Ricardo Bohórquez

Ricardo Bohórquez
Pontifical Xavierian University · Department of Internal Medicine



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August 1992 - present
Hospital Universitario San Ignacio
  • Professor
August 1992 - present
Pontifical Xavierian University
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (31)
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Episodes of decompensation are the main cause of hospital admissions in patients with heart failure. For this reason, the use of mobile apps emerges as an excellent strategy to improve coverage, real-time monitoring, and timeliness of care. ControlVit is an electronic application for early detection of complications studied within the context of a...
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Introducción: Los sistemas de monitoreo remoto basados en teléfonos inteligentes para pacientes con falla cardiaca podrían ser herramientas sencillas y económicas para mejorar el seguimiento ambulatorio. Objetivo: Identificar la utilidad y aceptación de la aplicación ControlVit® en pacientes con falla cardiaca. Método: Estudio piloto observaciona...
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Adequate adherence to treatment is indispensable in preventing adverse consequences in heart failure patients. Such adherence can be managed through heart failure clinics and various methods of follow-up. In recent years, the use of telemonitoring has shown promising benefits in supporting clinicians' follow-up, as well as contributing to patients'...
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Objetivo: La implementación de las guías de práctica clínica está limitada por la falta de herramientas que faciliten los procesos de auditoría y retroalimentación a los profesionales de salud. Este estudio evalúa la herramienta automatizada (EXEMED), diseñada para valorar la adherencia a las guías de práctica clínica a partir de la información con...
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Resumen: Se presenta el caso de inusual crecimiento intracardíaco de leiomiomatosis intravascular gigante en una mujer de 38 años, en quien durante evaluación prequirúrgica de cirugía abdominal se documentó de manera incidental una masa en cavidades cardiacas derechas. Dada su presentación infrecuente y las dificultades en el abordaje diagnóstico y...
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p> Objective : Electronic medical records (EMR) typically contain both structured attributes as well as narrative text. The usefulness of EMR for research and administration is hampered by the difficulty in automatically analyzing their narrative portions. Accordingly, this paper proposes SPIRE, a strategy for prioritizing EMR, using natural langua...
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Medical practice, monitoring and control guidelines enable standardization, assessment and quality improvementin healthcare. This often implies collecting and analyzing electronic medical records (EMRs)in order to calculate compliance metrics and support evidence-based decision-making. However, forthese benefits to materialize a set of challenges m...
Speech is the natural communication means, however, it is not the typical input means afforded by computers. The interaction between humans and machines would have become easier, if speech were an alternative effective input means to the keyboard and mouse. With advancement in techniques for signal processing and model building and the empowerment...
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The obstacles for using the extensive narrative data found within EMR in research projects, mainly due to their lack of structure and standardization, have motivated different types of works. This chapter presents projects that have demonstrated successful use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and/or data mining techniques for the exploitation o...
This paper presents EXEMED v2, a system that allows the evaluation of clinical practice guideline indicators. EXEMED v2 includes a knowledge base that supports the definition of executable rules applied over Electronic Health Records (EHR) in order to measure its compliance with a specific clinical guideline. Taking into account that an EHR may inc...
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Objetivo: Evaluar el comportamiento de diferentes factores deriesgo y del score de Framingham con la disminución de peso obtenida a través de cirugía bariátrica al año postoperatorio, en una clínica de obesidad durante los años 2008 y 2011. Se evaluaron las modificaciones en los factores de riesgo y riesgo global con el score de Framingham al año p...
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Introducción: El infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST (IAMCEST) está asociado con alta morbimortalidad; por ello, la identificación de la enfermedad de forma temprana, así como la adherencia a guías de manejo, ha impactado en desenlaces clínicos en esta entidad. Objetivos: Evaluar la adherencia a guías en el manejo del IAMCEST e...
Development of IT-based services to support decision-making in healthcare should be guided by the following considerations: rigor, relevance, user-centered participation and inclusion of the best practices for IT-based service systems. In this paper, the balance between rigor and relevance is achieved by following the design science research method...
This paper presents EXEMED v2, a system that allows the evaluation of clinical practice guideline indicators. EXEMED v2 includes a knowledge base that supports the definition of executable rules applied over Electronic Health Records (EHR) in order to measure its compliance with a specific clinical guideline. Taking into account that an EHR may inc...
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Development of IT-based services to support decision-making in healthcare should be guided by the following considerations: rigor, relevance, user-centered participation and inclusion of the best practices for IT-based service systems. In this paper, the balance between rigor and relevance is achieved by following the design science research method...
Conference Paper
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licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of CENTERIS 2014. Abstract This paper presents EXEMED, a knowledge base created for the definition of executable rules that can be applied over Electronic Health Records (EHR) in order to measure the EHR compliance with respect to a specific clinical guideline. EX...
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Los fenómenos de hipercoagulabilidad son comunes en los pacientes politraumatizados críticamente enfermos. Los principales factores de riesgo para esta complicación son la cirugía, las invasiones vasculares, la inmovilidad y los procesos inflamatorios. Los catéteres intravasculares proveen un acceso necesario para la administración de terapia intra...
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Hypercoagulability phenomena are common in critically ill polytraumatized patients. The main risk factors for this complication are surgery, vascular invasions, immobility and infl ammatory processes. Intravascular catheters provide a necessary access for the administration of intravenous therapy, blood sampling and monitoring. However, their use i...
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Coronary artery aneurysms or ectasias are dilatations of arterial segments, which are typically incidentally identified at angiography. Although the etiology isn´t clearly established, several large clinical series described that the most common etiologic factor for coronary aneurysms is atherosclerotic coronary artery disease, but they can also be...
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BACKGROUND: in the last AHA/ACC expert consensus document, clinical scores to improve sensitivity (68%) and specificity (77% of the exercise testing, diagnostic method considered a first line diagnostic method for coronary heart disease treatment (one of the main causes of mortality in Colombia and worldwide), are recommended. Nevertheless, few ins...
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El síndrome antifosfolípido primario usualmente se manifiesta como trombosis venosa profunda, tromboembolismo pulmonar y como evento cerebrovascular en la circulación arterial. Se presenta el caso de un paciente joven previamente sano, con infarto agudo del miocardio como primera manifestación del síndrome antifosfolípido primario.Primary antiphosp...
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Artículo original RESUMEN Hasta la fecha muy pocos estudios han evaluado el efecto de la suplementación con hierro parenteral, no asociado al uso de Agentes Estimulantes de la Eritropoyesis (AEE) en el síndrome de Anemia cardio-Renal (cRAs). Objetivos. Primarios: evaluar el efecto del hierro sacarato IV sin AEE sobre: 1) los niveles de Hb; 2) la fr...


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