Robin JunkerUniversity of Münster | WWU · Institute of Educational Science
Robin Junker
Dr. Phil.
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Robin Junker currently works as a post-doc researcher at the University of Münster. His research deals mainly deals with teacher training especially in the field of classroom management and teacher stress. Robin was also strongly involved in the development of the lesson video platform and the meta-video platform
Additional affiliations
April 2017 - present
March 2015 - April 2017
- School Psychologist
February 2013 - February 2015
February 2013 - March 2015
October 2010 - July 2012
October 2007 - September 2010
Publications (34)
The number of teachers leaving their professions due to high levels of stress is a growing worldwide concern. Previous psychological and physiological research has already identified potential classroom stressors: low student engagement and motivation, negative teacher-student relationships and interactions, as well as teacher-centered activities....
Der effektive schulische Umgang mit Heterogenität ist einer der Hauptansatzpunkte, um der Aufrechterhaltung sozialstruktureller,g esamtgesellschaftlicher Ungleichheiten entgegenzuwir-ken. Dabei spielen die positivenh eterogenitätsbezogenen Einstellungen und Selbstwirksam-keitsüberzeugungen vonL ehrkräften eine Schlüsselrolle, da empirische Befunde...
Der Beitrag erläutert den gemeinsamen konzeptuellen Rahmen der fachspezifischen videobasierten Lehrmodule zur Förderung der professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung von Lehramtsstudierenden, die im Rahmen der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung Münster konzipiert und evaluiert wurden. Dazu gehören das Konstrukt der professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung...
To date, educational research has not provided a sufficiently consistent theoretical foundation for the term ‘school culture’. This study takes a first step to address this research gap by outlining a theoretical underpinning for empirically examining characteristics of school culture over time. Based on Cameron and Quinn’s (2006) Organizational Cu...
Lesson videos have emerged as a pivotal tool in teacher education, offering opportunities to enhance teachers' professional vision, defined as the ability to notice and interpret significant classroom interactions. This chapter explores the benefits and methodologies of using videos to support preservice and in-service teachers in developing percep...
Im naturwissenschaftlichen Sachunterricht lassen sich lernförderliche und -hinderliche Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Qualitätsdimensionen der Klassenführung und der Lernunterstützung beobachten. Der Umgang mit diesen Wechselwirkungen erfordert entsprechendes Professionswissen und die Fähigkeit, diese Wechselwirkungen im Unterricht wahrzunehmen. Dah...
Die professionelle Wahrnehmung ist eine wesentliche Voraussetzung erfolgreichen Unterrichtens. Um die professionelle Wahrnehmung von Unterrichtsqualitätsmerkmalen wie der Klassenführung im Lehramtsstudium zu trainieren, haben sich videobasierte Präsenzkurse bewährt. Individuell adaptierbare Mastery-Learning-Angebote ermöglichen jedo...
Promoting a professional vision of teaching as a key factor of teachers’ expertise is a core challenge for teacher professionalization. While research on teaching has evolved and successfully evaluated various video-based intervention programs, a prevailing emphasis on outcome measures can yet be observed. However, the learning process...
To minimize negative interactions and their impacts, teachers and students must successfully negotiate loaded moments, points in time when two or more parties realize that their needs differ and that they must confront that difference. In this literature review, we synthesize 30 studies, published from 2000 to 2020, that describe the evolution of l...
Stress in teaching leads to many teachers suffering from burnout or leaving the profession. Therefore, it is important to identify specific correlates of teacher stress. The role of student age and social-emotional competence in teacher stress emergence is still unclear. To further clarify this relationship, 284 teachers were surveyed using a quest...
The stressors of teaching can be individual and hard to identify. Merely recalling stressful events after a lesson can be biased by neglect, modification, or extenuation of memories. Therefore, the present study explores how video data can be used to reactivate or relive stressor memory. Eight teachers’ lessons were recorded while their stress was...
Assessing Potential Stressors of Teaching Using Video and Heart Rate Data
In their professional vision (PV) of the classroom situation, teachers have to consider different foci such as classroom management (CM) and instructional support (IS) concurrently. However, in teacher education different foci of PV are taught almost always separately, raising the question whether PV is focus-specific or focus-integrated. Therefore...
Klassenführung ist eine zentrale Komponente effektiven Unterrichtens. Jedoch haben Lehrkräfte vor allem zu Beginn der berufspraktischen Tätigkeit häufig Schwierigkeiten, mit klassenführungsbezogenen Herausforderungen umzugehen. Dies führt nicht selten zu Burnout oder beruflichem Dropout. Um solchen Entwicklungen entgegenzusteuern, s...
Die Analyse von Unterrichtsvideos ist zu einer erfolgreich und vielfältig genutzten Methode in der Lehrkräftebildung geworden. Sie vermag wie keine andere Methode die Unterrichtspraxis in ihrer Authentizität zu veranschaulichen und zugleich in ihrer Komplexität zu untersuchen. Dazu sind in den letzten Jahren innovative Videoportale mit Lehrkonzepte...
In der Präsentation wird das am Standort Münster im Rahmen des Projektes "ProdiviS" entstandene videobasierte Selbstlernmodul zur Förderung der professionellen Wahrnehmung (PW) evaluiert. Konkret wird die Wirksamkeit des videobasierten Selbstlernmoduls zur Förderung der PW von Klassenführung sowie klassenführungsbezogener Selbstwirksamkeitsüberzeug...
