Robert Hecht

Robert Hecht
Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development | IOER · Monitoring of Settlement and Open Space Development



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Robert Hecht currently working at the Leibniz Institute for Ecological Urban and Regional Development (research area Monitoring of Settlement and Open Space Development). Robert does research in the fields of Geoinformatics/GIScience, Cartography and Remote Sensing.


Publications (92)
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The use of urban green spaces (UGS) depends on its quality, which is perceived very differently by diverse socio-demographic groups. In particular, elderly people have special demands on the UGS quality. It is essential to know these demands to create an equitable UGS supply. We present an approach to determining some qualitative aspects and the su...
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The increasing density of urban spaces and buildings is undermining public health. To compensate, there is a growing trend towards biophilic design, including at one of the most frequented and highly functional sites: railway stations. Previous studies have confirmed the economic feasibility of station greenery and users' preference for this but al...
Colouring Cities is an open digital platform that enables the collaborative collection and visualization of building data. The platform provides a unique opportunity to collect spatial information on the characteristics, performance, and evolution of building stocks, thereby bridging existing data gaps and supporting sustainable urban development....
The German non-residential building stock is not fully represented in any official statistics, in contrast to residential buildings. This is surprising given the economic significance of this asset and its importance as a source of greenhouse gases. This knowledge gap was closed in the project Research Database Non-residential Buildings. Statistica...
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This paper demonstrates an approach to the problem of micro-scale analysis of medical service provision in Germany. Research focuses include estimating population dynamics, mapping access to medical facilities and identifying spatial patterns in medical service provision. We applied the Enhanced Two Step Floating Catchment Area method to quantify c...
21 st century urbanisation features not only the growth of city populations but also the emergence of densification (infilling) as significant trends in urban development. While urban sprawl has long been acknowledged for its adverse effects, understanding densification remains challenging due to inadequate empirical and statistical frameworks. Thi...
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Policy Highlights To achieve the recommendation stated in the chapter title, we propose the following: Ensure the follow-up and implementation of EU policy measures, including by conducting quality assessments and introducing national community energy targets. Foster institutional allies at local and regional levels. Provide access to and capacitie...
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This is the “Call for Papers” for a special issue in the Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis [JGSA] with the title “Data-Driven Geospatial Approaches and Systems for Informed Decision Making in Sustainable Urban and Regional Development”. The special issue aims to introduce, explore, and discuss innovative data-driven approaches in spa...
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Dasymetric mapping is a well-known technique when attempting to refine census data spatially and/or temporally. Existing approaches in micro-level census disaggregation make use of building areas or volumes in the mapping process. In an empirical error comparison it is shown that using additional address data rather than only building footprints or...
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Under the umbrella "Urban Analytics for Transforming Cities and Regions", ILUS 2023 is dedicated to give answers to the question how interdisciplinary concepts in spatial analysis and data modelling can contribute and support sustainable urban and regional development. To this end, the symposium co-vers the major topics: Urban Dynamics, Resilient u...
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Building usage is an important variable in modelling the energetic, material and social properties of a building stock. Gathering this data on large geographical scale, and in the necessary temporal and spatial resolution, that means, on building level, is a challenging task. Machine Learning algorithms like Random Forest have proven useful in pred...
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In einem Citizen-Science-Projekt "Baukultur und klimagerechte Architektur in Dresden" wird Wissen der Bürger über die vielfältigen Gebäude der Stadt Dresden in einer digitalen Karte zusammengeführt und so sichtbar und nutzbar gemacht. Zentraler Anlaufpunkt wird die web- basierte Plattform "Colouring Dresden" sein, welche auf quelloffenem Code basie...
Technical Report
Diese Dokumentation präsentiert die Ergebnisse des Workshops vom 07.09.2022, welcher am IÖR in Dresden (Deutschland) im Rahmen des Citizen Science Wettbewerbes "Auf die Plätze! Citizen Science in deiner Stadt" mit lokalen Akteuren realisiert wurde. Die Projektidee trägt den Titel "Baukultur und klimagerechte Architektur in Dresden - Gebäudewissen k...
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We compare different matching methods for distinguishing building modifications from replacements based on multi-temporal building footprint geometries from 3D city models. Manually referenced footprints of building changes were used to determine which thresholds are suitable for distinction. In addition, since the underlying LoD1 (Level of Detail...
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Landscapes and human settlements evolve over long periods of time. Land change, as one of the drivers of the ecological crisis in the Anthropocene, therefore, needs to be studied with a long-term perspective. Over the past decades, a substantial body of research has accumulated in the field of land change science. The quantitative geospatial analys...
