Rémi BacheletÉcole Centrale de Lille | EC Lille
Rémi Bachelet
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You can find my recent papers https://gestiondeprojet.pm/mes-contributions-sur-les-mooc
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Publications (48)
Flow is a human psychological state positively correlated to self-efficacy, motivation, engagement, and academic achievement. In a MOOC, flow detection and prediction would potentially allow for learners’ content personalization, fostering engagement and increasing already-low completion rates. In this study, we propose a Machine Learning flow-pred...
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.828027.].
We focus on the predictors of persistence and achievement in online learning by studying the students’ learning intentions and their psychological states during learning activities. Flow/autotelic experience is a powerful predictor of engagement in MOOCs and online learning in general and relates to the deep involvement and sense of absorption duri...
While the formulation of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's theory of flow, including the experience dimensions, has remained stable since its introduction in 1975, its dedicated measurement tools, research methodologies, and fields of application, have evolved considerably. Among these, education stands out as one of the most active. In recent years, resea...
This paper presents the results of a scholarship of teaching and learning study, which has been conducted in order to improve project management instruction for students enrolled in the second year of the Master of Educational Sciences at the University of Strasbourg. After we noticed that students didn’t feel ready for leading a project at the end...
Rémi Bachelet, maître de conférences à l’École Centrale de Lille, travaille particulièrement sur l’innovation pédagogique et notamment les cours en ligne. Il a lancé le Mooc 1 « Gestion de Projet » (GdP), 1 er Mooc français en termes de nombre de participants (256 562 depuis 2013 2 ). Contrairement à la plupart des Moocs, il n’a pas nécessité de lo...
This paper uses data mining from a French project management MOOC to study learners' performance (i.e., grades and persistence) based on a series of variables: age, educational background, socio-professional status, geographical area, gender, self-versus mandatory-enrollment, and learning intentions. Unlike most studies in this area, we focus on le...
Going beyond mere forum posts categorization is key to understand why some students struggle and eventually fail in MOOCs. We propose here an extension of a coding scheme and present the design of the associated automatic annotation tools to tag students' questions in their forum posts. Working of four sessions of the same MOOC, we cluster students...
MOOCs are becoming more and more integrated in the higher education landscape of learning, with many institutions now pushing their students towards MOOC as part of their curriculum. But what does it mean for other MOOC learners? Are these students socializing the same way when they have an easier possibility to interact with classmates offline? Is...
Le MOOC GdP attire un public, de plus en plus nombreux, souhaitant suivre une formation professionnalisante dans le domaine de la gestion de projet. Ce public est hétérogène : en plus des groupes d’étudiants pour lesquels le suivi du MOOC fait partie de leur cursus initial, un public d’actifs compose la majorité des inscrits. Ceux-ci sont, pour la...
Lack of social relationship has been shown to be an important contribution factor for attrition in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Helping students to connect with other students is therefore a promising solution to alleviate this phenomenon. Following up on our previous research showing that embedding a peer recommender in a MOOC had a positi...
This paper aims at understanding MOOC learners’ activity patterns, taking into account factors like personal schedule, traditional working hours, domestic time, nighttime and their relation with MOOC course opening hours, live sessions, essay submission deadlines… Are MOOC learners adopting nonstandard learning schedules? Does the MOOC schedule det...
Peer recommender systems (PRS) in MOOCs have been shown to help reducing attrition and increase performance of those who use them. But who are the students using them and what are their motivations? And why are some students reluctant to use them? To answer these questions, we present a study where we implemented a chat-based PRS that has been used...
The intention of the following chapter is to shed light on primary factors that play a role in defining what we coin as an optimal learning environment, an environment that buttresses an experience of flow for learners. The chapter begins by an overview of flow related research reframed for the purpose of measuring the ex-perience of flow in learni...
E-learning research shows students who interact with their peers are less likely to drop out from a course, but is this applicable to MOOCs? This paper examines MOOC attrition issues and how encouraging social interactions can address them: using data from 4 sessions of the GdP MOOC, a popular Project Management MOOC, we confirm that students displ...
The intention of the following chapter is to shed light on primary factors that play a role in defining what we coin as an optimal learning environment, an environment that buttresses an experience of flow for learners (see Chap. 10 by Andersen in this volume). The chapter begins with an overview of flow related research reframed for the purpose of...
Today, most students enrolling in a MOOC already have attended to another MOOC before. We study here a subcategory of these students, who register to the same MOOC several times, which we call Recurring Students (RS). Using data collected during three 5-week sessions of the GdP MOOC (N > 14,000 on average per session), we show there is a significan...
