Reza Ghorbani

Reza Ghorbani
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad | FUM · Department of Agronomy


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Publications (59)
Increasing the saffron quantity and quality is essential and should be considered to achieve the desired performance. In this regard, to study the effect of nutrient and irrigation management on the quality and yield of saffron, an experiment was carried out at the research station, the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, in 2013–2015. The study...
An effective weed management program requires a comprehensive knowledge of a weed’s genetic diversity. Wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum Koch) is known as an invasive weed that is rising in commercial cereal fields of Iran. Genetic diversity of 31 populations of Iranian wild barley consisting of 27 populations from Fars province along with four colle...
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The main purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of sulfosulfuron, as a chemical herbicide, on different populations of wild barley in Iran. A factorial experiment was conducted under outdoor condition based on randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications at Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Educ...
In order to study the effect of soil texture and irrigation management on flower and corm yield of saffron (Crocus sativus L.), an experiment was conducted at research field of Agricultural Faculty of Sarayan, University of Birjand during two growing seasons (2013–2015). The study was performed as factorial based on Randomized Complete Block Design...
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Fertilizers utilization does not only play an important role in increasing the crop yield, but also they may influence the plant nutritional quality, thereby it affects the ecological interactions between herbivores and their natural enemies. In a field study, the effect of nitrogen fertilization (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg N ha−1) on population of must...
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Chlorophyll fluorescence measurement is a precise research technique that can be used for studying the effect of herbicides with different modes of action on photosynthetic apparatus. The aim of the present project was to study the variation of the fluorescence induction curve (Kautsky curve) and its variables affected by pinoxaden (ACCase inhibito...
Corm size is the most important factor in production of replacement corms and flower yield of saffron. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of nutrition and irrigation managements on saffron corms characteristics in the experimental field of Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, in 2013–2015. The experiment wa...
Over utilization of medicinal plants from wild habitat is causing genetic diversity loss of these valuable plants. In order to determine the optimum planting date and density of oregano for successful production, a field experiment was conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Iran. The experimental design was split-plot based on r...
Saffron, Crocus sativus L., belongs to the iris plant family, characterized for having a purple flower with red stigmas and yellow stamens. Saffron long scarlet stigmas are highly valued for flavouring food and adding a golden-yellow color. Saffron, as dried stigmas, is the most expensive spice in the world, well known for its aromatic and colourin...
The purposes of this study were evaluate the effects of biofertilizers inoculation on growth indices, yield and radiation use efficiency (RUE) in black cumin under Mashhad climatic conditions. This field experiment was carried out based on a randomized complete block design with three replications. This experiment was performed at Agricultural Rese...
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To understand germination and emergence characteristics of black henbane, ground cherry and curly dock a laboratory experiment, based on randomized complete block design with four replications, was carried out at the Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in 2012. Treatments were temperature ranges (5/15, 10/20, 15/25, 15/30 and 20/...
In order to investigate RAE and RUE in alternative intercropping of wheat-canola, an experiment was carried out in a field located in Shirvan in 2013-2014. The experiment plan was arranged in factorial-RCBD with 3 replications. Treatments included 3 different ratio of density (for wheat T1=250, T2=300 and T3=350; for canola C1=80, C2=100 and C3=120...
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The host plant quality not only influences on herbivorous insects but also indirectly could impact on their natural enemies’ performance. The current study was conducted to determine the effect of different nitrogen fertilization levels of canola (Brassica napus L.) on life table parameters of the predatory gall midge, Aphidoletes aphidimyza Rondan...
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Increased nitrogen applications to crops influence plant-herbivore interactions and potentially increase herbivore population growth.In this research, the impact of nitrogen fertilizations on nutritional quality of three canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars (Zarfam, Okapi and Modena), and, consequently, the performance of mustard aphids, Lipaphis e...
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Variation in host plant quality in response to nitrogen fertilization could influence on performance and population of insect herbivores. Current greenhouse study was conducted to determine the effect of four nitrogen fertilization levels including 0, 75, 150 and 225 kg. ha-1 in canola (Brassica napus L.) on performance and population growth rate o...
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Rhaponticum repens (L.) Hidalgo is a clonal Asteraceae plant native to Asia and highly invasive in North America. We conducted open-field experiments in Iran to assess the impact of the biological control candidate, Aceria acroptiloni Shevchenko & Kovalev (Acari, Eriophyidae), on the target weed. Using three different experimental approaches, we fo...
Carbon sequestration could be an effective way to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide which is the most important greenhouse gas. Two field experiments were conducted at Agricultural Research Station of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, during growing seasons of 2008–2009 and 2009–2010. Four treatments including two low input management systems b...
