Regino ZamoraUniversity of Granada | UGR · Department of Ecology
Regino Zamora
Catedrático de Ecología
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October 1983 - present
October 1983 - present
Publications (296)
Plant-plant interactions are major determinants of the dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems. There is a long tradition in the study of these interactions, their mechanisms and their consequences using experimental, observational and theoretical approaches. Empirical studies overwhelmingly focus at the level of species pairs or small sets of species....
Monitoring the distribution and size of long-living large shrubs, such as junipers, is crucial for assessing the long-term impacts of global change on high-mountain ecosystems. While deep learning models have shown remarkable success in object segmentation, adapting these models to detect shrub species with polymorphic nature remains challenging. I...
We offer a 4-years PhD (FPI) position at the Sciences Faculty (University of Granada, Spain). The goal of EVEREST is to sit together managers and scientists in the co-design, co-production and validation of a common methodological framework to provide scientifically sound and managerially meaningful remote sensing variables, as well as monitoring a...
Los estudios sobre las interacciones entre plantas parásitas y sus hospedadores
se han centrado tradicionalmente en analizar los efectos negativos directos
causados por el par sito en el hospedador. Sin embargo, en las últimas
décadas se ha evidenciado el papel de las plantas parásitas en la mediación
de otras interacciones en las comunidades ecoló...
A simple least-squares optimisation enables the determination of the spectrum for irregularly sampled data that is readily reconstructed using an adjoint transformation of the Non-Uniform Fast Fourier Transform (NFFT). This is an improvement upon previously reported iterative methods for such problems, and is competitive in terms of time complexity...
Forest plantations are an example of widespread land-use change shaping terrestrial ecosystems. They usually have high stand density, low tree diversity, and homogeneous structure. Their conversion into more natural forests, i.e. naturalization, to foment active regeneration, heterogeneous structure, high biodiversity levels, and high resilience to...
Plant recruitment interactions (i.e., what recruits under what) shape the composition, diversity, and structure of plant communities. Despite the huge body of knowledge on the mechanisms underlying recruitment interactions among species, we still know little about the structure of the recruitment networks emerging in ecological communities. Modelin...
Plant recruitment interactions (i.e., who recruits under whom) between 3,318 vascular plant species across the globe
Global changeGlobal change poses a challenge of great complexity for traditional systems of governance and nature management. New forms of management are required that contemplate both the adaptationAdaptation of natural systems to the new conditions while trying to maximize their conservationConservation and sustainable use in a global changeGloba...
Sierra Nevada is a unique setting in which a broad and extensive research tradition converges in both time and space with intensive monitoring of the environment. Our aim is to establish a large data set together with an information network based on a powerful e-Infrastructure of communications, supercomputing, and distributed “cloud.” This e-infra...
Changes in the distribution and abundance of animal populations and communities signal a clear response to environmental alterations. A number of changes in climateClimate and land use are taking place in the Sierra NevadaSierra Nevada, such as higher temperaturesTemperature and greater forest cover. In this chapter, we analyse the responses of ani...
Mountain ranges offer extraordinary opportunities to conduct research and monitor global changeGlobal change. Starting with a detailed analysis of the geographical setting, ecological dynamics and the historyHistory of human management, in this book, we focus on the uniqueness of the natural heritage of Sierra NevadaSierra Nevada in both a historic...
Mediterranean forests provide a diverse set of ecosystem servicesEcosystem service and harbour a large amount of biodiversityBiodiversity. The Sierra Nevada massif hosts extensive areas of forest with high conservationConservation interest, although they have undergone an intense historical transformation due to land managementLand management and a...
The high-mountain range Sierra NevadaSierra Nevada constitutes a hot spot of biodiversityBiodiversity in the western Mediterranean. This massif also represents an excellent mountain landscape to analyse the effects of global changeGlobal change on ecosystems due to a considerable altitudinal gradient, its proximity to the Mediterranean Sea, its geo...
