Reto BürginZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences | ZHAW · Institute of Data Analysis and Process Design (IDP)
Reto Bürgin
Doctor of Philosophy
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Currently I'm working in applied statistics with focus on statistics in health, survey design analysis, longitudinal data analysis, regression.
Additional affiliations
January 2021 - present
July 2015 - December 2020
April 2015 - present
- Statistician
April 2011 - March 2015
March 2008 - February 2011
October 2004 - November 2007
Publications (39)
Due to nursing staff shortage and growing nursing care demand, resource allocation and optimal task distribution have become primary concerns of nursing management. Grade mix analysis based on nursing interventions and nurse qualifications from routine patient documentation can support this. Case complexity is a key linking factor of nursing interv...
Purpose: Declining soil fertility is worrying in sub-Saharan Africa.
Various technologies serve to mitigate or rebuild soil fertility, but
uptake by farmers, especially smallholders, is low. The study
addresses this adoption problem in a novel way, assessing
empirically many factors from various domains (economic, sociodemographic, individ...
A novel model approach is proposed to estimate the spatiotemporal distribution of demand for free-floating carsharing. The proposed model is based on a Poisson regression model for right-censored data and estimates possibly time-varying demand rates of small subareas of a service region based on booking data with spatiotemporal information on picku...
Abstract Presenteeism can have negative impacts on employees’ health and organizational productivity. It occurs more often among occupations with high attendance demands, such as healthcare professionals. Information is lacking regarding the extent to which presenteeism differs between disciplines and settings in the health sector and what the reas...
In healthcare there is a call to provide cost-efficient and safe care. This can be achieved through evidence-based practice (EBP), defined as the use of evidence from research, context, patient preferences, and clinical expertise. However, the contemporary and process-integrated supply of evidence-based knowledge at the point of care is...
Measuring work-related stress in a reliable way is important in the development of appropriate prevention and intervention strategies. Especially in multilingual studies the use of comparable and reliable instruments is crucial. Therefore, the aim of this study was to translate selected scales and single items from the German version of...
Collection of ancillary functions and utilities to be used in conjunction with the 'TraMineR' package for sequence data exploration. Includes, among others, specific functions such as state survival plots, position-wise group-typical states, dynamic sequence indicators, and dissimilarities between event sequences. Also includes contributions by non...
Introduction and hypothesis:
Although involuntary reflexive pelvic floor muscle contractions seem crucial during stress urinary incontinence-provoking situations, hitherto existing guidelines feature voluntary pelvic floor muscle training only. Two pelvic floor muscle protocols were compared regarding their effect on stress urinary incontinence in...
Nursing Minimum Data Sets (NMDS) intend to systematically describe nursing care. Until now NMDS have been populated with nursing data by manual data ascertainment which is inefficient. The objective of this work was to evaluate an automated mapping pipeline for transforming nursing data into an NMDS. We used LEP Nursing 3 data as source data and th...
Individual contextual factors like gestational age (GA) or previous painful experiences have an influence on neonates' pain responses and may lead to inaccurate pain assessment when not appropriately considered.
We set out to determine the influence of individual contextual factors on variability in pain response in neona...
Abstract Background Assessing pain in neonates is challenging because full-term and preterm neonates of different gestational ages (GAs) have widely varied reactions to pain. We validated the Bernese Pain Scale for Neonates (BPSN) by testing its use among a large sample of neonates that represented all GAs. Methods In this prospective multisite val...
Diese Studie beschreibt wie mit Routinedaten aus der Pflegedokumentation, auf Basis von Pflegeinterventionen
aus LEP Nursing 3, der Entscheidungsfindungsprozess für einen bedarfs- und kompetenzorientierten
Grademix gemäß dem neuen österreichischen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegegesetz (GuKG, 2016)
unterstützt werden kann. Mit den Ergebnissen wird de...
The tree-based TVCM algorithm and its implementation in the R package vcrpart are introduced for generalized linear models. The purpose of TVCM is to learn whether and how the coefficients of a regression model vary by moderating variables. A separate partition is built for each potentially varying coefficient, allowing the user to specify coeffici...
This article analyzes the evolution of the sequencing of family life events in Europe during the second
half of the 20th century using individual data from the European Social Survey and from the Generation
and Gender Program. Considering the four events ‘leaving the parental home‘, ‘first cohabiting
union‘, ‘first marriage‘, and ‘first parenthood‘...
Des valeurs temporelles par défaut sont attribuées aux interventions de soins de la 3ème gé-nération de LEP-Nursing, par exemple 5 minutes pour l'intervention LEP « Exécuter la position latérale ». Une valeur temporelle par défaut désigne une prévision standard pour une valeur tem-porelle prévue pour la saisie du coût en temps et pouvant être modif...
