Rizaldi BoerIPB University | IPB · Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia Pasific (CCROM - SEAP)
Rizaldi Boer
Doctor of Philosophy
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Publications (113)
Climate change will cause extreme rainfall, both wet and dry. Extreme rainfall will cause catastrophic floods and droughts. Therefore, it is important to analyse extreme rainfall and flood events in the future. Disasters and environmental issues in the Batanghari watershed include flooding, drought, forest and land fires, sedimentation, and water q...
This paper reviews the effectiveness of implementing Weather Modification Technology (WMT) in efforts to control forest and land fire disasters in Indonesia. Analysis is carried out on several parameters in the field that can be measured and observed. WMT has been proven to be able to increase rainfall intensity by 12.9% and shorten the duration of...
A statistical evaluation has been carried out to calculate the value of rainfall enhancement resulting from the implementation of Weather Modification Technology (WMT) as an effort to deal with forest and land fires in Indonesia. Calculations were made on four samples of WMT implementation in Riau Province in years that experienced different climat...
The achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement depends on rapid progress towards sustainable food and land systems in all countries. We have built a flexible, collaborative modeling framework to foster the development of national pathways by local research teams and their integration up to global sca...
Peatland stretches across approximately 8% of Indonesia's land area. Peat fire disturbance, which affects the carbon dynamics of the ecosystem, will determine the country's vision for a long-term strategy for low carbon development. While the impact of excessive draining on peatland fire is well-known to the scientific community, much less is known...
Vulnerability assessment is the first step required to determine the mitigation and adaptation policies for climate change. Composite indices, such as the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI, including the LVI-IPCC) and Sistem Informasi Data Indeks Kerentanan (SIDIK) is a widely known methods of calculating vulnerability since they summarize variou...
Achieving carbon neutral consumer goods is dependent on reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from one of their major ingredients–palm oil. This crop has become one of the most controversial today because, despite its high productivity, high applicability and ability to alleviate poverty, palm oil development also comes at the cost of defores...
Harapan Rainforest is the only remaining lowland rainforest in the Sumatera Island, Indonesia, that the Ministry of Forestry has designated for the restoration of lowland rainforest ecosystems. In Harapan Rainforest, several stakeholders are interested in using the forest for several things. For example, the local community uses the forestland for...
There is an urgent need for countries to transition their national food and land-use systems toward food and nutritional security, climate stability, and environmental integrity. How can countries satisfy their demands while jointly delivering the required transformative change to achieve global sustainability targets? Here, we present a collaborat...
Tracking decarbonization effects requires a model for the identification of spatial energy demands on city facilities. However, most developing countries lack detailed discrete time and device-specific energy demand data. In this study, we installed multiple energy demand monitoring systems that could observe electricity demands at the device level...
Salah satu dampak paling signifikan dari perubahan iklim adalah kenaikan permukaan laut. Wilayah pesisir Pangandaran yang terletak di Selatan Jawa Samudra Hindia secara langsung memiliki risiko banjir lebih tinggi akibat kenaikan permukaan laut (SLR) dibandingkan dengan wilayah pesisir di Utara Jawa. Dampak langsung dari kenaikan muka laut, pada um...
Indonesian peatlands have been drained for agricultural development for several decades. This development has made a major contribution to economic development. At the same time, peatland drainage is causing significant air pollution resulting from peatland fires. Peatland fires occur every year, even though their extent is much larger i...
This article examines sustainability transitions in the Global South, focusing on the adoption of rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems in Indonesia as a case study. Based on 55 in-depth interviews and a secondary data review, we develop an alternative analytical framework that draws insights from geographical political economy and political ecology. T...
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) and Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia Pacific (CCROM-SEAP) working together to develop a beneficial monitoring system for measuring air pollutants. The monitoring system consists of system control units and instrument for measuring pollutants and located in a hig...
Drought is a natural hazard that results from a deficiency of precipitation, leading to low soil moisture and river flows, reduced storage in reservoirs, and less groundwater recharge. This study investigates the spatial variations of drought characteristics (drought event frequency, duration, severity, and intensity). This study using the Standard...
Mobile weather stations are needed because of their better coverage balance than stationary stations. Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia Pacific (CCROM-SEAP) of Bogor Agricultural University (Institut Pertanian Bogor or IPB University) developed a low-cost mini observation system using Espressif ESP32 DOIT Developm...
