Remigi Morant

Remigi Morant
University of Valencia | UV


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Publications (17)
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Esta investigación diseña, aplica y evalúa un proyecto de Aprendizaje Servicio (ApS) de canto coral intergeneracional (alumnado de Educación Secundaria y mayores de una residencia de tercera edad en una primera propuesta) para estudiar su efecto en cuestiones de aprendizaje y calidad de vida. La metodología cualitativa, mediante la investigación-ac...
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Este estudio de caso plantea, como objetivo principal de investigación, determinar si un concierto didáctico facilita la coordinación entre el profesorado de música de Primaria y Secundaria en la ciudad de Manises. El marco teórico aborda las investigaciones sobre colaboración y coordinación docente, los conciertos didácticos y la transición entre...
Background: The Federation of Musical Societies of the Valencian Community (FSMCV) is a democratic association created 50 years ago, which represents and supports the 550 associations that make it up, with the aim of promoting, disseminating and teaching music. It promotes associationism and provides society with a way of developing cultural articu...
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El asociacionismo musical constituye un elemento expresivo y manifestación humana de máximo nivel, teniendo en todos los casos la música como elemento central la reunión de personas con la intención de hacer música. La música surgida del asociacionismo popular produce un tejido en el espacio social y cultural que rebasa la expectativa de las asocia...
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The goal of this research has been to analyze and describe how this language is being used in three different educational frameworks. According to qualitative methodology a conservatory, a primary school and a music school were selected as a collective case study. The different sessions were recorded, revised and codified using different software o...
Conference Paper
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RESUMEN Las escuelas del siglo XXI necesitan crear espacios que fomenten la creatividad, y a la vez debieran ser un modelo de innovación en el uso de las tecnologías con el fin de implementar con éxito las acciones que aseguren la calidad de la educación y la igualdad de oportunidades para todos los estudiantes; siempre resulta paradójico hablar de...
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The development of the ability to sing or play in tune is one of the most critical tasks in music training. In music education, melodic patterns are usually learned by imitative processes (modelling). Once modelled, pitch sounds are then associated to a representation according to a syllabic system such as the Guidonian system – or an arbitrary sin...
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This paper exposes the possibilities of creating a collaborative network website for our technologic and educational music project: Soundcool. It means a new model for music education based on the use of this application, a modular system with smartphones, tablets and Kinect developed by Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) through several gra...
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This research focuses on knowing the music related to children’s daily life from an educational perspective. For this purpose, the research offers an instrument that allows to know the objective elements of the music children listen to while paying special attention to the sound environment which has the most coverture and impact, the one related t...
Conference Paper
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This paper proposes a new model for music education based on the use of the application Soundcool, a modular system for music education with smartphones, tablets and Kinect developed by Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) through UPV (2013, Spain) and Generalitat Valenciana (2015-2016, Spain) projects. Soundcool has been programmed in Max, a...
Conference Paper
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The development of musical intonation is one of the most difficult and complex tasks of music training. Learning tonal melodic patterns is usually done by imitative processes, that is, first by listening to a model composed of pitched sounds and then by performing it. After doing this, pitch sounds are named by means of some syllabic system like th...
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This research focuses on knowing the music related to children's daily life from an educational perspective. For this purpose, the research offers an instrument that allows to know the objective elements of the music children listen to while paying special attention to the sound environment which has the most coverture and impact, the one related t...
Este artículo nos aproxima a los intereses del nuevo profesorado de educación secundaria, explorando cómo podría funcionar una verdadera conexión entre los docentes en formación y los que ya tienen acumulados años de experiencia en el aula. Analizamos aspectos referidos a los indicadores corporativos y observamos la condición de pertenencia a un co...
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The music of the Olympic Games, especially that of their grandiose rituals and ceremonies, can be considered a great study laboratory due to its relevance, selection of contents, production forms, diffusion and also because of its capacity of being a synthesis of mediums, supports and musical tendencies. This research studies the music of the Inaug...
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Autores: Remigi Morant Navasquillo Directores de la Tesis: Amparo Porta Navarro (dir. tes.), María Reina Ferrández Berrueco (codir. tes.) Lectura: En la Universitat Jaume I (España) en 2013 Idioma: español Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Román de la Calle (presid.), Ricard Huerta Ramón (secret.), Maravillas Díaz Gómez (voc.) Materias: Ciencias ec...
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El present estudi analitza el comportament individual i social d'un grup de xiquets de primària als quals s’ha proposat participar en una sessió de joc amb les seves consoles Nintendo DS. Des de les àrees d'educació en arts visuals i d'educació musical, com a disciplines coincidents i complementàries en relació a la pràctica observada, aportem una...


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