Rey Segundo Guerrero-ProenzaUniversidad de las Ciencias Informáticas (University of Information Sciences)
Rey Segundo Guerrero-Proenza
PhD in Educational Sciences
Teaching ML & Discrete Mathematics for Computer & Cybersecurity Engineering. Research: AI, Virtual education, Topology.
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BSc. in Mathematics from Lomonosov Moscow State University, MSc. in Computer Sciences, and PhD in Educational Sciences from Havana University, currently professor in the Computational Intelligence Department at University of Information Sciences (Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas).
Additional affiliations
May 2017 - July 2022
Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas (University of Information Sciences)
- Professor
- Researcher of Educational Technology and Artificial Intelligence. Main research interests: ontologies, MOOC, Openness, Activity Theory, Preferences, Virtual Education, Social Networks in Education.
October 2022 - present
September 2007 - December 2009
University of Granma, Bayamo, Cuba
- Professor (Full) of Intelligent Systems II for Computer Engineering
- Ontology Engineering, Search Methods, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Advanced Topics: Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Theory of Evidence Dempster-Shafer.
Publications (36)
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are an innovation that have attracted public academic attention in recent times, and which have resulted in the evolution of e-learning (electronic learning) and so far have not achieved their expectations in Higher Education. This is due to the fact that from the outset these courses have faced a number of probl...
At the present, ICTs have influenced all spheres of life, education in particular, where it is frequent to find training proposals in environments mediated by these innovations. Thus, there are fully online courses and formation strategies (e-learning), of mixed modality, that is, part being present, and part distant learning through ICTs (b-learni...
The feasibility and effectiveness of the use of information
and communication techniques (ICT), highly depends on
the possibility of formalizing its processes and components in order to be accessed by computing systems. At present, ontologies are some of the suitable formalities towards such task. This work introduces a description of the developme...
RESUMEn. En el trabajo se analizan los requerimientos que deben cumplir los entornos virtuales
de enseñanza aprendizaje adaptativos con respecto a las preferencias de los estudiantes en la acti-
vidad de aprendizaje, se proponen varios módulos que respondan a esos requerimientos y se expo-
nen los resultados alcanzados en esa dirección en el marco...
En este trabajo los autores presentan una propuesta de metodología para el desarrollo de
ontologías en el campo educativo, basada en la Teoría Psicológica de la Actividad (Abstract: In this paper the authors propose a methodology for developing ontologies in educational field, based on psychological theory of activity).
Beyond the practical experience and the intuition that could result from it, there is concrete evidence of Logic, particularly Mathematical Logic, it is a discipline that is difficult for students to grasp. Like all natural phenomena, it has a multidimensional
character. In the present work, the authors, based on the specific results in three cours...
Science is a system among whose main components are theories, which, correspondingly, are systemic sets of concepts, statements and reasoning, strongly depending on the concept definition for their viability and precision in their representation of the reality. Starting from that position, in this article the authors affirm that in Educational Scie...
Science is a system among whose main components are theories, which, correspondingly, are systemic sets of concepts, statements and reasoning, strongly depending on the concept definition for their viability and precision in their representation of the reality. Starting from that position, in this article the authors affirm that in Educational Scie...
Knowledge graphs are large and useful sources widely used for natural question answering, web search and data analytics. They describe facts about a certain domain of interest by representing them using entities interconnected via relations. However, due to the fact that they are created under Open World Assumption, they are incomplete. Knowledge g...
La investigación demuestra que el uso de las redes sociales digitales con fines educativos contribuye al desarrollo de competencias digitales. Para ello el objetivo del artículo es determinar el efecto del rediseño del curso virtual “Tecnologías y métodos de formación en Red”, que se oferta en la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas de Cuba, en...
The aim of this work is presenting the theoretical genesis, development and the current state of a tool for the calculation of quality indicators, applied to different levels of quality components in a course, including individual components, applying different uncertainty formalisms. This work has been motivated by the necessity of improving the e...
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la génesis teórica, desarrollo y estado actual de una herramienta para el cálculo de la puntuación determinante de los diferentes niveles de calidad de los componentes de un curso y de cada uno de sus componentes evaluables, aplicando diferentes tipos de formalismos de la incertidumbre. Este trabajo...
This is the first of three articles, having the overall aim of describing the process of conception, designing and development of the course "Technologies and methods for Networked Education". Particularly this paper pretends to describe the process, leading to the synthetic conception of objectives, knowledge and skills systems identified in this...
Massive Open Online Courses have developed into an alternative form of Higher Education, with the result that, at the current time, various universities are adopting such educational strategy. This is due to their eagerness to accommodate the educational demands of the masses and to achieve internationalization and visibility before the world, or s...
At present, given the rapid advance of science and technology, has been reviewed and reformulation constant problems related to the use of teaching aids in higher education, as amended significantly with the introduction of Information Technology and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the educational field.
This paper presents an assessment of the...
