Ricardo BermejoUniversity of Malaga | UMA
Ricardo Bermejo
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I am marine ecologist and phycologist. My primary research goals are directed toward understanding the ecology and biogeography of assemblages dominated by macrophytes at different biological (from populations genetics to landscape patterns) and spatial levels (from local to entire ecoregions), as well as, the influence of human pressures in littoral ecosystems and applied phycology (e.g. seaweed cultivation, bioindicators, ecosystem restoration).
Additional affiliations
May 2024 - present
May 2020 - January 2022
March 2019 - April 2020
Publications (79)
Understanding macroalgal bloom development is crucial for managing eutrophication and protecting estuarine ecosystems. In this study, brown macroalgal blooms (i.e., golden tides) were identified in a potentially eutrophic temperate estuary (NW Ireland). Pylaiella littoralis (Phaeophyceae, Ectocarpales) was monitored at low tide over seven sampling...
Catalogue of micro- and macroalgae of the Spanish coast for which applications have been identified, with references to those applications and cultivation methods.
The potential of seaweed as a renewable resource is becoming increasingly recognized by diverse
stakeholders in Europe. Currently, several initiatives are working on accelerating the development
of the European algae industry. Seaweed cultivation can be an important cornerstone in
developing EU aquaculture and achieving the European Green Deal. An...
Massive accumulations of invasive brown algae Rugulopteryx okamurae are exacerbating environmental and socio-economic issues on the Mediterranean and potentially Atlantic coasts. These golden tides, likely intensified by global change processes such as changes in wind direction and intensity and rising temperatures, pose increasing challenges to co...
Seagrass restoration, necessitating knowledge of site environmental conditions,
appropriate planting methods, and the identification of suitable locations for seagrass growth, is the focal point of this study. The tracking of the spatio-temporal distribution of seagrasses, which is essential for pinpointing areas of persistence, loss, and recent ex...
Golden seaweed tides are a global environmental and socioeconomic problem, that have been occurring along Ireland's eastern coastline since the 1990s. This study focused on analysing the spatiotemporal dynamics of golden seaweed tides (Ectocarpus siliculosus) at Dollymount Strand in Dublin Bay (Ireland), between 2016 and 2022, and its relationship...
Golden seaweed tides are a global environmental and social problem, that have been occurring along Ireland's eastern coastline since the 1990s. This study focused on analysing the spatiotemporal dynamics of golden seaweed (Ectocarpus siliculosus) coverage at Dollymount Strand in Dublin Bay (Ireland), between 2016 and 2022, and its relationship with...
The generalized use of molecular identification tools indicated that multi‐specific green tides are more common than previously thought. Temporal successions between bloom forming species in a seasonal basis was also revealed in different cold temperate estuaries, suggesting a key role of photoperiod and temperature controlling bloom development an...
Cystoseira sensu lato (s.l.) – encompassing the genera Cystoseira sensu stricto (s.s.), Ericaria and Gongolaria – is a diverse group of forest-forming brown macroalgae endemic to the warm-temperate North-east Atlantic. These algae have immense biogeographic and ecological significance and have been experiencing recent regional declines. Most Cystos...
Zostera marina and Z. noltii are two dominant meadow-forming seagrass species in temperate regions in the northern hemisphere. Seagrass meadows provide several goods and ecological services and rank amongst the most valuable ecosystems worldwide. Phenological shifts in Zostera species occur along latitudinal or temperature gradients, leading to an...
Macroalgae (or seaweed) aquaculture can potentially provide many ecosystem services, including climate change mitigation, coastal protection, preservation of biodiversity and improvement of water quality. Nevertheless, there are still many constraints and knowledge gaps that need to be overcome, as well as potential negative impacts or scale-depend...
The control of macroalgal bloom development is central for protecting estuarine ecosystems. The identification of the nutrients limiting the development of macroalgal blooms, and their most likely sources is crucial for management strategies. Three Irish estuaries (Argideen, Clonakilty and Tolka) affected by green tides were monitored from June 201...
The accelerated discard and mismanagement of human-made products are resulting in the continued input of litter into the oceans. Models and field observations show how floating litter can accumulate in remote areas throughout the global ocean, but far less is known about the non-floating litter fraction. Seagrass meadows play an important role in t...
Microplastic deposition in marine sediments is a geographically widespread problem. This study examines microplastics in intertidal and subtidal sediments at 87 locations in habitats designated as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) on the coastline of Ireland. Established methodological approaches including, or...
