Raul Sidnei Wazlawick

Raul Sidnei Wazlawick
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | UFSC · Departamento de Informática e Estatística



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February 1992 - present
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (134)
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Objective: Community health workers work directly in the communities and are the intermediaries between the population’s needs and the primary health care teams. Their work focuses on health education and preventing diseases and disorders, accompanying citizens, families, and households in a particular neighborhood. This study sought to analyze the...
This scoping review sought to understand the current knowledge on using digital signatures in implemented electronic health records (EHR). Our research was carried out on ACM Digital Library, ArXiv, Embase, Engineering Village, IEEE Digital Library, LILACS, Livivo, PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, and Web of Science, and gray literature was searched on Goog...
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Background The Brazilian Ministry of Health has developed and provided the Citizen’s Electronic Health Record (PEC e-SUS APS), a health information system freely available for utilization by all municipalities. Given the substantial financial investment being made to enhance the quality of health services in the country, it is crucial to understand...
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Background The Brazilian Ministry of Health has developed and provided the Citizen’s Electronic Health Record (PEC e-SUS APS), a health information system freely available for utilization by all municipalities. Given the substantial financial investment being made to enhance the quality of health services in the country, it is crucial to understand...
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OBJETIVO: Contextualizar a adesão ao Prontuário Eletrônico do Cidadão (PEC) pelos municípios brasileiros e a evolução da estratégia eletrônica do Sistema Único de Saúde (e-SUS) da Atenção Primária (APS) durante seus 10 anos. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo de cunho descritivo, que agregou informações de adesão ao uso do prontuário, extraídas da base...
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Primary studies have demonstrated that despite being useful, most of the drug-drug interaction (DDI) alerts generated by clinical decision support systems are overridden by prescribers. To provide more information about this issue, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on the prevalence of DDI alerts generated by CDSS and alert overrid...
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O artigo relata a experiência de cooperação entre o Laboratório Bridge, ligado ao Centro Tecnológico da UFSC, com o Ministério da Saúde para implantação de uma das maiores estratégias de informatização em saúde do mundo. Por meio desta colaboração, diversos processos foram informatizados e proporcionaram um enorme ganho de escala na gestão do SUS,...
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This article presents a systematic review of the literature on soft skills in Information Technology (IT). The article analyzes the state of the art in this field by selecting a group of primary and secondary studies and answering a research question about possible classification criteria for such skills with the aim of building (in the near fut...
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The systematic review of secondary studies returned insufficient results for the identification of such ontology. Thus, it was carried out additionally a review of primary studies in the area of Information Technology, seeking classifications and types of soft skills. The main contribution of this article is to report the discovery of 79 relevant s...
Consent Electronic health record Electronic data processing a b s t r a c t Personal health data has always been a big challenge for governments and health institutions around the world. Similarly, to Brazil, several countries have data protection laws, thus in this paper, we performed a systematic review to answer the question: what are the action...
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Background To reduce the risk of adverse drug events related to drug-drug interaction (DDI), healthcare systems worldwide are developing and implementing electronic health records with clinical decision support systems (CDSS). Primary studies have demonstrated that despite being useful, most of the alerts generated by these systems are ignored by p...
Conference Paper
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The objective of this work is to present the e-SUS Territory application and contextualize its contribution to the qualification of citizen data registration, consolidated analysis of the health conditions of communities, and the work process of Community Health Agents in Primary Health Care. The usability data show that the use of this app has sig...
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Problem: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic posed a major workforce challenge to Brazil, which has a large land area and a shortage of health workers in regions distant from the big cities. Approach: The Brazilian health ministry implemented a computerized solution to provide rapid support to states and municipalities to hire healt...
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The objective of this manuscript is to describe the development of the mobile application “e-SUS Vaccination”, its features, and its applicability in facing the COVID-19 pandemic. The application was developed based on 4 guiding pillars: 1) Compatibility with personal smartphones and tablets; 2) Offline operation first; 3) Agile development, based...
Conference Paper
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When the Covid-19 pandemic began, it was up to the Brazilian Ministry of Health (MS) to produce a nationwide health policy, organizing and planning strategies to mitigate health problems related to the SARS-CoV2 infection. In this context, and in cooperation with the Bridge Laboratory at UFSC, they developed a tool for the strategy "O Brasil Conta...
