Renee Bullock

Renee Bullock
International Livestock Research Institute

Doctor of Philosophy, Geography


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Sustainable Livestock Systems Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA)


Publications (27)
Technical Report
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Applied to agricultural research for development (AR4D), intersectionality can illuminate how gender’s interactions with other axes of social differentiation, such as age, assets base, marital status, race/ethnic community, and caste/class, shape the social dynamics of agricultural systems and technological change to affect gender and development o...
Technical Report
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Gender roles in pastoral systems across East Africa are changing. Our purpose is to better understand women's engagement in participatory rangeland management (PRM) processes and implications for broader social change, that refers to changes in women's agency in rangeland institutions and the wider community. We drew upon qualitative data collected...
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With increasingly fragmented rangelands, restricted mobility and climatic stress, diversification has accelerated among East African pastoralists. Diversification is also promoted as a climate change adaptation strategy to reduce climatic exposure. Through a study of a Maasai communal land in southern Kenya, we analyze how pastoralists navigate cha...
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Kenya has a high youth population coupled with high rates of unemployment. Development policies, including the National Youth Policy, emphasize the potential of agriculture as a source of youth employment. Kenya's dairy subsector is relatively well developed and continuing to commercialize. We analyse young women and men's current and emerging role...
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The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Youth Strategy is intended to guide strategic research on youth, support youth development initiatives across CCAFS Flagships and regions, and target and equip youth with knowledge on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices and technologies to increase productivit...
In this paper we describe social change and the potential of agricultural innovation processes to create, or expand, spaces for women to exercise agency in economic and agricultural decision-making in Kenya. Rural communities are increasingly drawn into global processes that create local economic and agrarian change, with marked influences on gende...
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Social norms surrounding women’s and men’s mobility in public spaces often differ. Here we discuss how gendered mobilities and immobilities influence women’s and men’s capacities to innovate in agriculture. We analyze four case studies from Western Kenya and Southwestern Nigeria that draw on 28 focus group discussions and 32 individual interviews w...
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Banana and plantain are one of the most important staple food crops and a significant source of income to smallholder farmers in the East African Great Lakes Region. Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW) is a devastating bacterial disease that threatens smallholder production and livelihoods. We use a systems approach to describe how gender shapes roles an...
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This paper employs the concepts of gender norms and agency to advance understanding of inclusive agricultural innovation processes and their contributions to empowerment and poverty reduction at the village level. We present a community typology informed by normative influences on how people assess conditions and trends for village women and men to...
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We introduce the concept of local normative climate to improve understanding of communitylevel social processes that shape women’s and men’s sense of agency and capacities for taking important decisions, including in their agricultural livelihoods. The idea of normative climate is informed by feminist literature that addresses concerns for the cont...
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Dietary patterns for consumers among the elite and middle-income classes in developing countries are shifting rapidly toward the consumption of more animal-based products. Although this shift presents opportunities, there are significant market failures affecting their preferences and willingness to pay (WTP). This study used a multistage sample su...
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The Ladder of Power and Freedom module is a tool designed to provide numerical and narrative data on perceptions of the capacities of local men and women to exercise agency and make major decisions in their lives. The module features four questions and two interactive ranking exercises for either focus group or semi-structured interview instruments...
Technical Report
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- Fact #1: Since its inception, CIALCA’s agricultural technologies has significantly contributed to lifting people out of poverty and shaping agricultural policies. - Fact #2: CIALCA has strengthened collaboration between farmers, private sector, government, and service suppliers to increase food, nutrition, and income security. - Fact #3: Improved...
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Value chain development (VCD) initiatives within the horticultural and organic sectors in Africa are promising strategies to improve smallholder welfare. Contracting institutional arrangements are a common feature of VCD initiatives and are increasing in number in sub-Saharan Africa as a way to source organic products from smallholder producers. Th...
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The East Usambaras in Tanzania are a tropical biodiversity hotspot where current agricultural management practices pose threats to forest conservation and development objectives. Promoting sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI) would improve long-term productivity and reduce pressure on forest reserves. The study objective was to identify h...
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The Tanzanian Community-Based Forest Management policy is based on the assumption that formalized forest tenure by village communities results in increased incentives for sustainable forest management. We compared the policy expectations to village forest management practices in northeastern Tanzania. Findings suggest that the practices follow poli...
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We examine five forested landscapes in Africa (Cameroon, Madagascar, and Tanzania) and Asia (Indonesia and Laos) at different stages of landscape change. In all five areas, forest cover (outside of protected areas) continues to decrease despite local people's recognition of the importance of forest products and services. After forest conversion, ag...


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