Rebeca GascaEl Colegio de la Frontera Sur - Chetumal
Rebeca Gasca
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Publications (155)
Overview of the first studies on the zooplankton community of Chetumal Bay, a shared coastal system between Mexco and Belize
We provide an overview of the World Amphipoda Database (WAD), a global species database that is part of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). Launched in 2013, the database contains entries for over 10,500 accepted species names. Edited currently by 31 amphipod taxonomists, following WoRMS priorities, the WAD has at least one editor per maj...
Overview of the amphipod diversity in Mexico
Study of the zooplankton diel migration in the Mexican Caribbean
Relation of the copepod community with active upwelling in the Mexican Caribbean
We document a first record of a rare siphonophore in the Atlantic Ocean
Siphonophores expliained in a divulgative way
Diversity and distribution of free-living freshwater copepods of Mexico
Twelve species of the family Oxycephalidae were collected during a deep-water survey off western Mexico: four species of Rhabdosoma, three species of Streetsia, two species of Oxycephalus, and one species each of Cranocephalus, Glossocephalus, and Leptocotis. In total, 321 specimens were collected, 114 males and 207 females, in 33 sampling localiti...
Ten species belonging to the families Paraphronimidae and Vibiliidae were collected during a deep-water survey off western Mexico: two species of Paraphronima and eight species of Vibilia. This represents about 40% of all known species of these two genera world-wide. A total of 419 males and 607 females were obtained in 39 samples from localities i...
In order to complete the information related to the little studied deep-sea planktonic fauna of western Mexico, samples from a wide depth range (surface to 1550 m depth) were obtained using different gear. Six species and 108 individuals of hyperiid amphipods of the family Amphithyridae were collected at 26 localities, including a new species of Am...
The community structure and variability of the hyperiid amphipods of the Northwestern Tropical Atlantic (NWTA) remain largely unknown. We described and analyzed the hyperiid nictemeral, vertical, and horizontal distribution and the influence of environmental variables in the upper 100 m of the northwestern Caribbean Sea. We examined 196 zooplankton...
Thirteen species belonging to five genera of pelagic amphipods of the family Lestrigonidae were collected during a deep-water survey off western Mexico: four species of Hyperietta, two species of Hyperioides, five species of Lestrigonus, and one species each of Phronimopsis and Themistella. This represents 93% of all known species of Lestrigonidae...
During deep-water (0–1550m) sampling operations off western Mexico performed between 1989 and 2014, a series of 89 specimens of pelagic amphipods of the family Eupronoidae was obtained, including two genera and four species: Eupronoe armata, E. maculata, E. minuta, and Parapronoe parva. The most abundant species (50% of total number of individuals)...
The spiny lobster Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804) is a commercially important fishery resource in the Caribbean Sea. The complex life cycle of P. argus, particularly during its pelagic life (phyllosoma larvae) is influenced by various oceanographic factors and makes it difficult to develop basic studies about its trophic ecology. The δ13C and δ15...
Ctenophores are one of the most conspicuous and frequent groups of the gelatinous zooplankton community, but their regional diversity in tropical and subtropical latitudes remains largely unknown. We provide an overview and update of the current knowledge of the diversity in Mexican seas, including ocean and coastal-neritic environments of the Gulf...
Only a few previous surveys of the deep-water planktonic fauna have been accomplished off western Mexico, in particular in the Gulf of California. Samples of pelagic amphipods were obtained between surface and as deep as 2394 m using different gear during an extensive survey in this area. Among these samples, nine species of the genus Scina were re...
Retention and dispersion of virtual fish larvae were compared in four regions of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System: Gulf of Honduras, Turneffe Atoll, southern coast of Mexico (Xcalak/Chinchorro channel) and northern Chinchorro Bank. The results indicated that in the Gulf of Honduras, 20 % of the surface particles can be retained for up to 40 day...
Association between hyperiidae amphipod and gelatinous zooplankton (cnidarians, ctenophores, salps, mollusca, among other) are widely known in all the world. This survey reported the association between the hyperiid amphipod Brachyscelus rapacoides and the Scyphozoa Chrysaora lactea and the Hydrozoa Olindias sambaquiensis from São Sebastião Channel...
Research Infrastructures (RIs) are facilities, resources and services used by the scientific community to conduct research and foster innovation. LifeWatch ERIC has developed various virtual research environments, which include many virtual laboratories (vLabs) offering high computational capacity and comprehensive collaborative platforms that supp...
Research Infrastructures (RIs) are facilities, resources and services used by the scientific community to conduct research and foster innovation. LifeWatch ERIC has developed various virtual research environments, which include many virtual laboratories (vLabs) offering high computational capacity and comprehensive collaborative platforms that supp...
