Robert RozwałkaMaria Curie-Skłodowska University · Department of Zoology
Robert Rozwałka
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Publications (102)
Steatoda triangulosa (Walckenaer, 1802) is a spider species known from most areas of the Palaearctic, and has also been introduced to North America. In the southern part of its range, this spider species lives in natural habitats, while in regions with a colder climate, e.g. Western and Central Europe, it is usually found in synanthropic conditions...
The greenhouse camel cricket Tachycines asynamorus is an insect of the order Orthoptera, native to Eastern Asia. It was introduced to Europe and North America at the end of the 19th century, probably along with exotic plants imported to botanical gardens, orangeries, and horticultural farms. In the climatic conditions of Central and Northern Europe...
The study provides a comprehensive list of publications concerning data on spider distribution in Poland. A list includes 1089 original papers, book chapters, books, conference papers with original records on spider species from the contemporary territory of Poland. The list was updated as of December 31, 2020.
The article presents almost one hundred new localities of Pellenes nigrociliatus and P. tripunctatus. The preferred habitats of both species in Poland are dry stony or sandy areas with sparse vegetation. Their presence is strongly connected to the distribution of land snails, whose empty shells are used as a shelter and breeding place. Frequent obs...
In September of 2021, a Polish expedition took place in the Valbona Valley in the Albanian Alps (Kocot-Zalewska et al. 2021) During the expedition, a project study of invertebrate cave fauna had begun. The main purpose of this presentation is to show the preliminary results of a study on the invertebrate fauna in the Albanian Alps. Within 14 days,...
New data about the occurrence of two spider species with similar habitat requirements are presented. Both prefer very warm, dry and open environments and are rarely collected in Poland. New localities are extending the known range of Zelotes erebeus in Europe northwards and enriching our knowledge about the distribution of very rarely collected to...
Distribution of Scytodes thoracica (LatreiLLe, 1802) (Araneae: Scytodidae) in Poland. Scytodes thoracica (LatreiLLe) is a synanthropic spider species, originating from southern Europe. In the last decades, the expansion of this species in Western and Central Europe has been observed. From the Poland area of S. thoracica was generally mentioned at t...
New observations of Icius hamatus (C.L. KoCh, 1846) (Araneae: Salticidae) in Poland. Icius hamatus (C.L. koCh) is a spider species occurring in North Africa, southern Europe and the Middle East. Along with the transport of fruit, especially pomegranates, persimmons and grapes, it is imported to Central Europe. In this paper, the authors discuss sub...
There are 44 species and subspecies of the genus Alopecosa known in Europe, and 13 of them have so far been listed as occurring in Poland. Alopecosa sulzeri (Pavesi, 1873) is a xero- and thermophilic species distributed in the western Palearctic. In Europe, it occurs primarily in the south-east, while it is rare in Central Europe. Between 2007 and...
Remarks on the distribution of Talavera petrensis (C.L. Koch, 1837) (Araneae: Salticidae) in Poland. A new locality of Talavera petrensis (C.L. Koch, 1837) (Araneae: Salticidae) from the southwestern Poland is reported. This spider species was observed in Lower Silesia, in a gravel quarry. The finding prompted the authors to reanalyze the distribut...
Macroecologists seek to identify drivers of community turnover (β-diversity) through broad spatial scales. However, the influence of local habitat features in driving broad-scale β-diversity patterns remains largely untested, owing to the objective challenges of associating local-scale variables to continental-framed datasets. We examined the relat...
Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) are widespread in subterranean ecosystems worldwide and represent an important component of subterranean trophic webs. Yet, global-scale diversity patterns of subterranean spiders are still mostly unknown. In the frame of the CAWEB project, a European joint network of cave arachnologists, we collected data on...
The ladybird spider Eresus kollari Rossi, 1846 (Araneae: Eresidae) is a thermophilic species distributed from Europe to West Siberia. Due its rare presence in Poland, this species is protected. This paper presents data about its distribution in the studied country as a result of an overview of published literature and new records of E. kollari in P...
Ischyropsalis hellwigii hellwigii in Niedźwiedzia Górna Cave on Częstochowa Upland. Ischyropsalis hellwigii hellwigii is a harvestman belonging to the suborder Dyspnoi. It is a rare species in Poland, known from the Sudety Mountains and one single emplacement in Ojców National Park situated on the southern part of Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. In 2012...
