Reg CahillFlinders University · caps
Reg Cahill
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (133)
This report provides a brief outline and literature listing dealing with the discovery of the existence of Dynamical Space, and the subsequent generalisation to Maxwell Electromagnetic Theory, Schrödinger and Dirac Quantum Theory, and the emergence of Gravity as a quantum effect. This amounts to the unified theory of gravity and quantum phenomena....
Recently the existence of space as a complex dynamical system was discovered, based upon various experiments going back to 1887. The early experiments by Michelson and Morley 1887, and Miller 1925/26, used light speed anisotropy detected with interferometers. Only in 2002 was the calibration theory first derived. More recently there have been other...
Experiments have repeatedly revealed the existence of a dynamical structured fractal 3-space, with a speed relative to the Earth of some 500 km secâ1 from a southerly direction. Experiments have ranged from optical light speed anisotropy interferometers to zener diode quantum detectors. This dynamical space has been missing from theories from the...
This is a review of the numerous successful gravitational wave detections and the implications for the nature of space and time. The prevailing space time paradigm in physics was founded on the putative null results of the Michelson-Morley (MM) 1887 interferometer experiment to detect light speed anisotropy and which resulted in two different new...
Amaldi et al. in 1981 reported two key discoveries from the Frascati and Rome
gravitational wave cryogenic bar detectors: (a) Rome events delayed by within a
few seconds to tens of seconds from the Frascati events, and (b) the Frascati
Fourier-analysed data frequency peaks being the same as the earth oscillation
frequencies from seismology. The tim...
Shnoll has investigated the non-Poisson scatter of rate measurements in
various phenomena such as biological and chemical reactions, radioactive decay,
photodiode current leakage and germanium semiconductor noise, and attributed
the scatter to cosmophysical factors. While Shnoll didn't pinpoint the nature
of the cosmophysical factors the Process Ph...
Black holes are usually studied without including effects of the expanding
universe. However in some recent studies black holes have been embedded in an
expanding universe, in order to determine the interplay, if any, of these two
dynamical processes. Dynamical 3-space theory contains time independent
solutions for black holes, which are spatial in...
The existence of space as a dynamical system was recently revealed in 2002, following the discovery that the Michelson-Morley light speed anisotropy experiment of 1887 was not null. Numerous later experiments have confirmed that discovery, as reviewed here, with the latest being the discovery of a very simple and cheap nanotechnology quantum detect...
Gravity theory missed a key dynamical process that became apparent only when
expressed in terms of a velocity field, instead of the Newtonian gravitational
acceleration field. This dynamical process involves an additional
self-interaction of the dynamical 3-space, and experimental data reveals that
its strength is set by the fine structure constant...
The major extant relativity theories - Galileo's Relativity (GaR), Lorentz's
Relativity (LR) and Einstein's Special Relativity (SR), with the latter much
celebrated, while the LR is essentially ignored. Indeed it is often incorrectly
claimed that SR and LR are experimentally indistinguishable. Here we show that
(i) SR and LR are experimentally dist...
The 1991 DeWitte double one-way 1st order in v/c experiment successfully
measured the anisotropy of the speed of light using clocks at each end of the
RF coaxial cables. However Spavieri et al., Physics Letters A (2012), doi:
10.1016/j.physleta_2012.0010, have reported that (i) clock effects caused by
clock transport should be included, and (ii) th...
Experiments have revealed that the Fresnel drag effect is not present in RF
coaxial cables, contrary to a previous report. This enables a very sensitive,
robust and compact detector, that is 1st order in v/c and using one clock, to
detect the dynamical space passing the earth, revealing the sidereal rotation
of the earth, together with significant...
We consider the quantum field theory of a model of an extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio type with a QCD based nonlocal fermion current-current interaction which has global SU(Nc) symmetry. We obtain an exact bosonization of this model in four Euclidean dimensions using auxiliary bilocal fields and discuss the dynamical breakdown of chiral symmetry in the...