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This study determined the potential of the tortoise beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to control Canada thistle (Asteraceae) in Iran. Genetic analysis of the tortoise beetle, based on mitochondrial DNA, confirmed the presence of the species in Iran. A field experiment using five insect densities (0 to 20 larvae plant−1) showed a positive correlati...
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In order to evaluate the effect of Rimsulfuron, EPTC (Eradican), oxadiargyl, metribuzin and Metribuzin herbicides for controling of Lambsquarter (Chenopodium album) and prostrate pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), an experiment was conducted at the Mohaghegh Ardabili University green house in 2008. A dose-response assay was conducted based on comple...
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Squash (Cucurbitapepo L.) is an important oil seed and medicinal plant which produces unsaturated fatty acids, cosmetic medicine and health products. In order to study the effects of different cattle manure levels and branch management methods on organic production of Summer squash, two field experiments were conducted during years 2005 and 2006. T...
Allelopathy plays a major role in both natural and managed ecosystems regarding biodiversity and weed management in most countries. This chapter discusses the recent research on allelopathy carried out in Iran. Various research projects have been done in Iran in the last decades and reported in national and international journals. Iran has a long h...
The concept of growing crops for health rather than only for food or fiber is becoming a major issue. Since standards of living have improved, food availability and connection between plant production practices and human health are launching new issues of dietary supplements, functional foods and ­plant-produced recombinant proteins. Consumption of...
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Weed management in potato production is one of the main cost and time consuming practices. Understanding the most effective time of weed control could reduce the costs and increase potato yield. Field study was conducted in the west region of Iran during 2006 to evaluate the effect of weeds damage in potato fields. Twelve treatments used consisted...
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Weed management in potato production is one of the main cost and time consuming practices. Understanding the most effective time of weed control could reduce the costs and increase potato yield. Field study was conducted in the west region of Iran during 2006 to evaluate the effect of weeds damage in potato fields. Twelve treatments used consisted...
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This work aimed to examine dormancy breaking and optimum temperature for germination of Russian knapweed seed (Acroptilon repens L.). To examine germination characteristic of this weed, several experiments were conducted. First experiment was a factorial with 3 replications to break seed dormancy of this weed. First factor was KNO and Second factor...
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Current conventional agricultural systems using intensive energy has to be re-vitalized by new integrated approaches relying on renewable energy resources, which can allow farmers to stop depending on fossil resources. The aim of the present study was to compare wheat production in dryland (low input) and irrigated (high input) systems in terms of...
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Energy analysis of agroecosystems seems to be a promising approach to assess environmental problems and their relations to sustainability. The aim of the present study was to compare bean, lentil, irrigated and dryland chickpea farms in terms of energy efficiency, energy productivity, benefit to cost ratio and the amount of renewable energy use. Da...
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In recent years, biological fertilizers have received special attention by scientists in sustainable and low input agriculture. In order to study the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and free living nitrogen fixing bacteria on growth and photosynthesis characteristics of corn in conventional and ecological cropping systems, a field experimen...
Conventional agricultural systems should not only produce much greater amounts of food, feed, fibre and energy to meet the global needs, but also challenge problems to improve health and social well-being of man, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, adapt to climate change and extreme weather, reduce environmental degradation and decline in the quali...
The reduction of herbicide applications is a main research priority in recent years. One way to achieve this goal is by using adjuvants that can increase the efficacy of foliar-applied herbicides by reducing surface tension. Previous studies have shown that the surface tension of distilled water decreases under the influence of a magnetic field. In...
Excessive use of agrochemicals in conventional crop management has caused serious environmental and health problems including loss of biodiversity and human disorders. A number of chemical biocides have shown complex chronic effects such as change in endocrine functions and immune systems. Application of different chemical biocides to the soil and...
Common lambsquarters is an important annual weed of many crops world-wide. Ascochyta caulina is a plant pathogenic fungus that, under natural conditions, causes necrotic spots on the leaves and stems of Chenopodium species. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of weed growth stage, relative humidity, dew period, and temperature on...
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Dynamics of weed populations in arable fields are influenced by environmental and soil characteristics and also by cropping system and management practices. Manipulation of cropping systems to improve weed management requires a better understanding of the spatial and temporal dynamics of weeds, seed losses and seed production. To assess the effect...
Amaranthus retroflexus L. is a common annual weed worldwide. It can be found in a wide range of habitats and causes substantial yield reduction in many crops mainly through competition. Alternaria spp. are airborne molds that are considered to have potential for the biological control of weeds. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of spor...
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Common lambsquarters is an annual weed of many important crops. Ascochyta caulina is a plant pathogenic fungus that causes necrotic lesions on the leaves and stems of common lambsquarters. The objective of the present study was to estimate the effect of plant N supply on the biocontrol activity of A. caulina isolates against common lambsquarters. I...
