Rocío Serrano Rodríguez

Rocío Serrano Rodríguez
University of Córdoba | UCO · Department of Education



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Publications (70)
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ABSTRACT. Social perception of ungulates and their management depends on both their abundance and the socioeconomic context. However, an approach that addresses this issue is currently unavailable. Our objective was to employ a survey in Spain (n = 440) to evaluate the knowledge and perceptions on the eight species of wild ungulates that inhabit th...
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Being digitally competent is an imperative requirement for the 21st century university teacher, a fact recognized by both the literature and policymakers. Although this topic has been addressed in different reviews and critical studies recently, none of them have systematically and explicitly addressed the factors that explain, or are explained by,...
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Moodle is an open-source learning management system that is widely used today, especially in higher education settings. Although its technological acceptance by undergraduate students has been extensively studied in the past, very little is known about its acceptance by university professors. In particular, as far as we know, the literature contain...
In this study, we report on a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) for the application of technology acceptance models to Moodle under the prism of latent variable modeling. Based on an automatic search including primary studies from journals, conferences, and book chapters during 2001 to 2019, 41 primary were selected. We aim to contribute to a better u...
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This study aims to understand the relationship between quality and equity in different regions of Peru. The academic results of students in Language and Mathematics in the second and fourth years of Primary Education from 2007 to 2018 were analysed. The results indicate improvements in the scores and a more homogeneous result distribution in the co...
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Fisheries bycatch is a primary driver of population declines in marine megafauna. These captures not only have environmental impacts, they also have economic consequences for fishers such as direct losses when repairing fishing gear. Therefore, evaluating the fishers’ perception of bycatch and comparing it with data from scientific fisheries observ...
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This study explores the beliefs of English as a foreign language preservice secondary education teachers regarding the construction of teachers' professional identity. A questionnaire was used to obtain the opinions of 131 future teachers in the 2014-2020 academic years. Results showed that the participants understood teachers' professional identit...
The construction of teachers’ professional identity (TPI) is a key issue in current research, so a wide range of scholars has focused their interest on that topic. Its construction and evolution are influenced by a wide range factors (personal, professional and contextual) along the initial training period. This review aims to know how TPI within i...
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Evaluating digital competencies has become a topic of growing interest in recent years. Although several reviews and studies have summarized the main elements of progress and shortcomings in this area, some issues are yet to be explored. Very little information is available about the ways of ensuring the validity and reliability of the instrument u...
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Moodle is one of the most widely used learning management systems currently and has traditionally been studied through the Technology Acceptance Model. Existing literature is scattered and does not allow us to clearly conclude what characteristics this technological acceptance has as well as its main progress. The study aimed to provide an overview...
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In this study, we report on a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) on how the quality of the quantitative instruments used to measure digital competencies in higher education is assured. 73 primary studies were selected from the published literature in the last 10 years in order to 1) characterize the literature, 2) evaluate the reporting practice of qua...
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This study aims to develop and validate an instrument to analyse future Secondary Education teachers' perceptions regarding the development of Teachers' Professional Identity (TPI). The data were collected from a sample of 733 participants who were students enrolled in the Master's Degree for Secondary Education teachers. The psychometric propertie...
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Teacher-training programs around the world, and especially in Europe do not specify in detail the capacities that future professionals should acquire, so it brings about a great discussion among educators, researchers and teachers. The main objective of this study is to know and evaluate the level of competence development acquired by future Second...
The construction of teachers’ professional identity (TPI) is a key issue in current research, so a wide range of scholars has focused their interest on that topic. Its construction and evolution are influenced by a wide range factors (personal, professional and contextual) along the initial training period. This review aims to know how TPI within i...
Conference Paper
This paper aims to provide an overview of the reliability and validity of the instruments used to measure digital competence in higher education. Three research questions were addressed about: 1) the demographic and methodological characteristics of the literature, 2) typical assessments and reporting practices, and 3) the association between studi...
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Moodle is a learning management system (LMS) widely distributed on a global scale and therefore studied in the context of blended learning. Although the literature includes important contributions on satisfaction evaluations of this LMS, to the best of our knowledge, no investigations exist providing a quantitative summary of them. In this sense, w...