This study presents the validation of a high-performance liquid chromatography diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) method for the determination of different mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in the red alga Bostrychia scorpioides. The investigated MAAs, named bostrychines, have only been found in this specific species so far. The developed HPLC-DAD m...
Opportunistic macroalgal blooms have been used for the assessment of the ecological status of coastal and estuarine areas in Europe. The use of earth observation (EO) data sets to map green algal cover based on a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was explored. Scenes from Sentinel-2A/B, Landsat-5, and Landsat-8 missions were processed f...
Colour is immediately perceived by the consumer and crucial for food product attractiveness. In this study, the possibility of obtaining different colour morphotypes in the rhodophyte Gracilariopsis longissima using short cultivation protocols (i.e. 9 days) was explored. In a first factorial experiment, the effects of salinity (25‰, 35‰ and 45‰), i...
Cultures of three native macroalgal species (Gracilariopsis longissima, Gracilaria bursa-pastoris and Chondracanthus teedei) were developed in open coastal waters of a shallow, potentially eutrophic bay in Southern Spain. Experimental trials to assess the technical feasibility of seaweed cultivation and nitrogen biofiltration potential were conduct...
The red seaweed Agarophyton vermiculophyllum is an invasive species native to the north-west Pacific, which has proliferated in temperate estuaries of Europe, North America and Africa. Combining molecular identification tools, historical satellite imagery and one-year seasonal monitoring of biomass and environmental conditions, the presence of A. v...
The variation of photophilic macroalgae functional metrics (unit richness, % coverage, Shannon-Weaver Index, cluster analysis of Bray–Curtis similarity) at Ecological Status Group (ESGI, IA, IB, IC, ESGII, IIA, IIB) level, as well as the variation of the Ecological Evaluation Index (EEI-c) were studied at different spatial (sampling site, location,...
Canopy-forming seaweeds sustain critical ecosystem services in coastal habitats. Around the world, many of these seaweeds are suffering strong declines, mainly attributed to the progressive increase in sea surface temperature, in combination with other stressors due to current global changes. The southernmost part of the NE Atlantic is among those...
The cutivation of two red macroalgal species, Chondracanthus teedei (Martens ex
Roth) and Gracilariopsis longissima (S.G. Gmelin) Steentoft M, L.M. Irvine & W.F.
Farnham), was assessed in a traditional salina, a system of earthen ponds used for
marine salt extraction taking advantages of solar evaporation and tidal cycle.
Vegetative thalli of both...
Cystoseira is a common brown algal genus widely distributed throughout the Atlantic and Mediterranean regions whose taxonomical assignment of specimens is often hampered by intra- and interspecific morphological variability. In this study, three mitochondrial regions, namely cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI), 23S rDNA (23S), and 23S-tRNAVal interg...
Information on the sequences included in this study—species, geographical
origin, voucher, GenBank accession numbers and haplotypes.
Evolutionary divergence between mt-spacer Cystoseira
Morphological traits identified by other authors for the different
Cystoseira phylogenetic groups included in this
Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree obtained with RAxML and based on the
COI sequences of the samples from Cystoseira genus.
Values on the branches represent maximum likelihood bootstrap support values
≥ 75 on the left, and Bayesian posterior probabilities ≥ 90% on the right.
Information of the sequences included in this tree are indicated in S1
Bayesian phylogenetic tree obtained with MrBayes and based on the COI
sequences of the samples from Cystoseira genus.
Values on the branches represent Bayesian posterior probabilities ≥ 90%.
Information of the sequences included in this tree are indicated in S1
Median-Joining networks of Cystoseira-III mt-spacer, 23S and COI
Pie charts are proportional to haplotype frequencies.
Theoretical median vectors are represented by black dots. Colors represent
the different Cystoseira species as described in the
Evolutionary divergence between COI Cystoseira
Bayesian phylogenetic tree obtained with MrBayes and based on
concatenated COI-23S-mt-spacer sequences of the samples from
Cystoseira genus.
Values on the branches represent Bayesian posterior probabilities ≥ 90%.
Information of the sequences included in this tree are indicated in S1
Median-Joining networks of Cystoseira-I mt-spacer, 23S and COI
Pie charts are proportional to haplotype frequencies.
Theoretical median vectors are represented by black dots. Colors represent
the different Cystoseira species as described in the
Bayesian phylogenetic tree obtained with MrBayes and based on
concatenated COI 23S-mt-spacer sequences of the samples from the
Sargassaceae family.
