Richard Tay

Richard Tay
RMIT University | RMIT · School of Business IT and Logistics



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Richard’s expertise is in applying multidisciplinary theory and evidence based approaches to improving road safety, and other transportation or safety related issues. He has been invited to speak at and has chaired technical sessions at many road safety conferences around the world. He has also been invited to many government and non government expert panels, technical committees, advisory boards and task forces. He has been awarded numerous research grants and consultancy contracts.
Additional affiliations
June 2014 - February 2015
University of Melbourne
  • Associiate Professor
August 1996 - October 1999
Lincoln University
  • Professor (Associate)
December 1994 - August 1996
Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Professor (Assistant)
August 1986 - May 1990
Purdue University West Lafayette
Field of study
  • Economics
September 1985 - June 1986
Stanford University
Field of study
  • Engineering Economics System
August 1983 - May 1985
Texas Tech University
Field of study
  • Electrical Engineering


Publications (226)
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Although Sri Lanka has significant traffic-related fatalities and injuries, only a limited number of studies have focused on the road safety challenge. This study applies the random parameters logit model to police reported crash data to identify the factors contributing to the severity of crashes in Sri Lanka. We find that severe crashes are assoc...
Conference Paper
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Bangladesh is heavily dependent on its Ready-Made Garment (RMG) industry which serves as the primary contributor to foreign currency inflows, employment opportunities, and socio-economic advancement within the country. For most RMG workers, the primary mode of transport is walking, encompassing both their journey to and from work, and pedestrian sa...
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While existing literature has focused on modelling pedestrian movement on platforms, there is a lack of understanding of passengers' perceptions, motivations, and influential factors that shape their on‐board behaviours and choices. This study developed a conceptual framework to assess passengers' post‐boarding behaviours and perceptions, specifica...
Purpose Understanding the adoption of m-commerce in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is critical for their sustainable development. This study aims to investigate the adoption of m-commerce in Vietnamese SMEs, leading to the identification of the critical determinants and their relative importance for m-commerce adoption. Design/methodolo...
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Specific design features and functions on the platform and inside of the train carriage can significantly affect how efficiently and smoothly passengers can move in and out of the train. Industry follows the design standard and guidelines to satisfy the minimum requirement. However, the views of rail users are often overlooked and not well understo...
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The focus on sustainable transportation has increased interest in promoting sustainable modes of transport, such as rail. Understanding train passengers’ behaviors and perceptions is essential to enhance their travel experience and increase train ridership. Pre-boarding behaviors and perceptions are crucial in shaping the overall train travel exper...
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Rail, one of the most sustainable modes of transport, is vital in carrying mass passengers in many urban cities. Passengers’ satisfaction with railway services is mostly discussed in the context of service quality in the literature. However, limited studies have considered other attributes that may influence passengers’ satisfaction, such as their...
Purpose The post-pandemic recognises changes are required; universities need to rethink their e-servicescapes strategies by offering different approaches to enhance students’ learning. This study aims to draw on learning self-efficacy trajectories and propose a conceptual model for exploring the predictive validity of satisfaction. In addition, it...
Purpose Mobility as a service (MaaS) is a new model of bundling personal transport options from multiple providers to provide frictionless service. The model integrates information and service to enable users to search, book and pay through a single digital platform. The aim of MaaS is to minimize individual car ownership and revolutionize personal...
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) has gained popularity as a means of sustainable urban transport which makes the understanding of MaaS use critical for its design and promotion. Studies have contributed to the growing understanding of MaaS, its design features, and consumers’ willingness to pay for MaaS in general, without recourse to the differences i...
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The safety of pedestrians, such as workers who largely walk to and from work, has not been given sufficient attention, especially in the area of traffic safety in developing countries, including Bangladesh. Although the National Road Safety Strategy has a very strong emphasis on road safety education and publicity campaigns, the road safety knowled...
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Walking, cycling, and feeder bus/tram for first- and last-mile (FLM) train access are often considered to have better health benefits, lower cost, and less environmental impacts than driving. However, little is known about the road safety impacts of these FLM access modes, particularly at a network level. This paper aims to investigate the impacts...
The fourth industrial revolution (i4.0) is transforming the workplace in every sector of the economy, including transport and logistics, with many jobs expected to decline over time while creating new jobs and spurring growth in some existing jobs. With changing employment comes the need for new skills. This chapter provides an overview of the impa...
