Ricardo Iglesias-Pascual

Ricardo Iglesias-Pascual
Ricardo verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Ricardo verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Pablo de Olavide University | UPO · Department of Geography, History and Phylosophy

Researching on socio-environmental inequalities


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I focus in the socio-territorial vulnerability processes and the growing socio-environmental inequalities in general.


Publications (45)
Studies on residential segregation of foreign population in Southern Europe usually focus on capital cities, omitting the metropolitan dimension and paying less attention to use of comparable analysis’ spatial scales. These issues, together with the dominant use of two-group segregation indexes, prevent identification and classification of metropol...
Up until the end of 2018, extreme right-wing parties and their anti-immigration discourse, now a common occurrence in other European countries, had not appeared on the Spanish political scene. However, in December of that year, the Spanish extreme right-wing party VOX reversed this trend and made significant electoral gains in the Andalusian region...
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The growing processes of the socioeconomic inequality resulting from the neoliberal political model are evident in large Spanish cities, with a spatial dimension that allows us to visualise its contradictions with great clarity. These social contradictions are particularly marked among the most vulnerable and foreign population groups. For this rea...
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Over the last four decades, global temperatures have seen a generalized, long-term increase, and Europe is at the forefront of this trend, with temperatures rising by over twice the global average in the past 30 years. And the problem of excessive heat exposure is disproportionately more serious urban areas than it is in rural areas. This study inv...
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During the last two decades, many studies have described the effects of air pollution in urban areas. This paper analyses the spatial patterns of the main air pollutants in the city of Barcelona, i.e. nitrogen dioxide (NO2), fine particulates of less than 2.5μm (PM2.5) and coarse particulates of 10μm (PM10), and explores the factors associated with...
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There has been a significant increase in single-person households in Europe. The studies that analyse this process have shown its relationship with the increase in physical and mental illnesses, or the perception of well-being. Similarly, social isolation has been addressed through the study of single-person households, with a particular focus on i...
Technical Report
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Based on the results of the 2018 and 2019 regional and national elections in Andalusia and Spain, the aim of this chapter is to analyse two of the main contextual factors associated with the emergence of the extreme right: the presence of an immigrant population and the discontent of the population in underprivileged areas towards the political sys...
This book analyses the most recent socio-territorial trends that are developing in the Spanish metropolitan space. The first part focuses on the most recent metropolitan dynamics and demographic changes in Southern Europe. The second part discusses the most important processes in metropolitan areas: the problems of increasing social and residential...
This introductory chapter has two main objectives: (i) to provide a general overview of the theoretical and phenomenological framework from which the book draws its inspiration; and (ii) to concisely describe its content, 19 chapters grouped in 4 thematic sections. The entire book is focused on the Southern Europe, probably one of the densest and l...
Residential segregation and its causes are vital to our understanding of the integration processes of immigrants in host-country societies. This chapter addresses the issue of residential segregation of immigrants in Spanish society. To do this, after showing the main features of this segregation process, which is characterised more by residential...
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Given the difficulties of integration of the immigrant population and the demographic importance that this population is set to have in European society, this research uses an initial territorial approach and a subsequent qualitative analysis to study the internal residential dynamics of immigrants in five Spanish working-class neighbourhoods with...
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El crecimiento de la extrema derecha en Europa desde finales del siglo XX no se había hecho patente en España hasta la irrupción de VOX en las elecciones andaluzas de 2018, situación que lleva a analizar la relación que ello tiene con el contexto socioeconómico metropolitano. Tal análisis se hace en el presente estudio mediante el uso de la correla...
This paper addresses regional differences in community participation in renewable energy installations in Portugal, Greece and Israel. Authors follow the Multi-level Perspective and Multi-actor Perspective as frameworks for specifying power relations between different actors with different levels of aggregation. The paper applies these models for a...
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Immigration flows and social inequalities reflect increased social and multi-ethnic segregation in contemporary urban Europe. For a better understanding of these processes, the present study investigates the main strengths of the multi-group residential indices, testing sensitivity and reliability under different metropolitan contexts in five Europ...
This study presents a spatial analysis of suburban inequalities (residential concentration and income inequalities) among the main foreign-born population groups resident in Spain (Italians, Britons, Chinese, Moroccans and Romanians) in Madrid and Barcelona. Through a local spatial approach at census tract level, a number of relevant issues are hig...
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This study analyzes at a local level (i.e. census tract) the spatial patterns and main contextual factors related to the electoral resurgence of the extreme-right party (VOX) in Southern Spain (Andalusia) in 2018 and 2019. The 2019 electoral data was associated with the percentage of total foreign-born population, degree of territorial concentratio...