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Grünflächen in der Stadt in Form von Parks, Wäldern, Kleingärten oder auch Brachflächen wirken sich nicht nur positiv auf das Stadtklima und die Biodiversität aus, sondern erfüllen auch wichtige Leistungen für den Menschen. Im Zuge einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung müssen diese deshalb erhalten und vor allem gefördert werden, um eine gute Lebensq...
While neoliberalisation has long drawn scholarly attention, there have been few attempts to quantify the course of restructuring under neoliberal urbanisation. This paper aims to describe and quantify the restructuring process in India for the period 1991-2011. Theoretically embedded in the notion of "creative destruction", the paper adopts a multi...
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Urban green spaces (UGSs) can provide important ecosystem services for citizens and their well-being. To make use of these services according to UGS user demands, urban residents, tourists, and city administrations should know where UGSs are located, what qualities they have and how to reach them on convenient routes. This paper presents a novel di...
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Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts wurde eine mobile Webanwendung entwickelt, die als Informations- und Entscheidungstool für das Aufsuchen städtischer Grünflächen dient. Die Basis bilden eine neuartige Infrastruktur von Diensten sowie verschiedene Datenquellen, wie Open Government Data, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) und Social-Media-Dat...
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Urban green spaces can have potential positive impacts on climate, biodiversity, health, and generally on the quality of life for urban residents and are of great importance for pursuing recreational activities. People as urban green space users should therefore be well informed about where they are located within a city and what activities they ar...
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Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) is a growth management policy that designates specific areas where growth should be concentrated in order to avoid urban sprawl. The objective of such a boundary is to protect agricultural land, open spaces and the natural environment, as well as to use existing infrastructure and public services more efficiently. Due to...
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Die Analyse des deutschen Gebäudebestandes und dessen Entwicklung ist für eine nachhaltige Siedlungs- und Freiraumentwicklung von besonderer Bedeutung. Seit 2016 stehen amtliche 3D-Gebäudemodelle in ihrer einfachsten Form, dem Block- oder Klötzchenmodell LoD1 (Level of Detail 1), flächendeckend zur Verfügung. Allerdings sind erhebliche Unterschiede...
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Public urban green spaces are important for the urban quality of life. Still, comprehensive open data sets on urban green spaces are not available for most cities. As open and globally available data sets, the potential of Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and OpenStreetMap (OSM) data for urban green space mapping is high but limited due to their respec...
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Against the backdrop of rapidly expanding urban structures, land policies in many countries have been adapted to contain and redirect growth to existing urban structures. However, obstacles remain to measure the effects of policies. In the meantime, geoinformation technologies have given rise to a wide range of approaches to measure and describe ur...
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Literature on urban ecosystem services (UESS) is vast, particularly on cultural ecosystem services. However, due to a lack of knowledge on individual urban green spaces on the site level, further research on enhanced methods is needed to underpin existing assumptions about the reasons why people are visiting urban green spaces and what kinds of eco...
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Limiting land take is an important sustainability target. To this end, infill development is a primary strategy. To implement this strategy, policy-makers need a reliable knowledge base on infill development potential (IDP), such as brownfields, vacant lots and underused lots. This study presents the results of the first comprehensive national surv...
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Geospatial analysis and visualisation can be used to gain knowledge about land use structure and its changes on different spatial scales, which in turn is key to unlock the potential for sustainable land use development. This editorial provides a frame to a set of papers of the topical collection “Innovative approaches, tools and visualization tech...
Stadtgrün erfüllt wichtige Funktionen für Mensch und Umwelt. Die Bevölkerung, aber auch Stadtverwal- tungen sollten Grünflächen daher kennen. Sie sollten wissen, wo sie liegen, welche Qualitäten sie aufwei- sen und wie sie sich am besten erreichen lassen. Mit der Entwicklung einer digitalen Infrastruktur und der WebApp „meinGrün“ wird ein neuartig...
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Contemporary urbanization as experienced in India is characterized by urban sprawl, which increases commuting distances and promotes private individual transport. This article takes India's largest region as a case study and uses data from the Census of India on commuting, the population, socio-economic and infrastructural factors as well as spatia...
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Auf der Basis innovativer Methoden der Informationsgewinnung aus verschiedenen offenen Geodaten wird eine WebApp als Informations- und Entscheidungstool für das Aufsuchen und die Nutzung urbaner Grünflächen entwickelt. Die gewonnenen Infor- mationen zur Qualität und Erreichbarkeit von Grünflächen sowie zu Nutzerpräferenzen werden der Öffentlichkeit...
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Information on the distribution and dynamics of dwellings and their inhabitants is essential to support decision-making in various fields such as energy provision, land use planning, risk assessment and disaster management. However, as various different of approaches to estimate the current distribution of population and dwellings exists, further e...
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Building footprint data from National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies are available in Germany for 7 years as a uniform, nation-wide geospatial data set and are updated annually. These multi-temporal building data sets can form the basis for the application of change detection techniques to derive national figures on dynamics in the building stock....
