Roberto - MinadeoNational Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil · COBEN
Roberto - Minadeo
Escritor - PhD em Ciências da Engenharia da Produção
Writer: Sonhos Fulgurantes; Na Casa da Avó; Duas Irmãs; O Talismã Oculto; Unicórnios: Aparição Apaixonante.
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Roberto - Minadeo is a writer; works as analyst on Conselho Nacional de Des. Científico e Tecnológico-CNPq, Brazil.
Additional affiliations
October 2011 - June 2015
September 1995 - September 1998
Publications (192)
The Theranos Case Study is a true fairy tale. The founder perpetrated a brilliant coup: after studying Steve Jobs in detail, she simply imitated external aspects of the Apple founder’s conduct. In doing so, she obtained incredible institutional support, such as the participation of none other than Henry Kissinger on the Board of Directors’s company...
Presentation at COLIBRA - Universidade de Salamanca - about "Prosa em Ariano Suassuna".
The global situation of strong competition and growing innovation is an important driver of M&A operations. The article, based on decades of research on Business History, focuses on sectors that have been redesigned through M&A: automotive and household appliances. The Theoretical Framework, due to its necessary brevity, presents only a few concept...
The global climate of strong competition and increasingly crucial innovation appears to be an important driver of M&A operations. The article focuses on a sector that has seen numerous M&A’s over the last few decades, and which, more recently, has been completely redesigned through such deals. Therefore, in mature sectors of economic activity, such...
Purpose: To bring the reader closer to a vision of a set of brands, those that have received some treatment from
the Academy. Such information was complemented by data from business newspapers. In this way, each brand
presented has greater robustness in terms of what the reader can come to know.
Theoretical Framework: Books and academic te...
O presente artigo realizou uma revisão de artigos acadêmicos centrados
em obras cinematográficas ou em artistas. Também algumas poucas
dissertações foram vistas, ao lado de um Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso.
Saem do escopo desta pesquisa textos que comparam filmes diversos,
fazem paralelismos entre filmes com outras obras de arte ou que fazem
The importance of French cinema has been enormous since the Lumière brothers and their operators. Then, there was a moment of relative crisis, due to the relative
dominance of Hollywood. Over the last few decades, excellent productions have once again highlighted films produced in France. For this article, exclusively academic sources, articles fro...
It is an essay that makes several parallels with the famous character Capitu, by Machado de Assis.
It is part of the Anthology "Books, Authors and Styles", by Editora PerSe, São Paulo, 2023, ISBN 978-65-5879-383-0.
It's a short story about a young woman who is extremely bitter about life. After a huge series of problems, an important factor - related to the title of the Anthology - makes it change.
It is a dreamlike tale, based on Greek mythology, published in this anthology.
The Collection ("Segredos" or Secrecies) requested short stories in which Secrets were a dominant theme. The short story I published, Digestor de Segredos, is set in the spirit of a spy agency.
The quiet prof. de Química Lima is ending a week, leaving the USP campus on a Friday, lost in his abstractions.
He is faced with an incredible surprise: a unicorn. Not knowing what to do, he feels chosen by the wonderful animal to take care of him.
Unlike what is expected, unicorns are not the size of horses, but small, close to the size o...
Obra premiada no EDITAL DE SELEÇÃO PÚBLICA Nº 01, SECDC/SECULT/MTur, de 02 de setembro de 2022, Prêmio de Incentivo à Publicação Literária, Antologia 200 Anos de Independência-3ª Edição, realizado pela SECDC/SECULT/MTur.
The book is, above all, a fantasy – in the style of current series, such as Locke and Key, The Sandman or The Shannara Chronicles.
Plot summary
It is the story of Paul, a boy in the United States, who is an orphan – having been raised by his grandparents. He moves from his native Montana to New York to study at around age 19. After a short time,...
Romantic tale: a professor moves to another town and an event that changes his life.
A tale full of mystery about a taxi driver who saves the life of the passenger's grandmother.