Classroom management is a central aspect of effective teaching. It is related to student
motivation and learning achievement. Unfortunately, pre-service and beginning
teachers lack on classroom management competence. Therefore, this study aims to
find out, which classroom management facets pre-service and beginning teachers
struggle with and ho...
Die Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften durch Schulpraxis zu fördern, ist eine verbreitete Forderung. Nicht immer ist dies aber möglich – und ob es immer ergiebig ist, ist eine durchaus berechtigte Frage. Ob eine Analyse von Unterrichtsvideos sich ebenfalls eignen könnte, durch...
In der Präsentation werden die am Standort Münster im Rahmen des Projektes "ProdiviS" entstandenen Selbstlernmodule zur Förderung der professionellen Wahrnehmung von Klassenführung vorgestellt. Zudem werden dazugehörige Usability-Daten und daraus resultierende Optimierungen an den Modulen dargestellt, sowie gewonnene Erkenntnisse zusammengefasst un...
Zusammenfassung: Die Förderung des Textverstehens ist eine zentrale Auf-gabe des Deutschunterrichts aller Schulstufen und-formen. Sie bedarf-vor allem mit Blick auf die unterschiedlichen sprachlichen, kognitiven und metakognitiven Voraussetzungen von Schüler*innen-einer auf Diagnose basierenden heterogeni-tätssensiblen Unterrichts-und Materialgesta...
Die Erforschung von Kultur im schulischen Kontext stellt seit den 1930er Jahren (Waller 1932) eine
Schlüsselthematik dar, die bis in die Gegenwart hinein, vor allem durch die Übertragung
organisationspsychologischer Theorien und Methoden auf Schulen, insbesondere in Bezug auf die
Leistung von Schülern (Kythreotis et al. 2010), nicht an Relevanz...
The study of culture represents a key issue in education since the early 1930s (Waller 1932). The exploitation of this topic remains a challenging task to the present day, although especially through the elaborated transfer of organizational psychology theories and methods to educational research, particularly in the light of school effectiveness (...
Netzwerke treten als Phänomen zur Steuerung schulbezogener Aktivitäten im deutschsprachigen Raumen zunehmend häufiger auf (vgl. Berkemeyer et al. Bad Heilbrunn, Klinkhardt Verlag, S. 303, 2010). Jedoch wurde bei der Erforschung selbiger bisher vernachlässigt, inwiefern diese selbst immanent durch bestimmte Akteure gesteuert werden und wie dies mit...
In the German speaking area networks have become more frequent as a phenomenon to regulate school-related activities within the last two decades (cf. Berkemeyer, Lehmpfuhl & Pfeiffer 2010, p. 303). However, educational research has neglected how these networks are controlled by specific actors and how these control-patterns are correlated with rela...
The establishment of innovation networks in education has steadily raised its popularity as a reform strategy in the German education system within the last two decades. To regulate those complex structures adequately network coordinators are often employed. However, the relational characteristics of the networks of such coordinators were not yet i...
Questions (9)
Dear colleagues,
It would be very helpful if someone of you could tell me, how to test configural measurement invariance in an intervention study with two groups and two measurment points.
I was wondering, if I have to compare the SEM of the first measurement with the second measurement (both groups together) or if I have to compare the SEM of the first measurment with two SEM of the second measurement (one SEM for each intervention group).
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
Dear colleagues,
Does anyone know how to conduct a one-sided testing of regression weights (MLM) in R?
The actual model is
fm1rs<-lmer(hr~dd+lem+nr+fo+ (1 + dd + lem + nr + fo | cl), data=Dataset
Thank you very much in advance!
Best regards,
Hello RG-Community,
I have a question concerning a multilevel model:
level 1: situations (12 in average; there are two types of situations, each of them 6 in average).
level 2: persons (40 persons).
I wanted to conduct a multilevel regression with variables on the within-level level.
How can I give credit to the two situational types without directly including them into the regression?
Thank you very much in advance!
Best regards
Is there any possibility to get the estimated values (listed for every participant) of a specific latent variable in R or Mplus?
Hey there,
I am looking for literature or tutorial videos, which are concerned with the question of how multilevel markov chain monte carlo models are conducted in R or Mplus. Can someone help me?
Thank you in advance!
Best regards
Dear colleagues,
Does anyone know, how to build a ROC-Curve and a AUC-Value concerning multilevel logistic regression models using R or Mplus. I would be very grateful for any articles, tutorials, short discriptions, etc.
Best regards
Dear collegues,
Does anyone know, how I can generate a p-value for an Odds Ratio using R or Mplus concerning a multilevel (multiple/simple) logistic regression model?
Thank you very much in advance!
Best regards
1. Do you know good research concerning the correlation of different methods of data collection (questionnaire, pulse rate, cortisol concentration, etc.) in terms of external criterion validity?
2. Do you know good studies regarding process related stress profiles of specific occupational groups, which work under conditions of uncertainty (e.g. actors, lawyers, physicians, police officers or teachers)?
3. Do you know research that broaches the issue of average stress-level differences between vayring activities (resting, talking, running, being in the center of attention, etc.)
4. What causes more stress: Observing a stressful event from the view of a third person (like in movies) versus observing a stressful event from the view of person involved? Is there empirical evidence?
Does anyone know a non parametric equivalent to repeated measures ANOVA WITH a between subject factor?
I don't see the possibility to use Friedman Test with a subject factor (group). Shall I calculate the difference between two measurement points (there are only two) and then do a Mann-Whitney U Test for the two groups?