Land abandonment is a major global change driver in the Mediterranean region, where anthropic activity has played an important role in shaping landscape configuration. Understanding the woodland expansion towards abandoned croplands is critical to develop effective management strategies. In this study, we analyze the colonization pattern of abandon...
Mistletoe-host systems exemplify an intimate and chronic relationship where mistletoes represent protracted stress for hosts, causing long-lasting impact. Although host changes in morphological and reproductive traits due to parasitism are well known, shifts in their physiological system, altering metabolite concentrations, are less known due to th...
Global change challenges ecosystems in xeric locations transformed by intensive human use. Resilience to drought of relict Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica populations in the southern Iberian Peninsula was analyzed in relation to historical records of land use, combining dendroecological growth of adult trees and greenness (EVI) as proxies for secon...
Disponer de una buena caracterización climática es un aspecto clave para el seguimiento de los efectos del cambio global sobre todo en ambientes de montaña. Sin embargo, los datos climáticos de muchas de las zonas de montaña proceden de fuentes muy heterogéneas y muy dispersas, lo que hace que el acceso y la descarga de esos datos sean tareas que s...
Understanding the ecology of populations located in the rear edge of their distribution is key to assessing the response of the species to changing environmental conditions. Here, we focus on rear-edge populations of Quercus pyrenaica in Sierra Nevada (southern Iberian Peninsula) to analyze their ecological and floristic diversity. We perform multi...
• Forest canopies provide the initial physical and biological framework to secondary, dependent species, such as parasitic plants. In a Mediterranean pine forest, we have taxonomically and functionally characterised the entire arthropod community that interacts with mistletoe during its flowering period.
• We hypothesise that a secondary foundation...
this dataset provides long-term information on the presence of the Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica hispanica Schimper, 1848) in Sierra Nevada (SE Iberian Peninsula). Data on the abundance and demographic structure of the Iberian ibex population were compiled over the last three decades. Transects were laid out to record different variables such as th...
Appendix S1. Description of ecological context for thermal environment and floral market during the sampling period of the main study.
Appendix S2. Abundance (mean ± SE) of each taxonomic group of the arthropod community collected on pairs of pan traps (n=280 total pan traps) hanging on parasitized and unparasitized pine branches.
Appendix S3. Abundance (mean ± SE) of each taxonomic group of the arthropod communities visiting leaves and branches (foliar visitors) and flowers (floral visitors) on mistletoe plants (n =149 for each sampling) during their flowering period.
1. The colonisation of a new habitat by a community is led by deterministic and stochastic processes at different spatio‐temporal scales. Parasitic plants, such as mistletoe, represent a new habitat within forest canopy that is free to be colonised by many organisms.
2. This study investigates how ecological factors operating at forest and plant sc...
Field-collected data of "Ecological assembly rules on arthropod community inhabiting mistletoes" publication.
Parasitic plants, among many other parasitic organisms, are shifting in their geographic distribution in response to global change, establishing novel interactions with susceptible but previously unexposed host plants. Projections of future species assemblages in increasingly changing environments frequently overlook the strong capacity of these pa...
The main aim of the development of a Spanish Network of Excellence on Biodiversity is to strengthen the Spanish Scientific Network Community participating in LifeWatch, the E-Science European Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research ERIC (https://www.lifewatch.eu). Through this e-infrastructure several resources and services are provi...
Indirect interactions emerge among a wide range of herbivores sharing the same plant resource. Consumers usually belong to different trophic guilds, from folivores and sapsuckers to parasitic plants. We propose that mistletoes parasitizing pines could play a key role acting as herbivores on host pines and coming indirectly into competition with oth...
Stress caused by parasitic plants, e.g. mistletoes, alters certain host-plant traits as a response. While several physical implications of the parasite-host relation have been well studied, shifts in the host chemical profile remain poorly understood. Here we compare the chemical profiles of mistletoe (Viscum album subsp. austriacum) leaves and hos...