New records of Spilostethus saxatilis (Scopoli, 1763) (Heteroptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) in Poland]. This note presents new records of Spilostethus saxatilis in Poland, including the first records in Western Beskidy and Wyżyna Krakowsko-Wieluńska.
We review the known information on the distribution and habitat affinities of the Micrargus herbigradus-species group in Poland. The analysis is based on a thorough literature survey, our own materials, and verification of some older collections. We give new diagnostic drawings and review the characters that are useful in identification of species...
The invasive harvestmen Leiobunum sp. A (Arachnida: Opiliones) spread rapidly across Europe. Since the first report from the Netherlands at the beginning of the 21st century its known range covers most of the western and central European countries, reaching Berlin in the East. In this note we report for the first time two new sites from Poland whic...
Urban green areas, due to their high plant diversity, can be supportive as floral resources (nectar and/or pollen) to wild and managed pollinating insects. This research aims towards understanding the contribution of ornamental ground cover perennials as a food source for urban pollinators. We compare floral phenology and abundance, nectar and poll...
Global warming and intensive transport favor the spreading of species. In 2015, three theridiid spider species were found in Poland for the first time: Kochiura aulica, Latrodectus geometricus and Theridion melanostictum. Kochiura auilica was transported in pomegranates from Turkey and T. melanostictum in pomegranates from Chile. One female of Latr...
The paper presents new data on seven rare spider species in Poland: Anelosimus vittatus, Clubiona corticalis, Nusoncus nasutus, Pocadicnemis carpatica, Pseudicius encarpatus, Pseudomaro aenigmaticus and Talavera thorelli. Their current locations is presented on maps. Moreover, the figures illustrating the main diagnostic features of Clubiona cortic...
Przegląd Przyrodniczy XXVII, 2 (2016): 80-94 ABSTRAKT: W pracy przedstawiono przegląd informacji na temat występowania gryziela zachodnie-go (Atypus affinis Eichwald, 1830) oraz omówiono nowe stanowiska zlokalizowane na terenie Polski. Gatunek ten został wykazany z 10 stanowisk, przy czym cztery z nich można uznać za współczesne (Świnoujście [VV 57...
Abstract: Anatrachyntis badia (Hodges, 1962) (Lepidoptera: Cosmopterigidae) is an opportunistic species native to the southern part of North America. This species was given from several dozens of plants therein from many cultivable plants, such as limes, grapefruits, bananas, peaches, cabbage, blossoms of coconut, Cycas spp., and even pine cones. T...
The harvestmen Dicranopalpus ramosus (Simon, 1909) (Arachnida: Opiliones) is reported from Poland for the first time. It was found in the Dąbrówka near Poznań (Wielkopolska Lowland), more than 400 km East of the nearest known localities of this species in Germany.
Cryptoblabes gnidiella is an opportunistic species native to the Mediterranean region. This species has been reported from several dozen host plants, including many cultivated plants, especially fruit (e.g. grapes, lemons or pomegranates). It is considered a serious pest together with accompanying insects such as mealybugs. It is also suspected of...
Zelotes erebeus (Thorell, 1871) is a thermophilic species occurring in southern, western and central Europe. It was excluded from the checklist of Polish spiders because of synonymization issues. This paper corrects the published data and lists new localities in western and central Poland. The sites of Z. erebeus discovered near Świnoujście, Czarnk...
Over the last decades, a large number of introduced spider species (Araneae) has been noted in Europe. Some of these newcomers have been introduced incidentally. however, the others develop permanent populations, for example in greenhouses or botanical gardens, and become synanthropic species. Introduction and synanthropization of new spider specie...
A review of data on the occurrence of Atypus affinis Eichwald, 1830 and its new sites discovered in Poland are presented. This species has been reported from 10 locations, with four currently recorded (Świnoujście [VV 57], Tyniec [DA 14], Grabin [WT 17] and Skwierzyna [WU 22]).
Over the last decades, a large number of introduced spider species (Araneae) has been noted in Europe. Some of these newcomers have been introduced incidentally. However, the others develop permanent populations, for example in greenhouses or botanical gardens, and become synanthropic species. Introduction and synanthropization of new spider specie...
