Raúl Hinojosa-Ojeda

Raúl Hinojosa-Ojeda
University of California, Los Angeles | UCLA · Department of Chicana/o Studies



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Publications (39)
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Donald Trump presented immigration and trade as the cause of the diminished prospects of white working-class voters, the core of his political base. The authors’ research—the first that examines actual immigration and trade exposure with attitudes and Trump voting—demonstrates that white voting for Trump was unrelated to immigration levels and, par...
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For more than two decades, the US government has attempted to put a stop to unauthorized immigration from (and through) Mexico by implementing “enforcement-only” measures along the US–Mexico border and at work sites throughout the country. These measures have not only failed to end unauthorized immigration but have also placed downward pressure on...
In this article, I use a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to estimate the economic ramifications of three different scenarios: (1) comprehensive immigration reform that creates a pathway to legal status for unauthorized immigrants in the United States and establishes flexible limits on permanent and temporary immigration that respond to c...
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La industria de los cables de arneses automotrices en México se inició en los ochentas y actualmente es el principal producto de exportación maquilador, y el segundo después de los motores dentro de la industria. Desde sus orígenes como una industria de ensamble simple con algunas plantas, ha logrado convertirse en el principal conglomerado industr...
This paper addresses two questions. The first is the impact of alternative regional integration accords on trade, welfare and development in the small developing countries of Central America as well as the larger rich countries of NAFTA. The second concerns differences in options facing the Central American countries and what reformed institutional...
This paper examines the impacts of external price shocks in the Malaysian economy. There are three simulations are carried out with different degrees of external shocks using Malaysian Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) analysis. The model results indicate that the import price shocks, better known as external p...
The articles in this special issue are part of the results of an multinational research project entitled: “Regional Integration in Greater North America: A Research, Training and Policy Program.” It would have been impossible to undergo this multinational task without the economic support so kindly granted by the Ford Foundation and the continuous...
This paper uses a computable general equilibrium model (CGE) to assess the gains from unilateral trade liberalization in Costa Rica within a comparative statics framework. The paper considers recent economic policies in Costa Rica and the structure of the economy. We then present a brief description of the economic scenarios we intend to analyze, i...
We are greatly indebted to Delmira Iñiguez and Martha Cuevas for their research assistance. We also appreciate the valuable advice of Irma Jacome, Counsel for Community Affairs for the General Consulate of Mexico in Los Angeles and Carlos Vargas, President of the Federation of Home Town Associations of Jalisco in Los Angeles.
From the adoption of NAFTA to the movement toward Mercosur, the entire hemisphere faces a wide range of options for choosing a new integration agenda, one that muse be able to provide for global competitiveness and equitable growth while being politically sustainable in both the United States and Latin America. In this article, we present a computa...
While the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been recognized as the most ambitious attempt to establish free trade across the wide income gap between rich and poor countries, few are aware that the political struggle around NAFTA also produced the North American Development Bank (NADBANK), a new type of institution designed for democra...
A United States-Mexico agreement to form a free trade area (FTA) is analyzed using an 11-sector, three-country, computable general equilibrium model that explicity models farm programs and labor migration. The model incorporates both rural-urban migration within Mexico and international migration between Mexico and the United States. In the model,...
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En este artículo se analizan las investigaciones sobre asuntos laborales en una zona norteamericana de libre comercio que incluiría Estados Unidos, México y Canadá. El tema principal es la posible evolución del empleo, los salarios y las instituciones laborales, en especial en Estados Unidos y México. Las cuestiones laborales abarcan mucho más que...
Introducción. En junio de 1990 el presidente Carlos Salinas de Gortari, de México, y el presidente George Busch, de los Estados Unidos, convinieron en negociar el establecimiento de un área de libre comercio(ALC) entre sus dos países. Un acuerdo entre los Estados Unidos y México complementará el pacto comercial entre los Estados Unidos y el Canadá,...
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Actualmente tienen lugar pláticas oficiales entre los Estados Unidos y México acerca de la formación de una zona de libre comercio (ZLC) entre ambos países. La propuesta de una ZLC ha producido mucha especulación, así como algunos modelos económicos relativos al posible efecto en las economías de la América del Norte. El efecto de una ZLC Estados U...
Since the mid-1970s the United States has been experiencing a profound shift in both the nature and political management of the post-World War II pattern of economic development and income distribution. This “Great U-Turn,” so labeled by Bluestone and Harrison (1988), has been characterized by the dramatic reversal after 1973 of the postwar rise in...
Summary Hurricane Mitch has been the second big blow to the Caribbean region in the last five years after the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) tilted the balance of incentives away from the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) countries and toward Mexico as a site for production, investment and trade. By the year 2005, the Multi-Fiber Agreem...
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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, signed into law by President Obama in March 2010 is poised to have a major effect on the United States' health service delivery system. The most important health care reform bill in a generation will increase access to care, mandate coverage for most individuals, regulate the insurance industry, and p...


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