A new technique for analyzing mesons and diquarks as and qq states bound by gluon exchange reveals how quarks acquire constituent masses. Our method, which involves the approximate reformulation of the Bethe-Salpeter equations for chiral QCD in terms of mass functionals, is covariant, has dynamically hidden chiral symmetry and is free of all diverg...
The mass splitting between the I = 0 ω meson and the I = 1 ρ mesons due to the ππ intermediate state self-energy process accessible to the ρ meson is calculated in a QCD based model of the strong interaction. The calculation is completely self-regularizing with every physical meson quantity used calculable and completely determined by the parameter...
We show how a meson effective action, in which all of the meson parameters are finite, arises from a “global color symmetry” model involving a nonlocal current-current (four-quark) interaction. As an application of this general approach we present a covariant analysis of the ρ-π system and thus obtain estimates for the ρ meson mass and the coupling...
We compare two generalisations from Newtonian gravity: (i) the Einstein-Hilbert route via curved spacetime, and (ii) dynamical 3-space, which introduced a velocity fiel formulation in place of the Newtonian acceleration fiel formulation. The dynamical 3-space is shown to give a parameter free account of the Hubble expansion supernova data, without...
In "Isotropy of Speed of Light" by Castano and Hawkins, arXiv:1103.1620, it
is claimed, using a flawed theoretical argument, that the speed of light must
necessarily be isotropic, independent even of experiment. The key false
assumption made is that the round trip time must always be invariant wrt change
of direction of the light path. This is show...
Observations of weak gravitational lensing combined with statistical
tomographic techniques have revealed that galaxies have formed along filaments,
essentially one-dimensional lines or strings, which form sheets and voids.
These have, in the main, been interpreted as "dark matter" effects. To the
contrary here we report the discovery that the dyna...
The laws of gravitation devised by Newton, and by Hilbert and Einstein, have
failed many experimental and observational tests, namely the bore hole g
anomaly, flat rotation curves for spiral galaxies, supermassive black hole mass
spectrum, uniformly expanding universe, cosmic filaments, laboratory G
measurements, galactic EM bending, precocious gal...
Numerous experiments and observations have confirmed the existence of a dynamical 3-space, detectable directly by light-speed anisotropy experiments, and indirectly by means of novel gravitational effects, such as bore hole g anomalies, predictable black hole masses, flat spiral-galaxy rotation curves, and the expansion of the universe, all without...
An experiment that confirms the Fresnel drag formalism in RF coaxial cables is reported. The Fresnel `drag' in bulk dielectrics and in optical fibers has previously been well established. An explanation for this formalism is given, and it is shown that there is no actual drag phenomenon, rather that the Fresnel drag effect is merely the consequence...
The Apache Point Lunar Laser-ranging Operation (APOLLO), in NM, can detect photon bounces from retroreflectors on the moon surface to 0.1ns timing resolution. This facility enables not only the detection of light speed anisotropy, which defines a local preferred frame of reference - only in that frame is the speed of light isotropic, but also fluct...
The observed abundances of 7-Li and 4-He are significantly inconsistent with the predictions from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) when using the $Lambda$CDM cosmological model together with the value for $Omega_B h^2 = 0.0224pm0.0009$ from WMAP CMB fluctuations, with the value from BBN required to fit observed abundances being $0.009 < Omega_B h^2 <...
The observed abundances of Li7 and He4 are significantly inconsistent with the predictions from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) when using the LCDM cosmological model together with the value for Omega_Bh^2 = 0.0224 +/- 0.0009 from WMAP CMB fluctuations, with the value from BBN required to fit observed abundances being 0.009<Omega_Bh^2<0.013. The dyn...