Pandava laminata is an exotic representative of the family Titanoecidae, which has been recently introduced into Europe. Authors discuss the occurrence of P. laminata in Poland and Europe, as well as pathways of its spreading. The observations indicate that P. laminata is an expansive species and it may be present in many European countries. This s...
Talavera aperta is a rare member of the Salticidae (jumping spiders). Its presence in Poland has been questioned. This paper presents data on 20 new localities of this poorly known species and a map of its distribution in western and central Poland. Detailed drawings of the male body, male palps and the female epigynum are also provided. T. aperta...
Clubiona saxatilis C.L. Koch was observed in the Stołowe Mountains (south-western Poland). Its distribution in Europe is here discussed and the morphological features of the males of C. saxatilis C.L. Koch and C. alpicola Kulczyński are illustrated.
Distribution of synanthropic and expansive harvestmen species: Lacinius dentiger, Leiobunum limbatum, Nelima sempronii, Opilio canestrinii, Opilio parietinus, Opilio saxatilis and Phalangium opilio in the Polish Carpathians was investigated and illustrated. The actual routes of migration and the possible threats as well as the changes that have tak...
The paper presents data on the occurrence of Thanatus atratus in Poland. The long-lasting confusion in Polish and European literature about the existence of 2 similar species T. atratus / T. vulgaris in Poland is clarified. Diagnostic images of T. atratus reproductive organs of both sexes are presented.
Rzadkie gatunki pająków (ArAneAe) RezeRwatu góRy piepRzowe Rare spider species (Araneae) of the góry pieprzowe Reserve AbstrAkt: Praca zawiera informacje o kilkunastu rzadkich gatunkach pająków (m. in. Atypus mura-lis, Eresus kollari, Ipa keyserlingi, Titanoeca psammophila, Zelotes exiguus) stwierdzonych w rezerwacie Góry Pieprzowe (Wyżyna Małopols...
Sitticus terebratus is a spider species known from a few localities in Poland. The records refer to the south Poland - in the West Beskid and the Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin, as well as in the north-eastern part of the country. The study revealed 13 new localities of this species ranging from the Babia Góra Mts to Bieszczady Mts. All sites of S. terebrat...
A list of 16 harvestmen species found in the Magura National Park is presented. One locality of Siro carpaticus was found in the Park, while in the buffer zone two invasive species were observed: Leiobunum limbatum and Opilio canestrinii. Presented results still require additional complementary studies, as there is a chance for finding several furt...
ABSTRAKT: W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań nad składem gatunkowym pająków i kosarzy na terenie rezerwatu przyrody " Słoneczne Wzgórza " w dolinie Odry (południowo-zachodnia Polska). Materiał badawczy zbierano w środowiskach muraw kserotermicznych (Adonio-Brachypodietum, Lino-syrio-Stipetum, Potentillo-Stipetum) i leśnych (Querco-Ulmetum, Cephala...
The list of 146 spiders species which were found in the Magura National Park is presented. Among all recorded species, the most interested were: Robertus truncorum, Centromerus silvicola, Larinioides suspicax, Cheiracanthium montanum. Distribution maps of Robertus neglectus, Pardosa morosa, P. wagleri, Histopona torpida, Hahnia nava and Thanatus fo...
76 Przegląd Przyrodniczy XXV, 2 (2014): 76-90 ABSTRAKT: W pracy przedstawiono informacje o pająkach i kosarzach zebranych w trakcie badań inwetaryzacyjnych w rezerwacie Świdwie położonym na Pomorzu Zachodnim. Na terenie rezerwatu stwierdzono występowanie 133 gatunków pająków i 9 gatunków kosarzy. Wśród wykazanych gatun-ków, stwierdzono kilka rzadki...
The paper presents a list of 169 spider species Araneae found in the Eastern Beskid, among them 25 new to the area studied. Particularly interesting are the findings of location of such species as: Erigonoplus globipes, Kratochviliella bicapitata, Cheiracanthium montanum, Ozyptila pullata, Sitticus dzieduszyckii.
AbstrAkt: W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań nad pająkami Araneae i kosarzami Opiliones w wybranych środowiskach Lednickiego Parku krajobrazowego. Wykazano 111 gatunków pająków i 7 gatunków kosarzy. Najciekawszym z wykazanych pająków był Talavera aperta – gatunek w Polsce rzad-ki, znany z kilku stanowisk, a także 4 inne gatunki zaliczane do zagroż...
