Ravi RanjanBihar Agricultural University
Ravi Ranjan
PhD (Biotechnology)
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November 2014 - present
September 2013 - November 2014
Vidya Pratishthan's School of Biotechnology, Baramati, India
- Scientist (Plant Biotechnology)
August 2012 - August 2013
July 2005 - June 2007
Publications (128)
Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp.) is an important food legume crop of rain fed agriculture in the arid and semiarid tropics of the world. It has deep and extensive root system which serves a number of important physiological and metabolic functions in plant development and growth. In order to identify genes associated with pigeonpea root, ESTs...
Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp.) is a drought tolerant legume widely grown in the arid and semi-arid tropics of the world which possesses a deep and extensive root system that succors a number of important physiological and metabolic functions to cope with drought. Application of available functional genomics approaches to improve productivity...
Viruses cause many severe plant diseases, resulting in immense losses of crop yield worldwide. Therefore, developing novel approaches to control plant viruses is crucial to meet the demands of a growing world population. Recently, RNA interference (RNAi) has been widely used to develop virus-resistant plants. Once genome replication and assembly of...
The Potato Leaf Roll Virus (PLRV) is one of the most devastating virus causing severe yield losses worldwide in potato. The comprehensive observations were made to study the PLRV infestation in major potato growing areas of Bihar (India) and further detailed molecular basis of PLRV aggravation was established.
Although aphids pop...
Keywords: ABSTRACT Basmati, Badh2, Aroma, Approx. One of rice's most significant quality attributes is fragrance, and the gene badh2 (betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase) is responsible for this phenotype. In order to meet the growing demand for fragrant rice, one of the main goals of the present rice breeding programmes is to improve fragrant rice. A d...
A field experiment was conducted to Effect of tenr, ,o.r:n""T*tt prone condition of Bihar. The field experiments were cqrn 24.500 N, Longitude: 94.700 E, Mean sea level heiaht: Ioam soil type. Performance of three varieties; HUI establishment viz; line sowing with seed drill and sowi expenment was esign (SpD) with fi maximum grain 3.99 o/o higher c...
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), an economically significant legume known for its high nutritional content, remains a largely unexplored crop. This study was conducted on thirty-six lentil genotypes, including twenty exotic lines from ICARDA and several released varieties and local accessions. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, a preferred tool i...
Chickpea is a highly nutritious protein-rich source and one of the major crops to alleviate global malnutrition, but poor seed quality affects its productivity. Seed quality is essential for better crop establishment and higher yields, particularly in the uncertain climate change. The present study investigated the impact of botanical priming versu...
Plants contain a wide range of naturally occurring compounds that have biological relevance by assisting plants in defending themselves against various plant diseases by exhibiting antifungal, antimicrobial compounds through inhibition or killing processes. Synthetic antimicrobial chemicals have become widely employed in plants in preventing and cu...
Chickpea is a highly nutritious protein-rich source and one of the major crops to alleviate global malnutrition. It is the third-largest legume cultivated globally in arid and semi-arid environments. Chickpea productivity is affected by several factors, among which poor seed quality is one of the significant factors contributing to its decrease in...
The study was conducted during April, 2021 to June, 2022 to study the isolation and identification of high effective strains of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and evaluation the ability to solubilize tricalcium phosphate in vitro. Microorganisms that live in soil are actively involved in the carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, and phosphorus cycles in natu...
Jasmonic Acid (JA), Salicylic Acid (SA) and its derivatives are important phytohormones that play fundamental roles in the plant defence mechanisms against various biotic and abiotic stresses. These hormones are essential in enabling plants to respond and adapt to challenging environmental conditions. They serve as key players in various plant sign...
It is about molecular approach for plant disease management
Genome packaging is the crucial step for maturation of plant viruses containing an RNA genome. Viruses exhibit a remarkable degree of packaging specificity, despite the probability of co-packaging cellular RNAs. Three different types of viral genome packaging systems are reported so far. The recently upgraded type I genome packaging system involves...
The presence of sufficient genetic variability, the knowledge of nature of association among different characters and relative contribution of different characters to yield is a prerequisite to any breeding programme. The aim of the present study was to estimate genetic parameters of thirty two yield, yield attributing and quality traits in 36 arom...
Spot blotch disease of wheat caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc.) Shoem is considered as an economically important disease which affects all the growing stages of wheat crop. Therefore, it is important to search some effective management strategies against the spot blotch pathogen. Some synthetic elicitor compounds (salicylic acid, isonicotinic...
A trial was carried out to explore the variability and correlation among thirty five rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm for fifteen characters, during kharif 2017-18 at Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, (Bihar). Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among all the genotypes and for all fifteen characters, which reflects that consi...