The seasonal succession of species community structure, abundance and carbon biomass of five zooplankton taxa (Copepoda, Euphausiacea, Chaetognatha, Amphipoda and fish larvae) and their variability during different oceanographic conditions was investigated on the continental shelf of the central Mexican Pacific (19°N, 105°W) during a monthly time-s...
During a plankton survey of shallow and deep waters in the Gulf of California carried out with the aid of an unmanned submersible by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), a specimen of the deep-living epibenthic chaetognath Heterokrohnia involucrum Dawson, 1968 was collected at a depth of 2670 m in the Alarcon Mount region. This spe...
Research Infrastructures (RIs) are facilities, resources and services used by the scientific community to conduct research and foster innovation. LifeWatch ERIC has developed various virtual research environments, which include many virtual laboratories (vLabs) offering high computational capacity and comprehensive collaborative platforms that supp...
In the eastern tropical Atlantic, the orangeback flying squid Sthenoteuthis pteropus (Steenstrup 1855) (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae) is a dominant species of the epipelagic nekton community. This carnivore squid has a short lifespan and is one of the fastest-growing squids. In this study, we characterise the role of S. pteropus in the pelagic food...
Corrected and uncorrected ∂13C values of the gladii tissue stable isotope analysis of Sthenoteuthis pteropus caught in 2015 Lipid corrections on ∂13C values of gladii tissue according to Post et al. 2007.
Overview of the stomach fullness indices of Sthenoteuthis pteropus from 2015 caught during the cruises MSM49, M119 and M116.
Since its founding, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) has pioneered unique capabilities for accessing the deep ocean and its inhabitants through focused peer relationships between scientists and engineers. This focus has enabled breakthroughs in our understanding of life in the sea, leading to fundamental advances in describing t...
Pteropods are a widespread group of holoplanktonic gastropod molluscs and are uniquely suitable for study of long-term evolutionary processes in the open ocean because they are the only living metazoan plankton with a good fossil record. Pteropods have been proposed as bioindicators to monitor the impacts of ocean acidification and in consequence h...
Pteropods are a widespread group of holoplanktonic gastropod molluscs and are uniquely suitable for study of long-term evolutionary processes in the open ocean because they are the only living metazoan plankton with a good fossil record. Pteropods have been proposed as bioindicators to monitor the impacts of ocean acidification and in consequence h...
Maximum Likelihood phylogeny of pteropods based on 18S sequences (N = 52 sequences of 1683 basepairs).
Black squares represent a bootstrap support of ≥80%, with small, medium and large black squares representing support within genera, of genera, and above genus level, respectively. Abbreviations ATL, PAC, and IND denote Atlantic, Pacific, and India...
Maximum Likelihood phylogeny of pteropods based on Cytochrome Oxidase I sequences (N = 117 sequences of 656 basepairs).
Black squares represent a bootstrap support of ≥80%, with small, medium and large black squares representing support within genera, of genera, and above genus level, respectively. Abbreviations ATL, PAC, and IND denote Atlantic, P...
Combined Maximum Likelihood phylogeny using the same dataset as for the molecular clock analyses (46 sequences, max. one sequence per taxon per ocean).
Black squares represent bootstrap support ≥80%, with small, medium and large black squares representing support within genera, of genera, and above genus level, respectively. Abbreviations ATL, PAC,...
Pteropod phylogeny based on a fossil-calibrated molecular clock approach (46 sequences, max. one sequence per taxon per ocean) following Method 2 with stem calibrations based on the oldest known fossils of Hyalocylis, Diacria, Cavolinia, Cuvierinia, Creseis, and euthecosomes (see
Table 1).
Calibrations are indicated with stars. Error bars (95%) are...
Overview of sequences used in combined and/or as single-gene phylogenetic analyses based on Cytochrome Oxidase I, 28S rRNA, and 18S rRNA.
Numbers in the 9th column indicate their use in (1) single-gene Maximum Likelihood (ML), combined ML and combined Bayesian phylogenies, (2) single-gene ML and combined ML phylogenies, or (3) single-gene ML phylog...
Maximum Likelihood phylogeny of pteropods based on 28S sequences (N = 87 sequences of 941 basepairs).
Black squares represent a bootstrap support of ≥80%, with small, medium and large black squares representing support within genera, of genera, and above genus level, respectively. Abbreviations ATL, PAC, and IND denote Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian...
Combined Maximum Likelihood tree based on Cytochrome Oxidase I protein sequences and 28S and 18S DNA sequences including long-branch taxa (78 sequences, max. two sequences per taxon per ocean).