We combine data from two high precision NASA/JPL experiments: (i) the one-way speed of light experiment using optical fibers: Krisher T.P., Maleki L., Lutes G.F., Primas L.E., Logan R.T., Anderson J.D. and Will C.M. Phys. Rev. D, 1990, v.42, 731-734, and (ii) the spacecraft earth-flyby Doppler shift data: Anderson J.D., Campbell J.K., Ekelund J.E.,...
The standard LambdaCDM model of cosmology is usually understood to arise from demanding that the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric satisfy the General Relativity dynamics for spacetime metrics. The FLRW data-based dominant parameter values, Omega_Lambda=0.73 and Omega_m=0.27 for the dark energy and dark matter+matter, respectively,...
We report the discovery of an exact mapping from Galilean time and space coordinates to Minkowski spacetime coordinates, showing that Lorentz covariance and the space-time construct are consistent with the existence of a dynamical 3-space, and absolute motion. We illustrate this mapping first with the standard theory of sound, as vibrations of a me...
Doppler shift observations of spacecraft, such as Galileo, NEAR, Cassini, Rosetta and MESSENGER in earth flybys, have all revealed unexplained speed `anomalies' - that the doppler-shift determined speeds are inconsistent with expected speeds. Here it is shown that these speed anomalies are not real and are actually the result of using an incorrect...
Results from two optical-fiber gravitational-wave interferometric detectors are reported. The detector design is very small, cheap and simple to build and operate. Using two detectors has permitted various tests of the design principles as well as demonstrating the first simultaneous detection of correlated gravitational waves from detectors spatia...
We show that modelling the universe as a pre-geometric system with emergent quantum modes, and then constructing the classical limit, we obtain a new account of space and gravity that goes beyond Newtonian gravity even in the non-relativistic limit. This account does not require dark matter to explain the spiral galaxy rotation curves, and explains...
We apply the new dynamics of 3-space to cosmology by deriving a Hubble expansion solution. This dynamics involves two constants G and α- the fine structure constant. This solution gives an excellent parameter free fit to the recent supernova data without the need for ‘dark energy ’ or ‘dark matter’. The data and theory together imply an older age f...
Preliminary results from an optical-fiber gravitational wave interferometric detector are
reported. The detector is very small, cheap and simple to build and operate. It is assembled from readily available opto-electronic components. A parts list is given. The
detector can operate in two modes: one in which only instrument noise is detected, and
We apply the new dynamics of 3-space to cosmology by deriving a Hubble expansion solution. This dynamics involves two constants; G and alpha - the fine structure constant. This solution gives an excellent parameter-free fit to the recent supernova and gamma-ray burst data without the need for `dark energy' or `dark matter'. The data and theory toge...
For some 100 years physics has modelled space and time via the spacetime concept, with space being merely an observer dependent perspective effect of that spacetime - space itself had no observer independent existence - it had no ontological status, and it certainly had no dynamical description. In recent years this has all changed. In 2002 it was...
NASA has claimed the discovery of a "Ring of Dark Matter" in the galaxy cluster CL 0024+17, see Jee M.J. {it et al.} arXiv:0705.2171, based upon gravitational lensing data. Here we show that the lensing can be given an alternative explanation that does not involve "dark matter". This explanation comes from the new dynamics of 3-space. This dynamics...
The anisotropy of the speed of light at 1 part in 10^3 has been detected by Michelson and Morley (1887), Miller (1925/26), Illingworth (1927), Joos (1930), Jaseja et al. (1964), Torr and Kolen (1984), De Witte (1991) and Cahill (2006) using a variety of experimental techniques, from gas-mode Michelson interferometers (with the relativistic theory f...
There are now at least eight experiments extending over more than 100 years that have detected the anisotropy of the speed of light, implying the absolute motion of the detecting apparatus through a dynamical space. This light-speed anisotropy is consistent with relativistic effects and Lorentz symmetry, contrary to prevailing beliefs in physics. T...