One of the main aims of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is to develop intercultural awareness and understanding among students. The objective of this study is to analyse whether CLIL primary education teachers implement the intercultural axis of CLIL in the strategies and resources they plan and use in their daily lessons, and which...
Content and Language Integrated Learning incorporates among its main aims the development of intercultural awareness and understanding. Nowadays, it is imperative to prepare students to become active citizens in such globalised societies. The principal objectives of this study are to examine how curricular competences affect content planning and wh...
Se presentan los resultados del análisis de las opiniones de 353 estudiantes del Máster de Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria de la Universidad de Córdoba (España) sobre la competencia transversal centrada en planificar espacios de aprendizaje que favorezcan el respeto y la igualdad de género. Mediante un cuestionario escala Likert s...
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En el presente trabajo se presenta una investigación realizada en los centros de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) de Córdoba y su provincia, España, con la finalidad de conocer el rol que desempeña el orientador/a, las funciones y actividades que desarrolla, el tipo de ayuda que le solicita el alumnado cuando acude a él, y cómo son las relaci...
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Resumen Se presentan los resultados del análisis de las opiniones de 353 estudiantes del Máster de Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria de la Universidad de Córdoba (España) sobre la competencia transversal centrada en planificar espacios de aprendizaje que favorezcan el respeto y la igualdad de género. Mediante un cuestionario escala...
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Evaluar la presencia de las competencias digitales en las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) resulta doblemente importante. Además de servir como diagnóstico para tales instituciones, permite al mismo tiempo tener una idea general de la competencias digitales de los futuros profesionales. La región de América Latina, constituida en su mayorí...
Presentamos un estudio destinado a conocer las diferencias de género que pueden surgir en la construcción de la Identidad Profesional Docente (IPD) del alumnado del Máster de Enseñanza Secundaria (MAES) durante el proce-so de formación inicial. Mediante un cuestionario escala Likert, se han explo-rado las opiniones de 733 futuros y futuras docentes...
Moodle es uno de los sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje más difundidos en el mundo y que ha sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones, principalmente en el contexto del aprendizaje mixto. Desde el punto de vista de tecnológico, la usabilidad (facilidad de uso) es un elemento sumamente importante a tener en cuenta en un software como Moodle. Aunque...
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The aim of this paper is to know student teachers’ beliefs on the teaching profession as well as its relation with diverse teaching methods. A Likert scale questionnaire collected the opinions of 361 students enrolled in the master’s degree in secondary education teacher training. A descriptive methodology was applied through a questionnaire in ord...
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This study focuses on exploring the beliefs regarding the construction and development of Teacher’s Professional Identity (TPI) of Secondary Education Master’s Degree (SEMD) students from the areas of Science and Technology. An ‘S-TPI’ questionnaire, measured using a Likert scale, was used to obtain the opinions of 279 future teachers in the 2014-2...
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Moodle is one of the most widely used learning management systems in the world and has been the subject of numerous studies, mainly in the context of blended learning. From the point of view of technology, usability is an extremely important element to consider in software such as Moodle. However, as far as we known, there is no research that summa...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to develop and validate a questionnaire to assess the expectations of university teachers about the importance of generic competences in Higher Education Institutions of Ecuador (E-DUC, acronym in Spanish), based on the competences typology from the Tuning Latin America Project. Design/methodology/approach A...
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Presentamos un estudio destinado a conocer cómo comienza a construir la Identidad Profesional Docente el alumnado de Ciencias Sociales del Máster de Formación del Profesorado (IPD) de Enseñanza Secundaria y cuáles son las principales implicaciones de este proceso de identificación en la mejora formativa. Mediante un cuestionario escala Likert, se h...
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The principal objective of this study is to evaluate the level of development of the Generic Competences in the professors, students and graduates of the university Education degrees, using the Teacher Competence Evaluation (TCE) scale. The sample was formed of 1,243 Students, 491 Graduates and 351 Teachers from 23 Spanish universities. This study...