Appendix 1. Mean ± SE chemical compound amounts in previous-year (2011) and current-year (2012) needle cohorts from pines with 4 parasite load levels (Control, Low, Medium, and High)
Appendix 2. Representative gas chromatogram with numbered peaks according to compounds identified in pine needles (top) and mistletoe leaves extracts (bottom, inverted). Numbered peaks correspond to: 1) Tricyclene*, 2) α-Thujene, 3) α-Pinene, 4) Camphene, 5) Sabinene, 6) β-Pinene, 7) Myrcene, 8) Limonene, 9) β-Phellandrene*, 10) Ocimene, 11) Terpin...
• Key message
Parasitism by mistletoe increases the cover and diversity of herbaceous vegetation under the host tree and attracts the activity of rabbits in comparison to control trees. Thus, the effects on forest community go beyond the parasitized tree.
• Context
Mistletoes are a diverse group of aerial hemiparasitic plants and are considered ke...
Long-term ecological research provides essential information to understand the complex dynamics of natural systems. In a global change scenario, high mountains represent an exceptional ecology field lab for long-term research and monitoring, offering an enormous mosaic of ecological conditions existing along mountain slopes. Mountains ecosystems al...
1. The capacity of parasitic plants in structuring natural communities is increasingly recognized. These plants can affect the structure, composition and productivity of plant communities by modifying the competitive balance between hosts and non-host species and by altering the quantity and quality of resources entering the soil. Despite the progr...
Parasitic plants growing on tree branches may be a novel niche and phytoresource for arthropods. The spatial continuity between hosts and their parasites in canopies might provide a homogeneous environment for arthropod communities, but differences in mistletoe leaves and host needles could be exploited by different species of arthropods. Therefore...
Climate change constitutes the most important challenge that our society is currently facing. Nowadays, there is a general consensus
on the magnitude of the changes in our planet due to the impact caused by human activities. The services that can be provided by
natural ecosystems are currently being negatively affected by Climate Change and, on the...
Climate change, alteration of atmospheric composition, land abandonment in some areas and land use intensification in others, wildfires and biological invasions threaten forests, shrublands and pastures all over the world. However, the impacts of the combinations between global change factors are not well understood despite its pressing importance....
• Habitat selection is especially important for pupae of holometabolous insects because this stage is usually immobile and to a certain extent unable to react to environmental changes. In the present study, we analyze how habitat and soil moisture determine the fate of pupae of the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa, a defoliator pest...
The natural regeneration under forest plantations depends on the degradation degree of the
site, the proximity to seed sources, the availability of dispersers, and the intrinsic
characteristics of the reforested patches (density, elevation, radiation, etc.). However, to
date, no work has explicitly analysed the simultaneous influence of land use...
La investigación ecológica a largo plazo proporciona información útil para comprender las complejas dinámicas de los sistemas naturales. Esto se hace especialmente importante en las regiones de montaña como Sierra Nevada, que presenta un fuerte gradiente de condiciones ambientales en una escala espacial pequeña. En el sitio LTER-Sierra Nevada se ha...
Parasitic plants are important drivers of community and ecosystem properties. In this study, we identify different mechanisms by which mistletoe ( Viscum album subsp. austriacum ) can affect soil chemical and biological properties at different temporal stages of parasitism.
We quantified the effect of parasitism on host growth and the number of fru...
1. As herbivory can modulate climate-induced shifts in species distribution, disentangling the relative importance of herbivory and climate on plant growth can help to predict and manage future changes in vegetation, such as those occurring at treeline areas.
2. An individual-based hierarchical Bayesian time-series model (Individual-Based Model; I...
In this data paper, a dataset of passerine bird communities is described in Sierra Nevada, a Mediterra¬nean high mountain located in southern Spain. The dataset includes occurrence data from bird surveys conducted in four representative ecosystem types of Sierra Nevada from 2008 to 2015. For each visit, bird species numbers as well as distance to t...
