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Publications (100)
This study focuses on what choices in assessments students want to make in order to enhance their motivation. A flexible assessment can enhance students’ perceived autonomy and thereby contribute to more intrinsic motivation for working on these assessment tasks. Autonomy is more than offering choices, rather it is about the autonomy t...
Student questioning is an important learning strategy, but rare in many classrooms, because teachers have concerns if these questions contribute to attaining curricular objectives. Teachers face the challenge of making student questioning effective for learning the curriculum. To address this challenge, a principle-based scenario for guiding effect...
The power of portfolios in enhancing student motivation is frequently emphasised. Portfolios are conceptualised as a tool to implement Assessment for Learning (AfL) in classroom practice. However, the relation between portfolios and AfL on the one hand, and student motivation on the other hand, is complex and subject to many assumptions. This study...
Student questioning is an important self-regulative strategy and has multiple benefits for teaching and learning science. Teachers, however, need support to align student questioning to curricular goals. This study tests a prototype of a principle-based scenario that supports teachers in guiding effective student questioning. In the scenario, mind...
Guiding student questioning to become effective for attaining curriculum objectives is a challenge for many teachers. In two previous studies a principle-based scenario was developed in two primary schools to enhance teacher guidance of effective student questioning. This study aims to determine to what extent the scenario for teacher guidance is r...
Guiding student questioning to become effective for attaining curriculum objectives is a challenge for many teachers. In two previous studies a principle-based scenario was developed in two primary schools to enhance teacher guidance of effective student questioning. This study aims to determine to what extent the scenario for teacher guidance is r...
Het begrip studiesucces speelde het afgelopen decennium een centrale rol in discussies over het hoger onderwijs. Gericht beleid moet ervoor zorgen dat dit onderwijs bijdraagt aan een internationaal competitieve Nederlandse kenniseconomie en dat het meer en beter gekwalificeerde hoger opgeleiden oplevert voor de arbeidsmarkt. Dat alles moet zo effic...
p>Although teachers’ commitment to continuous professional learning is crucial for high quality education, research shows that this learning cannot be taken for granted. To better understand how teachers’ learning at work can be supported, this study investigates how effects of job demands (i.e. work pressure and emotional pressure) and job resourc...
In this research we studied studentś use of motivational strategies as mediator between motivational beliefs and motivational engagement. Dutch students in pre-vocational secondary education (N = 3602, mean age 14) completed a self-report questionnaire on five motivational strategies (Environmental Control, Interest Enhancement, Self Consequating,...
This poster show the four design principles and the 5 stages of practical implementation of those design principles in classroom practice
Teachers’ innovative behaviour and professional development are important aspects of high-quality education. It is often thought that motivation influences teachers’ innovative behaviour and professional development. The main purpose of this study is to gain more insight into motivational processes contributing to teachers’ innovative behaviour. Us...
Deze poster toont in één overzicht de ontwerpprincipes en de 5 fases van begeleiding van vraaggestuurd leren.
The scenario for teacher guidance of effective student questioning is elaborately explained in this teachers manual, which is meant for classroom use.
An introduction to our research at the Nominee Session for the Best Research and Practice Project of the EAPRIL 2016 conference in Porto. A short movie introduced this 10 minute pitch., which was recorded and is on Youtube ( https://youtu.be/X1xAPf8MQFc)
This workshop concerns two major aspects of the scenario of guiding student questioning: making a classroom mind map and generating questions. The topic is ”chocolate’” .
Although the educational potential of student questions is widely acknowledged, primary school teachers need support to guide them to become effective for learning the curriculum. The aim of this review is to identify which teacher guidance supports effective student questioning. Thirty-six empirical studies on guiding student questioning in primar...
In recent decades, teachers, scholars and policy-makers have a growing interest in the potential of student questioning for learning and teaching. Research shows that student questioning elicits intrinsic motivation for learning, supports the development of cognitive and metacognitive skills and allows for differentiated and self-regulated learning...
This posters gives an overview of the research on the scenario to guide effective student questioning
This paper reviews studies of peer feedback from the novel perspective of the providers of that feedback. The possible learning benefits of providing peer feedback in online learning have not been extensively studied. The goal of this study was therefore to explore the process of providing online peer feedback as a learning activity for the provide...