A consecutive crash consists of a primary crash and one or more secondary crashes that occur subsequently in a short period of time within a certain distance. It often affects a relatively large area of road space and the traffic disruption created can be difficult for traffic managers to control and resolve. This study identifies the factors delin...
Introduction Motorcycle taxis have been an indispensable component of the transport systems in many cities in the Global South. Motorcycle taxi drivers often work long hours, thus having high exposure to weather conditions, air pollution, and traffic environment. However, little is understood about the health issues among the emerging types of moto...
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This paper investigates the critical determinants for the adoption of mobile commerce (m-commerce) in Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the perspective of managers. A perception-based conceptual model is developed with respect to the technology-organization-environment framework. The conceptual model is then tested and valid...
In this paper, a network-wide anticipatory control (AC) framework, incorporating drivers' route choice behaviour, is proposed. The proposed AC, consisting of two main levels of control and route choice, explicitly accounts for road users' responses to the implemented control. Perimeter control, modelled in an MPC framework for real-time application...
Traffic law enforcement is one of the three pillars of road safety. The experience from around the world has shown that it is an effective method to reduce traffic violations and crashes. However, the design of an effective enforcement program will depend on understanding the underlying mechanism, theories, and models. The purpose of this article i...
Emergency vehicles (EVs), such as ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks, are fundamental components of emergency response systems. EV ensures timely response and delivery of vital services during an emergency. Road traffic crashes involving EVs are considered to have greater societal and economic impacts than regular crashes as these unfortunate...
A meta-analysis was performed to review the potential effects of reversible lanes on traffic safety. A systematic review resulted in ten U.S studies, with 155 estimates of safety effects, that were selected for inclusion in the analysis. These studies employed either a simple before-after comparison or a cross-sectional comparison methodology. Stud...
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Objective: Hit-and-run behavior in crashes is a severe offense worldwide because the identification and emergency rescue of any injured road user is delayed. A motorist’s run from the crash scene is especially serious for a cyclist who would be more prone to be physically injured in a bicycle-vehicle (BV) crash. The objective of this paper is to ex...
While there are broader socio-political, psychological, and structural factors that influence investment decisions (see Harris et al., 2016), in line with the critical approach, this study provides an empirical insight into the notion that financialization, specifically the tendency to prioritise economic over environmental objectives, has a strong...
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This paper explores the responses of underground train passengers to an open ended question ‘In an emergency evacuation situation what would you do?’ A survey of 796 train passengers shows that respondents are more likely to depend on instructions from train station staff or public announcements rather than being active and evacuating quickly or al...
Since motorcycle taxi drivers often work long hours, fatigue would affect their riding abilities, impacting crash risks. However, there is limited understanding about motorcycle taxi drivers’ fatigue-related crashes. This study investigates self-reported fatigue-related crashes among motorcycle taxi drivers in Hanoi, Vietnam. Results from a survey...
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The traffic on the roads in many countries has been increasing in recent decades, and the increases in congestion and carbon emission are contributing significantly to climate change. To minimize these adverse effects, the use of more sustainable travel modes, such as public transit, walking, bicycling, carpool and ridesharing, has been widely prom...
The main purpose of this research is to examine the effect of game-based learning on knowledge acquisition and retention of road rules. A secondary purpose of this study is to investigate possible gender differences related to such an approach. The third purpose is to explore the relationship between beliefs and knowledge acquisition. This quasi-ex...
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Jaywalking is a traffic violation that contributes significantly to vehicle–pedestrian crashes at intersections. Although public education campaigns have been widely used in road safety, relatively little research has been conducted to understand the underlying process or mechanisms that influence their effectiveness for pedestrian safety, especial...
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The relationship between overweight, obesity, or body mass index (BMI) and crashes among drivers of passenger cars, vans, and trucks has been the focus of much research. However, little is understood about this relationship among motorcyclists, particularly motorcycle taxi drivers who tend to work long hours. Motorcycle taxis are an increasingly po...
This paper investigates the critical determinants of mobile commerce (m-commerce) adoption in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam. A comprehensive review of the related literature leads to the development of a conceptual framework to better understand m-commerce adoption in organisations. This framework is then tested and validated...
