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Director of the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program (www.chile.unt.edu) coordinated by UNT in the US, and the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity and Universidad de Magallanes in Chile. His work emphasizes the link between human welfare and the conservation of biological and cultural diversity. Has led the creation of the Omora Park and the UNESCO Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, and worked with various organizations to incorporate environmental ethics into conservation and education.
Additional affiliations
March 2002 - present
September 2004 - present
Publications (446)
This chapter critically examines the interplay between land use and industrial sustainability, focusing on the Chilean forestry sector, providing the context to understand the relevance of the IECO Topic V—“Land Use and Industrial Sustainability”. The present introduction chapter highlights the shortcomings of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develo...
UNESCO's MAB Programme promotes a people-centered conservation strategy to strengthen the sustainability of social and ecological systems. However, there exist knowledge gaps regarding its implementation in specific contexts. For this study, a mixed-methods sequential exploratory design was employed. In the first phase, an initial content analysis...
A great diversity of living beings and human values are invisible to the prevailing global culture, which associates the word biodiversity with large organisms such as trees and mammals. Paradoxically, most biodiversity is made up of small organisms that remain invisible to global society and are under-represented in philosophy, science, and educat...
A major consequence of the current expansion of productive systems and infrastructure is the introduction of exotic flora all over the world. The unique subantarctic ecosystems in southern Chile may be considered a natural laboratory recently experiencing important anthropogenic disturbances. Remote areas such as the UNESCO Cape Horn Biosphere Rese...
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a genetic region in jawed vertebrates that contains key genes involved in the immune response. Associations between the MHC and avian malaria infections in wild birds have been observed and mainly explored in the Northern Hemisphere, while a general lack of information remains in the Southern Hemisphere...
Rodentia Bowdich, 1821, constituye el orden más diverso de mamíferos a nivel mundial. De éstos, la subfamilia Sigmodontinae Wagner, 1843 reúne ca. 490 especies, distribuidas mayormente en el Neotrópico. En Chile, el número de especies de sigmodontinos supera ampliamente la diversidad de otros grupos de roedores, pero el número de especies disminuye...
The Fuegian snipe Gallinago stricklandii (Gray, 1845) is one of the most enigmatic members of the family Scolopacidae Rafinesque, 1815. It is the least known species of the Gallinago genus and inhabits throughout the range of the biome of South American temperate forests, between the Maule region (36°S) and Cape Horn (56°S). In this biogeographical...
La Reserva de Biosfera de Cabo de Hornos (RBCH) es considerada como un laboratorio natural en el extremo austral de la ecorregión subantártica de Magallanes. Los glaciares presentes a lo largo de sus canales y fiordos están hoy retrocediendo por el cambio climático global, impactando a las comunidades marinas bentónicas, particularmente a las de ma...
The sub-Antarctic Magellanic ecoregion is one of the most pristine wilderness areas remaining on the planet, and is home to the southernmost forest ecosystems in the world, which are protected by the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve (CHBR). In these forests, birds are the group of vertebrates with the largest number of species. However, essential aspect...
For migratory birds, events happening during any period of their annual cycle can have strong carry-over effects on the subsequent periods. The strength of carry-over effects between non-breeding and breeding grounds can be shaped by the degree of migratory connectivity: whether or not individuals that breed together also migrate and/or spend the n...
The Magellanic sub-Antarctic ecoregion of southern Chile represents one of the last remaining pristine areas on Earth, but there are knowledge gaps concerning the biodiversity and interactions of the regions’ flora and fauna. Non-native insect species like Bombus terrestris and Vespula vulgaris are known to have detrimental influence on native popu...
Eight Ribes magellanicum collections from three different places in southern Patagonia were compared for content of different groups of phenolics, antioxidant capacity and inhibition of enzymes related to metabolic syndrome (α-amylase, α-glucosidase and pancreatic lipase). The sample with the highest antioxidant capacity was assessed for glutathion...
Animals select their habitats from available resources in a way that should maximize fitness, and thus habitat preferences are generally predicted to be adaptive. However, there may be a mismatch between habitat preferences and fitness due to factors such as limited availability or disturbance of breeding habitats. In this study, we examine whether...
Chilean Patagonia encompasses the two southernmost terrestrial ecoregions of the temperate forest biome of South America (North-Patagonian and Sub-Antarctic Magellanic) and the two western marine ecoregions of the Magallanes Province (Chiloense, and Channels and Fjords of Southern Chile). These ecoregions are immersed in a complex mosaic of terrest...