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) is one of the vital grain legume crops that originated from L. culinaris Medik.ssp. orientalisin the Near East. It is an essential food source that is capable of contributing energy, proteins and iron to human diet. Major concern of lentil producing countries is to have a stable high seed yield in addition to resistan...
Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) uses powerful molecular machines to package its genome into a viral capsid employing ATP as fuel. Although, recent bioinformatics and structural studies have revealed detailed mechanism of DNA packaging, little is known about the mechanochemistry of genome packaging in small plant viruses such as PLRV. We have identifie...
Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) is a short duration farmer preferred warm-season pulse crop. The crop has shown a balanced growth worldwide, especially in developing countries. Mungbean being a great source of protein with higher folate and iron levels attracts high demand and price on the market making the farmers happy and satisfied. Mor...
Lentil is one of the most nutritious pulse crops known as masur and grown as a rainfed crop throughout the world in winter season. It is rich in protein, starch, micronutrients and dietary fiber. In the global scenario, India ranked first in the area and second in the production with Bihar being one the major lentil growing state. The majority of t...
The present book is collections of recent original research in the field of Biological
Sciences. It is an assemblage of up-to-date information of rapid advances
and developments taking place in the field of Marine Biology and Ecology. The
book is unique collections of 18 chapters, which discusses exhaustive studies on
different areas of Marine Biol...
Geminiviruses infect many crop plants, and are limiting factors for veg-etable crop production. Begomoviruses (Geminiviridae) cause typical symptoms of leaf curling and puckering in nightshade (Solanum nigrum), a seasonal weed in Bihar, India. To investigate if nightshade was an intermediate host for begomo-virus, virus DNA was extracted and charac...
India is a nation which has got huge scope for modernization. The pace of increasing modernization in India coupled with its ever increasing human population is posing a very serious impact on environment mainly due to global warming. Abrupt rainfall conditions coupled with drought conditions prevailing during the Kharif season often hampers paddy...
Geminiviruses infect many crop plants, and are limiting factors for vegetable crop production. Begomoviruses (Geminiviridae) cause typical symptoms of leaf curling and puckering in nightshade (Solanum nigrum), a seasonal weed in Bihar, India. To investigate if nightshade was an intermediate host for begomovirus, virus DNA was extracted and characte...
Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) uses powerful molecular machines to package its genome into a viral capsid employing ATP as fuel. Although, recent bioinformatics and structural studies have revealed detailed mechanism of DNA packaging, little is known about the mechanochemistry of genome packaging in small plant viruses such as PLRV. We have identifi...
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the most important legumes for consumption in India as well as worldwide. In grain legumes, it ranks second in acreage and third in production with productivity of 913 kg/ha. India is the largest producer of chickpea, accounts 70.9% of the world cultivated area and produces 67.1% of the total world production...
Plant viruses cause various disease in crops and are responsible for huge economic losses. Understanding their mode of infection and spread is crucial for developing control strategies. Genome packaging is an important step in the process of viral maturation. Three systems of viral genome packaging are known till date. The type I packaging system,...
Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] is a key source of some of the vital nutritive components such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Its split dehusked grains form an important portion of diet when consumed with cereals, especially among the small and marginal farmers who earn their livelihoods from subsistence agriculture. Pig...
The Potato Leaf Roll Virus (PLRV) is one of the most devastating virus causing severe yield loss worldwide in potato. The comprehensive observations were made to study the PLRV infestation in major potato growing areas of Bihar (India) and further detailed molecular basis of PLRV aggravation was established.
Although population o...
Objective: The Potato Leaf Roll Virus (PLRV) is one of the most devastating virus causing severe yield losses worldwide in potato. The comprehensive observations were made to study the PLRV infestation in major potato growing areas of Bihar (India) and further detailed molecular basis of PLRV aggravation was established.
Results: Although aphids po...
Objective: The Potato Leaf Roll Virus (PLRV) is one of the most devastating virus causing severe yield losses worldwide in potato. The comprehensive observations were made to study the PLRV infestation in major potato growing areas of Bihar (India) and further detailed molecular basis of PLRV aggravation was established.
Results: Although aphids po...
Objective: The Potato Leaf Roll Virus (PLRV) is one of the most devastating virus causing severe yield losses worldwide in potato. The comprehensive observations were made to study the PLRV infestation in major potato growing areas of Bihar (India) and further detailed molecular basis of PLRV aggravation was established.
Results: Although aphids po...
Aim: To screen and characterize pigeonpea genotypes using morpho-physiological, biochemical and molecular traits. Study Design: The field trial was conducted using the Randomized Block Design (RBD) while Completely Randomized Design was used for laboratory and pot screening experiments. Place and Duration of Study: The research trial was conducted...
