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Dr. Renée Verwey RN (1961) is a registered nurse. She received a Master of Public Health, specialization Health Services Innovation degree at Maastricht University, where she also conducted her PhD in the field of eHealth related to health behaviour change (the It's LiFe! project). She works at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences as a senior teacher and researcher at the Faculty of Health and at EIZT. Verwey is secretary of V&VN VZI (nurses and healthcare informatics).
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September 2010 - September 2015
Publications (32)
Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common side effect of prostate cancer treatment, but in clinical practice, it is difficult to predict. Machine learning (ML) models have shown promising results in predicting outcomes, yet the lack of transparency in complex models known as "black-box" has made clinicians wary of relying on them in sens...
While the 10-year survival rate for localized prostate cancer patients is very good (>98%), side effects of treatment may limit quality of life significantly. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common burden associated with increasing age as well as prostate cancer treatment. Although many studies have investigated the factors affecting erectile dysfun...
Different curative treatment modalities need to be considered in case of localized prostate cancer, all comparable in terms of survival and recurrence though different in side effects. To better inform patients and support shared decision making, the development of a web-based patient decision aid including personalized risk informatio...
While the 10-year survival rate for localized prostate cancer patients is very good (>98%), side effects of treatment may limit quality of life significantly. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common burden associated with increasing age as well as prostate cancer treatment. Although many studies have investigated the factors affecting erectile dysfun...
Er komt veel kijken bij de ondersteuning van thuiswonende mensen met dementie. Een complicerende factor in deze situatie is de vervlechting van formele en informele netwerken rond de persoon met dementie. Goede communicatie is daarbij essentieel. Om die te verbeteren is een digitaal platform ontwikkeld. De ervaringen ermee zijn positief, maar er zi...
Increasing numbers of persons with dementia (PWD) augment the pressure on dementia care, especially informal care. Care technology can support the network of PWD. We tested the usability and perceived value of an online platform that aims to support the communication and collaboration between family and professional caregivers of PWD. A mixed metho...
In the Netherlands, care technology is used insufficiently to support people with dementia, their family and professional caregivers. In this project we integrate a range of services and applications into an online platform, with the aim to strengthen these networks and to support communication between their members. The prototype of the platform w...
Van der Weegen S, Verwey R, Spreeuwenberg M, Tange H, Van der Weijden T, De Witte L. Technologie om de fysieke activiteit te verhogen. Huisarts Wet 2016;59(6):248-52.
Gebrek aan beweging is een gezondheidsprobleem dat vooral veel voorkomt bij patiënten met een chronische ziekte. It’s LiFe! is een methode, bestaande uit een...
In the Netherlands, care technology is used insufficiently to support people with dementia, their family and professional caregivers. In this project we integrate a range of services and applications into an online platform, with the aim to strengthen these networks and to support communication between their members. The prototype of the platform w...
A monitoring-and-feedback tool was developed to stimulate physical activity by giving feedback on physical activity performance to patients and practice nurses. The tool consists of an activity monitor (accelerometer), wirelessly connected to a Smartphone and a web application. Use of this tool is combined with a behaviour change couns...
Physical inactivity is a major public health problem. The It's LiFe! monitoring and feedback tool embedded in the Self-Management Support Program (SSP) is an attempt to stimulate physical activity in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or type 2 diabetes treated in primary care.
Our aim was to evaluate whethe...
The It's LiFe! monitoring and feedback tool embedded in primary care practice is promising in helping people to achieve an active lifestyle. This new tool consists of an activity monitor (the MOX), which is connected to a smartphone application and to a Web service for patients and care providers. The aim of this study was to develop t...
The systematic development of a counselling protocol in primary care combined with a monitoring and feedback tool to support chronically ill patients to achieve a more active lifestyle. An iterative user-centred design method was used to develop a counselling protocol: the Self-management Support Programme (SSP). The needs and preferences of future...
An iterative user-centered design method was used to develop and test mobile technology (the It's LiFe! tool/monitor) embedded in primary care, followed by a three months feasibility study with 20 patients and three nurses. The tool consists of an accelerometer that transfers data to an app on a Smartphone, which is subsequently connected to a serv...
Physical activity is important for a healthy lifestyle. Although physical activity can delay complications and decrease the burden of the disease, the level of activity of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2) is often far from optimal. To stimulate physical activity, a monitoring...
User-centered design (UCD) methodologies can help take the needs and requirements of potential end-users into account during the development of innovative telecare products and services. Understanding how members of multidisciplinary development teams experience the UCD process might help to gain insight into factors that members with...
A monitoring and feedback tool to stimulate physical activity, consisting of an activity sensor, smartphone application (app), and website for patients and their practice nurses, has been developed: the ‘It’s LiFe!’ tool. In this study the usability of the tool was evaluated by technology experts and end users (people with chronic obst...
We tested the performance, acceptance and user satisfaction of a tool to stimulate physical activity. The tool consisted of an accelerometer, a smartphone app and a server/web application. Patients received feedback concerning their physical activity relative to a goal, which was set in dialogue with their practice nurse. Nurses could monitor their...
Background The system informs the nurse about levels of physical activity in the daily living of patients who are using the It’s LiFe! tool. The tool consists of an accelerometer that transfers data to a smartphone, which is subsequently connected to a server. Nurses can monitor patients’ physical activity via a secured website. Physical activity l...
Physical activity is an important aspect in the treatment of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or type-2 diabetes. A monitoring and feedback tool combined with guidance by a primary care provider might be a successful method to enhance the level of physical activity in these patients. As a prerequisite for useful tech...
The system informs the nurse about levels of physical activity in the daily living of patients who are using the It's LiFe! tool. The tool consists of an accelerometer that transfers data to a smartphone, which is subsequently connected to a server. Nurses can monitor patients' physical activity via a secured website. Physical activity levels are m...
Although physical activity has many positive effects on the quality of life and prognosis, it is very difficult for people with COPD or diabetes type 2 (DM2) to be sufficiently active. Unfortunately, the long-term adherence to several care interventions that try to enhance the physical activity level of these people is generally low. S...
G1-S4 Symposium Clinical nursing rehabilitation guideline stroke: evidence based stroke care Goal: To provide nurses with an overview of the most recent evidence based nursing care for patients with stroke. Overview: Clinical Nursing Rehabilitation Guideline Stroke: The development of the guideline. 1 Clinical Nursing Rehabilitation Guideline Strok...
This article describes the implementation of an Electronic Nursing Record (ENR) in Maasland Hospital (Orbis Medical and Healthcare group) in Sittard, the Netherlands. Through analysis of documents, structured interviews and participatory observation, a study was made of the plans prior to the introduction of the ENR, how the process proceeded, whic...