Regine SchönenbergFreie Universität Berlin | FUB · Institute for Latin American Studies
Regine Schönenberg
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Research Themes: Agro-ecological Conflicts, Societal In/Exclusion, Biodiversity, LandUseChange, Climate Change, Natural Resource Management, Organized Crime, Brazil, The Amazon
Life Themes: Inter/Transdisciplinary Knowledge Production + Communication, Intercultural/ Peer Learning-Dialogues, Life Design
Publications (34)
Les États, départements ou provinces d’Amazonie se sont toujours trouvés aux marges de leur État-nation en termes d’intégration juridique et institutionnelle. Lorsque les institutions et les lois arrivent jusqu’à ces confins, les premières sont généralement très faibles et les secondes inadéquates pour répondre aux problèmes locaux. Toutes deux ont...
Climate change and biodiversity loss trigger policies targeting and impacting local communities worldwide. However, research and policy implementation often fail to sufficiently consider community responses and to involve them. We present the results of a collective self-assessment exercise for eight case studies of communications with regard to cl...
Climate change and biodiversity loss trigger policies targeting and impacting local communities worldwide. However, research and policy implementation often fail to sufficiently consider community responses and involve them. We present the results of a collective self-assessment exercise for eight case studies of communications regarding climate ch...
Humans play an interconnecting role in social-ecological systems (SES), they are part of these systems and act as agents of their destruction and regulation. This study aims to provide an analytical framework, which combines the concept of SES with the concept of tipping dynamics. As a result, we propose an analytical framework describing relevant...
Climate change and biodiversity loss trigger policies targeting and impacting local communities worldwide. However, research and policy implementation often fail to sufficiently consider community responses and involve them. We present the results of a collective self-assessment exercise for eight case studies of communications regarding climate ch...
People in the department of Madre de Dios/Peru, the state of Acre/Brazil, and the department
of Pando/Bolivia experience similar conflicts over land, land use, and access to resources. At the same
time, each conflict reveals distinct characteristics and dynamics, arising from its history, legal regulation,
institutional (in-)capacities, and cultura...
Climate change and biodiversity loss trigger policies targeting and impacting local communities worldwide. However, research and policy implementation often fail to sufficiently consider and involve them. Therefore, we present the results of a collective self-assessment exercise for eight case studies of communications regarding climate change or b...
El acceso y control a los recursos naturales juegan un rol clave dentro de los conflictos de uso de tierra y
territorio en la Amazonía. A menudo, las instituciones formales e informales tienen control sobre el
acceso y distribución de los recursos naturales, mientras que los procesos de gobernanza configuran e
influyen directa o indirectamente y...
In a quarantined world, global interdependencies become particularly tangible when value chains and entire economic sectors collapse—eroding livelihoods and intensifying inequalities. At the same time, the empowering value of locally rooted structures and knowledge treasures such as indigenous and traditional forms of self-organization raise hopes...
Although Brazilian Quilombolas possess specific land rights referring to their past as African slaves, the realization of such rights often fails due to the absence of land surveys, clarified institutional competencies and the general lack of power under which minorities suffer. Additional factors such as an expanding commercial agriculture contrib...
Since the 1990s, the interests of local populations have become increasingly interlinked with various global interests, such as the search for land for agro-industrial production; the protection of Indigenous peoples, forests, biodiversity and the climate; the fight against terrorism and the search for secure borders; and the demand for licit and i...
Soil carbon stocks of 29 plots along a transect through tropical Brazil showed only minor soil carbon losses after land use shift, although replacement of forest-derived carbon was detectable in subsoil and topsoil, indicating that new equilibria in soil carbon stocks might not have been reached after deforestation. The proportion of carbon lost fr...
This article describes the design of a new model-based assessment framework to identify and analyse possible future trajectories of agricultural development and their environmental consequences within the states of Mato Grosso and Pará in Southern Amazonia, Brazil. The objective is to provide a tool for improving the information basis for scientist...
Although inter-and transdisciplinary research has found its way to the forefront of calls, funding and publications, interdisciplinary projects often start from scratch constructing their research environment. In this article we will point to the enormous potential, the learnings, as well as some of the difficulties and pitfalls frequently encounte...
The deforestation of tropical forests plays a key role in terms of carbon dioxide emissions and thus accelerates climate change. With the initiative Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+), the UN spearheaded an approach to valorize ecosystems for their sequestered organic carbon (OC) to protect them for the sake of mit...
Our aim with this paper is to present a novel approach for developing story lines and scenarios by combining qualitative knowledge and quantitative data from different disciplines and discussing the results with relevant decision makers. This research strategy offers a solid foundation for perspectives into the future. The “laboratory” is the Brazi...
Com autoria de quatro pesquisadores alemães, o livro traça o retrato sobre uma das regiões mais conflituosas do Brasil, a BR 163, que liga Cuiabá a Santarém. Baseada em migrações para uma terra de donos invisíveis, essa história passa pelo garimpo, pela implantação da pecuária na Amazônia, pela extração de madeira, e envolve sentimentos de abandono...
According to recent reports on deforestation control, Brazil’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are successful. This is attributed to a combination of command-and-control style of public regulation and civil society pressure. Looking beyond decreasing deforestation rates reveals a different picture for the
future of GHG optimized la...
TThe process based soil loss model EROSION 2D is used for simulation of soil erosion, sediment transport and deposition on sloped cropland in Campo Verde region of Mato Grosso. Since contour banks and no-till
measures are well established tools in local agricultural management, the study targets on estimating protection potential of both measures....
During interdisciplinary fieldwork of social- and natural scientists it became
apparent that biographic interview-based storylines could act as suitable
tools for disseminating the complex results of both disciplines jointly on
stakeholders’ level. Here we discuss the possible implications of using these
tools in the context of REDD schemes and des...
This article examines the regional and local outcome of processes of fast social transformation regarding the underlying causes of gradual receptivity for international drug trafficking. In the Brazilian Amazon, social patterns, power-relations, institutions and redistributional networks have been undergoing reconstruction for the last 30 years. In...
The world of nation-states is in transition from interdependence to new global structures of social acting. The growing internationalization of crime as well as new forms of warfare are facets of such tendencies. Traditional forms of mainly nation-based monopolies of violence cannot contain those developments. Which alternatives do exist besides th...
Der Internationale Drogenhandel bildet einen wichtigen Teilbereich der organisierten Kriminalität. Angesichts seines enormen jährlichen Handelsvolumens wird deutlich, dass von einer klaren Trennung zwischen Legalität und Illegalität in Politik und Wirtschaft schon lange nicht mehr auszugehen ist. Aus diesem Grund sind die Diskussionen im Zusammenha...
Forest protection and natural resource management are a priority in inter- national and German cooperation with Brazil due to the extent and the rich biodiversity of its rainforests which make their preservation an issue of global relevance. In order to support Brazilian efforts in this policy area, the Pilot Programme to Conserve the Brazilian Rai...