Se problematiza la enunciación 'otros-que-humanos' en torno a implementación de la ley Lafkenche (ley 20.249) y la producción de narrativas favorables y desfavorables a la implementación de Espacios Costeros Marinos de los Pueblos Originarios (Ecmpo). A partir de enfoques poshumanistas y del giro ontológico en la antropología, el presente artículo...
El ODS4 procura garantizar la educación inclusiva, pero alcanzar este objetivo es problemático frente a la homogeneización biocultural. Examinamos el rol de la educación en la homogeneización, al promover una representación sesgada de la biodiversidad, según un análisis del contenido visual de los textos escolares en la educación básica de México y...
I have proposed a biocultural ethic grounded on the conservation of the vital links among (i) the habits of caring and conservation of land, freshwater, and marine ecosystems, (ii) the daily interactions with diverse human and other-than-human co-inhabitants, and (iii) their shared habitats. This is the 3Hs triad (habits, co-inhabitants, and habita...
El diálogo entre el derecho y la historia ambiental es la base de este artículo que se propone identificar cómo se dio el “proceso” de reconocimiento del río Atrato en Colombia, como sujeto de derechos, para luego verificar las implicaciones jurídicas en Brasil, teniendo como punto de referencia el desastre minero que contaminó el cauce del río Doc...
Synchronous losses of biological, linguistic, and cultural diversity are contributing to processes of biocultural homogenization, a persistent downgrading in how people perceive biodiversity, environmental, and cultural conditions, and what they consider as normal. Some have linked biocultural homogenization with neoliberal practices that emphasize...
Tourism and conservation-based development in the periphery: Lessons from Patagonia for a Rapidly Changing World is part of the Natural and Social Sciences of Patagonia Springer book series. This work applies a social-ecological lens to conservation-based development in Patagonia, bringing together authors with his
torical, contemporary, and future...
Synchronous losses of biological, linguistic, and cultural diversity are contributing to processes of biocultural homogenization , a persistent downgrading in how people perceive biodiversity, environmental, and cultural conditions, and what they consider as normal. Some have linked biocultural homogenization with neoliberal practices that emphasiz...
We present a reliable and robust open dynamic chamber for measuring greenhouse gas exchange in peatlands with minimal disturbance of the ground. This chamber, called the “skirt chamber”, is based on a transparent plastic film placed above an open frame made of sparse interwoven wires and expanded around the base of the chamber below a steel chain t...
La red de investigaciones socio-ecológicas de la Reserva de la Biósfera Cabo de Hornos (Red LTSER Cabo de Hornos), tiene como uno de sus objetivos principales dotar a la RBCH con una base de datos climáticos e hidrológicos a través de la implementación de una red de estaciones que permitan generar información de línea de base para la investigación...
The Andes mountain range in South America has a high level of endemism and is a major source of ecosystem services. The Andes is increasingly threatened by anthropo-genic disturbances that have allowed the establishment of non-native plants, mainly in the lower elevation areas. However, synergies between climate change and anthropogenic pressure ar...
Twenty-five years since foundational publications on valuing ecosystem services for human well-being1,2, addressing the global biodiversity crisis³ still implies confronting barriers to incorporating nature’s diverse values into decision-making. These barriers include powerful interests supported by current norms and legal rules such as property ri...
This chapter presents a case study of a diving experience co-designed with the participation of Yaghan fishers, scientists, and philosophers. It is an adaptation of the field environmental philosophy (FEP) methodology, which is based on the conceptual framework of the biocultural ethic. By experiencing interrelationships with macroalgae and various...
Despite their impressive diversity and ecosystem relevance, insects are undervalued and rarely considered in conservation efforts, except for those that are medically or economically important. In terms of funding and effort, insect conservation research lags far behind vertebrate research, hampering the development of methodologies to better under...
Modern education has fostered universal forms of knowledge, practices, pedagogical paradigms, and infrastructure. Uniform educational models can overlook the richness of regional biological and cultural diversity, and their interactions (in short, biocultural diversity). The omission of vernacular forms of knowledge and also endemic biota and their...
This chapter presents a case study of the Field Environmental Philosophy four-step cycle methodology in the sub-Antarctic high Andean zone. First, based on ecological and philosophical research, we problematize the use of the term “Andean Desert” for naming this ecosystem. Second, we propose the metaphor “High Andean sub-Antarctic Gardeners” to tra...
Education plays a major role in the formation of citizens and attitudes about biological and cultural (biocultural) diversity. Today, we are increasingly disconnected from everyday interactions with our environments and the living beings that inhabit them. To reorient this trend, we present a novel methodological approach, Field Environmental Philo...
