Raquel Simón AlbertUniversity of Alicante | UA · Departamento de Economía Aplicada
Raquel Simón Albert
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PhD in Economics from the University of Alicante with distinction cum laude and mention of International PhD. She enjoys a grant from the State Sub-programme for Training (Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020), carried out research stays at the universities of Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) and Bologna (Rimini, Italy) and is involved in research projects focusing on issues related to the labour market and commuting.
Skills and Expertise
Publications (12)
This article examines the origins of the shorter commutes typically observed for women, a phenomenon that contributes to the poorer work outcomes they typically suffer. The analysis extends previous research on the gender gap in commuting by using econometric decomposition techniques that are novel in this field which, combined with a Spanish natio...
This article examines the relative employment situation of female employees from a novel perspective based on the construction of multidimensional indicators of employment precariousness that allow examining its scale and nature. The evidence obtained for Spain shows that both the intensity and incidence of precarious employment are significantly h...
This article examines the differences in commuting length between native and immigrant employees in Spain, a relevant issue since immigrants' longer commuting times may, among other factors, reflect an imperfect spatial matching of their labour supply and demand with negative implications for their relative labour outcomes and their individual well...
The article proposes a novel multidimensional operationalization of precarious employment using the Alkire-Foster dual threshold counting approach methodology. The proposal is made in a context in which, although precarious employment tends to be considered a multidimensional construct characterized by an accumulation of unfavourable features of em...
El objetivo de este informe es examinar la precariedad laboral en España desde una doble perspectiva novedosa, centrada, por una parte, en la precariedad general que existe en el conjunto del mercado de trabajo y, por otra, en la precariedad que sufre específicamente el colectivo más amplio de la fuerza laboral, el conformado por asalariados. Para...
El objetivo de este texto es realizar un balance de la evolución del mercado de trabajo de la provincia de Alicante desde 2006 hasta 2018. Aunque en nuestro país no son muy abundantes los datos laborales para ámbitos provinciales, los datos de la Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA) y de los registros administrativos del Servicio Público de Empleo Es...
En el presente estudio se pretende analizar las diferencias que existen en relación con las estilos de aprendizaje del alumnado universitario diferenciando por sexo, y el impacto sobre su rendimiento académico. Para ello se ha desarrollado una encuesta específica para el alumnado de segundo curso de los grados de ADE, TADE, I2-ADE y Marketing de la...