Reinhard KunzBauhaus-Universität Weimar · Media Management
Reinhard Kunz
Establishing the Chair of Innovation Management and Media, Department of Media Management, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
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Dr. Reinhard E. Kunz is a Professor of Innovation Management and Media, Department of Media Management at the Faculty of Media at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. He primarily focusses on media companies and conducts research on Business Model Dynamics, Media and Technology User Behavior, Entertainment Science, and Proactive Decision Making. In addition to conceptual research, he applies both qualitative and especially quantitative empirical research methods. Details:
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August 2018 - February 2023
August 2017 - July 2018
August 2012 - July 2017
Publications (75)
On the basis of an extensive interdisciplinary literature review proactive decision-making (PDM) is conceptualised as a multidimensional concept. We conduct five studies with over 4,000 participants from various countries for developing and validating a theoretically consistent and psychometrically sound scale of PDM. The PDM concept is developed a...
Notwithstanding the dynamics of digital transformation and its relevance for revenue generation in the entertainment industry, empirical research that focused on consumer behavior at the intersection of sport content and media technology acceptance is limited. Virtual reality (VR) is a re-emerging and nowadays commercially available technol...
The aim of this study is to examine the impact of actor engagement, defined as an actor’s voluntary contribution of resources that go beyond the actual transaction/exchange, on the business model concept in the context of the digital media industry. Based on a literature review, the authors develop propositions about the influence of actor engageme...
Entertainment products such as movies are risky investments but contribute to societal welfare through their cultural and economic value. Therefore, movie production receives financial support from both private investors and public institutions, in the form of subsidies. Noting the ongoing debate about the actual impact of such funding, in research...
This study explores the impact of strategic product characteristics (content and system quality), price value, and habit on attitudinal (word of mouth and brand perception) and behavioral (actual usage) outcomes in the context of television companies’ online streaming services (content libraries). The study utilizes structural equation modeling to...
The esports industry still exhibits progressive growth driven by digital transformation and an increasing followership. Such dynamic development involves manifold interactions between multiple actor types captured as value co-creation (VCC). Esports players comprise a key and specific group of actors. With various levels of professionalisation, the...
Purpose. Digital transformation in the global sport industry has resulted in digitally focused business strategies, innovative business models, targeted social media marketing strategies, increased consumer, and sponsor demand, accelerated growth in women’s sports, and streaming media (OTT) worldwide. This paper aims to study the case of the U.S.-b...
The existing literature on media management lacks conceptual frameworks on value co-creation. Therefore, this study introduces a co-dyadic-triadic-network value shop framework that conceptualises value co-creation in media firms. The framework has interdisciplinary roots based on the value shop (strategic management) and service logic in terms of d...
The aim of this research was to conceptualize and measure the flow experience of Virtual Reality (VR) gaming as well as to develop and empirically test a research model that explains flow experience and subsequent usage behavior. This model highlights the effects of content-, system-, and hardware-related factors on flow, as well as the relevance o...
Brand pages on social networking sites represent excellent vehicles for customer relationship management. These pages enable companies to interact with their customers and to foster their engagement. This study examines the relationship between, and moderating impact of, customer engagement behaviour and a COVID-19-related context as well as conten...
Given the growing interest in value destruction and co-destruction research, this study explores media agency-client relationships, identifying their industry-specific value-damaging behaviours and business conditions. It adapts the concept of service logic value spheres to differentiate between provider and client value destruction as well as join...
This chapter gives a status report for the German media market. As an introduction, German characteristics about market, political, and social conditions were highlighted. Given the level of industrialization and maturity of its economy, Germany has been relatively slow in terms of digitalization. Our main research aim was to analyze how German leg...
Media companies need to deal with many different challenges, such as changing media usage, shifting distribution power, and shrinking advertising budgets. To cope with these challenges, they have to adapt their business models, but many fail to innovate. The reasons for media companies’ non-innovativeness regarding their business models have often...
Electronic Sports (eSports) is an emerging sector of the sports and entertainment industry with still-evolving consumer demand. This chapter aims to develop a conceptual framework of an eSports service ecosystem as a domain-specific digital business ecosystem of increasing relevance to (better) understand the different roles, relationships, and int...
Subscription-Video-on-Demand-Dienste (SVoD) wie Netflix erfreuen sich steigender Beliebtheit. Nicht nur deshalb bauen TV-Sender ihre Mediatheken-Angebote aus. Doch welche sind die Treiber, die Nutzer dazu veranlassen, SVoD zu nutzen und inwiefern werden die Angebote austauschbar zu Mediatheken angesehen? Aufbauend auf der Unified Theory of Acceptan...