In this study the perception of psychological needs and motivation in a student-centred and a teacher-centred learning environment are compared, using Self Determination Theory as a framework. The self-report Intrinsic Motivation Inventory was completed by 230 students (mean age 16.1 years) in pre-vocational secondary education. School records on a...
Assessment for Learning (AfL) is believed to create a rich learning environment in which students develop their cognitive and metacognitive strategies. Monitoring student growth and providing scaffolds that shed light on the next step in the learning process are hypothesized to be essential elements of AfL that enhance cognitive and meta...
This study aims to integrate the current proliferation of motivation theories in a Unified Model of Task-specific Motivation (UMTM). According to this model readiness for action results from an interaction between four relatively independent types of valences that can be classified as affective or cognitive, and positive or negative. Affective vale...
This study focuses on learning in three different hypermedia environments that either support autonomous learning, learner-controlled learning or system-controlled learning and explores the mediating role of academic self-regulation style (ASRS; i.e. a macro level of motivation) on learning. This research was performed to gain more insight in the c...
In the present study, the ways in which digital learning tasks contribute to students’ intrinsic motivation and learning outcomes were examined. In particular, this study explored the relative contributions of autonomy support and the provision of structure in digital learning tasks. Participants were 320 fifth- and sixth-grade students from eight...
Gorissen, C. J. J., Kester, L., & Martens, R. L. (2012, June). Het aanbieden van advies: De invloed
van leerling-kenmerken en taaktypen op gedrag in Hypermedia leeromgevingen. [Offering Advice: The Influence of learner characteristics and task type on behaviour in Hypermedia Learning Environments]. Paper presented at the Onderwijs Research Dagen [...
In deze studie onderzochten we de onderzoeksvraag of autonomie ondersteuning bij het leren met hypermedia leeromgevingen leidt tot verschillen in typen motivatie, ervaren cognitieve belasting en leerprestaties van de leerling vergeleken met volledige learner control of system control. Ook werd er rekening gehouden met de academische zelf regulatie...
When learning with hypermedia, students have a lot of room for exploration. Free exploration is often found to lead to higher motivation, however there is also a high risk of cognitive overload. Controlled environments, on the other hand, can prevent cognitive overload, although they also tend to reduce motivation. The main focus of this study is h...
In this study we examined the research question, does autonomy support in a hypermedia environment lead to different types of motivation, performance and experienced cognitive load compared to learner control and system control? While taking into account students’ SAT-scores and academic self regulation style (ASRS). A total of 69 grade 5 students...
In this study we examined the research question, does autonomy support in a hypermedia environment lead to different types of motivation, performance and experienced cognitive load compared to learner control and system control? While taking into account students’ SAT-scores and academic self regulation style (ASRS). A total of 69 grade 5 students...
The self-determination theory (SDT) assumes that healthy motivation needs to be intrinsic in nature and that the basic psychological needs competence, autonomy and relatedness are prerequisites for intrinsically motivated behaviour. Intrinsically motivated students in turn show more persistence and understanding of classroom material. However, in s...
In today's information society people have to manage an overload of information adequately. Being able to search, find, evaluate, select, process, organize and present information in order to acquire new knowledge is an important skill. This skill is defined as information-problem solving (IPS). However, research shows that many students are not ab...
Different theoretical viewpoints on motivation make it hard to decide which model has the best potential to provide valid predictions on classroom performance. This study was designed to explore motivation constructs derived from different motivation perspectives that predict performance on a novel task best. Motivation constructs from self-determi...
The way students perceive a learning climate (e.g. controlling or stimulating) is significantly influenced by feedback and assessment. However, at present much is unclear about the relation between feedback and motivational state. More specifically, the interplay with student characteristics is unclear. Since there is a strong increase of group wor...
Onderzoek op het gebied van de Cognitive Load Theory laat belangrijke implicaties zien voor instructieontwerp. Over het stimuleren van germane load, wordt nog gedebatteerd. Eén manier om germane load te verhogen is door het verbeteren van motivatie. Wij introduceren vanuit het perspectief van de motivatie theorie, Self-Determination Theory, het con...