The present study was conducted to evaluate the seed quality of chickpea (cv. PG-186) and lentil (cv. HUL-57) seed samples collected from randomly selected districts of different agroclimatic zones of Bihar. The seed quality was assessed based on their physiological (seed moisture, seed germination, seedling length, vigour index, etc.) and biochemi...
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is the second most important food legume crop after common bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.). It isone of the most important rabi pulse crop in India and contributes to 20% of the total pulse production in the world. India ranks first in chickpea production in the world followed by Australia, Myanmar and Pakistan. It is one...
The present investigation was carried out on thirty-six lentil genotypes at the farm of Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur in 2018-19. The genetic divergences were examined using Mahalanobis D2 statistics for two dates of sowing i.e normal sown and late sown condition. The presence of variation among genotypes was revealed by ANOVA fo...
CHICKPEA (Cicer arietinum L.) is widely cultivated in the world covering more than 50 countries spread over Asia, Africa, Europe,Australia, North America and South America. It is the second mostimportant food legume crop after common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris
L.). In India, chickpea is cultivated almost in all parts of the countrymainly as a rainfed...
The present investigation was carried out at rice research farm ofBihar
Agricultural University, Sabour (Bhagalpur), Bihar in kharif, 2019 to assess the extent of genetic variability for yield and yield related traits and to estimate heritability and genetic advance in rice genotypes for drought tolerance. The analysis of variance revealed highly s...
Erratic monsoon causing flood in the river Ganga greatly affect the cultivation of pigeonpea in most of the regions of Bihar as they lie in and around the Ganga basin. Given the highly sensitive nature of the early stages of the crop there is dire need to identify and develop tolerant cultivars and parents for the stress breeding program. In this e...
The genetic diversity was estimated using seventy two genotypes of rice in a randomized block design with three replications at the rice research farm of Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour (Bhagalpur) during Kharif, 2019-20 to determine the contribution of fifteen quantitative traits to the total variability in rice using Principal component ana...
The present study was aimed to estimate the extent of genetic variability for yield & its components traits, genetic association, path coefficient analysis in forty-five genotypes of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). The experiment was conducted at Pulse research farm, Bhitti, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour during Rabi season 2018-19. High valu...
Polerovirus (Family-Luteoviridae) are one of the most destructive viruses causing detrimental diseases in vegetable crops in tropical regions of the world including India. Four species viz. potato leaf roll virus (PLRV), potato virus Y(PVY), potato virus X(PVX) and potato virus S(PVS) are known to cause different diseases in potato crops. Of the va...
The study of genetic diversity among Lathyrus sativus L. may give fundamental insights into extent of genetic variation and provide options to meet the climate change challenge. 20 SSR loci were employed to assess the genetic diversity of 32 grasspea genotypes. Eleven markers proved to be polymorphic across examined genotypes in aggregation to allo...
Aims: The study aims to highlight the simple optimisation, inexpensive and rapid procedure for DNA isolation from tough leaves (Palmyra palm) without compromising the yield and purity of DNA. Study Design: Leaf of palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer) was used to conduct the experiment followed by laboratory analysis, DNA extraction and PCR amplifica...
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is the 2 nd largest grain-legume cropin the world and is an important rabi pulse crop of Indo Gangetic Plain. India ranks first in chickpea production in the world followed by Australia, Myanmar and Pakistan. It is one of the major pulse crops in Bihar. The present investigation was undertaken using forty genotypes of...
Forty genotypes of chickpea were evaluated for assessing genetic divergence for different quantitative characters for improving yield potential of chickpea by using Mahalanobis D2 statistics. The genotypes were grouped into seven clusters suggesting considerable amount of genetic diversity in the material. The intra-cluster D2 value ranged from 0.0...
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important pulse crop of India which is grown during Rabi season. India is largest producer of chickpea in the world sharing 65.2% of area and 65.4% of production. Chickpea was grown in 9.93 million ha area, with production of 9.63 million tons and productivity of 974 kg/ha. Chickpea seeds contain 17.7 per cent pr...
The present investigation was carried out in Rabi, 2017-18 at Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour (Bhagalpur) to study the genetic divergence among forty genotypes of chickpea for different quantitative characters by using Mahalanobis D2 statistics . The genotypes were grouped into seven clusters suggesting considerable amount of genetic diversit...
An experiment was conducted during Rabi 2016-17 at Pulses Research farm, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour (Bhagalpur) to study the existing genetic diversity in thirty six Desi chickpea genotypes. All the genotypes were grouped into eight clusters as per Ward minimum variance method revealed the presence of considerable amount of genetic diver...
Drought is one of the most common environmental stresses that affect growth and development of plants. Drought can also influence plants in terms protein changes, antioxidant production, osmotic adjustment, pollen sterility, grain loss, and Abscisic acid synthesis, which are much importance for grain/seed development. The pollen development is arre...