Subscription-Video-on-Demand-Dienste (SVoD) wie Netflix erfreuen sich steigender Beliebtheit. Nicht nur deshalb bauen TV-Sender ihre Mediatheken-Angebote aus. Doch welche sind die Treiber, die Nutzer dazu veranlassen, SVoD zu nutzen und inwiefern werden die Angebote austauschbar zu Mediatheken angesehen? Aufbauend auf der Unified Theory of Acceptan...
The post-theatrical exhibition has become essential for motion pictures to break even. Nevertheless, besides the first attempts to study TV broadcasters and streaming providers as release windows, academic research in marketing has concentrated primarily on the initial theat-rical release. This article examines factors influencing supply and demand...
Electronic Sports (eSports) is an emerging sector of the sports and entertainment industry experiencing an accelerated increase in consumer and sponsor demand. This paper aims to study selected cases of eSports service ecosystems, to identify similarities and differences and to understand the different roles, relationships and multiple inte...
The aim of this research was to explain the importance of sport in the use of digital media services on mobile devices. Relevant factors related to mobile TV usage were identified and the strength of their influence was analyzed to show that sport is a driving force for mobile TV usage. Inspired by service-dominant logic (SDL) and the sport value f...
Open Access:
Purpose: This study develops a novel framework that illustrates how to better identify, understand, and stimulate dyadic, triadic, and network value co-creation in knowledge-intensive media businesses. It improves the conceptualization of model-based value co-creation among...
Der sogenannte Elektronische Sport, zuweilen auch Cybersport, im Folgenden mit dem heute verbreiteteren Anglizismus kurz als E-Sport bezeichnet, trifft als aufstrebender neuer Wirtschaftsbereich im Kontext der Medien- und Unterhaltungsindustrien im Allgemeinen bzw. des Sports im Speziellen auf die branchenübergreifenden Trends von Globalisierung un...
Decision sciences are in general agreement on the theoretical relevance of decision training. From an empirical standpoint, however, only a few studies test its effectiveness or practical usefulness, and even less address the impact of decision training on the structuring of problems systematically. Yet that task is widely considered to be the most...
This book examines the structure and development of the German XR industry. Where are the companies that produce VR, AR and MR located and why? What do they produce and for whom? Where do they see the potential of XR and the hurdles it presents, especially during the current coronavirus pandemic?
Based on the first nationwide representative survey...
The overall purpose of this paper is to describe and explain the strategic sponsorship program of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) and, specifically, the partnership of its U.S. subsidiary, BBVA Compass (BBVAC), with the American National Basketball Association (NBA) using a case study method. This paper demonstrates how BBVA, initially throu...
Die Digitalisierung hat in den letzten Jahren eine Vielzahl an Veränderungen in der Medienbranche hervorgerufen. Die jüngsten Fortschritte digitaler Technologien haben diverse Prozesse und Aktivitäten des Managements von Medienunternehmen grundlegend verändert. Heute existieren unterschiedliche neue Medien zur Rezeption von Sport und anderen Inhalt...
Proactive decision making, a concept recently introduced to behavioural operational research and decision analysis, addresses effective decision making during its phase of generating alternatives. It is measured on a scale comprising six dimensions grouped into two categories: proactive personality traits and proactive cognitive skills. Personality...
Lead-users are ahead of important trends, which makes them valuable resources when it comes to generate ideas for new products in the early stages of a company's new product development process. In later stages-e.g. just before market entry when prototypes of the new products are available and can be tested-the company's market research usually foc...
Being able to innovate one’s business model has been a topic of paramount importance in media management research and practice. Recent studies suggest that the strategic orientation of a company is a central driver of business model innovation. However, empirical evidence is scarce. To fill this gap, we assess the impact of entrepreneurial and alli...
The usage of mobile commerce increases around the
world. However, little is known about why adoption and
usage of mobile commerce services differ across
countries. We address this question by analyzing the
impact of national culture on mobile commerce
adoption and usage intensity. Using a dataset that
comprises individual consumer survey data from...
Traditional media companies increasingly search for know-how and novel input outside their own networks to keep up with the rapidly changing environment. As an instrument to explore and exploit new business opportunities, corporate venture capital (CVC) has become particularly important. However, there is little research on the CVC investments of l...
The 2012 London Olympics was a technological and marketing watershed event in the history of live sport mega events. A case study of the 2012 London Olympics was used to demonstrate how effective management of
innovations in a) collaborative information and communication technology (ICT) and b) social media marketing (SMM) ushered in a new platform...
Die Digitalisierung der Medienlandschaft führte zu einer starken Veränderung der medialen Produktion, Distribution
und Nutzung. Die Erstellung und Vermarktung von Inhalten werden heute crossmedial ausgerichtet. Die Rezeption medialer
Inhalte erfolgt über diverse Endgeräte. Diesen Veränderungen müssen auch Marketingstrategien Rechnung tragen, wenn s...