This study concerns the effect of autonomy when studying learning material on students’ motivation, perceived mental effort and learning results, taken into account students’ prior domain knowledge, learning ability and attitude towards learning. The objective of this study is to find a balance between the implications, for the design of educationa...
In this study, we assessed the feasibility of a specific elaboration of the efficacy construct, distinguishing between personal
and contextual aspects, as a criterion for comparing learning environments. The participants were 163 students from two student-regulated
and two teacher-regulated programs in higher education. We measured students’ percep...
In order to stimulate student teachers to thoroughly comprehend the main variables influencing their work, teaching and assessment strategies in teacher education have changed significantly. One of the changes in the assessment of student teachers in teacher education programs is the use of case-based assessment instruments. Such instruments evalua...
This paper discusses the usefulness of tools that enable the analysis of eye movement data in dynamic interfaces for investigating
theoretical issues in the area of multimedia learning. One of these tools, GazeTracker
TM, a program that links eye movement data to information about the internal computer processes and automatically combines the
two f...
This article describes the design and formative evaluation of a Web-based tool that supports curriculum developers in constructing
competence maps. Competence maps describe final attainment levels of educational programs in terms of—interrelated—competencies.
Key requirements for the competence-mapping tool were validity and practicality. Validity...
Many forms of e‐learning (such as online courses with authentic tasks and computer‐supported collaborative learning) have become important in distance education. Very often, such e‐learning courses or tasks are set up following constructivist design principles. Often, this leads to learning environments with authentic problems in ill‐structured tas...
In this article, the effect of functional roles on group performance and collaboration during computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is investigated. Especially the need for triangulating multiple methods is emphasised: Likert-scale evaluation questions, quantitative content analysis of e-mail communication and qualitative analysis of ope...
Reviews the book, The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning edited by Richard E. Mayer (see record 2006-00633-000 ). Multimedia learning is defined as learning from words (spoken text or printed text) and pictures. The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning aims to explain how people learn from words and pictures in computer-based environmen...
With interactive learning environments good learning results can be achieved often. This research is about the use of an interactive learning environment is the context of distance education. One of its main characteristics is the adaptation to student characteristics such as prior knowledge. The results of three experiments are presented, in which...
Quantitative content analysis is increasingly used to surpass surface level analyses in computer-supported collaborative learning (e.g., counting messages), but critical reflection on accepted practice has generally not been reported. A review of CSCL conference proceedings revealed a general vagueness in definitions of units of analysis. In genera...
Educationalists experience difficulties with the construction of competence maps that describe final attainment levels of
educational programs. Web-based support was developed with three supportive aids: A construction kit, a phenomenarium, and
an information bank. Each supportive aid was expected to improve perceived process and product quality as...
This article focuses on the design of competency-based performance assessment in e-learning. Though effort has been invested in designing powerful e-learning environments, relatively little attention has been paid to the design of valid and reliable assessments in such environments, leaving many questions to educational developers and teachers. As...
In this introduction to the special section, research in relation to asynchronous discussions in computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments is analysed from a methodological perspective. The discussion centres on three quality issues that are considered as critical in recent content analysis approaches: (1) the accuracy of the re...
In this paper, two studies are reported on the effect of functional roles on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) in higher education - the second is a replication of the first. Prescribed functional roles were implemented in half of all groups during a project-based course in higher education. All communication was via e-mail. Analysis...
This article presents a study that provides insight in the effects of an authentic electronic learning environment on student performances and experiences. It is expected that learning in an authentic learning environment results in more active and deep learning and improves intrinsic motivation of students. The results of this study showed, contra...
Tools to support knowledge elicitation are used more and more in situations where employees or students collaborate using the computer. Studies indicate that differences exist between experts and novices regarding their methods of work and reasoning. However, the commonly preferred approach tends to deal with team members as a single system with "c...
The paper describes the implementation and acceptance of e-learning in a hospital environment using off-the-shelf technology. Twenty-eight nurses participated in a pilot study that was designed to support an electronic course on advanced electrocardiogram interpretation. The paper presents the procedure and the technologies used to support the e-le...
Abstract Students with high intrinsic motivation often outperform students with low intrinsic motivation. However, little is known about the processes that lead to these differences. In education based on simulations or authentic electronic learning environments, this lack of insight is even more clear. The present study investigated what students...