Black squares represent bootstrap support ≥80%, with small, medium and large black squares representing support within genera, of genera, and above genus le...
Maximum Likelihood phylogeny of pteropods based on Cytochrome Oxidase I protein sequences (N = 117 sequences of 218 amino acids).
Black squares represent a bootstrap support of ≥80%, with small, medium and large black squares representing support within genera, of genera, and above genus level, respectively. Abbreviations ATL, PAC, and IND denote A...
Time-calibrated molecular phylogeny of pteropods (46 sequences, max. one sequence per taxon per ocean) following Method 3 with crown calibrations of Clio pyramidata, Hyalocylis striata, and Cliopsis krohni based on the formation of the Isthmus of Panama (IOP) and the oldest known euthecosome fossil (see
Table 1).
Calibrations are indicated with sta...
Symbiotic associations between pelagic arthropods and gelatinous zooplankters were surveyed and analyzed via blue-water SCUBA and a remotely operated submersible (ROV) during March 2015 in the Gulf of California. Our analyses focused on hyperiid amphipods (10 species), copepods (1), and pycnogonids (1) associated with different groups of gelata. He...
This survey examined the association between the hyperiid amphipod Hyperoche martinezii and ctenophores off the Argentinian coast (38°08′17″S, 57°31′18″W) through the evaluation of seasonality, prevalence and intensity of infection during an annual cycle. Medusae were also examined but only the ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi, Pleurobrachia pileus an...
A female ovigerous specimen of the rare deep-living hyperiid Megalanceoloides remipes (Barnard, 1932) was collected with a remotely operated submersible (ROV) at a depth of 2,094 m in the Farallon Basin, Gulf of California. The specimen was found to be symbiotically associated with the siphonophore Apolemia sp. Eschscholtz, 1829. Hitherto, this spe...
A female ovigerous specimen of the rare deep-living hyperiid Megalanceoloides remipes (Barnard, 1932) was collected with a remotely operated submersible (ROV) at a depth of 2,094 m in the Farallon Basin, Gulf of California. The specimen was found to be symbiotically associated with the siphonophore Apolemia sp. Eschscholtz, 1829. Hitherto, this spe...
During a survey of the zooplankton community of a protected reef system on the southern coast of the Mexican Caribbean, many female and male specimens of an undescribed species of Caligus Muller, 1785 were collected. The new species closely resembles C. wilsoni Delamare Deboutteville & Nunez-Ruivo, 1958 and C. belones (Kroyer, 1863) and has affinit...
Planktonic copepods are representative members of the coastal and estuarine biota. In Chetumal Bay, western Caribbean, the relevance of monitoring the copepod community at different scales is widely recognized. Zooplankton was sampled monthly during 3 seasons (northerlies, rainy, dry) during a year cycle (1997). The composition and distribution of...
Las medusas y ctenóforos (plancton gelatinoso) presentan una gran variedad de relaciones interespecíficas con otros organismos. Sin embargo, poco se conoce acerca de la prevalencia y estacionalidad de los parásitos de estos grupos. Con el objetivo de analizar tales aspectos, se realizó un muestreo quincenal durante un ciclo anual (febrero, 2014 a m...
Species of the copepod genus Sapphirina Thompson, 1829 are deemed as specialized predators of salps. There are only a few documented records of such copepods actually found within their prey. During two cruises of the R/V "Western Flyer" of MBARI (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute), SCUBA diving was used to sample the zooplankton in Monterey...
The gelatinous zooplankton, an important functional group in the water column, was studied during April and May 2011 in Mexican waters of the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Zooplankton samples and environmental data were obtained during the MareaR-III cruise on board the R/V ‘El Puma’ (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM). We identified 32 spe...
As a group, siphonophores are one of the least known gelatinous zoop- lankters in the Mexican Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Due to their trophic rel- evance as active predators, these cnidarians represent an important element for the dynamics of the oceanic zooplankton communities. In this contribution the status of the knowledge about the subclass...
Distinguishing the various Recent taxa of the pteropod genus Creseis, especially the nominal species Creseis acicula (Rang, 1828), C. clava (Rang, 1828), C. virgula ( Rang, 1828) and C. conica Eschscholtz, 1829, has long been problematic. Based on misinterpretations of the shell morphology, some of these were deemed to represent subspecies or forms...
Hyperiid amphipods are holoplanktonic marine crustaceans that are known as temporary symbionts of different groups of gelatinous zooplankton. The nature and dynamics of these associations are still poorly understood, particularly in deep waters. The mesopelagic and deep-living planktonic fauna off Monterey Bay, California (down to 4000 m) was surve...
