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Reinhold Fartacek

Reinhold Fartacek
Pro Mente Salzburg


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Publications (57)
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Objective Suicide risk is highly fluctuating. There is a need for predictors of short‐term change in suicide risk to optimize risk assessment and treatment, especially among individuals who already attempted suicide. Methods Based on 1776 daily assessments of 16 former psychiatric inpatients with a history of suicide attempts, we examined how suic...
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In recent years, a number of different authors have stressed the usefulness of non-linear dynamic systems approach in suicide research and suicide prevention. This approach applies specific methods of time series analysis and, consequently, it requires a continuous and fine-meshed assessment of the processes under consideration. The technical means...
Background: Contrary to the myth that suicides increase around Christmas, multiple studies reveal that suicide rates decrease towards Christmas and return back to normal or even peak in the beginning of the new year. We aimed to replicate this effect for Austria. Methods: The analyses were based on the official suicide statistics 2000-13 using P...
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Many studies have found elevated levels of suicide ideation and attempts among sexual minority (homosexual and bisexual) individuals as compared to heterosexual individuals. The suicide risk difference has mainly been explained by minority stress models (MSTM), but the application of established suicidological models and testing their interrelation...
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Zusammenfassung Menschen, die bereits einen Suizidversuch durchgeführt haben, haben ein erhöhtes Risiko für künftige Suizidver-suche und Suizide. Notfallpläne verfolgen das Ziel, den Patienten auf neuerliche suizidale Krisen bestmöglich vorzubereiten und so das Risiko für suizidales Verhalten zu senken. Diese Arbeit hat zum Ziel, die Notfallplan-In...
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Many studies have reported higher rates of suicide attempts among sexual minority individuals compared with their heterosexual counterparts. For suicides, however, it has been argued that there is no sexual orientation risk difference, based on the results of psychological autopsy studies. The purpose of this article was to clarify the reasons for...
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Religion is known to be a protective factor against suicide. However, religiously affiliated sexual minority individuals often report a conflict between religion and sexual identity. Therefore, the protective role of religion against suicide in sexual minority people is unclear. We investigated the effect of religion on suicide risk in a sample of...
Sturm J, Plöderl M, Fartacek C, Kralovec K, Neunhäuserer D, Niederseer D, Hitzl W, Niebauer J, Schiepek G, Fartacek R. Physical exercise through mountain hiking in high-risk suicide patients. A randomized crossover trial. Objective: The following crossover pilot study attempts to prove the effects of endurance training through mountain hiking in hi...
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Despite decades of research, the prediction of suicidal behavior remains limited. As a result, searching for more specific risk factors and testing their predictive power are central in suicidology. This strategy may be of limited value because it assumes linearity to the suicidal process that is most likely nonlinear by nature and which can be mor...
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The validity of self-reported suicide attempt information is undermined by false positives (e.g., incidences without intent to die), or by unreported suicide attempts, referred to as false negatives. In a sample of 1,385 Austrian adults, we explored the occurrence of false positives and false negatives with detailed, probing questions. Removing fal...
The presentation highlights the importance of homosexuality in understanding depression and suicidality among men. This issue is not sufficiently acknowledged in research and practice even though international studies report homosexual and bisexual men to be at high risk for depression and suicidality. Results from a meta-analysis of international...
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Previous studies indicate that homosexual or bisexual individuals are at a higher risk of attempting suicide compared to heterosexuals. To overcome biases in these studies, more rigorous definitions of "suicide attempts" and the assessment of multiple dimensions of sexual orientation are needed. In addition, studies from the German speaking region...
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School-related factors contributing to the suicidality of lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals are understudied, especially in German-speaking Europe. Among our Web-based sample of 468 Austrian gay or bisexual adults, 18% attempted suicide and about one half of them reported that hard times at school related to one's homosexuality partly or mainl...
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Schlüsselwörter: Nahtoderlebnis – Suizidversuch – Suizidrisikoeinschätzung Key words: near-death experience – suicide attempt –suicide risk assessment Sind Nahtoderlebnisse nach Suizid-versuchen bedeutsam für die wei-tere Suizidrisikoeinschätzung? Ein Fallbericht Wir berichten von einem 59jährigen Mann, der im Rahmen eines geschei-terten Suizids ei...
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We aimed to investigate the role of impulsivity and aggression as suicide risk factors for patients with adjustment disorder with depressive features (AS) in the context of the model proposed by Mann et al. (17). Fortyseven AS patients with a history of a suicide attempt (ASattempters) were compared with 74 AS patients without such a history (AS-no...
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The aim of this study was to compare attitudes towards suicide among regional politicians in fiveEuropean countries, namely Austria, Hungary, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. Attitudes of politicians areimportant as they are key persons in a suicide prevention context. All these countries differ significantly withrespect to suicide rates and suicide p...