As operações de F&A’s passaram a ser cada vez muito frequentes no panorama empresarial, usadas com as mais diversas finalidades. O setor petrolífero possui incontestável valor na economia; apesar de lidar com a certeza de que em algum dia não mais haverá reservas de óleo/gás; pois conta com organizações gigantescas, e que já iniciaram bilionários p...
Tale based on Norse Mythology. It deals with Viking expeditions arriving in the Brazilian Northeast.
Romantic minitale, which deals with the unlikely bond between a simple clerk and a Minister of State.
Romantic mini-tale, which revolves around a contact between former colleagues made on social networks.
Horror tale around the saying: "May the masons never leave their house!"
Atlas Syndrome is based on the myth, whereby Atlas bears an evidently overwhelming weight. The construct is a way of envisioning such a "problem" applied to human existence, and its consequences.
Atlas Syndrome is based on the myth, whereby Atlas bears an evidently overwhelming weight. The construct is a way of envisioning such a "problem" applied to human existence, and its consequences.
A romantic tale, started around a mysterious building.
Trata-se de um conto romântico, em torno a um prédio misterioso. Foi publicado na Revista The Bard, na Edição de Março/Abril de 2022.
Mini tale about the hardships of a young woman after World War II and her vision of nuclear weapons.
It is an essay that draws a parallel between the act of driving a vehicle and the human condition.
A short story about a dramatic situation broadcast in an online meeting in the context of the pandemic.
A short story about a dramatic situation broadcast in an online meeting in the context of the pandemic.
Humorous essay on how to deal with annoying and bullies.
Humorous essay on how to deal with annoying and bullies.
A horror tale set in ancient Rome.
É um conto de terror ambientado na Roma antiga.
Foi publicado em "Ccontos e poemas assombrosos 5", da Revista Conexão Literária.
Pg. 52-60.
ISSN 2448-1068
Essay on the law that affects those who do not update, the expression "Tired Lion Syndrome" being coined by the author.
Essay on the law that affects those who do not update, the expression "Tired Lion Syndrome" being coined by the author.
The short story "Na Conta do Desespero" is found on pages 56-63, is a serial killer.
It's a tale about a company hated for environmental reasons that, when it closes its doors, comes to be valued.
It's a tale about a company hated for environmental reasons that, when it closes its doors, comes to be valued.
It's a mini-tale about the mysterious sale of a super motorcycle.
It's a fun horror tale.
É um divertido conto de Terror.
Foi publicado na revista 666 – Terror – Volume. 2 - dirigida pelo escritor e editor Adriano Siqueira (https://issuu.com/revista666terror/docs/666_vol_2_-_oficial_bfba116bce1829).
Essay on the negative aspects of Judicial Activism.
Essay on the negative aspects of Judicial Activism.
Abstract The global climate of strong competition and abundant innovation seems to be an important driver of M&A's operations. The article focuses on sectors that have been totally redesigned through such deals. The Theoretical Referential, due to the necessary scarcity of space, only presents brief ideas and three Case Studies. In the Conclusions...
It is an essay based on humor, suggesting the introduction of a new noun in the Portuguese language: "Gelimenta".
It is an essay based on humor, suggesting the introduction of a new noun in the Portuguese language: "Gelimenta".
IN: Revista Inversos. ISSN 2527-1857. Dezembro/2021, p. 120.
It's a tale of a confused student who starts to get right, until an incident could ruin everything, were it not for the energetic maternal intervention.
It's a mini-tale about the plight of a husband who suffers at the hands of a wealthy and jealous wife, and who finds a creative way to solve the problem.
It's a mini-tale about the plight of a husband who suffers at the hands of a wealthy and jealous wife, and who finds a creative way to solve the problem.
Após um Referencial Teórico, o artigo apresenta Fusões e Aquisições (F&A's) de alguns grupos brasileiros centenários-como resultado de uma linha de pesquisa ativa em História Empresarial e em F&A's. Os resultados são ricos, mostrando inúmeras operações em grupos de porte, além de operações em companhias menores.
Palavras-Chave: Fusões e Aq...