Crashes involving heavy trucks and vulnerable road users are a major road safety concern because of the higher likelihood of fatal and serious injury. This research identified the socioeconomic characteristics affecting injury severity in collisions involving trucks and vulnerable road users. Specifically, the influences of the sociodemographic cha...
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Hard shoulder running (HSR) has been increasingly used as a sustainable and viable way to increase road capacity. This study investigated the safety effect of HSR on freeways in South Korea using the empirical Bayes method. This study found an increase in the total number of crashes. In terms of crash severity, a higher proportion of crashes (25.3%...
This paper aims to explore three walking behaviors of older pedestrians that may increase their crash risks when crossing urban streets. Older and younger pedestrians’ start-up delay in initiating a crossing and number of head turns during street crossing are observed at 30 pedestrian crossings in Seoul, South Korea, using video recorders. In addit...
The problem of collisions on local roads has received little specific attention despite the considerable number of such collisions that occur each year. First part of this study identifies the factors that influence local road collision frequency at traffic analysis zone (TAZ) level with a particular focus on the planning and policy related variabl...
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Background Traffic demand is growing worldwide and the increased carbon emission from transport and travel activities is contributing to greenhouse gas emission and climate change. As the oil and gas capital of Canada, the city of Calgary has a very high carbon footprint per population and the reduction of automobile use is an important policy goal...
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Many recent studies have been done on the development of evacuation systems and plans. There are also several studies on human behaviour in fire. However, little research has been done to understand how peoples’ likely behaviour relates to their perceived ability to get out safely during an emergency, especially in a major transport hub like an und...
Purpose – Intersections are hazardous locations and to improve their safety we need to understand the factors contributing to crashes at these locations and provide evidence-based recommendations to reduce them. This chapter provides a summary of the findings on infrastructure-related factors contributing to crashes at urban and rural intersections...
Despite their ongoing popularity in Australia and around the world, relatively little research has been conducted to understand the effects of roadside memorials on drivers' behaviors. Although a few studies have been conducted to examine the effects of roadside memorials on drivers’ behaviors, none has examined how it works or which driver segment...
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This study provides some simulated cases to demonstrate that including highly correlated variables, as measured by correlation coefficients and variance inflation factor, in the estimation models will not necessarily create significant estimation problems, at least terms of coefficient estimates. Therefore, depending on the purpose of the research,...
In the recent decade, Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB) has been introduced and widely installed across North America to improve pedestrians’ safety at crosswalks. While the treatment has been reported to be effective in improving safety, relatively few studies have been conducted to explore the factors associated with its effectiveness. Thi...
Road freight transport is considered as an important aspect of the Australian economy. Due to the operational characteristics (e.g. acceleration/deceleration, manoeuvrability) and physical specifications (e.g. length, size) of heavy vehicles, they impose negative impacts on surrounding traffic. These negative impacts include increasing traffic cong...
Purpose: The number of mobility aid users continues to rise as the population ages. While mobility aid users rely on public transport due to its affordability, evidence suggests access can be difficult. This study aims to describe people who use mobility aids to access public transport and the role of public transport access in influencing mobility...
Conference Paper
Truck crashes are a major road safety concern due to the higher likelihood of a fatal or serious injury outcome. The primary objective of this research is to identify the neighbourhood socioeconomic characteristics affecting injury severity in truck collisions. Specifically, the influences of the socio-demographic characteristics of the neighbourho...
Background: Young drivers with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are at higher risk of road traffic injuries than their peers. Increased risk correlates with poor hazard perception skill. Few studies have investigated hazard perception training using computer technology with this group of drivers. Objectives: *Determine the presenc...
Ageing drivers experience a higher risk of intersection crashes because of their decrease in driving efficiency, including the decline in cognitive ability, head and neck flexibility, and visual acuity. Although several studies have been conducted to examine the factors associated with ageing driver crashes at intersections, little research has bee...
Socioeconomic factors are known to be contributing factors for vehicle-pedestrian crashes. Although several studies have examined the socioeconomic factors related to the location of the crashes, limited studies have considered the socioeconomic factors of the neighborhood where the road users live in vehicle-pedestrian crash modelling. This resear...
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Although rental cars experience a higher collision rate per registered vehicle compared to nonrental cars, little research has been conducted to understand the differences in the factors contributing to crashes involving rental cars and nonrental cars, especially driver-related factors. This study develops a conceptual framework to compare the driv...