ABSTRAKT: Odiellus spinosus jest ekspansywnym gatunkiem kosarza, dotychczas znanym w Polsce z 8 stanowisk. Autorzy przedstawiają 15 nowych znalezisk, które uzupełniają informacje na temat roz-mieszczenia O. spinosus w Polsce. Stanowisko w Bydgoszczy jest teraz najbardziej na wschód wysunię-tym stanowiskiem tego gatunku w Europie. ABSTRACT: Odiellus...
ABSTRAKT: Odiellus spinosus jest ekspansywnym gatunkiem kosarza, dotychczas znanym w Polsce z 8 stanowisk. Autorzy przedstawiają 15 nowych znalezisk, które uzupełniają informacje na temat roz-mieszczenia O. spinosus w Polsce. Stanowisko w Bydgoszczy jest teraz najbardziej na wschód wysunię-tym stanowiskiem tego gatunku w Europie. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: Od...
Słowa kluczowe: Araneae, torfowiska, Kotlina Orawsko-Nowotarska. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań araneofauny epigeicznej rezerwatu torfowiskowego " Bór na Czerwonem " niedaleko Nowego Targu. Zbadano skład gatunkowy zgrupowań pająków w czte-rech reprezentatywnych zespołach roślinnych: Pino rhaeticae-Sphagnetum, Eriophoro vaginati-Sphagnetum falla...
In Central Europe, as well as in Poland many introduced spider species have been recorded in the past decades. Most of them are from areas with warm climate, and spreading mainly in synanthropic environment, rarely colonizing natural habitats. Results of research, presented in this paper extend the list of Polish synanthropic araneofauna by four sp...
The occurrence of Odiellus spinosus and Lacinius dentiger in Poland – two expansive harvestmen species is considered. O. spinosus was known in Poland from only one location near Poznań. New information presented in this work on the next seven locations indicate that this expansive species has already colonized large part of Greater Poland. Previous...
Hahnia difficilis was found in Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin (Podhale) and western Sudety Mountains, these are the first records of this spider species for Poland. Its distribution and typical habitats are discussed. Moreover, Hahnia montana – a species closely related to H. difficilis – is recorded from the Western Tatra Mountains and a few diagnostic fea...
The genus Paranemastoma is represented in Polish fauna by two vicariant species: P. quadri-punctatum and P. kochi. The present paper gives new information on distribution of both species in Poland. Literature data together with new localities allowed a compilation into map clearly showing their vicariance.
This paper presents information on the finding of a southwest European spider species Cetonana laticeps (Canestrini) in Poland. On the basis of the collected specimen a description and pictures illustrating the diagnostic characters of the female C. laticeps were made.
The occurrence of Palliduphantes ericaeus (Blackwall) was recorded in the course of investigation of araneofauna carried in environmental studies in the area of a planned gas-port in Świnoujście. This spider species has not been so far recorded from Poland. The recorded occurrence of P. ericaeus in Świnoujście is the farthest eastern site of this r...
This paper presents information about the catching in Poland of a very rare species of spider Karita paludosa (Duffey 1971). On the basis of the collected specimen a description and pictures illustrating the diagnostic characters of the female spiders K. paludosa have been made as well as a map of the distribution of this species in Europe.
The genus Paranemastoma is represented in Polish fauna by two vicariant species: P. quadri-punctatum and P. kochi. The present paper gives new information on distribution of both species in Poland. Literature data together with new localities allowed a compilation into map clearly showing their vicariance.
The paper presents the results of a study of longhorn beetles in Poleski National Park (CE Poland); the observations were done irregularly by the authors during the last 18 years. The cerambycid fauna of the area contains 67 species including – important from both faunistic and nature conservation perspective – e.g. Ergates faber, Grammoptera ustul...
Present list of 202 spiders species Araneae which were found in the Bieszczady National Park is given. Among them 64 species were not enumerated from this Park.
Leiobunum limbatum is an expansive harvestman species of Alpine provenience connected with zone of hills and lower mountains. In the second half of 20th and the beginning of 21st century the species began its expansion to the East and North, mainly in Germany and the Czech Republic but reaching to Poland and even Sweden. The review of the new recor...