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This chapter presents the evolution of Early Childhood Education in Spain from different educational laws. The progression of these is confirmed as a stage of custody and care until its consideration as an educational stage, which has their owns signs of identity and even a curriculum. Likewise, it is shown that the learning of other languages and...
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El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y la implantación de las nuevas titulaciones han generado una serie de cambios en el sistema universitario español, entre los cuales encontramos la elaboración del trabajo de fin de grado como culminación del proceso formativo. Esta investigación se enmarca en un proyecto de innovación con el objetivo de fo...
This chapter presents the evolution of Early Childhood Education in Spain from different educational laws. The progression of these is confirmed as a stage of custody and care until its consideration as an educational stage, which has their owns signs of identity and even a curriculum. Likewise, it is shown that the learning of other languages and...
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This study is to design and validate an instrument to evaluate the level of development of teaching competences (academic, social, personal, and instrumental) of the university teachers. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses are applied to validate the theoretical model. The results confirm that the University Teaching Competence Scale is a valid i...
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of development of generic competencies in university degree programs. The sample was composed of 1243 students, 491 graduates, and 351 teachers from 23 Spanish universities. The statistical analyses employed in this study included the following: We first carried out a Confirmatory Factor Analysi...
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Abstract This study is to design and validate an instrument to evaluate the level of development of teaching competences (academic, social, personal, and instrumental) of the university teachers. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses are applied to validate the theoretical model. The results confirm that the University Teaching Competence Scale is...
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The development of a Teacher’s Professional Identity (TPI) is fundamental along student teachers’ initial training that is influenced by the conceptions of those who aspire to be part of that profession. This study explores the beliefs of Secondary Education Teaching Master’s degree students as regards the training they receive and the construction...
Este libro compila una serie de investigaciones donde se destaca la importancia de las competencias en la docencia universitaria, como el conjunto de habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes que promuevan un entorno de aprendizaje efectivo, requiriendo que el docente sea más allá de un facilitador de contenidos, un integrador por medio de experiencia...
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Este trabajo pretende contribuir a la mejora del proceso de formación inicial docente, analizando las diferencias entre la importancia formativa concedida a los objetivos y competencias profesionales de carácter general de los futuros y las futuras docentes del Máster de Formación del Profesorado de Enseñanza Secundaria (FPES). Concretamente se han...
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p>En el enfoque AICLE (Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras), el desarrollo de la conciencia intercultural adquiere un protagonismo esencial. Por ello, conocer la percepción que el profesorado AICLE tiene en relación a la Competencia Intercultural (CI) y los elementos que contribuyen a su desarrollo se convierte en el objetivo...
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p>Conocer las expectativas sobre el modulo de Prácticum del Máster Formación del Profesorado de Enseñanza Secundaria (FPES) y las opiniones sobre el desarrollo de competencias en dicho modulo es la meta fundamental de esta investigación. Por ello hemos encuestado a 353 alumnos y alumnas del Máster de la Universidad de Córdoba, usando un cuestionari...
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La Declaración de Bolonia (1999) y la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (2010) en el marco de la universidad española han supuesto una serie de cambios significativos que, quienes nos dedicamos a la Educación Superior, hemos analizar y valorar con el objetivo de comprometernos a mejorar. En este contexto, la inserción de los Tr...
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Currently, we are in a very important moment to strengthen guidance and tutoring at University level. In this context, the integral formation of students is essential to attend their personal, academic and professional development. Spanish universities have reflected this by establishing lines of action related to our students' guidance. In this wo...
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Actualmente, nos encontramos en un momento muy importante para consolidar laorientación y tutoría en el ámbito universitario. En este contexto, resulta fundamental la formación integral de los estudiantes, atendiendo a su adecuado desarrollo personal, académico y profesional. Las universidades españolas así lo han reflejado estableciendo líneas de...
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We present a study that aims to know how the students of the Master’s Degree in Secondary Teacher Training begin to build their Teaching Professional Identity, as well as what the main implications of this identification process are, in order to improve their training. Through an open questionnaire, a total of 355 opinions of students from the Univ...
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This paper presents the results obtained from analysis of the opinions of 353 students of the Masters in Teacher Training for Secondary Education at the University of Cordoba (Spain) (Master FPES), using a Likert scale questionnaire designed to evaluate the level of development acquired in general skills in this Masters degree. The results show a m...