L'année 2012 a été marquée par l'essor des MOOC, ou Massive Open Online Courses. Nous présentons ici des résultats préliminaires issus du premier xMOOC français : ABC de la Gestion de Projet. Elle nous permet de présenter le dispositif pédagogique et d'ouvrir des pistes de réflexion sur l'évaluation par les pairs. L'évaluation par les pairs permet-...
Les univers Wikipédia et ISO correspondent tous deux à la cristallisation de savoirs : le savoir-faire pour les normes ISO, le savoir encyclopédique pour Wikipédia. Tous les deux sont fondés sur la recherche du consensus et sur l’écrit collaboratif. Dès son lancement, Wikipédia s’est astreint à une certaine normalisation de son fonctionnement au tr...
Nous présentons la pédagogie par projets à l'école Centrale de Lille en mettant en relief ses principales caractéristiques. A partir des problèmes du précédent système d'évaluation des projets, diagnostiqués en 2006, nous montrons comment nous nous inspirons d'un système d'évaluation des savoir-être de travail en équipe intitulé " matrice pme ". No...
ISBN-10 : 2804133311 ISBN-13 : 9782804133313
University is not a self-sufficient world in which students learns skills that they will apply later. It is an element of a wider learning system with stakes well beyond the study years and a campus. In fact, a university is a complex organization not only based on the teacher/student relation but on industrial partnerships, alumni, students self-o...
Aujourd'hui l'enseignement supérieur est confronté à des défis dépassant largement ceux de la formation. Une grande école, par exemple, recouvre une organisation multiforme, largement autogérée par les étudiants et qui ne repose pas uniquement sur le diptyque étudiant/professeur, mais aussi sur l'appui de la communauté des diplômés. C'est à travers...
« Questions de pédagogie dans l'enseignement supérieur » - UCLouvain, janvier 2007
Résumé : Notre communication questionne une forme spécifique de tutorat par les pairs : celle qui engage des binômes d'étudiants dans un travail d'accompagnement d'un projet personnel visant le développement de l'autonomie des étudiants. Nous souhaitons apporter et discuter ici les premiers éléments d'évaluation d'une expérience que nous avons mise...
The purpose of this chapter is to further what can be called the Entrepreneurial Spirit. Indeed these words, although widely used, have not yet been properly defined in the literature as to how it is created, and what precise aspects can be enhanced through teaching activities. It is a matter of suggesting hypotheses in order to build up a model of...
La création d'entreprises innovantes est un enjeu économique vital pour l'Europe. Mais comment la développer chez les jeunes ? Comment favoriser l'éclosion d'un esprit d'entreprendre qui impulserait à la fois une dynamique d'innovation dans les grandes entreprises et la création d'entreprises nouvelles ?
Si un consensus existe quant à ces nécessi...
The normal course of a design process starts from the expression of a need and tries to address it and fin a solution for it. Our paper deals with the opposite question "once there is a solution, how to find the problem"? When a researcher or a lab makes a finding he is faced with a new challenge: finding to what problem, to what need it can be app...
The purpose of this chapter is to further what can be called the Entrepreneurial Spirit. Indeed these words, although widely used, have not yet been properly defined in the literature as to how it is created, and what precise aspects can be enhanced through teaching activities. It is a matter of suggesting hypotheses in order to build up a model of...
Among the various stakes of cyberspace-assisted design lies a paradox: if cyberspace seems to be a great advance, it demands a higher degree of knowledge and conceptualization. Moreover, the importance of the organization within which the design process unfolds becomes of utmost importance. This paradox is the starting point of this paper. The pape...
How do organizations working in a simultaneously complex, competitive and turbulent environment manage risk? Most traders buy and sell over a hundred million dollars daily, and there are often more than one hundred operators on a dealing floor.
This empirical study draws over three years of participant observation in a trading room and forty interv...
The development of an information system is not just a matter of system coding. This is only the preliminary and most delicate phase : besides the inherently complex situation relating to modeling and constraints imposed by information technologies, it is necessary to elaborate a model of the problem which synthesizes the needs of the projet's part...
The project developed in this paper/poster aims to break new grounds in the use made of MediaWiki by introducing a new type of wiki, addressing smaller, specific communities (e.g. universities, companies), We call this new type of wiki PeopleWiki. A PeopleWiki project is currently in development at Ecole Centrale de Lille, with the objective of dev...