Values on the branches represent Bayesian posterior probabilities ≥ 90%.
Information of the sequences included in this tree are indicated in S1
Evolutionary divergence between 23S Cystoseira
Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree obtained with RAxML and based on the
23S sequences of the samples from the Cystoseira
Values on the branches represent maximum likelihood bootstrap support values
≥ 75 on the left, and Bayesian posterior probabilities ≥ 90% on the right.
Information of the sequences included in this tree are indicated in...
Bayesian phylogenetic tree obtained with MrBayes and based on the 23S
sequences of the samples from Cystoseira genus.
Values on the branches represet Bayesian posterior probabilities ≥ 90%.
Information of the sequences included in this tree are indicated in S1
Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree obtained with RAxML and based on the
mt-spacer sequences of the samples from Cystoseira
Values on the branches represent maximum likelihood bootstrap support values
≥ 75 on the left, and Bayesian posterior probabilities ≥ 90% on the right.
Information of the sequences included in this tree are indicated i...
Bayesian phylogenetic tree obtained with MrBayes and based on the
mt-spacer sequences of the samples from Cystoseira
Values on the branches represent Bayesian posterior probabilities ≥ 90%.
Information of the sequences included in this tree are indicated in S1
Median-Joining networks of Cystoseira-II mt-spacer, 23S and COI
Pie charts are proportional to haplotype frequencies.
Theoretical median vectors are represented by black dots. Colors represent
the different Cystoseira species as described in the
Although nutrient enrichment of estuarine and coastal waters is considered a key factor for the development of green tides, the extent, distribution, and species composition of blooms vary among systems of similar nutrient loading, which compromises our ability to predict these events based on information about nutrient status alone. Additional fac...
Climate-driven range-shifts create evolutionary opportunities for allopatric divergence and subsequent contact, leading to genetic structuration and hybrid zones. We investigate how these processes influenced the evolution of a complex of three closely related Cystoseira spp., which are a key component of the Mediterranean-Atlantic seaweed forests...
Seaweed has a long-associated history of use as a supplemented livestock feed, providing nutrients and vitamins essential to maintaining animal health. Some species of seaweed, particularly the fucoids, are well-known accumulators of the metalloid arsenic (As). Arsenic toxicity to humans is well established even at low exposure levels and is consid...
Climate change is inducing shifts in species ranges across the globe. These can affect the genetic pools of species, including loss of genetic variability and evolutionary potential. In particular, geographically enclosed ecosystems, like the Mediterranean Sea, have a higher risk of suffering species loss and genetic erosion due to barriers to furt...
This poster examines the potential for an automated methodology useful for estimating benthic snail (Hydrobia ulvae) abundance in an Irish estuary.
This poster examines the effects of using different quadrat sizes to assess the spatial distribution of the green macroalgae Ulva in an Irish estuary. This work is part of the ongoing SeaMAT research project in the National University of Ireland, Galway.
The evolutionary history of the genus Ruppia has been shaped by hybridization, polyploidisation and vicariance that have resulted in a problematic taxonomy. Recent studies provided insight into species circumscription, organelle take-over by hybridization, and revealed the importance of verifying species identification to avoid distorting effects o...
Researchers study coastal eutrophication (green tides) in Ireland and look for a link to metal pollution in the water.
The brown macroalga Cystoseira tamariscifolia is a foundation species along the northeastern Atlantic and western Mediterranean Sea. It occurs from lower intertidal rock pools to the shallow subtidal. Anthropogenic pollution and rising seawater temperatures can threaten its local distributions. In order to address impacts of historical and current...
Enrichment of nutrients and metals in seawater associated with anthropogenic activities can threaten aquatic ecosystems. Consequently, nutrient and metal concentrations are parameters used to define water quality. The European Union’s Water Framework Directive (WFD) goes further than a contaminant-based approach and utilises indices to assess the E...
Las macroalgas son un recurso económico y un elemento clave del ecosistema. En los últimos años, se ha producido una sobreexplotación del recurso por incremento de la demanda de la industria alimentaria y de los ficocoloides. Esto ha favorecido el desarrollo de su cultivo con una doble finalidad: la explotación sostenible y el freno al impacto de s...
La descripción de macroalgas como consecuencia de su creciente interés para el uso alimenticio y de ficocoloides en occidente, hace necesario el desarrollo de cultivos para poder satisfacer el exceso de demanda. En este contexto y buscando un aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos, se ha realizado este trabajo. El objetivo del mismo ha sido eva...