In this data paper, we describe the dataset of the Global Change, Altitudinal Range Shift and Colonization of Degraded Habitats in Mediterranean Mountains (MIGRAME) project, which aims to assess the capacity of altitudinal migration and colonization of marginal habitats by Quercus
pyrenaica Willd. forests in Sierra Nevada (southern Spain) consideri...
Trees may react against defoliation by producing new tissues with modified morphological and nutritive characteristics, in order to prevent future herbivore attacks. In this work, we analyse the capacity of three pine species, namely cluster (Pinus pinaster), black (Pinus nigra) and Scots (Pinus sylvestris) pine, naturally set along an altitudinal...
Biota plays a central role as sources of spatial heterogeneity, having great potential to define ecological processes and patterns in the landscape. Mistletoes are fleshy‐fruited parasitic plants that dwell in forest canopies showing a strong aggregated spatial distribution. Parasitized trees potentially concentrate frugivore activity on their cano...
CAMbIOS A LArGO pLAzO En LAS COMUnIDADES DE AvES pASErIfOrMES En SIErrA nEvADA (SUrESTE DE ESpAñA): Un CASO DE ESTUDIO DE 30 AñOS Regino Zamora 1 * and José Miguel Barea-Azcón 2 Summary.—Shifts in composition and abundance of bird communities were studied along an elevational gradient in the Sierra nevada (S. Spain), comparing censuses made at the...
The synergies between researchers and managers have allowed to develop a monitoring program of ecological processes and information management in Sierra Nevada (South of Spain). Thanks to this common effort, we are able to make an initial diagnosis of the situation. We have identified the main expected impacts in the context of global change, and a...
The high-mountain meadows (borreguiles) of Sierra Nevada (SE-Spain) are a high diverse ecosystem, which harbors a large number of endemic and threatened plant species. This ecosystem (included in the Annex-I of Habitats Directive) is very sensitive to changes in water availability and temperature, making it an interesting community to study the imp...
Land abandonment is a major global change driver in the Mediterranean Region where anthropic activity has played an important role shaping landscape configuration. Understanding the woodland expansion towards marginal areas (abandoned crops) is critical to develop effective management strategies. In this work we analyze the colonization pattern of...
Sierra Nevada mountain range (southern Spain) hosts a high number of endemic plant species, being one of the most important biodiversity hotspots in the Mediterranean basin. The high-mountain meadow ecosystems (borreguiles) harbour a large number of endemic and threatened plant species. In this data paper, we describe a dataset of the flora inhabit...
Pine processionary moth, Thaumetopea pityocampa, is a model insect indicator of global warming, the northwards and upwards range expansion of this Mediterranean species being directly associated with the recent warming up. The knowledge about the drivers of moth expansion is synthesized. A first standardized mapping of the northern expansion edge,...
The effects of the present biodiversity crisis have been largely focused on the loss of species. However, a missed component of biodiversity loss that often accompanies or even precedes species disappearance is the extinction of ecological interactions.
Here, we propose a novel model that (i) relates the diversity of both species and interactions a...
Because of its peculiar biology, its negative impacts on forestry, and its urticating larvae affecting human and animal health, pine processionary moth has largely been studied in many European countries during the last century. However, knowledge remained scattered and no synthesis has ever been published. Since the IPCC retained the moth as one o...
The Spanish National Ecosystem Assessment (SNEA), supported by the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry of Environment, is the first analysis conducted on the status and trends of ecosystem services in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of Spain. The results of the SNEA are expected to help build bridges between interdisciplinary scientific know...
Pine trees may show considerable variability in chemical composition in response to
environmental conditions. Pine consumers, particularly herbivores and parasitic plants, can also promote pine chemical changes. For several pine species, the mistletoe (Viscum album subsp. austriacum) acts as a keystone species, taking a leading role on the modifica...
In this study, we analize the functional influence of animals on the plants they interact with in a mediterranean mountain. We hypothesise that seed dispersers, seed predators, and browsers can act as biotic filters for plant communities. We analyse the combined effects of mutualistic (seed dispersal) and antagonistic (seed predation, herbivory) an...