Peatland plays a pivotal role in providing natural resource production and environmental services for human welfare. However, many studies have mentioned the impact of dryland cultivation in peatland on the shifting carbon balance in the ecosystem that clearly will alter the interaction of these two ecosystem services. The goal of this study, condu...
This report seeks to open the box of emission pathways, by considering the multidimensional feasibility conditions-i.e. the technical, economic, political, social and institutional- that will enable the required far-reaching and systemic transformation towards the long-term goal. A detailed understanding of the transformations is indeed key to supp...
About 2.5 million hectares of a total of 15 million hectares of oil palm plantation in Indonesia are planted in, or conflict with, the forest zone. Oil palm plantations face a conflict between socio-economic and ecological issues. This study was conducted in the Harapan Rainforest, Jambi to evaluate the potential of oil palm-based agroforestry to r...
Palm oil is very important exported commodity in Indonesia, which currently generates more than USD18 billion to the national earnings. Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis, Jacq.) is the most efficient crop in terms of productivity in producing oil compared with other crops, such as soybean, rapeseed and sunflower. Indonesia is a major palm oil producer in...
Salah satu dampak paling signifikan dari perubahan iklim adalah kenaikan permukaan laut. Wilayah pesisir Pangandaran yang terletak di Selatan Jawa Samudra Hindia secara langsung memiliki risiko banjir lebih tinggi akibat kenaikan permukaan laut (SLR) dibandingkan dengan wilayah pesisir di Utara Jawa. Dampak langsung dari kenaikan muka laut, pada um...
Pandemi COVID-19 mendorong para pemangku kebijakan terkait untuk memberikan
respon kebijakan sebagai upaya pencegahan penyebaran penyakit tersebut. Respon kebijakan yang diterapkan salah satunya adalah imbauan penghentian sementara kegiatan perkantoran menjadi bekerja dari rumah (work from home), kemudian seiring berjalannya waktu dan berkembangnya...
Available technology options such as choice of varieties, fertilization, irrigation, organic fertilizers, which is supported by the information of rainfall pattern can be used as a reference for farmers in finding the best planting time, to minimize the negative impact of climate variability. The ideal technology choice allows a farming takes place...
Resilience is an intangible concept. One way to describe it is done by indicators that can represent the same unit (index). The purpose of the study is to develop a method of measuring the climate resilience index (RI) based on the concepts and theory of vulnerability, risk, and resilience. The design of study and methods are: 1) framework for anal...
Climate data that has limitation on spatial and temporal scale becomes an obstacle in perform the climate-related research such us crop simulation, climate risk assessment and many others. Regional climate models such as RegCM4 can produce adequate outcomes of climate data in term of spatial and temporal sides. Output data from RegCM4 can be used f...
Indonesia is currently one of the top four coffee exporting countries in the world. Climate change is projected to cause significant impacts on coffee. Without proper adaptation measures, this will significantly lower the productions. Changes in rainfall and increases in temperature will affect the phenological development that would eventually inf...
Cities and human settlements will be the keys to achieving global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All cities aim to increase prosperity, enhance resilience and environmental sustainability, especially in developing countries. While how to promote the low carbon city transition and achieve the SDGs targets are the emerging challenges. Few rese...
Greenhouse gas emissions from peat lands are key sources of the overall
emissions in Indonesia. These emissions are mainly caused by fires and to a lesser
extent decomposition of degraded peat lands which have been cleared for either
food crop or palm productions. Land clearing has taken place since the colonial
times; however, it had accelerat...
As a country with 14.9 ha of peatland, Indonesia is a major contributor of GHG emissions, especially from peat ecosystems. These emissions were caused by peat decomposition and peat fires. However, accurate estimation of peat burnt area was still a barrier that prevented the inclusion of peat fire emission in the document of Forest Reference Emissi...
River basins provide homes and livelihoods to millions of people and play important roles in providing water for agriculture, drinking, industry and sewage as well as for hydropower energy production. The threat of climate change on water resources is serious and has to be taken into account in developing short, medium, and long-term development an...
Climate data that has limitation on spatial and temporal scale becomes an obstacle in perform the climate-related research such us crop simulation, climate risk assessment and many others. Regional climate models such as RegCM4 can produce adequate outcomes of climate data in term of spatial and temporal sides. Output data from RegCM4 can be used f...