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This paper proposes and validates a short and simple Expectancy-Value-Cost scale, called EVC Light. The scale measures the motivation of students in computing courses, allowing the easy and weekly application across a course. One of the factors related directly to the high rate of failure and dropout in computing courses is student motivation. Howe...
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Resumo A existência de barreiras nos serviços de demanda agendada resulta no elevado índice de absenteísmo. O objetivo deste manuscrito é apresentar as principais características do Sistema de Agendamento Online da estratégia e-SUS APS no Brasil. O Sistema de Agendamento Online desenvolvido pelo Laboratório Bridge da Universidade Federal de Santa C...
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A pandemia de coronavírus que atingiu o mundo no final de 2019 segue batendo recordes de novos casos e óbitos relacionados à doença. As orientações para o manejo clínico dos pacientes infectados e a prevenção de novos casos estão centradas nas medidas de controle dos sintomas, hábitos de higiene, isolamento social e diminuição da aglomeração de pes...
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Objectives: To present the main actions of the Brazilian government that led to the successful implementation of the strategy for the computerization of Primary Care, e-SUS APS, throughout the whole country, as well as the difficulties in implementing such a national health information system (NHIS). Methods: Report on the experience of implementin...
Conference Paper
Despite being a problem reported in a long time, the high rate of dropout and failure in computing courses remains a problem. Although there is a strong relationship between the motivation and the students outcome, few works use the motivation as a factor to identify students at risk. This work presents and evaluates a method to identify features t...
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The CASE tools (Computer-Aided Software Engineering) aim to increase productivity during the software development process. However, their use by professionals is not as extensive as it could be. Among the reasons for the low adoption of this kind of tool are their complexity and learning curve. The main goal of this paper is to investigate user int...
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This paper presents a systematic mapping study on factors that affect motivation in computing undergraduate students. Although there are several initiatives to improve teaching and learning computing, the panorama is still negative. Motivation and engagement are usually singled out as reasons for students' retention or success, but we found a lack...
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This article describes the instructional design and evaluation of a course about project management in a software engineering post-graduation program using different teaching approaches and with a focus on active learning. We use four different approaches: digital educational game, non-digital educational game, hands-on activity, and experiential a...
Cohesion and coupling are regarded as fundamental features of the internal quality of object-oriented systems (OOS). Analyzing the relationships between cohesion and coupling metrics plays a significant role to develop efficient techniques for determining the external quality of an object-oriented system. Researchers have proposed several metrics t...
This article addresses the relationships between agile development and entrepreneurship. The objective of the study is to verify that the adoption of agile practices can promote entrepreneurial skills in software developers. In this study, agile practices were related to entrepreneurial skills, and developers of the software industry and academia p...
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This paper presents a textual programming language for conceptual modeling (based on UML classes/associations and OCL constraints) and its compiler that can generate code in any target language or technology via extensible textual templates, both currently under initial stage of development. The language and compiler should allow the specification...
Conference Paper
No registro de informações de saúde, o Sistema de Registro Eletrônico de Saúde (S-RES) e Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente (PEP) vêm ganhando espaço. Manter a segurança e a confidencialidade dos dados é um desafio. Então, a SBIS1 uniu forças com o CFM2 e criaram o modelo de certificação para S-RES. Este trabalho avalia o sistema e-SUS AB PEC3 forne...
Conference Paper
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Como o ensino de Gerenciamento de Projetos é essencialmente teórico, requer de abordagens que permitam aos alunos praticarem os conceitos e se motivarem para a disciplina. Este artigo descreve uma dinâmica vivencial para apoiar o ensino de gerenciamento de projetos, que consiste no desenvolvimento de um projeto de software completo, em equipe, do i...
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Aumentar o interesse e aprendizado dos alunos nas disciplinas de programação e capacitar equipes de desenvolvimento de software são objetivos que tem motivado a academia e a indústria a encontrar alternativas mais eficientes para a fixação e aplicação de conceitos. Este trabalho apresenta a técnica de Dojos de programação ou coding dojo (em inglês)...
