Renata PinjatelaUniversity of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences · Department of Motor Disorders Chronic Diseases and Art Therapies
Renata Pinjatela
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Publications (39)
The progress in the use of assistive technology (AT) necessitates raising awareness among the general population about the needs and challenges faced by children with developmental difficulties and individuals with disabilities, as well as the possible solutions and tools they use to overcome these challenges. In the context of raising public aware...
People with disabilities face various difficulties in the development of motor, functional and social skills and because of that implementation of various interdisciplinary and holistic programs within complex education and rehabilitation are needed. For this reason, the use of the Halliwick concept recently been considered because involve knowledg...
Assistive technology is recognised as a necessary tool to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. The use of assistive technology and the quality of related services varies from country to country. However, in most countries, there are some factors that influence the non-use or abandonment of assistive technology.This paper aim is...
One of the most important global movements is the Independent Living Movement of People with Disabilities. It empowers these people to represent and advocate for their rights. This social movement also supports community development and mobility based on emancipation, autonomy and full participation on an equal basis for all citizens. From the scie...
Poveznica: https://usavrsavanje.loomen.carnet.hr/course/view.php?id=95
Pinjatela, R., Vinceković, I. (2023). Procjena potreba za asistivnom tehnologijom. ATTEND e-tečaj: Vodič do ostvarenja jednakih mogućnosti za učenike s teškoćama u razvoju. Preuzeto s https://usavrsavanje.loomen.carnet.hr/, pod licencom CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 međunarodna,...
Projekt „Podrška ostvarenju jednakih mogućnosti u obrazovanju za učenike s teškoćama u razvoju” – ATTEND (eng. Assistive Technology In Education) ima za cilj opremiti ustanove sudionika projekta, centara za odgoj i obrazovanje učenika s teškoćama u razvoju Republike Hrvatske, asistivnom tehnologijom (AT) te osigurati edukaciju djelatnika tih ustano...
Assistive technology is a collective term that refers to assistive devices and services for people withdisabilities. The use of assistive technology in working with people with disabilities facilitates their learning and performance of activities of daily living. The knowledge and experience of experts is necessary for the selection, purchase, and...
Assistive technology represents various forms of equipment, programs or products used to increase, maintain or improve the functional abilities of people with disabilities. For children with multiple disabilities, the use of assistive technology is an opportunity to engage in various activities and consequently improve the quality of life. The aim...
Chronic skin diseases due to their symptoms and presence on visible parts of the body can have effect on body-image and consequently the overall self-experience. The body-image represents a set of concepts, fantasies, emotions, attitudes and meanings related to body parts and body as a whole, and the results of various researches have shown that di...
The focus of this research was to study a possible association among visual-motor integration, motor coordination and ability to draw human figures in typically developing preschool children. The sample of 28 Croatian children was divided into a control group, who participated in the regular preschool programme, and an experimental group, who parti...
Introduction: Although the questions about sexuality of people with intellectual disability (ID) are increasingly the focus of many studies from the varied perspectives of professionals, family and community members, a small number of researches are dealing with sexual self‐advocacy and question of how these people themselves perceive and talk abou...
The main aim of this research is to examine and to identify existance of parent support for parents with physical disabilities and also to ascertain is there any need for support among those parents. Additionally, aims or the research were to examine reactions of the parents environment, closer family and to identify connections with parent-teacher...
Ova studija istraživala je stavove djece tipičnog razvoja prema djeci sa sindromom Down na području Virovotičko – podravske županije. Cilj studije bio je procijeniti dječju sklonost prema vršnjacima sa sindromom Down u kontekstu inkluzije u Republici Hrvatskoj. Proučavali smo dvije vrste stavova kod djece: jedan stav se odnosio na društveno prihvać...
The most severe effects of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are loss of physical function and chronic pain, which may have a major impact on different areas of the person’s existence. The aim of this study was to get an insight into the quality of life (QOL) in subjects with RA in connection with pain perception and functional ability. The following instr...
OBJECTIVES: Project of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences (Zagreb) was carried out in Croatia in 2017 with theobjective to expand knowledge on the characteristics of sexual identity of people with intellectual (ID) and physical disabilities (PD).
METHODS: In the case of persons with ID, a focus group interview method was used whi...
Tjelesna aktivnost i sudjelovanje u željenim rekreacijskim i sportskim programima u zajednici važna je za kvalitetu života i sprečavanje nastajanja sekundarnih teškoća za djecu s cerebralnom paralizom. Međutim, spoznaje o učinkovitosti određenih programa vježbanja za djecu s cerebralnom paralizom su ograničene. Prilagodba aktivnosti je često potreb...
Introduction and aim:The using of lines, colors, various forms of drawing or synesthetic effects of touch, sound and musical stimuli provide expressive value and message in communication.The aim of this study was to examine the influence of creative therapy and the Write Dance training on the graphomotor and psycho-emotional dimensions as well as t...
Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the correlation between sleep quality and quality of life in women with breast cancer, and the difference in sleep quality and quality of life compared to age, time elapsed since the diagnosis and type of surgical interventions. Patients and methods: The research was carried out on a sample of 96 participa...
Cilj ovog istraživanja je evaluacija primjene programa poticanja razvoja psihomotorike na vizualno-motoričku integraciju, koordinaciju gornjih ekstremiteta i bilateralnu koordinaciju kod djece predškolske dobi. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku 28 djece (šestogodišnjaka i petogodišnjaka, M= 72, 71 mjeseci) u jednoj vrtićkoj skupini, od čega 14 dj...
Cilj ovog pilot-istraživanja je utvrditi povezanost između kvalitete života i seksualnog samopoimanja osoba s motoričkim poremećajima, kao i razlike između seksualnog samopoimanja osoba s motoričkim poremećajima obzirom na bračni status. 20 ispitanika s motoričkim poremećajima, kronološke dobi 21-51 godina (AS=31, 9 godina) ispunilo je dva on-line...
Rehabilitacija osoba s motoričkim poremećajima ima za cilj osigurati što veće osamostaljivanje u svakodnevnim aktivnostima i unaprjeđenja kvalitete njihovog života. Terapija prisilno induciranog pokreta (CIMT) je pristup u rehabilitaciji koji uključuje ograničavanje pokreta neoštećenog gornjeg ekstremiteta te primjenu funkcionalnih vježbi s oštećen...
Although the use of beekeeping and apitherapy have been presented since ancient times the therapeutic effect of dealing with bees in the field of education and rehabilitation is still poorly considered. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the influence of beekeeping and apitherapy on quality of life in elderly and persons with disabil...
The aim of this study was determination of current availability and use of assistive technology in education and rehabilitation of children with motor disorders and chronic diseases in the Republic of Croatia alongside with focusing attention on areas related to the development of assistive technologies and their use. Motor disorders and chronic di...
Suvremena tehnološka rješenja i dostupnost informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije omogućuju promišljanje novih načina kvalitetnog i učinkovitog sudjelovanja u nastavi učenika koji zbog kroničnih oboljenja i učestalih i dugotrajnih hospitalizacija nisu u mogućnosti redovito pohaati školu. U radu su prikazani rezultati nekoliko znanstvenih istraž...
There are a lot of evidence, based on practical and clinical experience, about preventive and curative role of art in various field of human existence. Dealing with art is based on personal experience and inner freedom, and does not assume any restrictions in the process of own expression But, some limitation can be occurred which are influenced by...
Although the interest in gifted, talented and creative people has been present since ancient times there is still no complete theory that interprets the characteristics, needs and appropriate methods of intervention in this population. However, review of literature shows that education of gifted children, due to lack of curriculum, training and res...
During implementation and evaluation of early intervention programs, there is a need for identification of all children’s specificities, but at the same time, it is important to determine and make use of all the available potential nested in the children, in family members and local community. The article provides an overview of the main findings w...
Since depression is defined as a complex psychophysiological disorder, it could be assumed that therapy interventions should be focused on different areas of the body- and psychosocial experience. Dance Movement Psychotherapy (DMP) could be considered as a method that supports body-mind connection, and so it could be one of the valuable therapy app...
Early intervention is the process of informing, consulting, training and support to children at early age at which the state of the possible variations in the development of a high risk for further development, as well as their families, is determined. This process includes children at risk factor for developmental deviations that would later have...
Self-regulation, the ability to monitor and control one's behavior in response to social expectations, is one of the most important features of affective development. Current research in neuroscience and neurobiology shows that early experiences of interaction are memorized in the brain and affect the ability to control emotions. Interaction with p...
The subject of the research is based on fundamental difficulties encountered by women with physical disability: loneliness and isolation, rejection by society, inadequate and non-stimulating job opportunities, lack of information among general public about problems and needs of disabled persons, poor social integration. In accord with the subject o...
Motility disturbances include the group of the fine and severe motility disturbances and/or body balance which cause difficulties in daily functional activities. Motility disturbances imply also below averaged body functioning with different phenomenology and etiology. Etiological factors of the motility disturbances could be divided into four basi...
Quality of life has become an important research subject in different disciplines. The objective of this research is to examine the metric characteristics of the questionnaire EORTC QLQ-C30 (The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer's Quality of Life Questionnaire) and to determine differences in the quality of life of people w...
The quality of life is the individual experience of satisfaction in life. The satisfaction in general with the person's quality of life but also with the individual dimensions determining it, is determined by subjective approach based on the assessed level of satisfaction of the individual. The scope of the research has been to establish some aspec...