Richard L DouglassEastern Michigan University | EMU · College of Health and Human Services
Richard L Douglass
Currently focusing on non-emergency medical transportation in rural communities in the US. Looking for collaborators.
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Published "Field Spirits of the Fante: The Nana Araba Apt and Marian Sylvia Horowitz Collection", London, UK, Mot Juste Press, 2021. The book documents rare wood sculptures used in Ghana by Fante farmers. Historical context colonization and cultural change. On Amazon.
Also from Cambridge Scholars, UK . "The Evolution of the U.S. Healthcare System: A Legacy of Opportunism and Greed. Now published: ISBN (10): 1-5275-9445-9 & ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-9445-6
Skills and Expertise
Publications (43)
Caregiving for a family member, spouse or child is taxing, rewarding, exhausting, loving, and often frightening. A caregiving role is in the life agenda of many people; sometimes they don't anticipate it or ignore the possibilities. The New 4-H Club is a paradigm to think about caregiving's elements: Humility, Help, Humor and Happiness.
The Rural Health Group and the Iosco County Commission on Aging, in Michigan, conducted a comprehensive investigation of the needs of t home-delivered meal recipients for transportation access to medical and healthcare utilization.* This population struggles to access medical care that is often available only at significant distances because rural...
In rural Iosco County, Michigan, seniors are struggling to access essential medical care due to a lack of non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT). This report reveals how these transportation barriers are putting the health and independence of our rural aging population at risk. The report details how vulnerable seniors in Iosco County depend o...
In order to have an imaginative and successful research career it is essential to pay attention to your mindfulness, your ability to simply think without boundaries, to meditate, and to maintain physical health. There is no more satisfying way to sustain creative research ability over a long career than sculling in a smooth, fast boat, at daybreak....
Why did I write this book?
I wrote this book to fill a void that I first noticed when teaching students who were studying to be managers and administrators in healthcare services and government offices. Hardly any of these students knew about how the system in which they chose to spend their professional lives came to be. Very few people knew why t...
This is a first effort to organize thoughts about a comprehensive gerontology and geriatric resource center for Iosco County and surrounding communities. My ideas here are based on observations I've made for many years about comparable programs in academic and urban settings. I have no models from rural or small town settings. The distinction betwe...
Once in a while we are given the opportunity to witness the kind of collaborative scholarship, use of contemporary technologies, and coordinated international participation to consolidate the state of the art, the status of public policy, and the production of guidance for both research and policy development. It has been my pleasure to see such a...
Field spirits of the Fante' describes the journey of nine wooden carvings from a field in Ghana's Western Region to the Meek-Eaton Black Archives Research Center and Museum in Florida, USA. Central to the story is professor Nana Araba Apt, a Ghanaian academic and an avid collector of African Art. She recognised the importance of the field spirits t...
The Lungevity Foundation is the largest advocacy organization for victims and their caregivers of lung cancer.
The National meeting in Washington DC draws hundreds of people who have few other national forums on lung cancer.
This presentation is the result of over three years of participant observation in a lung cancer caregiver support group.
Economic and social development in Ghana cannot be realised without significant improvements in the health status of the population. In addition to the need for a vigorous labour force that can serve the needs of industry, merchandising and services, the costs of sickness, disability, and the caring for the afflicted draw economic and human resourc...
Objectives: To examine the risk of overall elder mistreatment (EM) and its subtypes in each sociodemographic and socioeconomic group based on different definitional criteria. Methods: In person interviews were conducted with 3,159 Chinese older adults in the Greater Chicago Area from 2011 to 2013. Psychological, physical and sexual mistreatment, ca...
Is aging an economic threat or challenge in Ghana?
Exploration of essential skill sets for health administrators in Ghana
Introductory Comments from Richard Douglass This issue of AJFAND is special in a new way. The need for improved and appropriate research methods throughout Africa has been recognized for some time and in this issue AJFAND declares that it is time to address the issue. I have had the privilege of serving on the Editorial Board, reviewing manuscripts...
This commentary introduces an innovative household sampling methodology for rural African nations. The work is being conducted at Ashesi University in Ghana.
The purpose of this brief discussion is to highlight issues of demographic changes associated with an aging population in Africa and what, I believe, must happen to avoid the next social crisis among African nations.
Concept paper regarding innovative means of delivering primary care medical services to rural African villages (Ghana)
Respiration and photosynthesis by submerged aquatic plants produce in-stream diel cycles in dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, redox conditions and mineral saturation states which can indirectly drive diel cycling in major and trace element concentrations. Diel element cycling may also result from direct assimilatory uptake by submerged plants. We combined...
Ecosystem respiration and photosynthesis by submerged aquatic plants
result in diel (24-hr) cycles in dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations,
pH, redox conditions and metal saturation states in streams, which in
turn create diel variations in trace metal concentrations. Direct
assimilatory uptake of metals may also be a significant driver of
Once upon a time it was possible to read something published in a scholarly journal, take a moment to think about it, and marvel at the ingenuity and insights that the author revealed. In the past it was this experience that drew us into communities of scholars, scientists, and academics to share ideas, discoveries, innovative methods for research,...
Diel variation in solutes offers insight into lotic ecosystem processes. Diel variation in dissolved oxygen (DO) is the standard method to estimate aquatic primary production (C fixation). Recently, diel variation in nitrate concentration was used to infer rates and pathways of N processing. From coupled C and N measurements, stoichiometric ratios...
Funded by: Detroit Area Agency on Aging-The Senior Solution Paul Bridgewater, Executive Director 1333 Brewery Park Blvd., Suite 200 • Detroit, MI 48207-2635 • (313) 446-4444 • (313) 446-4445 Fax www.daaa1a.org
For primary care physicians to adjust to the dramatic challenges brought about by an aging society, it is first necessary for them to recognize that many traditional aspects of “front line” medical practice are in a state of virtual revolution. Although modern medical history has been frequently changed due to technical or scientific progress, the...
The social dynamics and epidemiological factors of alcoholism among old people are among the most important areas for research as the population of the United States ages and the reported incidence of alcoholism among the elderly increases. Little research has been conducted, however, that would provide an empirical basis for the development of int...
The social dynamics and epidemiological factors of alcoholism among old people are among the most important areas for research as the population of the United States ages and the reported incidence of alcoholism among the elderly increases. Little research has been conducted, however, that would provide an empirical basis for the development of int...
The interaction of youth, alcohol consumption and driving has been the leading contributor to morbidity and mortality in the United States among persons under 40 for over thirty years. While a considerable literature has evolved, only since 1968 has the literature acquired a truly scientific character; frequently the literature is not widely distri...
In summary alcohol availability changed throughout the 1969--1976 time period with a particularly major change caused by the 18-year-old legal drinking age (1972) and increases in the numbers and hours-of-operation of on-premise consumption establishments. Eighteen to 20-year-olds experienced increases of at least 4600 additonal traffic crashes ass...
Notes: Report covers the period Oct 1977 - Sept 1978 Michigan Department of Public Health, Office of Substance Abuse Services, Lansing http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/570/2/42423.0001.001.pdf
Notes: Report covers the period 1 April 1976 to 1 Oct 1976 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Driver and Pedestrian Programs, Washington, D.C. http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/739/2/35988.0001.001.pdf
Notes: Report covers the period Oct 1977 - Sept 1978 Michigan Department of Public Health, Office of Substance Abuse Services, Lansing http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/571/2/42424.0001.001.pdf
Questions (5)