From samples of deep-water zooplankton, obtained in the Gulf of California, female and male specimens of the rare deep-living amphipod Hyperoche shihi Gasca, 2005 were collected. The adult male is slightly larger than the female and it has the distinctly large chela of pereopod II. A full description of the male is provided to complement the morpho...
Polychaete specimens from Hawaii were infected by the copepod Monstrilla. The development of these protelean parasites has remained unstudied for more than a century. Three postnaupliar endoparasitic stages were obtained: copepodids CIII, CIV, and CV, the latter stage found previous to and during emergence. Copepodid development, including the body...
Distinguishing the various Recent taxa of the pteropod genus Creseis, especially the nominal species Creseis acicula (Rang, 1828), C. clava (Rang, 1828), C. virgula (
Rang, 1828) and C. conica Eschscholtz, 1829, has long been problematic. Based on misinterpretations of the shell morphology, some of these were deemed
to represent subspecies or forms...
Se presenta un listado de los anfípodos hyperidos recolectados en el Pacífico central mexicano.
Con el fin de actualizar y resumir la información sobre la diversidad de los medusozoarios presentes en aguas mexicanas, se realizó una revisión por familia de los registros disponibles para establecer el estado actual de nuestro conocimiento de la biodiversidad nacional de este grupo. Se presenta una revisión sintética de diversos aspectos de su b...
In order to update and summarize the information about the diversity of the medusozoans occurring in
Mexican waters, records were reviewed at the family level to assess the current status of the knowledge of the
diversity of this group in Mexico. A synthesized revision of different biological and ecological aspects of the group
is also presented. I...
Among the several groups of copepods that are teleost parasites, the siphonostomatoid family Caligidae is by far the most widespread and diverse. With more than 108 nominal species, the caligid genus Lepeophtheirus von Nordmann is one of the most speciose. There are no reports of this genus in Costa Rican waters. A new species of Lepeophtheirus is...
Hyperiid amphipods (Crustacea: Peracarida) of the Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Costa Rica, Eastern Tropical Pacific. Hyperiid amphipods are one of the most frequently encountered pelagic crustaceans and among the most diverse marine zooplankters. To determine the species composition of the hyperiid amphipods dwelling in the waters around Isla del...
The bay of Chetumal, in the Western Caribbean, is regarded as an uniformly hypohaline and oligotrophic system. In order to define if the zooplankton biomass shows a homogeneous behavior in this coastal system we analyzed the spatio-temporal variation of this parameter (wet weight: mg m-3) during two years (1996, 1997). During 1996, the average annu...
The bay of Chetumal, in the Western Caribbean, is regarded as an uniformly hypohaline and oligotrophic system. In order to define if the zooplankton biomass shows a homogeneous behavior in this coastal system we analyzed the spatio-temporal variation of this parameter (wet weight: mg m-3) during two years (1996, 1997). During 1996, the average annu...
To evaluate the hyperiid community's response to the influence of oceanographic conditions related to 'El Nino' (EN) in the Mexican Tropical Pacific area, zooplankton samples collected over 27 mo between December 1995 and December 1998 were analyzed. The most abundant of the 80 species recorded were Hyperioides sibaginis and Lestrigonus bengalensis...
Zooplankton samples were obtained monthly between January and December 1998 from surface waters off the Mexican Pacific coast (18 degrees 58.6'-19 degrees 16.7'N 104 degrees 17.8'-104 degrees 56.2'W), Eastern Tropical Pacific. An analysis of the hyperiid amphipods collected yielded 18 new records for this area, which was previously surveyed during...
The composition, distribution, and abundance of the jellyfish community of a shelf area of the Mexican tropical Pacific were surveyed during August 1988. Zooplankton samples were collected along transects on the outer and inner sectors of the continental shelf to determine the structure of the jellyfish community and its variation in this area duri...
The composition, distribution, and abundance of the jellyfish community of a shelf area of the Mexican tropical Pacific were surveyed during August 1988. Zooplankton samples were collected along transects on the outer and inner sectors of the continental shelf to determine the structure of the jellyfish community and its variation in this area duri...
The main goal of this survey was to study the vertical and horizontal distribution of the thecosome pteropods in the upper 100 m of the western Caribbean Sea. Zooplankton was collected at 60 stations in January 2007 at stratified depth intervals of 25 m from the surface to 100 m. The community was analyzed for diversity, evenness, species richness,...
The distribution and abundance of the hyperiid amphipods of the southern Gulf of Mexico was analyzed from zooplankton samples collected during summer and winter 1991. We evaluated the effect of the local hydrographic conditions, characterized by mesoscale eddies, on the hyperiid community. We explored the presumed correlation of hyperiids with siph...
