak tepat, oleh karena penggunaan otoritas yang tidak dapat dibenarkan berdasarkan Ilmu Hukum, akan berakibat kepada validitas dari amar putusan-yang merupakan konklusi, yang dapat dibatalkan. Sifat pembatalan amar putusan terse...
Conference Paper
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The use of language as a communication tool in the practice of criminal justice in Indonesia has ruled out the diversity of transcendental values in a person as a complete human being. The process of enforcing criminal law in Indonesia is only based on patterns of reasoning and argumentation using the ratio of instrumental actions. The richness of...
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ABSTRAKTindakan instrumental dalam ranah kajian filsafat, menunjukan adanya upaya pengobjektivikasian terhadap seseorang yang disasar sebagai objek penelitian. Hukum Pidana sebagai suatu ramifikasi Ilmu Hukum mengalami upaya-upaya untuk menampilkan dirinya sebagai ilmu pengetahuan yang bersifat imstrumental. Interpretasi terhadap perilaku dalam sim...
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If the value in the ethics of a particular profession is attributed to the property of that particular profession, then the judgment of a 'good faith' offense can only be traced through a mutual consensus agreed upon by those in the profession. However, in this case, the Researcher is not in a position to say an Advocate can not be convicted. The r...
Conference Paper
The use of language as a communication tool in the practice of criminal justice in Indonesia has ruled out the diversity of transcendental values in a person as a complete human being. The process of enforcing criminal law in Indonesia is only based on patterns of reasoning and argumentation using the ratio of instrumental actions. The richness of...
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AbstrakDalam proses peradilan pidana yang bertujuan untuk mencapai keadilan, setiap penegak hukum hendaknya tidak hanya didasarkan dari pemahaman awal (pra-pemahaman) dari Pasal 86 KUHAP semata, namun, harus membuka dan menerima keseluruhan horison atau cakrawala pandang peristiwa hukum dan fakta konkret yang terjadi. Bahkan perluasan cakrawala pan...
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Abstrak Poliik hukum nasional telah menetapkan Indonesia sebagai negara yang berlandaskan hukum (rechtsstaat), sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 1 ayat (3) UUD 1945. Konsep Negara hukum tersebut mengacu kepada jiwa bangsa (volkgeist) yang termuat dalam Pancasila dan Proklamasi Kemerdekaan sebagai sumber dari segala sumber hukum dan penyangga konstusio...


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