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This paper presents the results obtained from analysis of the opinions of 353 students of the Masters in Teacher Training for Secondary Education at the University of Cordoba (Spain) (Master FPES), using a Likert scale questionnaire designed to evaluate the level of development acquired in general skills in this Masters degree. The results show a m...
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In this paper we contribute to the improvement of the initial teacher training processes with an empirical research on future teachers' training expectations of the general competences established in the Master's programme for the training of secondary teachers. 353 students from this Master's programme at the University of Córdoba were surveyed du...
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n este trabajo pretendemos contribuir a la mejora del proceso de formación inicial docente, investigando las expectativas formativas de los futuros y las futuras docentes sobre las competen- cias profesionales de carácter general que trabajan en el Máster de Formación del Profesorado de Enseñanza Secundaria (FPES). En el estudio han participado 353...
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El dominio y manejo de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en el ámbito educativo es considerado una de las principales destrezas que debe desarrollar, hoy día, el profesorado durante su proceso de formación, en sintonía con el desarrollo de la metacognición, entre otras. Con el objetivo de dar respuesta al desarrollo de tales as...
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Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de innovación docente orientado a mejorar la formación inicial del profesorado de enseñanza secundaria, usando mapas conceptuales en actividades de representación del conocimiento y de comunicación en el aula. En este estudio se exponen los resultados de un cuestionario diseñado para conocer las ideas de los...
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The aims of this research are focus in evaluate linguistic communication and mathematics competences of students in sixth grade of primary education from their perception, and to develop a valid and reliable questionnaire in order to perform a self-assessment. The methodology has quantitative, descriptive and correlational character. In this resear...
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Mind maps are a learning strategy that contributes to students’ comprehensive development since they require the use of the whole brain when it comes to processing information. The methodologies underlying mind maps are very different, and can be approached from individual or group perspectives. In this study, we focus on the use of mind maps in co...
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En este trabajo se muestran algunos resultados obtenidos en el desarrollo de un proyecto de innovaci?n educativa, llevado a cabo en el m?dulo espec?fico del M?ster de Formaci?n del Profesorado de Ense?anza Secundaria. En esta experiencia han participado 63 estudiantes de ciencias y varios docentes, obteniendo numerosos datos cualitativos a partir d...
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Resumen: Una sociedad en constante cambio tecnológico exige profesionales de la enseñanza en formación continua. Entre las principales competencias docentes que debe adquirir actualmente el profesorado, durante el proceso de formación inicial, podemos destacar el uso educativo de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y el trabaj...
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Since the end of the 20th Century, ICT have had a starring role in the world of pedagogy. Because of this, teachers have assumed new roles (they are knowledge guides, media administrator, communicator, coordinator, etc. instead of simple speakers) that stimulate convergence to Superior European Educative Space. This job comes as a part of this new...
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Numerosos trabajos han puesto de manifiesto la utilidad las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) para mejorar la calidad de la educación y la formación docente . En esta área de trabajo pensamos que es necesario aprovechar las grandes posibilidades que nos brindan actualmente estas herramientas para enriquecer los ambientes de apre...
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Recibido en diciembre de 2010, aceptado en febrero de 2011] La formación inicial del profesorado de enseñanza secundaria se encuentra en un proceso de cambio en el que resulta necesario ampliar la investigación sobre todos los aspectos relacionados con la mejora de los programas de formación. En este contexto nos parece importante explorar el inter...
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Entre las principales destrezas que debería desarrollar actualmente el profesorado durante el proceso de formación inicial, podemos destacar el uso educativo de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), el trabajo en equipo y la capacidad para reflexionar sobre el propio conocimiento. Para colaborar al desarrollo de tales aspectos...
Conference Paper
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La formación inicial del profesorado de enseñanza secundaria se encuentra en un proceso de cambio en el que resulta necesario seguir investigando sobre todos aquellos aspectos que puedan ayudar a mejorar los nuevos programas de formación. Por ello consideramos conveniente explorar las ideas de los futuros profesores de ciencias sobre los procesos y...


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