Improphantes geniculatus (Kulczyński 1898) is a rare steppe spider species, known from a few locations in Central Europe and from Southern part of Russia. Authors give information about a fi rst location of I. geniculatus in Poland, affi rmed which is in " Góry Pieprzowe " Reserve near Sandomierz.
In this paper is presented fi rst information on the discovery in Poland of the Nesticella mogera (Yaginuma 1972). This east-Asiatic spider species has been discovered in Europe in only one locality – Berlin.
The collection of spiders (Araneae) in the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom. The collection of spiders stored in the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom was elaborated and set in order. The collection consists of 191 samples in which 75 spider species were identified. The most interesting species represented in the collection were Anguliphantes tripartitu...
Anguliphantes tripartitus (Miller et Svatoň) is a mountainous species, closely related to A. monticola (Kulczyński) (in regards to similar morphology). The analysis of specimens deposited in Museums and in private collections revealed that A. tripartitus has occurred on several sites in Poland. The ranges of distributions of A. tripartitus and vica...
During studies on spiders of high peat bogs in Orawa – Nowy Targ Basin (southern Poland), a few larvae of two Somatochlora species were caught in Barber’s traps. Larvae were found in traps situated by the edges of peat bogs, in places without isolated water bodies, in patches of damp Sphagnum.
Somatochlora alpestris was caught in Puścizna Wielka (4...
Dipoena torva is a spider species of Euro-Siberian range, rarely recorded from many European countries and the Asian part of Russia. In Poland it is known from the 18 sites mainly located in the eastern part of the country. Literature data and new records of this spider show that this species is strictly connected with tree trunks of old trees (ful...
The analysis of the original description of Bathyphantes pusiolus (Fickert, 1875) is given and the name is synonymised with Porrhomma convexum Westring (1861).
Holocnemus pluchei (Scopoli, 1763) represents the family Pholcidae. Its native land is the Mediterranean region. By the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century this spider was introduced to West Europe where it was noted mostly in glasshouses, botanic gardens and other similar synanthropic habitats. In the presented paper the authors supp...
Lacinius dentiger is rare in Poland, a Pannonian-Central-European species, reported only from 5 scattered localities. The paper provides the information on new sites of L. dentiger, thus completing the data on its distribution in the country. Based on the distribution analysis of Lacinius dentiger in Poland and Germany a hypothesis on disjunctivity...
A list of 109 spider species Araneae which were found in examined material from the Bieszczady Mountains and Bieszczady National Park is presented. Among revealed species 10 were not enumerated from the area of the Bieszczady National Park until now and 14 are new to the araneofauna of Bieszczady Mountains. It should be emphasized that the localiti...
The paper presents the information about a new locality of Zodarion rubidum SIMON, in the eastern outskirts of Świnoujście (NW Poland). The discovered station is the first locality in Poland where a larger number of Z. rubidum individuals was collected. This fact shows that this invasive spider species became a stable component of the Polish araneo...
A single female Pocadicnemis carpatica (Chyzer) has been collected in The Stołowe Mountains National Park. This is the first report on this very rare Carpathian spider species in Poland. Present locality is one of the most northern findings of this spider.
Urocystis muscaridis (Niessl) Moesz is reported for the first time from Poland. The fungus is the second species of Ustilaginomycetes collected on the genus Muscari (Liliaceae) in Poland. Previously only Vankya vaillantii (Tul. & C. Tul.) Ershad was reported from two localities in Lower Silesia. The new collection of Urocystis muscaridis is describ...
Nowe stanowiska szmaciaka gałęzistego Sparassis crispa w południowo-wschodniej Polsce Szmaciak gałęzisty Sparassis cńspa WULF. ex FR (Basidiomyco-ta: Sparassidaceae) jest grzybem pasożytniczym atakującym przede wszystkim sosny. Znacznie rządzie] rozwija się na innych drzewach iglastych-świerkach, jodłach, modrzewiach, a nawet daglezjach (Grzywacz 1...
12 taxa of macrozoobenthos were found in the submerged parts of bittern’s nests during preliminary studies in the area of pond complex in south-eastern Poland. The dominants were Dytiscidae and Hirudinea. The density of macrozoobenthos was high: 543 ind.•m-2 (462 ind.•m-3) on average. Almost the whole community was composed of predators. Habitat co...