Objectives are fundamental to strategic management. However, while research exists on objectives of media companies, we know little about the relationships between them. In order to advance research in this field, we used value-focused thinking (Keeney, 1992) to investigate the objectives of a media company and the Balanced
Scorecard as a framework...
Purpose: This article aims to introduce a conceptual model of branded entertainment into sport marketing and highlight Red Bull’s strategy as a ‘best practice’. Branded entertainment, the full integration of advertising into entertainment content, is an innovative marketing strategy that can provide sport enterprises and sponsors with consumer atte...
Goal orientation is key to strategic management. In this field, the Balanced Scorecard is one of the most widely used management tools. It structures a company's main objectives from different perspectives based on the strategy of the firm and uses performance indicators to measure the achievement of objectives and strategy. However, its method of... onlinemarketing/wenn-werbung-und-inhalt-eins-werden-/7502494
Dieser Beitrag beschreibt eine innovative Vorgehensweise zur Erstellung einer differenzierten Balanced Scorecard mit Hilfe von Instrumenten und Methoden des Value-focused Thinking und illustriert diese Vorgehensweise anhand eines mittelgroßen Medienunternehmens.
The motion picture industry has been subject of extensive academic research over the last decades. However, most scholars focused on the U.S. theatrical motion picture market. The number of research activities regarding even more profitable release windows, such as home video or television, has been substantially lower. Although international distr...
The aim of our study is to conceptualize a model and analyze the behavioral intention as well as actual usage of tablet computers, smartphones and cloud services from a cross-national perspective. Thus, potential influencing and moderating determinants of these digital media technologies and services have beenidentified and media usage data from di...
Since its introduction by Kaplan & Norton in 1992, the Balanced Scorecard has been
remarkably successful. These days, the majority of the companies listed on the Dow Jones use this tool to measure and control their performance. The design of a Balanced Scorecard is determined by a company’s individual requirements. The challenge is to find strategy...
Der Begriff Medien hat ein breites Spektrum an Denotationen und Konnotationen. Grundsätzlich sind Medien Vermittler zwischen Sendern und Empfängern bzw. Instrumente zum Informationsaustausch. Unter Medien lassen sich alle materiellen und immateriellen Formen der Individual- und Massenkommunikation verstehen wie die institutionellen Organisationen (...
Durch die qualitative Vorstudie sollen weitere Erkenntnisse über das bislang noch wenig erforschte Konsumentenverhalten bei Mobile TV gewonnen werden. Primär soll, wie im Rahmen der Grounded Theory vorgeschlagen, induktiv von den empirischen Daten ausgegangen werden, um zur Theoriebildung beizutragen. Dabei sollen aber auch die im vorigen Kapitel v...
Durch die Digitalisierung hat sich das Angebot an Mediendiensten vervielfacht. Die Konvergenz der Medien mit Technologien der Telekommunikation, IT und Unterhaltungselektronik ermöglicht heute neben der stationären auch die mobile Nutzung medialer Angebote. Im Bereich der audiovisuellen Medien ist es aufgrund des großen Wettbewerbs und der niedrige...
Die qualitative Vorstudie hat Aufschluss über die Fragen gegeben, warum Mobile TV genutzt oder nicht genutzt wird und in welchen Situationen die Mobile TV-Nutzung erfolgt. Damit konnte der Erkenntnisstand zur Nutzung von Mobile TV problembezogen erweitert werden. Neben den Beweggründen der Mobile TV-Nutzung konnten auch weitere Hinweise auf den Nut...
Media companies are facing the problem of modeling the increasingly volatile and complex forms of emergent media use and of channeling them through their services in order to create a sustainable business model. Anticipating these patterns and converting them into stable forms of use allows for companies to identify new ways of value creation.
Die Markierung von Produkten und Konsumgütern kann auf eine sehr lange Geschichte zurückblicken. In Deutschland gab es nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg den entscheidenden Schub für die Entwicklung neuer Marken. Erst im Laufe der 1970er Jahre entstehen neben Produktmarken erste Dienstleistungsmarken (Bruhn 2001, S. 216ff.). Die letzten zwei Jahrzehnte ste...
Der Titel des vorliegenden Herausgeberwerks „Medien im Marketing“ deutet zunächst auf die Fragestellung hin, welche Rolle Medien im Hinblick auf das Marketing von Organisationen spielen. In diesem Zusammenhang werden Medien also konkret als Mittel des Marketings verstanden. Dieser Beitrag befasst sich gezielt mit dem Thema „Sportmedien Marketing“ u...
Vor kurzem haben wir über Prof. Lothar Müller-Hagedorn gelesen, dass er der Doyen der Handelsbetriebslehre in Deutschland ist. In der akademischen Welt werden angesehene, ältere Wissenschaftler als Doyens ihres Faches bezeichnet, wenn ihr Lebenswerk die allgemeine Denkschule ihrer Disziplin in herausragender Weise geprägt hat. Damit setzt er die Tr...