This study analyzes the relationship between the territorial concentration of the Chinese immigrant population and their perception of health and well-being in Seville, a city in southern Europe, where this ethnic community has seen one of the fastest growth rates in recent times. An ethnographic design and a merging strategy by data transformation...
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Los estudios que abordan la dimensión social de los espacios que albergan la función ecológica en el ámbito urbano se han centrado fundamentalmente en el análisis local de los espacios verdes. Sin embargo, la dimensión social de las Infraestructuras Verdes (IV) como conjunto de espacios libres a escala metropolitana ha sido un aspecto poco analizad...
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Este informe se encuentra disponible para su libre consulta y descarga en la sección de publicaciones del CENTRA, a través del siguiente enlace (FULL TEXT): "https://www.centrodeestudiosandaluces.es/publicaciones/ciudades-inteligentes-y-sostenibles-infraestructura-verde-y-habitats-urbanos-integrados". --[RESUMEN]-- El concepto de ciudad inteligent...
Immigrants’ neighbourhood choices are key to understanding today’s dominant socio-territorial dynamics, especially in urban areas. We analysed the factors involved in the housing search at the early stages of the economic migrant influx in Seville, Spain (Andalusia region, Europe’s southern border) and their impact on the development of residential...
Studies addressing contextual factors associated with anti‐immigrant prejudice have focused on out‐group size and rapid demographic changes in receiving locations. However, the territorial concentration and distribution of ethnic minorities at a local and intraurban level has received little attention. We analyse the relationship between emerging t...
Research Proposal
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Bajo la denominación de paisajes de las energías renovables se designan aquellos espacios caracterizados por la presencia relevante de elementos necesarios para producir energía a partir de recursos renovables. La apuesta de la Unión Europea por una economía baja en carbono concede un gran protagonismo a estos paisajes, tanto más por cuanto muchas...
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El presente artículo se encuentra disponible para su consulta y descarga en Scielo, a través del siguiente enlace (FULL TEXT): "http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-34022019000100145" --[RESUMEN]--El análisis de los cambios en la localización residencial de la población migrante resulta fundamental a la hora de entender el proceso de segregación residen...
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Actualmente en nuestras aulas de Geografía se está produciendo un interesante encuentro entre los nuevos estilos de aprendizaje del alumnado, muy influenciados por el uso y la inmediatez que confieren tanto las tecnologías de la información cómo las redes sociales, y los objetivos y contenidos que el currículo oficial plantea para la Geografía en l...
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Resumen: La creciente importancia que adquiere la inmigración y su proceso de integración social, hace que junto a su análisis sociodemográfico resulte fundamental abordar el estudio de las percepciones que desarrolla la sociedad de acogida sobre la población inmigrante, para asegurar adecuados niveles de cohesión social. Por ello se ha desarrollad...
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La medición de la diversidad y segregación etnoracial en el espacio urbano se ha centrado en la aplicación de índices que ofrecen información sobre la distribución y concentración de la población de diferentes nacionalidades. Sin embargo dichos índices no analizan la incidencia psicosocial en la sociedad de acogida, aspecto a tener en cuenta a la h...
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Resumen. Los procesos de segregación y preferencia residencial entre la sociedad de acogida y los diferentes grupos étnicos han generado un prolífico debate académico, que se ha plasmado entre otras en las denominadas teorías de la amenaza y el contacto. Este artículo pretende aportar a dicho debate mediante el estudio del comportamiento espacial d...
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Los problemas generalizados de integración del inmigrante ponen de manifiesto la importancia de desarrollar un análisis holístico de las dinámicas subyacentes en la movilidad residencial, segregación e integración de dicha población. En este sentido, disciplinas como el análisis del discurso pueden representar una importante aportación, tanto para...
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La creciente complejidad de las dinámicas socioespaciales desarrolladas en el ámbito metropolitano incrementa la importancia de la intersubjetividad espacial a la hora de comprender globalmente el hecho urbano. Así, una de las variables que mayor impacto tiene sobre el imaginario social es la inmigración. Para su comprensión, es necesario realizar...
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Resumen La medición de la segregación residencial de población extranjera, tradicionalmente se ha cen-trado en analizar su localización, distribución y concentración en el espacio urbano. Este artículo se centra en analizar el umbral de segregación a partir del cual sería necesaria la intervención social en aras de una correcta gestión de la divers...
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Resumen La presente comunicación se centra en la vigencia que, en el actual contexto de crisis económica, mantienen los análisis de los antropólogos ingleses del Rhodes Linvinstong Institute y de la antropología francesa, especialmente de Claude Meillassoux, sobre la política franco-británica de control de movilidad de trabajadores negros africanos...
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El estudio de las concepciones espaciales subjetivas puede aportar nuevos elementos de análisis para entender los procesos de segregación y marginalidad que se producen en áreas urbanas y rururbanas con alta tasa de inmigración. Consideramos que dichas concepciones se forman a través tanto de las percepciones, como de los imaginarios urbanos de los...
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All conference papers and all the content of the conference are available in the next Link: http://www.agepoblacion.org/congresos,_anteriores/sevilla,-2014.HTML


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