Data from a new experiment measuring the anisotropy of the one-way speed of EM waves in a coaxial cable, gives the speed of light as 300,000+/-400+/-20km/s in a measured direction RA=5.5+/-2hrs, Dec=70+/-10deg S, is shown to be in excellent agreement with the results from seven previous anisotropy experiments, particularly those of Miller (1925/26)...
In 1991 Roland De Witte carried out an experiment in Brussels in which variations in the one-way speed of RF waves through a coaxial cable were recorded over 178 days. The data from this experiment shows that De Witte had detected absolute motion of the earth through space, as had six earlier experiments, beginning with the Michelson-Morley experim...
The new dynamical theory of space is further confirmed by showing that the effective "black hole" masses M in 19 spherical star systems, from globular clusters to galaxies, with masses M, satisfy the prediction that M = alpha/2M, where alpha is the fine structure constant. As well the necessary and unique generalisations of the Schroedinger and Dir...
In 1991 Roland De Witte carried out an experiment in Brussels in which variations in
the one-way speed of RF waves through a coaxial cable were recorded over 178 days.
The data from this experiment shows that De Witte had detected absolute motion of
the earth through space, as had six earlier experiments, beginning with the Michelson-
Morley experi...
A theory of 3-space explains the phenomenon of gravity as arising from the time-dependence and inhomogeneity of the differential flow of this 3-space. The emergent theory of gravity has two gravitational constants: GN — Newton’s constant, and a
dimensionless constant α. Various experiments and astronomical observations have shown that α is the fine...
The new dynamical “quantum foam” theory of 3-space is described at the classical level by a velocity field. This has been repeatedly detected and for which the dynamical equations are now established. These equations predict 3-space “gravitational wave” effects, and these have been observed, and the 1991 DeWitte data is analysed to reveal the fract...
The Gravity Probe B (GP-B) satellite experiment will measure the precession of on-board gyroscopes to extraordinary accuracy. Such precessions are predicted by General Relativity (GR), and one component of this precession is the "frame-dragging" or Lense-Thirring effect, which is caused by the rotation of the Earth. A new theory of gravity, which p...
Physics textbooks assert that in the famous interferometer 1887 experiment to detect absolute motion Michelson and Morley saw no rotation-induced fringe shifts — the signature of absolute motion; it was a null experiment. However this is incorrect. Their
published data revealed to them the expected fringe shifts, but that data gave a speed of some...
Supermassive black holes have been discovered at the centers of galaxies, and also in globular clusters. The data shows correlations between the black hole mass and the elliptical galaxy mass or globular cluster mass. It is shown that this correlation is
accurately predicted by a theory of gravity which includes the new dynamics of self-interacting...
In 1990 Alcubierre, within the General Relativity model for space-time, proposed a scenario for `warp drive' faster than light travel, in which objects would achieve such speeds by actually being stationary within a bubble of space which itself was moving through space, the idea being that the speed of the bubble was not itself limited by the speed...
We further deconstruct Heraclitean Quantum Systems giving a model for a universe using pregeometric notions in which the end-game problem is overcome by means of self-referential noise. The model displays self-organisation with the emergence of
3-space and time. The time phenomenon is richer than the present geometric modelling.
That the speed of light is always c=300,000km/s relative to any observer in nonaccelerating motion is one of the foundational concepts of physics. Experimentally this was supposed to have been first revealed by the 1887 Michelson-Morley experiment, and was made one of Einstein's key postulates of Special Relativity in 1905. However in 2002 the actu...
The Einstein postulates assert an invariance of the propagation speed of light in vacuum for any observer, and which amounts to a presumed absence of any preferred frame. The postulates appear to be directly linked to relativistic effects which emerge from Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, which is based upon the concept of a flat spacetime...
The Gravity Probe B (GP-B) satellite experiment will measure the precession of on-board gyroscopes to extraordinary accuracy. Such precessions are predicted by General Relativity (GR), and one component of this precession is the `frame-dragging' or Lense-Thirring effect, which is caused by the rotation of the earth, and the other is the geodetic ef...