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Regarding suburbanisation, land policies in many countries have undergone profound changes over the past 20 years. While experiencing high growth rates of urban land, policies were reconsidered and adapted with the goal of limiting land consumption in favour of a more sustainable urban development. These changes aim at a higher effectiveness in ste...
Conference Paper
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The aim of the paper is to investigate the potential of crowdsourcing in order to obtain information on buildings and their façade properties, especially the window and door area ratio, based on given street view imagery. A commercial and a non-commercial crowd-sourcing platform is tested and the quality of the derived information is evaluated in t...
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Human settlements are mainly formed by buildings with their different characteristics and usage. Despite the importance of buildings for the economy and society, complete regional or even national figures of the entire building stock and its spatial distribution are still hardly available. Available digital topographic data sets created by National...
Contemporary urbanization, as experienced in India, is accompanied by increasing motorization and commuting lengths. A spatially unequal distribution of employment opportunities leads to important differences between urban and rural areas. Making use of newly released data at the district level on home-to-work commuting, this article examines the d...
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Digital libraries increasingly provide large amounts of scanned maps. These historical cartographic documents are considered as part of the cultural heritage. In a geographical context, however, old topographic maps are very valuable information sources for tracking land use changes over long periods of time. This chapter presents a methodology for...
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The aim of this special issue is to publish original research and review papers in order to stimulate discussions on recent trends in analyzing urban big data and urban morphology.
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Zur Erforschung von Siedlungen spielen Informationen zu Gebäudebeständen eine bedeutende Rolle. Da Informationen zum Gebäudebestand oft nicht in ihrer räumlichen und inhaltlichen Detailliertheit gegeben sind, kommen zunehmend maschinelle Lernverfahren zum Einsatz, um auf Basis von geometrisch-topologischen Eigenschaften der Gebäude einen bestimmten...
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Vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels, insbesondere der erwarteten zunehmenden Hitzebelastung, soll die Effektivität verschiedener städtebaulicher Klimaanpassungsmaßnahmen untersucht werden. Dabei werden mithilfe von Stadtklimasimulationen die Wirkungen verschiedener Klimaanpassungsmaßnahmen quantifiziert und miteinander verglichen. Um Aussagen für...
Technical Report
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Abschlussdokumentation zur Bebauungsstrukturklassifizierung für Nordrhein-Westfalen
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Knowledge of the German building stock is largely based on census data and annual construction statistics. Despite the wide range of statistical data, they are constrained in terms of temporal, thematic and spatial resolution, and hence do not satisfy all requirements of spatial planning and research. In this paper, we describe a new workflow for d...
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Monitoring urban growth and measuring urban sprawl is essential for improving urban planning and development. In this paper, we introduce a supervised approach for the delineation of urban areas using commonly available topographic data and commercial GIS software. The method uses a supervised parameter optimization approach along with buffer-based...
Small-scale data on dwellings and population density are required for precise geospatial urban modelling. Further, knowledge of building usage is necessary to model socio-economic aspects such as the distribution of dwellings and population. In an effort to limit costs and resourcing efforts, users and institutes in research and spatial planning ar...
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Data, maps and services of the national mapping and cadastral agencies contain geometric information on buildings, particularly building footprints. However, building type information is often not included. In this paper, we propose a data-driven approach for automatic classification of building footprints that make use of pattern recognition and m...
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Der Beitrag zeigt mögliche Wege eines bundesweiten Monitorings von Innenentwicklungspotenzialen auf. Die Erfassung und das Monitoring von Innenentwicklungspotenzialen, das heißt von Baulücken, Brachflächen und Leerständen, bilden eine wichtige Grundlage für eine flächensparende Siedlungsentwicklung, einen besseren Schutz von Außenbereichen sowie Pl...
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Zusammenfassung In der Arbeit wird untersucht, ob und wie auf Grundlage von Geobasisdaten eine geo-metrische Abgrenzung erzeugt werden kann, die als Innenbereichsabgrenzung von Siedlungsflächen nutzbar ist. Hierzu wurde ein modulares Programm in einer ArcGIS-Umgebung (ibTool) entwickelt, mit dem eine Innenbereichsabgrenzung näherungsweise abgeleite...
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Für die nachhaltige Entwicklung von Städten und Gemeinden spielt die Innenentwicklung eine zentrale Rolle. Zur Planung werden deshalb entsprechende Systeme zur Erfassung und zum Monitoring von Baulücken- oder Brachflächen benötigt. Allerdings erfassen nur wenige Kommunen ihr Innenentwicklungspotenzial (IEP) systematisch. Das Wissen über die Gesamtf...