The usefulness of roles to support small group performance can often be read; however, their effect is rarely empirically assessed. This article reports the effects of functional roles on group performance, efficiency, and collaboration during computer-supported collaborative learning. A comparison of 33 questionnaire observations, distributed over...
The paper describes the implementation and acceptation of e-learning (electronic learning) in a hospital environment using off-the-shelf technology (Blackboard). Twenty-eight nurses participated in a pilot study that was designed to support an electronic course on advanced electro-cardiogram interpretation, a requi red skill for nurses working in c...
At present, the design of computer-supported group-based learning (CSGBL) is often based on subjective decisions regarding tasks, pedagogy and technology, or concepts such as ‘cooperative learning’ and ‘collaborative learning’. Critical review reveals these concepts as insufficiently substantial to serve as a basis for CSGBL design. Furthermore, th...
Recent research on the influence of presentation format on the effectiveness of multimedia instructions has yielded some interesting results. According to cognitive load theory (Sweller, Van Merriënboer, & Paas, 1998) and Mayer's theory of multimedia learning (Mayer, 2001), replacing visual text with spoken text (the modality effect) and adding vis...
This paper focuses on two increasingly important issues in teacher education: the design of more skill-based education and the involvement of students by means of peer assessment. Ninety-three student teachers were trained in one important peer-assessment skill, namely ‘defining performance criteria’. This training, which consisted of four peer-ass...
Intrinsic motivation can be predicted from participants' perceptions of the social environment and the task environment (Ryan & Deci, 2000)in terms of control, relatedness and competence. To determine the degree of independence of these factors 251 students in higher vocational education (physiotherapy and hotel management) indicated the extent to...
Students with high intrinsic motivation often outperform students with low intrinsic motivation. However, little is known about the processes that lead to these differences. In education based on simulations or authentic electronic learning environments, this lack of insight is even more clear. The present study investigated what students actually...
A Dutch policy scientist once said the information and knowledge in the twenty-first century has the shelf life of fresh fish, and learning in this age often means learning where and how to find something and how to relate it to a specific situation instead of knowing everything one needs to know. On top of this, the world has become so highly inte...
Although competence is an important concept in human resource development and education, there is no theoretical framework for competence. This article focuses on the development of such a theoretical framework. It proposes the boundary approach ofcompetence, an aid to support human resource managers and educationalists in thinking about the concep...
The growing complexity and dynamics of professional work increasingly require teamwork. Continuous learning while working will be obligatory to meet the performance requirements of the workplace. In this context asynchronous collaboration becomes more common and poses new educational design questions. Many questions regarding these new ways of work...
Modern instructional theories are characterized by their focus on rich, multidisciplinary and often collaborative learning
tasks that are somehow representative for authentic, real life tasks. This new view on learning heavily increases the complexity
of the design process and the resulting instructional systems. It is argued that computer-based in...
Abstract The design of effective multimedia instructions is investigated within the framework,of Cognitive Load Theory and Generative Theory of MultimediaLearning. According to these theories, replacing
This chapter presents two converging developments. Traditionally, learning at schools or universities and working in a professional context were relatively separated. Companies often complain that students know a lot ‘facts’ but are not ‘competent.’ On the other hand at schools and universities students often complain that they can’t see the releva...
In this article the effectivity of prototypes of interactive learning environments (ILE) is investigated. These computer-based environments are used for independent learning. In the learning materials, represented in the prototypes, a clear distinction is made between the basic content and embedded support devices (ESDs) that are expected to suppor...
The effects of prior knowledge and progress assessment on learning behaviors and motivation were studied in the context of self-study by students at the Open University of the Netherlands. Results with 1,482 adult students show their positive appreciation of assessments for student support but less appreciation of feedback received by mail. (SLD)
In this contribution, a theoretical and empirical framework based on work carried out at the Open universiteit (Ou) for a new approach towards the design, production and delivery of flexible, interactive learning materials for distance education is presented.In the Research and Development centre of the Ou, a project has concentrated on the innovat...
In distance education, the design and elaboration of the learning materials are of prime importance. Despite the potential of new information technologies, printed learning materials are still the dominant delivery format. To support the learning process, the printed materials are enriched with “embedded support devices” (ESD), such as schemes, ill...