Riccardo ValenteAutonomous University of Barcelona | UAB
Riccardo Valente
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My research interest lies primarily in the relationship between indicators of social disorganization and their implications for public health, mental health, and residential choices.
Skills and Expertise
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June 2023 - present
July 2018 - December 2019
May 2015 - February 2018
Publications (40)
While it is well known that sport and exercise are beneficial for physiological and neurological functioning, leisure has received less attention as a means of mobilizing social networks and cultivating relatedness as factors protecting mental health. Using a sample of 8148 cases from the Swiss Household Panel (SHP), we built an autoregressive cros...
Symptoms of psychological distress at an early age have proved to undermine adolescents' academic achievements, as well as their personal and social well-being. The literature acknowledges a wide range of risk factors that cause psychological distress, while at the same time emphasizing the role of social support as a protective factor. O...
The aim of this study is to estimate the effects of tourism growth on residential stability in two cities: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Barcelona, Spain. Our focus is on short-term rentals advertised on Airbnb, which have been used to compute a measure of pressure on the available housing stock over a period of three years (2017-2019). The hypot...
This paper incorporates an explicit mobility dimension into the definition of the neighbourhood and explores its possible implications for the study of spatially distributed phenomena. We analysed the distribution of robbery and theft in Barcelona, Spain, as a testing application. Crime data were aggregated to nonoverlapping units (census tracts) a...
In this study, we examine residential trajectories since birth among older adults in the Santiago Metropolitan Area, Chile, and their association with health outcomes. We linked retrospective residential information for a sample of 802 individuals aged 65-75 in 2019 to context-based information from decennial censuses. Our analysis reveals substant...
Based on mobile phone data from the city of Barcelona, Spain, generalized linear models are used to analyse the relationship between urban mobilities and the spatial and temporal patterning of robbery and theft. The hypothesis was made that mobility fluxes may undermine social control mechanisms by altering the socio-demographic composition of urba...
This paper shows that greater engagement in offline leisure activities before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic-such as going to bars, restaurants and meeting friends-protected psychological health during the first lockdown in 2020. This result was obtained using structural equations on longitudinal data from a sample of 4,967 individuals (+14)...
We spoke to Dr Antonio Paolo Russo and Dr Riccardo Valente about the SMARTDEST project’s work in analysing the social impact of shortterm rentals, and the relationship between tourism and urban policy.
The objective of this research was to explore how attitudes to science and scientists may be related to anti-vax positions and whether the psychological trait known as Need for Closure may influence the relationship between any or all of these attitudes. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 1128 young people aged 18-25 living in Italy du...
Using multivariate linear regression models, this study estimates the relationship between graduates’ self-reported skill improvements from attending a virtual university, the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), and their salaries after obtaining the degree. Our results show that graduates made considerable earnings gains and especially high rates...
This article examines social disadvantage in tourist sites through the lens of labour geography by focusing on the residential tra-jectories of a sample of workers in Barcelona (N = 8,651) over a decade (2008-2019). Contrasting with the common view that tourism growth brings prosperity to local communities, it suggests instead that buoyant destinat...
Prior analyses of authoritarian populism have linked it to hypotheses referring to cultural backlash and negative partisanship, suggesting that conservative values and hatred of opposing parties fuel the desire for strong leadership. This study adds to the previous literature by testing the influence of social class resentment on Bolsonaro coming t...
This paper presents a typology of European regions according to the type, mix and magnitude of human mobilities attracted over the 2008-2018 period, tourists being one of them, but extending to the related movement of different cohorts of migrants. Regional clusters are then assessed in terms of their social performance in domains such as health, m...
This study looks at the spatial distribution of robbery against residents as a function of nonstationary density and mobility patterns in the most densely populated city in Spain, Barcelona. Based on the geographical coordinates of mobile devices, we computed two measures of density of the ambient population and the tourist presence, for work days,...
There is a certain agreement in the regional economics literature on tourism development as a lever of territorial cohesion and regional convergence. Yet, evidence about its impact on social inclusion within destination regions is scant. The emerging literature placing tourism development as a driver of inequality relies mostly on qualitative metho...
Understanding the impacts of tourism on the quality of life of residents is a priority for the sustainable tourism agenda, and is especially relevant to the COVID-19 recovery period. However, the evidence is poor, and it is not clear whether the outcomes vary among sociodemographic groups. This study fills this gap by proposing a pan-European analy...
Argentina and Brazil report the highest incidence of the fear of crime across Latin America. Although the spread of crime and victimization may explain these trends initially, the focus in this paper is on the significance of non-criminal factors in explaining the fear of crime, such as socio-economic vulnerability, educational level and trust in p...
Deliverable 2.2 of SMARTDEST is a Technical Report providing a first outlook of the dimension and spatial effects of tourism and related mobilities at regional level across the EU territory, of the territorial trends of social unbalances which may configure exclusion of specific collectives, and of specific contextual conditions which may be releva...