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Für die Beantwortung verschiedener Fragestellungen im Siedlungsraum werden kleinräumige Informationen zur Siedlungsstruktur (funktional, morphologisch und sozio-ökonomisch) benötigt. Der Gebäudebestand spielt eine besondere Rolle, da dieser die physische Struktur prägt und sich durch dessen Nutzung Verteilungsmuster von Wohnungen, Arbeitsstätten un...
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[Please scroll down for a short info in English and download options] Deutschland hat sich im Rahmen der Nationalen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie für die Flächenneuinanspruchnahme das ehrgeizige Ziel gesetzt, den Flächenverbrauch auf 30 ha/ Tag im Jahr 2020 zu reduzieren. Die vielen Initiativen des Bundes, der Länder und vor allem der Städte und Gemeind...
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Der Ermittlung und Nutzung von Innenentwicklungspotenzialen kommt eine immer höhere Bedeutung zu. Jedoch nicht in jeder Kommune liegen hierzu Datengrundlagen vor. In einer Studie wurde daher untersucht, ob Baulücken, Brachen oder Nachverdichtungsflächen durch Auswertung von Geobasisdaten erfasst werden können. Im Ergebnis können sowohl ATKIS- als a...
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Due to financial or administrative constraints, access to official spatial base data is currently limited to a small subset of all potential users in the field of spatial planning and research. This increases the usefulness of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), in particular OpenStreetMap (OSM), as supplementary datasets or, in some cases, a...
With regard to future applications of OSM building data in spatial sciences for analyzing urban and rural settlement structure we investigate the latest level of completeness of the OSM building data in comparison to the corresponding datasets of the German national mapping agency (ALK, ATKIS). In contrast to other object classes, such as the road...
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With regard to future applications of OSM building data in spatial sciences for analyzing urban and rural settlement structure we investigate the latest level of completeness of the OSM building data in comparison to the corresponding datasets of the German national mapping agency (ALK, ATKIS). In contrast to other object classes, such as the road...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents a method for automatic derivation of urban structures types with focus on residential areas. It is based on scanned topographic maps at scale 1:25k and a given urban block geometry from a national topographic database. The procedure consists of five steps: (1) definition of a typology of urban structures, (2) extraction of build...
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Für die kleinräumige Modellierung und Analyse von Prozessen im Siedlungsraum spielen gebäudebasierte Informationen eine zentrale Rolle. In amtlichen Geodaten, Karten und Diensten des Liegenschaftskatasters und der Landesvermessung werden die Gebäude in ihrem Grundriss modelliert. Semantische Informationen zur Gebäudefunktion, der Wohnform oder dem...
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The determination of urban vegetation volume is getting more and more important within the frame of an ecologically orientated city planning. Conventional methods like the height categorization of typical kinds of vegetation followed by multiplication with the area are costly and complicated during survey but remain exact. Since there are several c...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents a GEOBIA approach to multitemporal map interpretation. Besides archival remote sensing imagery, cartographic representations of Earth’s surface are unique sources of information on the longterm evolution of geographical features. The knowledge about changes of features such as land cover, coast lines, or the extension of human s...
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Das Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR) verfolgt u. a. das Ziel, präzise Kenntnisse über das Mengengerüst des deutschen Gebäudebestandes und seiner Eigenschaften zu gewinnen und räumlich hochauflösende Indikatoren als Grundlage einer nachhaltigen Raumentwicklung für Planer und Entscheidungsträger zu erarbeiten. Dieser Beitrag fok...
The quality of remotely sensed data in regards of accuracy and resolution has considerably improved in recent years. Very small objects are detectable by means of imaging and laser scanning, yet there are only few studies to use such data for large scale mapping of railroad infrastructure.In this paper, an approach is presented that integrates extr...
Conference Paper
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This paper addresses the automation of georeferencing topographic maps for the operational acquisition of spatiotemporal data on urban growth. The achieved automation of this process helps to overcome some issues and hindrances of costly manual data preparation and, thus, enables high resolution monitoring and GIS-based analyses of urban dynamics o...
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In diesem Beitrag werden erste Ergebnisse der Überführung qualitativer vektorbasierter Flächennutzungsinformationen in Rasterkarten vorgestellt. Dazu wird insbesondere auf die Überführung der baulich geprägten Siedlungsfläche (im Folgenden Siedlungsfläche genannt) und deren Abbildung im Raster samt den damit einhergehenden Transformationseffekten e...
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Building stock is an extremely cost-intensive and long-lived component of the settlement structure. Considering its importance, the information available on building stock and its development is often inadequate. Data such as the age and structure of buildings, the number of dwelling units and floors are not comprehensively available nor sufficient...
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Estimating urban green volume is getting more and more important within the frame of an ecologically orientated city planning and environmentally sustainable development. The first and the last pulse of airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data provide the basis for the estimation of green volume, but these optimal data are not always avail...