The new `quantum-foam in-flow' theory of gravity has explained numerous so-called gravitational anomalies, particularly the `dark matter' effect which is now seen to be a dynamical effect of space itself, and whose strength is determined by the fine structure constant, and not by Newton's gravitational constant G. Here we show an experimentally sig...
The galactic `dark matter' effect is regarded as one of the major problems in fundamental physics. Here it is explained as a self-interaction dynamical effect of space itself, and so is not caused by an unknown form of matter. Because it was based on Kepler's Laws for the motion of the planets in the solar system the Newtonian theory of gravity was...
Gravitational anomalies such as the mine/borehole g anomaly, the near-flatness of the spiral galaxy rotation-velocity curves, currently interpreted as a `dark matter' effect, the absence of that effect in ordinary elliptical galaxies, and the ongoing problems in accurately determining Newton's gravitational constant G_N are explained by a generalis...
The new information-theoretic Process Physics has shown that space is a quantum foam system with gravity being, in effect, an inhomogeneous in-flow of the quantum foam into matter. The theory predicts that absolute motion with respect to this system should be observable, and it is shown here that absolute motion has been detected in at least seven...
It is shown that a new quantum-foam in-flow theory of gravity is mathematically equivalent to the General Relativity theory of gravity for the operation of the Global Positioning System (GPS). The differences between the two theories become experimentally evident in other situations such as in the so-called `dark matter' effect, in the observation...
The new information-theoretic Process Physics provides an explanation of
space as a quantum foam system in which gravity is an inhomogeneous flow of the
quantum foam into matter. The older Newtonian and General Relativity theories
for gravity are analysed. It is shown that Newtonian gravity may be written in
the form of an in-flow. General Relativi...
The new Process Physics provides a new explanation of space as a quantum foam
system in which gravity is an inhomogeneous flow of the quantum foam into
matter. An analysis of various experiments demonstrates that absolute motion
relative to space has been observed experimentally by Michelson and Morley,
Miller, Illingworth, Torr and Kolen, and by D...
this reported null effect' by suggesting that a dynamical contraction of the arm parallel to the direction of the motion would cancel out the geometrical effects. This null effect and the length contraction are now incorporated into the foundations of the Special and General Theory of Relativity, which builds upon the assumption that there is no pr...
A new information-theoretic physics has given rise to a quantum-foam description of space relative to which absolute motion is meaningful and measurable. In this new physics Michelson interferometers operating in gas mode are capable of revealing absolute motion. We analyse the old results from gas-mode Michelson interferometer experiments which al...
A new information-theoretic modelling of reality has given rise to a quantum-foam description of space, relative to which absolute motion is meaningful. In a previous paper it was shown that in this new physics Michelson interferometers show absolute motion effects when operated in dielectric mode, as indeed such experiments had indicated, and anal...
A new information-theoretic modelling of reality has given rise to a quantum- foam description of space, relative to which absolute motion is meaningful. In a previous paper (Cahill and Kitto) it was shown that in this new physics Michelson interferometers show absolute motion effects when operated in dielectric mode, as indeed all such experiments...
We report a re-analysis of the old results from the Michelson-Morley
interferometer experiments that were designed to detect absolute motion. We
build upon a recent (1998) re-analysis of the original data by Munera, which
revealed small but significant effects after allowing for several systematic
errors in the original analyses. The further re-ana...
Progress in the new information-theoretic process physics is reported in which the link to the phenomenology of general relativity is made. In process physics the fundamental assumption is that reality is to be modelled as self-organising semantic (or internal or relational) information using a self-referentially limited neural network model. Previ...
So far proposed quantum computers use fragile and environmentally sensitive natural quantum systems. Here we explore the new notion that synthetic quantum systems suitable for quantum computation may be fabricated from smart nanostructures using topological excitations of a stochastic neural-type network that can mimic natural quantum systems. Thes...