In organic systems of agriculture, integrated control strategies are necessary for the management of late blight. Agronomic treatments such as presprouting of seed tubers, planting early and in different populations and spacings should be considered for inclusion. They may delay and/or decrease infection and help to ensure that acceptable marketabl...
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The sustainability of a farm system greatly relies on fertilizers and other inputs. Soil factors such as texture and local rainfall, along with management-related factors such as soil organic matter, aggregate stability and agronomic practices, have much greater influence on the sustainability of any given farm than do the type or amount of soil am...
Swallowwort, a twining perennial of the Asclepiadaceae family, has become increasingly invasive in cultivated fields, Orchards, fence rows, natural areas, and roadsides of some provinces in Iran. The ability of this weed to establish and develop from seed was studied in laboratory and greenhouse experiments. Optimum germination temperature was 25 C...
An experiment was conducted under field condition to evaluate the effects of pure or combinations of biofertilizers on agronomic and quality criteria of Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis), a medicinal and aromatic plant from Lamiaceae family at Research Station of Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, during years of 2006 and 2007. A c...
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To study the effects of sheep (Ovis aries L.) rates and grazing duration on weed control and saffron biomass, a field experiment was conducted during the year 2006, in a saffron (Crocus sativus L.) field located in Boshrooyeh (33° North latitude, 57° East longitude), Razavi Khorasan, Iran. A split plot design based on randomized complete block with...
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Yield and growth criteria of irrigated and rainfed sunflower Helianthus annus and chickpea Cicer arientinum were studied under simulated climate change for Tabriz in Iran. Monthly average temperature and rainfall under doubling CO2 were predicted using Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) model...
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Summary The effects of various fertilizers and different compost extracts on crop health and tomato yield were studied in the fi eld in 2004-2005 in two locations in Iran. Treatments included different fertilizers (cattle, sheep and chicken manures, green-waste and house- hold composts and chemical fertilizers) and fi ve aqueous extracts (from catt...
Many research programs have studied different aspects of the use of antagonistic plant pathogens in biological weed control strategies. The study of effects of individual environmental factors can be regarded as the first step in understanding limitations to the success of biological control methods. This review attempts to address the current adva...
The effects of various fungi, bacteria and different compost extracts on foliar infection of potato (Solatium tuberosum) withPhytophthora infestans were tested in detached leaf bioassays in 2001–2003. Application of microorganism inocula and compost extracts as well as copper oxychloride to excised leaves resulted in different degrees of blight con...
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Deforestation and shift of land use to agriculture, is of great concern in Golestan Province andhas brought hazardous problems of flooding, landslide and soil loss. Soil organic carbon, totalnitrogen content, available phosphorous and potassium, calcium carbonate content, thicknessof A horizons and some important soil properties were studied on for...
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While conventional agriculture relies on synthetic fertiliser, chemical pesticides or other technological inputs for crop production, organic agriculture aims to make optimal use of the natural capital of the soil and its microbial population through methods such as the selection of indigenous crop varieties, and the production of crops appropriate...
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Iran occupies a vast area of land with diverse climatic conditions, encompassing a variety of production practices and rich biological diversity. Traditional agriculture was wide-spread less than 50 years ago and is still appreciated by some farmers (called 'ignored organic farmers') in Iran. However, such practices have been ignored in the context...
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The authors demonstrate the problems and solutions associated with potato production in tropical highlands.
Common lambsquarters is an annual weed of many important crops. Ascochyta caulina is a plant pathogenic fungus that causes necrotic lesions on the leaves and stems of common lambsquarters. The objective of the present study was to estimate the effect of plant N supply on the biocontrol activity of A. caulina isolates against common lambsquarters. I...
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This report was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference. Protective copper fungicides are currently used to control late blight in most organic production systems, but approval for their use in organic farming will be revoked in 2002. Evidence suggests that organic potato production will not be reliably economic in the absence of Cu. C...
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Within European COST Action 816, a 5-year collaboration between scientists from 6 European countries has made an important contribution to the previously unstudied insect fauna associated with Amaranthus spp. in Europe. This provides a basis for future introductions of a non-native biocontrol agent into Europe. In addition, two promising microbial...
Detailed knowledge about the environmental conditions required for weed seed germination and establishment in soil is an important prerequisite for the development of integrated and biological weed control strategies. Germination and establishment of Amaranthus retroflexus were studied at different temperatures, planting depths, soil types, nitroge...
Pigweeds (Amaranthus spp.) are of economic importance worldwide. In Europe, Amaranthus retroflexus is one of the ten weed species of greatest economic importance. It is a serious problem weed in several field crops (e.g. maize), as well as in vegetables, orchards and grape vines. It is an annual spreading by seeds which have a long viabilityand are...


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