The magazine "Manchete" brought interesting contributions to the national print media, having about two decades of leadership. The group's entry into electronic media proved to be a difficult decision-possibly the cause of its downfall. The focus of the article, a case study elaborated using secondary data, is to analyze possible political aid to t...
D. Maria Rita is a grandmother, a retired teacher from Rio de Janeiro who bought a farm in the pleasant town of Miguel Pereira. He created a tradition of receiving his granddaughters during Holy Week. In one of these events, granddaughters Carla and Tereza discover D. Maria Rita's diary and begin reading. The mischief is discovered; after the natur...
A mini-tale with a conversation about the role of colors in heraldry and the fact that almost all of them refer to war themes.
Horror mini-tale in which the protagonist lives, creates or enters his own labyrinth.
É um conto de terror no qual o protagonista cria seu próprio labirinto - no qual se trancafia.
Publicado na Revista CONEXÃO LITERATURA - Nº 74.
Humorous essay about Jet Lag, making a pun with Jegue (donkey).
It's a mini-tale of a drama generated in a school situation.
Mini-tale about the dramatic situation of unemployment of millions of engineers in the 1980s and 1990s in the face of the outsourcing phenomenon.
It is an essay on the theme of balance, which is a permanent pendulum between the dynamic and the static
It is a dreamlike tale revolving around the banal situation of dealing with items of clothing that return from the laundry with broken buttons.
Mini dream tale connected to someone who receives a "death sentence" linked to an illness.
“The Danger of Words” is the title of this microconto, and, at the same time, the plot and the argument.
Essay on the theme of the decay of physical forces brought about by age.
It is a mini tale that revolves around a dreamlike situation and the painting "Starry Night", by Van Gogh.
How to learn by watching children play soccer.
Ideas about the lion's reign in the animal world and about the importance of the lioness.
A chronicle about some problems that act in the lives of diplomats.
It is impossible to celebrate something striking in a contained way.
The tale is a dystopia, in which an unwanted multiplication of genetically modified white tigers takes place.
O conto é uma distopia, na qual uma indesejada multiplicação de tigres brancos geneticamente modificados provoca um caos global.
The Harlequin represents an indispensable figure in social life.
Trata-se do segundo conto da Antologia Sonhos Fulgurantes, disponível na Amazon:
What appeared to be a simple political debate has become the greatest possible terror in the life of an "old guard" politician.
A text that pays homage to Monteiro Lobato and his brilliant children's literature.
A text that pays homage to Monteiro Lobato and his brilliant children's literature.
The plot presents an element of romance, which undergoes three important and surprising inflections. In my entire life as a reader, I have not seen anything like it, that is, I can say that it is an innovative storyline. One of the inflections is the title of the work itself, which relates to the tension between the strong female characters. I rece...
Sinopses dos Contos
“O Cavalo Mágico” é o conto de abertura. Tem o papel de inserir o leitor no clima de fantasia que permeia toda a obra.
Houve contos nos quais o enredo se encontra mais desenvolvido, como “Reconstrução” e “Lenta possessão pela máquina”.
“Tesouro Maldito” mescla romance e suspense, estando ambientado na glamorosa Roma antiga. Da m...
A importância e a natureza do ProUni são o foco do artigo. São descritas características e alguns resultados do Programa, dado de que ao início de 2012 o milionésimo aluno foi contemplado com uma bolsa do ProUni. O texto busca inúmeras fontes, e articula ideias com base em dados, evitando os projetos que não vieram a se concretizar – como as divers...
RESUMO O objetivo do artigo é tratar do potencial do cinema no ensino de cursos de gestão empresarial e apresentar um conjunto de obras que podem ser de utilidade aos professores dessa área, divididos em categorias, sugeridas para auxiliar seu uso. Alguns fatores que ajudam a fazer do cinema uma poderosa ferramenta didática: sua força para a criaçã...
The article addresses several topics related to Corporate Governance
(CG). Short sections bring the relationship between GC and Mergers and Acquisitions, as well as CG practice in a non-profit organization. The methodology used is the study of multiple cases, and only academic articles and books have been adopted as sources. In these case studies s...
Questions (46)