So far proposed quantum computers use fragile and environmentally sensitive
natural quantum systems. Here we explore the notion that synthetic quantum
systems suitable for quantum computation may be fabricated from smart
nanostructures using topological excitations of a neural-type network that can
mimic natural quantum systems. These developments...
Process Physics models reality as self-organising relational or semantic information using a self-referentially limited neural network model. This generalises the traditional non-process syntactical modelling of reality by taking account of the limitations and characteristics of self-referential syntactical information systems, discovered by Goedel...
The new Process Physics models reality as self-organising relational information and takes account of the limitations of logic, discovered by Godel and extended by Chaitin, by using the concept of self-referential noise. Space and quantum physics are emergent and unified, and described by a Quantum Homotopic Field Theory of fractal topological defe...
Generalising results from Gödel and Chaitin in mathematics suggest that self-referential systems contain intrinsic randomness. We argue that this is relevant to modelling the universe and show how three-dimensional space may arise from a non-geometric order-disorder model driven by self-referential noise.
Noise is often used in the study of open systems, such as in classical Brownian motion and in Quantum Dynamics, to model the influence of the environment. However generalising results from G\"{o}del and Chaitin in mathematics suggests that systems that are sufficiently rich that self-referencing is possible contain intrinsic randomness. We argue th...
The Global Colour Model(GCM) of QCD is used to extract low energy quark-gluon processes from experimental data. The resultant effective quark-quark coupling correlator is compared with that of Jain and Munczek, and with the combined lattice results of Marenzoni et al. and Skullerud, and with the two-loop form. The results suggest that higher order...
Generalising results from Godel and Chaitin in mathematics suggests that
self-referential systems contain intrinsic randomness. We argue that this is
relevant to modelling the universe and show how three-dimensional space may
arise from a non-geometric order-disorder model driven by self-referential
The Global Colour Model (GCM) of QCD is a quark-gluon quantum field theory that very successfully models QCD for low energy hadronic processes. An effective gluon correlator models the interaction between quark currents. Functional integral calculus allows the GCM to be hadronised (i.e. expressed in terms of meson and baryon fields). The dominant c...
We further deconstruct Heraclitean Quantum Systems giving a model for a universe using pregeometric notions in which the end-game problem is overcome by means of self-referential noise. The model displays self-organisation with the emergence of 3-space and time. The time phenomenon is richer than the present geometric modelling. Keywords: Pregeomet...
The often used Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner (GMOR) mass formula for Nambu-Goldstone (NG) bosons in QCD, such as the pions, involves the condensate [(q) over bar q], f(pi) and the quark current masses. Within the context of the Global colour Model (GCM) for QCD a manifestly different formula was recently found. Remarkably, Langfeld and Kettner have shown...
The Global Colour Model of QCD is used in conjunction with a pure-gluon lattice correlator (by Marenzoni et al.) to extract from meson data a momentum-dependent quark-gluon coupling down to $s \approx 0.3 GeV^2$. This is compared with a lattice calculation (by Skullerud) of the quark-gluon coupling.
At present we have only the very successful but phenomenological Einstein geometrical modelling of the spacetime phenomenon. This geometrical model provides a “container” for other theories. We introduce a Heraclitean quantum system; a pregeometric theory for space and time in which no classical or geometric structures are assumed, but rather the e...
At present we have only the very successful but phenomenological Einstein geometrical modelling of the spacetime phenomenon. This geometrical model provides a `container' for other theories, in particular the quantum field theories. Here we report progress in developing a {\em Heraclitean Quantum System}. This is a particular pregeometric theory fo...
The Global Colour Model (GCM) of QCD is a very successful model. Not only is it formally derivable from QCD but under various conditions it reduces to the NJL model and also to Chiral Perturbation Theory, and to other models. Results presented include the effective gluon propagator, the difference between constituent and exact quark propagators, va...