Zuerst präsentieren wir einen kurzen Überblick über die Einstellung der einzelnen Religionen zum Suizid. Anschließend zeigen wir anhand der vorliegenden Studien den protektiven Effekt von Religion und Religiosität auf Suizidgedanken und suizidales Verhalten, wobei auch Daten angeführt werden, die auf eine mögliche Bedeutung von Religion als Risikof...
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We describe a 59-year old patient who reported a near-death experience following attempted suicide. The near-death experience induced reduction of suicidality. Previous studies suggested a high prevalence of near-death experiences following attempted suicide and that near-death experiences may decrease rather than increase subsequent suicide risk....
Recent data indicate increasing suicide rates for children and adolescents in the United States, Great Britain and the Netherlands. These facts call for a critical discussion of prescription rates of antidepressants for pediatric use. Obviously the U.S. and European regulators issued public warnings about a possible association between antidepressa...
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The purpose of the present study was to compare county council politicians' attitudes toward suicide and suicide prevention in five European countries. A questionnaire was distributed and here the responses to the open-ended questions are analyzed qualitatively. Considerable differences were found in what the politicians in the five countries belie...
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The role of childhood gender role nonconformity (CGNC) and childhood harassment (CH) in explaining suicidality (suicide ideation, aborted suicide attempts, and suicide attempts) was examined in a sample of 142 lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults and 148 heterosexual adults in Austria. Current and previous suicidality, CGNC, and CH were signific...
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Summary Deviance from stereotypical gender roles (gender role nonconformity) is associated with negative social reactions from childhood onwards. Our article explores how childhood gender nonconformity correlates with psychological distress and even suicidality in adulthood. Compared to heterosexuals, homosexual individuals report more childhood ge...
The aim of this study was to examine whether bioenergetic exercises (BE) significantly influence the inpatient psychotherapeutic treatment results for Turkish immigrants with chronic somatoform disorders. In a 6-week randomized, prospective, controlled trial, we treated a sample of 128 Turkish patients: 64 were randomly assigned to BE and 64 partic...
Suicide attempts by adolescents continue to be a major public health problem. The purpose of this study was to examine the difference in the family functioning and sociopsychopathological risk factor relationship between female bulimic adolescents with suicidal ideation only, and those who attempted suicide. A group of 211 patients were observed fo...
This study was carried out to examine sociopsychopathological predictors of prospective observed suicide attempts in bulimic women purging type without comorbid major depression (BNG) at the time of study entry and in woman with major depression without comorbid eating disorder at the time of study entry (MDG). Data from 28 BNG (age 23.5 +/- 3.6) a...
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Aripiprazole is a relatively new atypical antipsychotic agent that has been successfully employed in therapy for schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders. A few neuroleptics have been used in therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder, which is associated with severe psychopathological symptoms. Aripiprazole, however, has not yet...
Objective: Aripiprazole is a relatively new atypical antipsychotic agent that has been successfully employed in therapy for schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders. A few neuroleptics have been used in therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder, which is associated with severe psychopathological symptoms. Aripiprazole, however, h...
Previous studies found that depressive symptoms and low functional self-efficacy are associated with the occurrence of disabling musculoskeletal pain, and diminished quality of life in elderly people. The target of this study was to consider the change in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) disability and health related quality of life a...
A number of studies have shown reduced recall of specific autobiographical memories (AMs) in patients after attempted suicide, but in all of them the study samples were confounded with diagnoses of affective disorders. The present study aims to demonstrate impaired specific autobiographical memory in patients after a suicide attempt without a diagn...
Psychosomatic rehabilitation and the concluding social-medical assessment constitute a particular challenge. The aim of this study was to examine whether inpatient psychosomatic rehabilitation in the context of an integrated treatment concept, conducted in Turkish and German, is effective in the rehabilitation of Turkish migrant laborers, and what...
Borderline personality disorder is a common and severe psychiatric illness. The goal of this study was to determine whether topiramate can influence patients' borderline psychopathology, health-related quality of life, and interpersonal problems. Women meeting the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition Structured Clin...
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Asthma is a serious medical problem in pregnancy and is often associated with stress, anger and poor quality of life. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) on change in blood pressure, lung parameters, heart rate, anger and health-related quality of life in pregnant women with bronchial asthma. W...
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Es wird diskutiert, ob Behandlungsergebnisse in der stationären Psychotherapie bedeutsam durch die Motivation des Patienten beeinflusst werden. Ziel dieser Studie war zu überprüfen, ob die primäre Therapiemotivation bei depressiven Frauen die Ergebnisse einer psychotherapeutischen stationären Behandlung beeinflusst. In einer prospektiven Studie wur...