Zusammenfassung Pflegeinterventionen der Generation 3 von LEP-Nursing sind Defaultzeitwerte hinterlegt, bei-spielsweise 5 Minuten für die LEP-Intervention " Seitenlagerung durchführen ". Unter einem Default-zeitwert wird eine standardmässige Vorgabe für einen Zeitwert verstanden, der für die Erfassung des Zeitaufwands vorgegeben und geändert werden...
Zusammenfassung Die schweizerische Pflegefinanzierung beinhaltet, dass die obligatorische Krankenpflege-versicherung einen finanziellen Beitrag leistet, der je nach Pflegebedarf variieren kann. Die Ver-sicherung übernimmt gemäss Artikel 7 der Krankenpflege-Leistungsverordnung (KLV 7) für die Leistungserbringer Beiträge nach Tarifstufen in Minuten a...
p>This article analyzes the evolution of the sequencing of family life events in Europe during the second half of the 20th century using individual data from the European Social Survey and from the Generation and Gender Program. Considering the four events ‘leaving the parental home‘, ‘first cohabiting union‘, ‘first marriage‘, and ‘first parenthoo...
It is important for health services to be able to identify potential outliers with minimal effort as part of their daily evaluation of care data from patient record. This study evaluates the suitability of three statistical methods for identifying nursing outliers. The results show that by using methods implemented in the nursing workload measureme...
This study investigates health-related quality of life in older patients, over one year following an intensive care unit stay.
Health-related quality of life is an important outcome when assessing long-term effectiveness of intensive care treatment, and to assist patients, their relatives and healthcare professionals in making treatment decisions....
A tree-based algorithm for longitudinal regression analysis that aims to learn whether and how the effects of predictor variables depend on moderating variables is presented. The algorithm is based on multivariate generalized linear mixed models and it builds piecewise constant coefficient functions. Moreover, it is scalable for many moderators of...
Aims and objectivesThis study investigated whether an intensive care unit (ICU) stay is associated with persistent pain, anxiety and agitation in critically ill older patients.Background
Patients hospitalised in the ICU are at risk for experiencing pain, anxiety and agitation, but long-term consequences for older patients have rarely been investiga...
The dissertation proposes contributions to longitudinal data analysis and moderated regression analysis and is structured into three parts. The first part develops a decorated parallel coordinate plot for longitudinal categorical data, featuring a jitter mechanism revealing the diversity of observed longitudinal patterns, allowing the tracking of e...
p>Recursive partitioning for varying coefficient generalized linear models and ordinal linear mixed models. Special features are coefficient-wise partitioning, non-varying coefficients and partitioning of time-varying variables in longitudinal regression.</p
This article proposes a decorated parallel coordinate plot for longitudinal categorical data, featuring a jitter mechanism revealing the diversity of observed longitudinal patterns and allowing the tracking of each individual pattern, variable point and line widths reflecting weighted pattern frequencies, the rendering of simultaneous events, and d...
Nursing care inputs represent one of the major cost components in the Swiss Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) structure. High and low nursing workloads in individual cases are supposed to balance out via the DRG group. Research results indicating possible problems in this area cannot be reliably extrapolated to SwissDRG. An analysis of nursing workload...
p>This package is a toolbox for sequence manipulation, description, rendering and more generally the mining of sequence data in the field of social sciences. Though it is primarily intended for analyzing state or event sequences that describe life courses such as family formation histories or professional careers its features also apply to many oth...
This chapter explains how data-mining-based techniques can be
used for discovering interesting knowledge from sequences of life events,
that is, to find out how people sequence important life events. We
illustrate with data from the biographical survey conducted by the
Swiss Household Panel in 2002. The focus is on the sequencing of
events in the o...
p>This article proposes a decorated parallel coordinate plot for longitudinal categorical data, featuring a jitter mechanism revealing the diversity of observed longitudinal patterns and allowing the tracking of each individual pattern, variable point and line widths reflecting weighted pattern frequencies, the rendering of simultaneous events, and...
We consider measurements which can be expressed by a nonlinear parametric regression model. Defining and computing point and interval estimators for such parameters in agreement with the data, the model and additional available information are frequent problems in science and engineering. The usual frame works for solving these problems are Maximum...
The article introduces an original graphical display for categorical longitudinal data. The visualisation, inspired from the multiple time-series plot, particularly suits to descriptive and exploratory analyses of individual trajectories defined as event sequences. The article includes a description of the visualisation method and of its founding p...
The present study examines pain occurring within twelve months after an intensive care unit (ICU) stay by focussing on three aspects: i) Which variables relate to pain after an ICU stay? ii) Which is the longitudinal association of ICU-related variables and pain? And iii) do former ICU patients suffer more severe pain than comparable people who hav...
This article is the summary of the first meeting of the Seminar Bayesian linear model at the University of Zurich, Biostatistic Unit, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, which should be helpful to remember the discussed contents.