The often used Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner mass formula for Nambu-Goldstone (NG)
bosons in QCD, such as the pions, involves the condensate $<\overline{q}q>$,
$f_{\pi}$ and the quark current masses. Within the context of the Global Colour
Model (GCM) for QCD a manifestly different formula was recently found by Cahill
and Gunner. Remarkably Langfeld and K...
We report robust calculations of various low energy QCD hadronic properties. We use a multi-rank separable expansion for the gluon propagator which greatly facilitates the numerical computations within the Global Colour Model for QCD. The parameters for the propagators are determined by fitting experimental values for fπ and the π and a1 meson mass...
An often used mass formula for Nambu-Goldstone (NG) bosons in QCD, such as the pions, involves the condensate $<\overline{q}q>$, $f_{\pi}$ and the quark current masses. We argue, within the context of the Global Colour Model to QCD, that this expression is wrong. Analysis of the interplay between the Dyson-Schwinger equation for the constituent qua...
We report robust calculations of various low energy QCD hadronic properties. We use a multi-rank separable expansion for the gluon propagator which greatly facilitates the numerical computations within the Global Colour Model for QCD. The parameters for the propagators are determined by fitting experimental values for $f_{\pi}$ and the $\pi$ and $a...
We report results for ρ−ω mass splitting and mixing obtained from a QCD‐based field theory model applied up to the level of one pion loop. The pion loop correction is found to be too small to match ρ−ω mixing with the successful phenomenology for the charge symmetry breaking (CSB) NN force, but does yield excellent results for the ρ width and ρ−ω m...
Two quark propagators with different analytic structure are employed in Bethe-Salpeter type equations for the pion and scalar diquark form factors. One of the quark propagators has been calculated with the inclusion of a trivial (bare) quark-gluon vertex and, as a consequence, contains a complex conjugate pair of logarithmic branch points. The othe...
The quark-loop contribution to the $\rho^0-\omega$ mixing self-energy function is calculated using a phenomenologically successful QCD-based model field theory in which the $\rho^0$ and $\omega$ mesons are composite $\bar{q}q$ bound states. In this calculation the dressed quark propagator, obtained from a model Dyson-Schwinger equation, is confinin...
A model field theory, in which the interaction between quarks is mediated by
dressed vector boson exchange, is used to analyse the pionic sector of QCD. It
is shown that this model, which incorporates dynamical chiral symmetry
breaking, asymptotic freedom and quark confinement, allows one to calculate
$f_\pi$, $m_\pi$, $r_\pi$ and the partial wave...
An approximate Schwinger-Dyson equation for the quark propagator in Euclidean QCD is solved numerically in the complex s=p2 plane, where pμ is the quark Euclidean four-momentum. Complex conjugate pairs of singularities are discovered and an analytic contour pinch analysis shows that any such singularities must be logarithmic branch points. Appropri...
A review is given of progress in deriving the effective action for hadronic physics, , from the fundamental defining action of QCD, . This is a problem in quantum field theory and the most success so far has been achieved using functional integral calculus (FIC) techniques. This formulates the problem as an exercise in changing the variables of int...
The electromagnetic self-energy of charged particles has remained a problem in classical as well as in quantum electrodynamics. In contrast here, in a review of the analysis of the chromodynamic self-energy of quarks in quantum chromodynamics (QCD), we see that the quark self-energy is a finite and a dominant effect in determining the structure of...
Results from a numerical study of the QCD Schwinger-Dyson (SD) equation
indicate that the Wick rotation may be disallowed due to the presence of
complex branch points in the quark propagator. Atkinson and Blatt
obtained a similar result in a study of massless QED. This leads us to
suggest that the preferred defining metric for such confining theori...
Previously the functional integral formulation of quantum chromodynamics <QCD) has been transformed into one involving colour singlet and colour octet bilocal fields describing qq states. While useful in determining the effective action for the observable colour singlet mesons, this formulation is of no use in determining the effective action for t...