Objectives: Every year, about 1.24 million people are killed in traffic crashes in the world and more than 22% of these deaths are pedestrians. Therefore, pedestrian safety has become one of the significant traffic safety issues in the world. In order to develop effective and targeted safety programs, the location and time-specific influences on ve...
The objective of this research is to identify the factors differentiating between single heavy vehicle collisions at intersections and midblocks by using a binary logit model. Our results show that single vehicle crashes involving heavy vehicle at intersections are more likely to occur on main roads and highways, whereas crashes at midblocks are mo...
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Background Pedestrians are some of the most vulnerable road users, especially in large congested cities in developing countries. In order to develop appropriate countermeasures to improve safety, research has to be conducted to understand the factors contributing to vehicle-pedestrian collisions. Objective This study aims to identify the factors c...
This paper explores the likely behaviours of train passengers in an emergency evacuation and examines four crucial theoretical issues on the passengers’ evacuation, including reactive vs. proactive behaviours, cooperative vs. competitive behaviours, symmetry breaking, and route/exit choice. A survey of 1134 train passengers shows that respondents...
Conference Paper
Crashes involving heavy vehicles are a major road safety concern because of the higher likelihood of fatal and serious injury outcomes. The primary objective of this research is to identify the factors contributing to injury severity in angle crashes involving heavy vehicles. The skewed logistic (Scobit) model is applied to data on two-vehicle angl...
Since observational data are often used and variables in real life are often correlated, correlations among the variables are common in transportation research. In practice, this problem is often addressed by examining the correlations among the explanatory variables and estimating the variance inflation factors. More importantly, it is a common pr...
Conference Paper
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Vehicle-pedestrian crashes are a major concern in many urban areas. Between 2004 and 2013, about 34 pedestrians have been killed every year in traffic crashes in Melbourne Metropolitan area in Australia and vehicle-pedestrian crashes account for 24% of all fatal crashes. Although many studies have analysed the variables affecting pedestrian crashes...
Conference Paper
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Passenger crowd behaviours and safety under emergency situation in train stations have been a major challenge in theory and practice. In past, several natural or man-made disasters in major train stations have prompted the mass evacuation of passengers, resulting in fatalities and injuries. This paper explores the behaviours of train passengers in...
Conference Paper
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Objectives: Every year about 1.24 million people are killed in traffic crashes in the world and more than 22% of these deaths are pedestrians. Therefore, pedestrian safety has become one of the significant traffic safety issues in the world. In order to develop the most effective safety programs, targeting the most impactful countermeasures, locati...
Conference Paper
Australia is extensively using large heavy vehicles to transport goods and material. In Melbourne, road freight has grown by about 5 per cent per annum between 1971 and 2003 and it is estimated to grow from 10.3 billion tonne-kilometres in 2003 to 16.9 billion tonne-kilometres in 2020. With the increase in road freight, there will be an increase in...
In the Melbourne metropolitan area in Australia, an average of 34 pedestrians were killed every year between 2004 and 2013 in traffic crashes, and vehicle-pedestrian crashes accounted for 24% of all fatal crashes. Mid-block crashes accounted for 46% of the total pedestrian crashes in the Melbourne metropolitan area and 49% of the pedestrian fatalit...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to understand consumer preferences for green vehicles with low fuel consumption and emission. It will examine six important vehicle attributes, including fuel efficiency and CO 2 emissions, and determine the impacts of increasing demand for green attributes on the domestic car industry in Sweden. Design/methodo...
This paper examines the passengers' way finding in a train station under normal and emergency conditions, with a particular focus on the passengers' understanding and rating of the location of emergency exit signs, emergency buttons, evacuation maps and the assembly area. A questionnaire survey of 1127 passengers in a train station in Melbourne, Au...
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According to a report issued by the Indonesian National Police, in 2010 in every 1 hour there are about 3-4 people die from road traffic accidents. Road safety campaigns have been widely used in many jurisdictions, including Indonesia and Australia, to reduce deaths and injuries but few campaigns have been designed using scientific theories or eval...
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According to a report issued by the Indonesian National Police, in 2010 in every 1 hour there are about 3-4 people die from road traffic accidents. Road safety campaigns have been widely used in many jurisdictions, including Indonesia and Australia, to reduce deaths and injuries but few campaigns have been designed using scientific theories or eval...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of personality traits on the perception of key message characteristics in road safety advertising. Design/methodology/approach – The advertisement uses visual imagery and imagery methods to examine key message characteristics. An online survey questionnaire was used to obtain response...