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) has been implementing a joint monitoring project of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and air pollutants in Indonesia with Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), and Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG). To estimate the a...
Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management of Bogor Agricultural University in collaboration with National Institute for Environmental Studies-Japan developed an on-line system to monitor real time air quality and greenhouse gases for three sites surrounding Jakarta area, i.e. Bogor (Center of Bogor city), Serpong (Jakarta suburb) and Cibeu...
Many scientists assume that RCM output is directly used as input for climate change impact models, while it consists of systematic errors. Consequently, RCM still requires bias correction to be used as an input model. The purpose of this study was to analyze the RCM performance before and after bias correction, its best performance from several mod...
Synergies are required to ensure coordination between UN agencies (on norms and indicators), Member States (on coherence of policy instruments) and consumers (on perceptions of safety and affordability of services) to advance the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 6.3 which focusses on reuse of wastewater. In this paper we emp...
The Paris Agreement introduces long-term strategies as an instrument to inform progressively more ambitious emission reduction objectives, while holding development goals paramount in the context of national circumstances. In the lead up to the twenty-first Conference of the Parties, the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project developed mid-century l...
Forest and land fire occurs almost every year in Indonesia. Its impact is very harmful for human and environment. Developing a program in fire management requires identification of forest and land fire characteristics and its causes. The aim of this research was to evaluate the characteristics and causes of forest and land fire in Kapuas District C...
Indonesian Maritime Continent has the second longest coastline in the world, but the characteristics of offshore rainfall and its relation to coastline type are not clearly understood. As a region with eighty percent being an ocean, knowledge of offshore rainfall is important to support activity over oceans. This study investigates the climatology...
Opportunities exist in G20 countries to strengthen existing climate policies.
It can be shown from analyses at the national level that the emission reductions consistent with global pathways to reach the overall targets of the Paris Climate Agreement can be implemented. This is the main conclusion of a set of 11 national fact sheets developed as pa...
Climat change (CC) which contributed to increased conflict/war had implicitly emerged in the IPCC’s 3rd and 4th reports (IPCC, 2001; 2007); meanwhile on the 5th report (IPCC, 2014) emphasized more on human security. The risk/impact of CC to human security was shown through interaction between livelihood, conflict, culture, and migration. The purpos...
ECONOMIC AND ADAPTATION COSTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE: CASE STUDY OF INDRAMAYU, WEST JAVA INDONESIA Abstract Climate change is already occurring. In Indonesia, many evidences such as changing rainfall patterns in many parts of the country (e.g., Sumatra and Java) indicate the impacts of global climate change on Indonesian climate. This new climate regime...
To develop community-based early warning systemof forest and land fires is needed local knowledges exploration that have correspondence to existing systems. The objectives of this study were to determine characteristics offorest and land fires and to explore local knowledge related to forest and land fire early warning system. Spatial analysis with...
In respond to the international guidance to reduce emissions from
deforestation and forest degradation, and the role of conservation,
sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest
carbon stocks in developing countries recognized as REDD+,
and as part of the requirements to implement REDD+ scheme
as climate mitigation actions, Indonesi...
ABSTRAK Penggunaan data global makin meningkat dalam mengatasi permasalahan ketersediaan data curah hujan observasi. Salah satu data global yang sering digunakan yaitu data Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station (CHIRPS). Namun demikian, data CHIRPS tidak bebas dari permasalahan bias, sehingga perlu dilakukan validasi dan koreksi...
The Paris Agreement calls for maintaining a global temperature less than 2°C above the pre-industrial level and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5°C. To realize this objective and promote a low-carbon society, and because energy production and use is the largest source of global greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions, it...
The Paris Agreement, which entered into effect in 2016, emphasizes a definite timeline for communicating and maintaining successive nationally determined contributions (NDCs) that it plans to achieve in addressing climate change. This calls for the development of a measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) system and a Capacity-building Initiat...
Landslides are the frequent and widespread climate hazard in Indonesia that cause loss of human life and damage to property. Tana Toraja District is one of the regencies in Indonesia with the highest number of landslide events. Throughout the year 2016 there were at least 3 (three) landslide incidents that caused casualties and disconnection of tra...
Land use changes in upstream cause flooding in the middle and downstreams so that appropriate spatial planning is required. The study aims to (1) analyze the forest management in ecologycal region percpective community, unilateral and bilateral on the boundary areas of Indonesia and Timor Leste, (2) analyze dependence of spatial-ecology with income...