El catálogo de las algas se ha realizado considerando las costas españolas subdivididas en cinco sectores, acorde a la nomenclatura de la Directiva Marco de Estrategia Marina de la UE, que considera cinco Demarcaciones Marinas: Noratlántica, Sudatlántica, Estrecho-Alborán, Levantino-Balear y Canaria. El catálogo contempla 1500 especies y taxones in...
En 2012 responsables del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medioambiente de España (MAGRAMA) a través de su División para la Protección del Mar, se pusieron en contacto con la Sociedad Española de Ficología (SEF), solicitando su colaboración en la elaboración de la denominada Lista Patrón de las Especies Marinas Presentes en España, element...
Macroalgal outdoor cultivation in the bay of Cadiz and its importance for the food industry.
The Cystoseira ericaefolia group is conformed by three species: C. tamariscifolia, C. mediterranea and C. amentacea. These species are among the most important habitat forming species of the upper sublittoral rocky shores of the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent Atlantic coast. This species group is sensitive to human pressures and therefore is curren...
Experimental macroalgal cultures at large scale started in the bay of Cadiz in 2006 and the following year the fisrt algal company from southern Spain decided to put the resource in the market. Recent studies have shown that several species from the bay can be cultured for biomass production, not only in the bay bat also in earthen ponds devoted to...
The Alboran Sea is the westernmost ecoregion of the Mediterranean Sea. It is located in the vicinity of Strait of Gibraltar, the only natural connection of the Mediterranean Sea with global circulation. This ecoregion presents steep and highly variable environmental gradients, thus acting as a natural filter for Mediterranean and Atlantic species....
Several indices based on the composition and abundance of aquatic flora have been developed to assess the ecological status of coastal waters along the European coasts in the context of the Water Framework Directive. This directive pointed out the intercalibration of indices based on the same biological element within an eco-region to ensure the co...
An index, based on littoral communities assemblages (CARLIT), was applied to assess the ecological status of Northwestern Mediterranean coastal waters, following the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive. The biogeographical particularities of the Alboran Sea suggested a reassessment of this index, and that was the main objective o...
According to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) macroalgae are one of the Biological Quality Elements
proposed to assess the ecological status of coastal water bodies. In the case of the North East Atlantic
coastal shores, two methodologies have been implemented (RSL – reduced species list – in the U.K.; CFR
– quality of rocky bottoms – in the Spa...
In this work, we provide new records and geographical distribution data for 98 seaweeds (61 Rhodophyta, 22 Ochrophyta, 15 Chlorophyta) inhabiting more than 80 sites (intertidal and subtidal) of the Atlantic Iberian Peninsula. Polysiphonia devoniensis, P. fibrata y Zonaria tournefortii are new records for Portugal and 5 species (Bonnemaisonia hamife...
En este trabajo se aportan tres nuevos taxones para Andalucía (Grateloupia subpectinata, Halarachnion ligulatum y Porphyra linearis), dos nuevas citas para Almería y otras dos para Cádiz, además de dos confirmaciones para la provincia de Cádiz. El material recolectado está depositado (bien en formalina al 4% o bien en pliegos) en el herbario MGC Ph...
Biomechanics is the discipline that studies the mechanical properties of living tissues. It is consid- ered a useful tool in Marine Ecology, as mechan- ical properties appears to be important traits in the occurrence and the distribution of benthic organ- isms. Biomechanical properties of macroalgae are dynamic and plastic within a species and subj...
Ricardo Bermejo; Gina de la Fuente; Juan José Vergara; Ignacio Hernández. ”European Journal of Phycology 2011, 46 (SI) 113” The Water Framework Directive suggests the use of abundance and species composition of macrophytes to assess the ecological status class of coastal waters. In the case of the Mediterranean Sea, two ecological quality indices b...
La flora de macroalgas marinas de Andalucía se recoge en los catálogos de Flores-Moya et al. (1995a, 1995b) y Conde et al. (1996a), y en las adiciones posteriores de Conde et al. (1996b), Báez et al. (2001), Altamirano et al. (2006, 2008) e Invernón et al. (2009). En este trabajo, se aportan tres nuevas citas para Andalucía (señaladas con un asteri...
New records for the seaweeds of Andalusia (Spain). X Palabras clave. Andalucía, corología, macroalgas marinas Key words. Andalusia, geographical distribution, seaweeds