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This study examines the effect of different street pattern, road infrastructure and other physical attributes on the share of bicycle trips in a community area. Using the 2011 census data and the road infrastructure data of Calgary city, the study finds that different street patterns have significant effects on bicycle usage and thus, should be con...
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Travel demand is increasing in many countries and the transportation sector produces about 14% of the global greenhouse gas emission, which has been linked to the current climate change. As the oil and gas capital of Canada, the City of Calgary has a very high carbon footprint per population. Hence, the increase usage of transit and the reduction o...
The binary logistic model has been extensively used to analyze traffic collision and injury data where the outcome of interest has two categories. However, the assumption of a symmetric distribution may not be a desirable property in some cases, especially when there is a significant imbalance in the two categories of outcome. This study compares t...
Taxis experience a higher risk of a motor vehicle crash partly because of their much higher levels of exposure on the roads. Although several studies have been conducted to examine the factors associated with the frequency and severity of taxi collisions, little research has been conducted to examine the differences in the factors associated with o...
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Pedestrian crashes account for 11% of all reported traffic crashes in Melbourne metropolitan area between 2004 and 2013. There are very limited studies on pedestrian accidents at mid-blocks. Mid-block crashes account for about 46% of the total pedestrian crashes in Melbourne metropolitan area. Meanwhile, about 50% of all pedestrian fatalities occur...
Conference Paper
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Pedestrians are some of the most vulnerable road users, especially in large congested cities in developing countries. In order to develop appropriate countermeasures to improve safety, research has to be conducted to understand the factors contributing to vehicle-pedestrian collisions. Using data from the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, this study fi...
This paper evaluates the performance of a deterministic method (Newton–Raphson, NR) and a heuristic method (Genetic Algorithm, GA) for solving the maximum likelihood estimation in spatial logistic analysis. A spatial logistic regression model equipped with a filtering process is formulated to examine the relationship between land use change and var...
Intersections are hazardous locations and many studies have been conducted to identify the factors contributing to the frequency and severity of intersection crashes. However, little attention has been devoted to investigating the differences between crashes at urban and rural intersections, which have different road, traffic and environmental char...
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Background: Male drivers in the 16- to 19-year age group have a nine-fold increase in their crash risk compared with 25- to 34-year-olds who have a relative risk of 2.3. Crash risk in young drivers has been directly linked to risk-taking behaviour. This paper reports the development of a video risk assessment tool for use with drivers. Aim/object...
SUMMARY This study proposed a behavioral theory-based approach to better assess pedestrian levels of service for sidewalks, using the concepts of personal space and pedestrian evasive movements. Data from pedestrian interviews and video recordings at 28 commercial, residential, and leisure locations were used to analyze the effects of pedestrian mo...
Police attendance at a motor vehicle crash scene is important for investigating the causes of crashes, reducing secondary crashes, managing traffic, and reducing congestion. However, very little research has been conducted to examine the factors contributing to the likelihood of police attendance. This study hypothesizes that the policies of the po...
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Introduction The efficacy of non-pharmacological interventions for improving driving outcomes in young drivers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has not been established. Such interventions are of interest to occupational therapists who work with this population to attain driving independence. This research article had two aims: (1) to...
This article investigates factors affecting the performance of students in economics in Singapore. Results contrary to those found in the United States and the United Kingdom are reported.
A most commonly identified exogenous factor that significantly affects traffic crash injury severity sustained is the collision type variable. Most studies consider collision type only as an explanatory variable in modeling injury. However, it is possible that each collision type has a fundamentally distinct effect on injury severity sustained in t...
Although a proficient knowledge of the road rules is important to safe driving, many drivers do not retain the knowledge acquired after they have obtained their licenses. Hence, more innovative and appealing methods are needed to improve drivers’ knowledge of the road rules. This study examines the effect of game based learning on drivers’ knowledg...
This study presents the results of an investigation made to determine the dominant influencing factors and their specific impacts on motorist detour making for variable message sign (VMS) placements on a freeway. This was necessary to provide engineers with a tool for evaluating VMS cost-effectiveness and feasibility. The research found that additi...