This article by Sánchez-Gelabert, A., Valente, R., & Duart, J. M. has been reproduced from IRRODL under Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 CC-BY. It is available here http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/4784
In recent decades, there has been a steady growth in the population who enter higher education in both brick-and-mortar...
Crime and fear of crime are key challenges for civic coexistence in contemporary cities, specifically because of the unequal relationship between the two phenomena. In the case of Italy, for instance, even though crime has been trending downward over the past few decades, people are increasingly concerned about their safety. Based on survey data (N...
La actualidad política en Brasil se caracteriza por una profunda contraposición entre propensión al autoritarismo y deseo de una sociedad más justa y democrática. La presente investigación examina las posibles causas de esta polarización poniendo a prueba un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Se ha planteado la hipótesis de que la participación en...
This document, the first research Deliverable (D2.1) of the SMARTDEST project, presents the conceptual, methodological and empirical framework of the research. Its structure is typical of a wide literature review, ordering and connecting the different approaches and results of many strands of research into cities and space, tourism and other forms...
Después de haber sido considerada durante muchos años como uno de los lugares más seguros en todo Brasil, la capital del estado de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, vive hoy en día un paulatino aumento de los delitos violentos, registrando en 2017 una tasa de homicidios por encima del promedio del país (35,6 homicidios por 100.000 habitantes frente a...
The research aims at analyzing the fear of crime and its consequences on social cohesion and informal social control. The study is based on data collected through a triangulation of qualitative techniques (in-depth interviews, participant observation, and semi-structured focus groups) throughout eight neighborhoods of four European cities. Challeng...
Son muchas las investigaciones que muestran un constante incremento en las últimas décadas del acceso y la participación universitaria como consecuencia de la expansión educativa. Una de las consecuencias de este incremento del acceso de estudiantes en la universidad es que ha permitido la participación de colectivos que tradicionalmente han estado...
The mediated use of technology fosters learning from early childhood and is a potential resource for inclusive education. Nevertheless, the huge range of options and exposure to interactive digital content, which is often online, also implies a series of risks. The definition of protection underlying the current strategies to protect children is in...
In recent decades, a series of changes has shaped a model for universities backing new ways of understanding education and educational institutions in our societies. The appearance of completely online universities and traditional university departments offering online programmes, openly and en masse, bear witness to this. All these changes are an...
People’s perception of insecurity is linked to a wide range of factors and up-to-date sources stress the impact of socially constructed concerns on feelings of unsafety. Building further on recent developments, the present research proposes a measure of social vulnerability focusing on future-oriented anxieties and self-perceived social exclusion a...
The present research introduces the concept of insecurity as a theoretical device for identifying the structural factors that shape social exclusion in Barcelona. Based on the output of a principal component analysis, a composite index referred to as Social Insecurity Ranking (SIR) has been generated to analyse the structure and volume of resources...
The paper introduces the results of a two-step process that led to the design of a new questionnaire in the field of victimization studies. A desk-based review of national crime and victimization surveys from five EU countries was performed and resulted in identifying opportunities to improve the consistency among these surveys as well as the need...
Perception of insecurity arises as a complex social phenomenon affected by factors that go beyond actual crime rates. Previous contributions to the field of fear of crime studies have shown, for instance, that the perception of social and physical disorder may generate insecurity among residents even in contexts where crime is comparatively low. Me...
According to the Polish historiographer Bronisław Geremek (1998), studies addressing the dynamics of deprivation represent one of the factors that gave impetus to the development of the social sciences. Nevertheless, a comprehensive and all-embracing conceptualization of the notion of deprivation remains complicated. This complexity is partly expla...
Building further on current advances in the field of fear of crime studies, the MARGIN project (2015-2017) was aimed at the identification and analysis of factors influencing public and personal perceptions of insecurity. Taking up the idea of a “smart aggregation” of crime and criminal justice data as defined by Hunt, Kilmer and Rubin (2010), the...
Based on the conclusion of a desk-based review of current practices in measuring the perception of insecurity carried out in the framework of the MARGIN project (www.marginproject.eu), a panel of 12 international experts has been involved in an iterative design process (Delphi method) in order to define a number of indicators enabling the assessmen...
The process of classification of urban areas according to the degree of insecurity aims at defining an objective and consistent approach to the selection of neighbourhoods across the five cities (i.e. Barcelona, Budapest, London, Milan and Paris) involved in the anthropological fieldwork of the MARGIN project.
This report is designed to meet deliverable 5.1 in the framework of WP5 (cf. Anthropological dimension of insecurity) by the research team of the MARGIN project under the lead role of the University of Milano-Bicocca. Its objective is twofold: on the one hand, it represents a first step towards developing the methodological resources and best pract...
The following state-of-the-art report summarizes the results arising from the desk-based review carried out in the framework of the MARGIN project funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 research programme. It has three objectives: (1) provide stakeholders and the general public with relevant information concerning crime and victimization surveys (...