The feasibility and effectiveness of ICT in education depends largely on the possibility of formalizing their processes and components, in order to make them accessible to computer system. Currently, one of the most effective formalism for this task is the ontology representation. In this paper authors describe the process of developing the object...
We describe the basic elements of the approach or Activity Theory as Alexei Nikolaevich Leontiev, who founded, along with the results of further development of the theory, its suitability as a model theory of learning activity and gives a characterization of the structure overall activity on the basis of its moments and structural components detali...
The students’ independence in virtual learning environments, and the multiplicity of options for using resources and communication tools, make relevant their preferences in the learning activity. Therefore, it is required that this component, which is significant for the outcome of the learning process, to be accessible for computer systems, making...
Se describe el diseño de una plataforma educativa virtual sobre la base de requerimientos derivados de los principios de un modelo educativo virtual y de las esepcificas del desarrollo del software, especialmente la programación web.
The progress of science and technology in the field of education lead to modify the work in the classroom. It's not just an indicator of learning what the student is able to perform by itself, it is possible to learn to help is an indicator of development, its potential for change.
En este trabajo se presenta una visión de cómo es tratado y formalizado el concepto de preferencias en otros dominios de la ciencia y la tecnología, se fundamenta la importancia de las preferencias del estudiante en la actividad de aprendizaje, se identifica la Teoría de la Actividad como fundamento teórico y metodológico para la aplicación de la i...
Este trabajo es una actualización y extensión de uno publicado en el último número del 2009 de la Revista Cubana de Educación Superior, presenta de manera sintética el desarrollo de la aplicación y las investigaciones de las ontologías en la Educación a partir de la descripción de los problemas y avances desde el año 2000, tomando como hilo conduct...
En el presente trabajo se describen los fundamentos y el desarrollo de una ontología de la actividad, según la Teoría de Leontiev, para ser utilizada como marco para la representación de los diferentes componentes del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en entornos virtuales de enseñanza aprendizaje. Precisamente la necesidad de representar las prefer...
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir las experiencias en el desarrollo de cursos en modalidad semipresencial en la disciplina de Inteligencia Artificial de la Carrera de Informática de la UDG, apoyándose en un EVEA desarrollado en el CEPES empleado por esta Institución para la impartición de cursos virtuales, esencialmente de postgrado. Esta...
This article presents synthetically the application development and research of ontology in Education from the description of the problems and progress since 2000, taking as leitmotif the analysis of several studies that have marked milestones in the subject in 2000, 2004, 2005, and the work from the last year until the present, ending with the mai...
El presente trabajo se desarrolló en la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad de Granma (Cuba) en el período correspondiente al primer semestre del curso académico 2004 - 2005. En el mismo se expone el diseño de un experimento aplicado a los estudiantes del tercer año de la carrera, basado en la inclusión de un software educativo (Dosi...
En Linux (y en general en todos los "unices") el procmail es una de las más poderosas y flexibles herramientas para el control del correo. A mostrar varias facetas de su funcionamiento, a partir de los cuales se pueda inducir la filosofía de su uso y configuración, esta dirigido este trabajo.
En los puntos que siguen daremos una breve panorámica d...
Entre el primero de noviembre de 1999 y el 15 de enero del 2000 se impartió en la Universidad de Granma (UDG) un curso de aplicaciones del correo electrónico en la búsqueda y adquisición de información en el ciberespacio.
Este curso presentaba como novedad que la docente (la prof. Caplán) tenía el reto de estar a miles de kilómetros de sus alumnos...
Questions (132)
I am not asking about liking being engineer or med doctor, or mathematician; i have in mind the activity, the act itself of studying, obtaining knowledge.
Another way: is learning among preferred activities of your students?
Is there any "special" didactic for Mathematical Logic, as a subject for Engineering students?
Or it does not worth to take care about how explaining, orienting students, because, any way, it is too difficult, abstract subject for almost everybody....
On the other hand: what kind of content should be taught? Propositional and/or Predicate Calculus? Deductive structures? All them?
Should be used the concept of formal system as framework for systematizing above mentioned contents?
Is the development of abstraction, deductive capabilities, algorithmic thinking, a concern to have in mind when teaching Mathematical Logic?
I have been seeing and following a lot of work on these topics, it even seems that there are more results on them than on the corresponding classical topics, particularly on general topology.
What could be the cause of such results?
I've found, as the result of several searches, the the term networked learning is less mentioned in educational bibliography: published articles, books, and in activities like congress, workshops, etc.
Is this really happening? Is not the activity reflected by the concept currently relevant or simply its identification has been substituted by other?
What is your opinion in that regard?
Digital educational resources are widely applied in Education, and particularly, in virtual education.
But, as many other concepts in that field, there a great number of definitions or approaches to their meaning.
Do you have/use a particular definition that you prefer, for any reason, over other definitions?
I would appreciate you to share it.
Several evidences show that students have some difficult in success in Mathematical Logic. Is the case in your HE institution?; in which specialties?