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A meta-analysis of probability studies from mostly English speaking countries is used to evaluate the mental health of homosexual/bisexual people. Independent of the criterion used to assess sexual orientation, sexual minority adults had elevated 12-month prevalences for major depression, anxiety disorders, substance dependency, and suicide ideatio...
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This is the first study in German-speaking countries to compare the suicidality of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults (n = 358) with matched heterosexual adults (n = 267). The former had significantly elevated incidences of current suicide ideation (28% vs. 13%) and lifetime suicide attempts defined in three ways (14% vs. 1% to 10% vs. 2%), includin...
Whether the treatment results in inpatient psychotherapy are significantly influenced by the patient's motivation is a subject of discussion. The goal of this study was to assess whether the primary motivation for therapy in depressive women influences the results of psychotherapeutic treatment. In a prospective study, the monitored results from 64...
The aim of this study is to examine the efficacy of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) on change in blood pressure, lung parameters and heart rate in female adolescent asthmatics. In a prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled study, adolescent female asthmatics (n=31) were tested to find out how the systolic blood pressure (SBP), forced e...
Social phobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme fear and phobic avoidance of social and performance situations and by a relatively poor health-related quality of life. The goal of this study was to compare the efficacy of mirtazapine versus placebo in the treatment of patients with social phobia. In 2004, we conducted a randomized, do...
Social phobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme fear and phobic avoidance of social and performance situations and by a relatively poor health-related quality of life. The goal of this study was to compare the efficacy of mirtazapine versus placebo in the treatment of patients with social phobia. In 2004, we conducted a randomized, do...
Recall of autobiographical memories (AM) has shown to predict the course of depression during psychiatric treatment [British Journal of Psychiatry 162 (1993)]; therefore, we assume that AM also predicts the remissive course of depression during detoxification therapy in alcohol dependent men. In a longitudinal study, 65 patients were assessed twice...
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Several studies show that depressed people tend to overgeneralize when asked to recall autobiographical memories (AM); in particular, they respond with categoric descriptions. The authors sought to find out whether this tendency also occurs after remission from depression. Two groups of women who were not depressed at the time of the study were com...
Zusammenfassung. In der Studie werden Bewertungsunterschiede positiv und negativ valenter Substantiva, Adjektiva und Verba auf den semantischen Dimensionen Valenz und Konkretheit zwischen depressiven (N = 20) und nichtdepressiven (N = 20) Versuchspersonen ermittelt. Es zeigten sich bei den Valenzurteilen signifikante Unterschiede zwischen diesen be...
This study tries to reveal differences in the valency and concreteness ratings for nouns, verbs, and adverbs between depressive (N = 20) and nondepressive (N = 20) persons. For the valency ratings the results show significant differences between the two groups and between the syntactical categories as well as an interaction between the factors grou...
In an open study, nineteen in-patients fulfilling the criteria for an alcohol withdrawal syndrome (DSM-III-R 291.80) were treated with intravenous caroverine (400 mg/12 h). Caroverine is a class B calcium-channel-blocker and antiglutamatergic agent with significant effects on the brain function. Caroverine exhibits competitive AMPA antagonism, and...
Paroxetine is a phenylpiperidine compound which is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). Ninety-one hospitalised patients with a major depression (DSM-III) aged 65 and over from six Austrian and one German center were entered into the study, which compared the efficacy and tolerability of paroxetine versus amitriptyline. After 6 weeks bo...
Die Charakterisierung des psychiatrischen Phänotypus stellt eines der großen Probleme der psychiatrischen Forschung, insbesondere der Genetik dar. Obwohl durch die Einführung operationalisierter Diagnosekriterien die Validität der genetischen Studien erheblich verbessert wurde, limitieren phänotypische und genetische Heterogenität die Effizienz der...
The paper begins with a brief survey of the development of psychiatry in the Austrian province of Salzburg since 1962, followed by a description of intramural psychiatric care provided by the two psychiatric departments of the Salzburg Mental Hospital and of extramural inpatient services, and a critical examination of these subjects.
Cranial CT is important to exclude the presence of a mass in the cavum cranii in case of an unclear suicide attempt, particularly a traumatic mass. It can be helpful also in cases of carbon monoxide intoxications.
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ausreichend. Wir versuchen zu zeigen, dass HBS- Männer neben dem Minoritätenstress schon lan- ge vor dem Comingout mit negativen sozialen Re- aktionen konfrontiert sind, und deshalb das Risiko für spätere psychische Probleme steigt. Grund dafür ist sehr wahrscheinlich frühes geschlechts- rollenabweichendes Verhalten und dadurch aus- gelöste negativ...


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