Science helps us to perceive and understand diverse biological and cultural realities. To enhance these perceptions and understandings, today it is essential to overcome physical, conceptual, and institutional barriers that have come to characterize global society. “Face-to-face” encounters with other living beings and cultures are irreplaceable. P...
The Anthropocene is marked by a process of biocultural homogenization that includes the loss of biological and cultural diversity. The International Long-term Ecological Research (ILTER) network is intended to monitor, and eventually orient actions to counteract global environmental change. However, the focus of most studies on biophysical research...
Today a great diversity of living beings and human values are invisible to the prevailing culture of global society. This culture usually associates the word biodiversity with large organisms such as trees and mammals. Paradoxically, most of the animal biodiversity is made up of small organisms that remain invisible in global culture and are under-...
The Magellanic sub-Antarctic Forest is home to the world's southernmost avian community and is the only Southern Hemisphere analogue to Northern Hemisphere temperate forests at this latitude. This region is considered among the few remaining pristine areas of the world, and shifts in environmental conditions are predominantly driven by climate vari...
Se problematiza la enunciación 'otros-que-humanos' en torno a implementación de la ley Lafkenche (ley 20.249) y la producción de narrativas favorables y desfavorables a la implementación de Espacios Costeros Marinos de los Pueblos Originarios (ECMPO). A partir de enfoques poshumanistas y del giro ontológico en la antropología, el presente artículo...
Biocultural homogenization is a wicked problem that implies the loss of biological and cultural diversity at different scales. It is promoted by globalized one-dimensional ways of thinking that ignore the biophysical and cultural singularities of the heterogeneous regions of the planet. In Chile, we find ecoregions as diverse as the arid Norte Gran...
Since the mid‐20th century, the so‐called Great Acceleration (sensu Steffen et al., 2007, https://doi.org/10.1579/0044-7447(2007)36[614:TAAHNO]2.0.CO;2) has amplified processes of ecosystem degradation, extinction of biological species, displacement of local peoples, losses of languages, and cultural diversity. These losses are still underperceived...
Plot-based monitoring has yielded much information on the taxonomic diversity and carbon (C) storage in tropical lowland forests of the Amazon basin. This has resulted in an improved understanding of the relationship between lowland forest biomass dynamics and global change drivers, such as climate change and atmospheric CO2 concentratio...
We present a reliable and robust open dynamic chamber for measuring greenhouse gas exchange in peatlands with minimal disturbance of the ground. This chamber, called "skirt-chamber", is based on a transparent plastic film, placed above an open frame made of sparse interwoven wires, and expanded around the base of the chamber below a steel chain tha...
A nuclear leakage or tactical nuclear weapon use in a limited war could cause immense and long-lasting ecological consequences beyond the direct site of exposure. We call upon all scientists to communicate the importance of the environmental impacts of such an event to all life forms on Earth, including humankind. Changes to ecosystem structure and...
We recorded a colony of the large carpenter bee Xylocopa augusti on a dead Acer trunk in Santiago, Chile. We documented, both females and males, visiting and polinating non-native flowers of Erysimum linifolium and Aesculus hippocastanum. In addition to the first record of this species interaction with these plant species, we describe poorly known...
This chapter introduces the notion of new ontologies to understand the sociobiology of rivers and to better approach a comprehensive vision of riverine waterscapesWaterscapes. I begin with the descriptive realities of first explorers to highlight the importance of rivers defining the meandering landscape of the plains and piedmonts along with the i...
The enunciation 'other-than-humans' is problematized around the implementation of the Lafkenche law (law 20.249) and the production of favorable and unfavorable narratives for the implementation of Coastal and Marine Spaces of Indigenous Peoples (ECMPO). Based on post-humanist approaches and the ontological turn in anthropology, this article explor...
Las aves de los bosques templados y subantárticos de América del Sur han llamado históricamente la atención de ornitólogos y observadores de aves por (a) su aislamiento (> 1000 km) de otras comunidades de bosque del continente, (b) su alto endemismo (~41%, resultado de procesos evolutivos singulares) y (c) las rápidas transformaciones que han exper...
The chapter assesses the role of nature's diverse values in supporting social-ecological transformations towards more just and sustainable futures. This is approached as a two-fold and mutually complementing task: a) assessing the diverse values that have been considered in developing and creating visions for, and scenarios of the future, particula...
El nombre de la especie de paseriforme Aphrastura subantarctica, propuesto por Rozzi et al. (2022), no está disponible, dado que la publicación donde el mismo fue propuesto no cumplió con todos los requisitos del Código Internacional de Nomenclatura Zoológica. En esta nota establecemos la disponibilidad del nombre de la especie Aphrastura subantarc...