Information on regional diversity of hyperiid amphipods of the eastern Pacific Ocean is still largely incomplete. Recent surveys of hyperiid fauna from the Mexican Pacific motivated a revision of extant faunistic accounts. This revised list includes all records from Mexican waters of the eastern Pacific (MP) from Baja California to the southern bor...
Here we deal with two different lines of evolutionary adaptation of holoplanktonic gastropods. Only a small proportion of
gastropods spend their entire life cycle as part of the plankton; these include forms contained in two subclasses of Gastropoda:
the Prosobranchia and the Opisthobranchia. The former are represented by the Superfamily Heteropoda...
The knowledge of the hyperiid amphipods in Costa Rican waters is quite limited. The estimated number of species currently
recognized is near 277; there are 222 known from the Pacific Ocean and 175 from the Atlantic. The number of species reported
herein for Costa Rican waters is 34, all obtained from samples collected in waters of the Pacific side,...
Thirty-seven species of siphonophores are listed for the Costa Rican coastal and oceanic waters. All species were recorded
from the Pacific coast, seven of them have been also collected off the Caribbean coast. These figures represent 10% of the
70 species known from the Caribbean Sea, and 42% of the 87 species known from the eastern tropical Pacif...
This checklist contains those amphipod taxa reported to date from the Gulf of Mexico. The majority of the records listed are from the literature, with only a few based on museum material. Also included is information on the habitat-biology, depth range, overall geographic range and Gulf of Mexico geographic range for each species, as well as an ext...
The main goal of this survey was to study the vertical and horizontal distribution of the thecosome pteropods in the upper 100 m of the western Caribbean Sea. Zooplankton was collected at 60 stations in January 2007 at stratified depth intervals of 25 m from the surface to 100 m. The community was analyzed for diversity, evenness, species richness,...
Rebeca Gasca (2009) Diversity of hyperiid amphipods (Crustacea: Peracarida) in the western Caribbean Sea: news from the deep. Zoological Studies 48(1): 63-70. Previous surveys of hyperiid amphipods from the western Caribbean were largely restricted to the epipelagic layer (0-200 m in depth). The need for deeper sampling in the area has been recogni...
The hyperiid amphipod community of Banderas Bay, a tropical embayment on the central coast of the Mexican Pacific in the Eastern Tropical Pacific region, is studied based on surface zooplankton samples obtained during September and November, 1990. A taxonomic analysis of this group of pelagic amphipods yielded 20 species belonging to 11 families an...
The composition of the community of the hyperiid amphipods collected in the southwestern sector of the Sargasso Sea was analyzed from zooplankton samples obtained at different depths (0-400 m) using two different collecting methods, the Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl (IKMT) and a standard plankton net (pN). In total, 88 species were recorded, generatin...
Using a remotely operated submersible (ROV) in the sea off Monterey, California, we collected deep-living zooplankton and
observed their associations with crustacean symbionts. Little is known about the nature of these symbioses. Among the most
interesting findings was the description of a previously unknown modality of symbiosis of the deep-living...
From samples of deep-water zooplankton obtained in the Gulf of California, an undescribed species of the genus Hyperoche Bovallius was collected. The new species is similar to Hyperoche medusarum Kröyer and Hyperoche luetkenides Walker. It differs from its congeners mainly by the strong, large chela of pereopod 2 and the absence of processes or den...
Siphonophores are one of the least known gelatinous zooplankters in the tropical waters of the Northwestern Atlantic. Most of the regional knowledge about their diversity and distribution is based on surface samples (0–200 m). Siphonophores were collected from oceanic waters off the Mexican Caribbean across an expanded sampling range (0–940 m) duri...
The composition, distribution and abundance of the chaetognaths collected at Bahia de la Ascension, eastern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, were analyzed during three climatic periods (rainy, dry, and "northerlies") of a year cycle (August, 1990-July, 1991). Highest mean chaetognath abundance was observed during the rainy period (209 ind./ 100ml),...
Hyperiid amphipods are pelagic crustaceans that live associated with gelatinous zooplankton including medusae, ctenophores,
siphonophores, and salps. Standard plankton sampling disrupts natural associations, so the most reliable way to determine
an association is through direct observation of the organisms in their environment. The planktonic fauna...
From plankton samples collected during two oceanographic expeditions in the southern Gulf of Mexico (1991) and five in the Mexican Caribbean Sea, we studied the composition, abundance, and distribution of the phyllosoma larvae. A total of 118 phyllosomas belonging to five species of lobster were recorded. Panulirus argus was the most abundant and d...