In many countries, there is a small but growing tendency towards the internationalisation of small and medium-sized software enterprises. This paper searches for insights about the internationalisation process of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with highly innovative products. It compares the internationalisation process in France, as a m...
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In many countries, there is a small but growing tendency towards the internationalisation of small and medium-sized software enterprises. This paper searches for insights about the internationalisation process of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with highly innovative products. It compares the internationalisation process in France, as a m...
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Implementations of software production processes usually ignore organizational, market, and economical attributes of products that are to be inserted in international markets. Software engineering has begun to deal with the business aspects of software products only recently. The Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge v3.0 presents two...
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Este artigo apresenta uma revisao sistematica da literatura (RSL) sobre o ensino de programacao e algoritmos para alunos iniciantes do ensino superior brasileiro, chamados CS1 (Computer Science 1). A RSL foi realizada a partir da revisao dos artigos publicados nos eventos SBIE, WIE, WEI e WAAAP entre os anos de 2001 a 2014. Este trabalho busca evid...
The aim of this paper is to present an analysis about the MNI (Brazilian e-Justice Interoperability Model), in order to propose enhancements to it based on the levels of interoperability as defined by the European Interoperability Framework, and other interoperability references such as e-PING and e-PMG. The motivation for this paper is the current...
RUP (Rational Unified Process) is the oldest and most known implementation of the Unified Process.
Conference Paper
Industrial energy consumption depends on social and economic variables, and the way in which variables are selected is an important issue in causal forecasting. In this paper, we have developed a method to select the input variables for the monthly forecasting of energy consumption by artificial neural networks. The method consists of applying prin...
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Object-Oriented Analysis and Design for Information Systems clearly explains real object-oriented programming in practice. Expert author Raul Sidnei Wazlawick explains concepts such as object responsibility, visibility and the real need for delegation in detail. The object-oriented code generated by using these concepts in a systematic way is conci...
Automatic code generation based on OCL contracts presents ambiguity issues. Currently, default interpretations are used to minimize that problem. However, that solution is not ideal because it changes the semantics of OCL and there is no guarantee that the default interpretation is really the one intended by the modeler. Using expressions that are...
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O SWEBOK (Software Engineering Book of Knowledge), organizado pela IEE Computer Society, foi um avanço da área de engenharia de software. Adotado como padrão internacional desde 2006 (ISSO/IEC TR 19759), sistematiza os conhecimentos necessários para todo engenheiro de software. Em Engenharia de Software, são abordadas sete das dez áreas de conhecim...
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Agile methods emerge as an alternative to improve quality and performance in software development processes. However, as agile methods are essentially focused on human aspects, their application in companies depends mostly on their adequacy to the current organizational culture. This study explores the view of the organizational culture in three le...
As seen in literature, about 70% of the improvement initiatives fail, and a significant number do not even get started. This paper analyses the problem of failing initiatives on Software Process Improvement (SPI), and proposes good practices supported by motivational tools that can help minimizing failures. It elaborates on the hypothesis that huma...
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This paper examines the SEI-IDEAL model and verifies that although it satisfies the needs of technical guidelines in SPI implantations, there is an important lack related to human factors guidelines. This paper proposes that that lack can be filled with some recommendations based on the Change Management theory (CM). Through face-to-face interviews...
Agile methods emerge as an alternative to improve quality and performance in software development processes. However, as agile methods are essentially focused on human aspects, their application in companies depends mostly on their adequacy to the current organizational culture. This study explores the view of the organizational culture in three le...
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In order to achieve high quality standards in electrical power systems, utility companies rely upon load forecasting to accomplish critical activities such as optimal dynamic dispatch and smart performance in the power wholesale market. Several works propose hybrid intelligent forecasting models to deal with the dynamic and non-linear characteristi...
The adoption of extreme programming (XP) method requires a very peculiar cultural context in software development companies. However, stakeholders do not always consider this matter and tend to stand to technical requirements of the method. Hence this paper aims at identifying aspects of organizational culture that may influence favorably or unfavo...
Conference Paper
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This article shows that the effect of holiday on Thursday affects significantly the load behavior on the next Friday due to the Brazilian culture of joining the holiday with the weekend. A statistic test shows that there are differences between the Friday following the holidays and other Fridays. Also, using a legacy forecast system with usual MAPE...


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