During the 20th century, numerous rivers were pumped, channeled, stratified, dammed, and diverted. Diverse water courses and bodies (rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, estuaries, and aquifers) were transformed for agricultural irrigation and energy purposes, supplying urban areas or simply favoring economic interests. These transformations were driv...
We describe a new taxon of terrestrial bird of the genus Aphrastura (rayaditos) inhabiting the Diego Ramírez Archipelago, the southernmost point of the American continent. This archipelago is geographically isolated and lacks terrestrial mammalian predators as well as woody plants, providing a contrasted habitat to the forests inhabited by the othe...
Planetary health provides a perspective of ecological interdependence that connects the health and vitality of individuals, communities, and Earth's natural systems. It includes the social, political, and economic ecosystems that influence both individuals and whole societies. In an era of interconnected grand challenges threatening health of all s...
Biocultural ethics centers on the vital links between habitats, habits, and co-inhabitants. Nowadays, cities are a typical habitat for most of the world’s population, and they are the everyday background of many educational processes.
A natural laboratory is a place supporting the conditions for hypothesis testing under non-anthropogenic settings. Located at the southern end of the Magellanic sub-Antarctic ecoregion in southwestern South America, the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve (CHBR) has one of the most extreme rainfall gradients in the world. Subject to oceanic climate conditi...
La ecorregión subantártica de Magallanes posee una heterogénea costa de fiordos y canales, con una gran extensión de ecosistemas intermareales sujetos al efecto de condiciones climáticas extremas características de zonas de altas latitudes. Trabajos de investigación recientes sugieren que la estructura de los ensambles intermareales que habitan en...
La Reserva de Biosfera Cabo de Hornos (RBCH) alberga una biodiversidad y tipos
de ecosistemas únicos a nivel mundial. Éstos han sido mucho menos estudiados que
sus homólogos, los ecosistemas subpolares del hemisferio norte. El objetivo de este
trabajo es presentar por primera vez una detallada descripción de los marcados
gradientes climáticos de la...
Chile se ha consolidado como una plataforma internacional para la investigación astronómica con el establecimiento de grandes telescopios y observatorios para investigar el espacio exterior, el macrocosmos, desde el desierto de Atacama. En los años 1950s, el camino para el establecimiento de los observatorios astronómicos de Chile se inició con exp...
La Reserva de la Biosfera Cabo de Hornos, Chile, ha sido identificada como un área de alta diversidad de briófitas y se ha sugerido que también lo sea para los líquenes. Sin embargo, en contraste con los extensos estudios de briófitas, sólo se habían realizado inventarios preliminares de líquenes en esta reserva. Realizamos el primer estudio florís...
Abstract Mechanisms that reliably and efficiently guide practitioners to find relevant evidence are urgent for conservation decision‐making in Chilean Patagonia. The objective of this study was to systematically collect, characterize, and synthesize the extensive evidence about conservation knowledge in Chilean Patagonia focusing on the impacts of...
Simposio Humberto Maturana 1928-2021 La sección Simposio de autor de la revista Estudios Públicos es un espacio para el análisis de las ideas y obra de un pensador clásico o contemporáneo desde distintas perspectivas disciplinares.
Antarctic lichens (Usnea) near Carlini station on King George Island, January 2016 (Elisa Lagostina).
To contribute to achieving local and global sustainability, we propose a novel educational methodology, called field environmental philosophy (FEP), which orients ecotourism practices to reconnect citizens and nature. FEP is based on the systemic approach of the biocultural ethic that values the vital links among the life habits of co-inhabitants (...
The homogenisation of historically isolated gene pools has been recognised as one of the most serious conservation problems in the Antarctic. Lichens are the dominant components of terrestrial biotas in the Antarctic and in high mountain ranges of southern South America. We study the effects of dispersal strategy and migration history on their...
The Diego Ramírez archipelago is the last point of the South-America continent, located in the Drake Passage 112 km SW of Cape Horn. Due to its difficult access, information on the marine biodiversity that inhabits its coasts is still limited. This study presents the first report of the assemblage of coastal marine mollusks in this archipelago. Sam...
En un mundo aceleradamente cambiante, para confrontar las pérdidas de biodiversidad, el
desconocimiento y falta de valoración de los grupos de organismos más diversos, son necesarios cambios
culturales que trasciendan a los ámbitos puramente científicos y tecnológicos. En este trabajo se aborda
esta problemática al enfocarse en uno de los grupos de...