The demand for clean water in South Tangerang, Indonesia, is very high. At present, this demand is mostly met by groundwater that is much influenced by climate variability, land cover change, and human activities. The local company on water services (PDAM) provides clean water services for only about 9% of the population. The climate risk assessmen...
em>Monsoon onset information plays an important role in setting up planting strategy for achieving optimum yield . This study aimed to develop forecasting model for the monsoon onset in main rice growing area of Java used Regional Climate Model Version 3.1 (RegCM3). The forecasting models of the monsoon onset and September-Oktober-November (SON) ra...
Strengthening community participation is needed to find solutions to encourage community more participate in reducing Green House Gas (GHG) from forest and peatland fire. This research aimed to identify stakeholders that have the role in forest and peatland fire control and to formulate strengthening model of community participation through communi...
This chapter provides an overview of Indonesia's current economy, energy sector, land use, and climate policies. We assessed Indonesia's Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) using an Asia-Pacific Integrated Model/Computable General Equilibrium model coupled with an agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) model. The model sh...
In this study we discuss probabilistic forecasts of Citarum River streamflow, which supplies 80 % of the water demands in Jakarta, Indonesia, based on general circulation model (GCM) output, for the September–November (SON) season. Retrospective forecasts of precipitation made over the period 1982–2010 with two coupled-ocean atmosphere GCMs, initia...
Forest and land fires occur almost every year in Indonesia and their impacts are detrimental to human life and the environment. The major causes of forest and land fires thus need to be determined and spatial pattern of the fire activity needs to be developed. The assessment of hazard levels can help policy makers to develop strategy and actions fo...
Relation of shape and size of coastal line to coastal rainfall mechanism over Indonesian Maritime Continent (IMC) is not clearly understood. Cendrawasih Bay is a unique coastal line because it is the biggest curvature type in IMC, near equatorial lines and semi-closed oceans. The mechanism of nocturnal rainfall over Cendrawasih Bay has been studied...
The climatology and variability of dry spells are valuable information for scientists, engineers, planners, and managers working in water-related sectors such as agriculture, ecology, hydrology, and water resources. The dry spell concerns consecutive dry days which are the largest number of consecutive days with less than 1 mm of daily precipitatio...
In 2015, Sumatera and Kalimantan, in particular, has undergone dramatic fires. The fires were particularly bad in 2015 because of a prolonged dry season caused by the El Nino weather pattern and creating a lot of greenhouse gas emissions. Between about July and December, more than a million hectares of forest were burned. South Sumatra is one of th...
This chapter provides an overview of Indonesia’s current economy, energy sector, land use, and climate policies. We assessed Indonesia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) using an Asia-Pacific Integrated Model/Computable General Equilibrium model coupled with an agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) model. The model sh...
We investigated the key mitigation options for achieving the mid-term target for carbon emission reduction in Indonesia. A computable general equilibrium model coupled with a land-based mitigation technology model was used to evaluate specific mitigation options within the whole economic framework. The results revealed three primary findings: (1) I...
Loss of forest cover in large scale in tropical region will have impact on climate significantly. This will change air pressure distribution and shift the typical global circulation patterns and change rainfall distribution. Its contribution to the increase of greenhouse gas emission will also enhance global warming and may increase the frequency a...
Greenhouse gas emissions from peat lands are key sources of overall emissions in Indonesia. These emissions are mainly caused by fires and to a lesser extent decomposition of degraded peat lands which have been cleared for either food crop or palm productions. Land clearing has taken place since the colonial times; however, it had accelerated drama...
Indonesia and Timor-Leste development of border regions in Timor Island has brought land use changes, and when combined with climate variability it may cause flooding, drought, and impact of economic efficiency of farm crop. The research aimed to analyze: (i) the effect of land use changes and climate variability on the floods and drought on the To...
Th to the institutional of watershed management in border area of Indonesia e objective of this study were evaluate
and Timor Leste, and design a bo watershed management institution for Indonesia and - to model of trans undary
Timor-Leste. method used the institutional Weighting of internal and external factors was to evaluate transboundary
This study presents the results of a modelling study on greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation actions through which the DKI Jakarta energy sector may achieve “Low-carbon City in 2030” targets. The study assesses the effect of future GHG emission levels in DKI Jakarta and ways in which the DKI Jakarta provincial government may reach reduction targets by u...