Raquel Fernández FernándezUniversity of Alcalá | UAH · Department of Modern Philology
Raquel Fernández Fernández
PhD in Modern Languages
Director of the Master's Studies in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Universidad de Alcalá)
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Raquel Fernández Fernández (Hon., PhD) is a full-time assistant professor at Universidad de Alcalá (september 2020-->). She has been a university lecturer at Centro Universitario Cardenal Cisneros for 15 years, delivering subjects about bilingual education and EFL teaching. In 2014 she was awarded the European Language Label Award for the coordination of the Bilingual Project in this institution.
Publications (91)
The use of films in the classroom is not new, as they promote critical thinking and reflection (Prats, Lluis. 2005. Cine para Educar. Barcelona: Belacqua). However, their role in promoting inclusive values with young learners remains relatively unexplored. Films have been considered a powerful pedagogical tool that helps students be in contact with...
ABSTRACT: Literacy development is at the core of our interactions with the world around us. However, this concept is not static and changes over time, adapting itself to different circumstances and needs. In the present study, a group of EFL teachers (n=104) is required to define ‘literacy’. Their definitions are then analysed to determine their ac...
The present study is part of a long-term research project based on the use of Dialogic Talks as a collaborative instructional strategy in EFL Teacher Education. The study was conducted with a group (n=20) of EFL Primary Teacher Education undergraduates with the aim of measuring the impact of the use of this strategy in the classroom. Data gathering...
The present article examines teachers' practices on ELF literacy development in Primary CLIL settings. The work is part of the research developed in the Erasmus+ project "Developing FL literacy in CLIL contexts, which aims to improve literacy practices in the CLIL classrooms. The study has an exploratory and descriptive nature and was conducted usi...
The figure of the Language Assistant has become fundamental in the implementation of bilingual programmes in primary education in Spain. However, little has been said about the profile of this figure in bilingual higher education. In this article, we analyse the organisation of the language assistants in the bilingual project in the Teacher Educati...
The pedagogical perspective of this contribution is based on the combination of Project-Based Learning
and CLIL to develop pluricultural competences. This synergy guarantees that students can be exposed to the full potential literary texts can bring into the classroom, tackling not only language, but content and culture, while promoting cognition t...
Despite being recognised as a valid educational resource, literary texts are still finding their way into the Foreign Language classroom, especially in Higher Education contexts. Recent research has highlighted the potential benefits Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLGs) may bring to students' experience of literary texts (Foncillas-Beamonte et al.,...
The chapter focuses on a comparative study (Poland, Spain, Slovenia) of teachers’ needs and practices in developing FL literacy in primary contexts. Previous research indicates a gap in continued literacy development which is also reflected in the limited opportunities in teacher education for FL literacy development. As many European countries hav...
Literature has always been a valuable resource in English as a foreign lan-guage learning. However, recently published research (Duncan & Paran, 2017, 2018; Calafato & Paran, 2019) indicates the need to motivate future foreign lan-guage teachers to use it. To do that, they propose the inclusion of literary experi-ences in the teacher education curr...
With the implementation of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) programmes in Spain, content subject methodology has become the focus of much debate and innovation. No such attention has been given to the approach to teaching the English language itself. While English Language Teaching (ELT) is often still focused on language accuracy an...
The CLIL pedagogical approach has put forward a notion of culture that goes beyond celebrating traditions and imitating the ways of living of stereotyped groups of native speakers. This challenging perception goes hand in hand with the societal need to promote intercultural understanding, which has been found to be at the core of severe social prob...
Even if our CLIL classrooms may show diversity, with different languages and cultures
coexisting, many of them are far from being considered pluricultural spaces, as expressed
in the Common European Framework (2020). Literature, and more specifically picture
books, can help early learners acquire the necessary knowledge, attitudes and, more
Literacy development is at the core of how we interact with the world around us. However, this concept is not static and changes over time, adapting itself to different circumstances and needs. In the present study, a group of EFL teachers (n=104) is required to define 'literacy'. Their definitions are then analysed to determine their accuracy to t...
This chapter tries to discover how primary school teachers understand what literacy is and to what extent this conceptualisation is influenced by factors indicated by previous literature, such as training, previous experiences, or beliefs (see Korthagen, 2001; and Pozo et al., 2006), while also considering whether working in a bilingual context or...
This chapter tries to discover how primary school teachers understand what literacy is and to what extent this conceptualisation is influenced by factors indicated by previous literature, such as training, previous experiences, or beliefs (see Korthagen, 2001; and Pozo et al., 2006), while also considering whether working in a bilingual context or...
En sus inicios la enseñanza bilingüe/plurilingüe se ha relacionado con la mejora en
la competencia comunicativa en una lengua adicional. Sin embargo, los beneficios de este tipo de enseñanza son múltiples, ya que esta tiene no solo un impacto en el desarrollo cognitivo y socioemocional de los aprendices, sino también en su cerebro. En esta ponencia...
Formar a nuevos profesores para que sean competentes en los contextos de colegios bilingües no es tarea fácil. Sin embargo, la experiencia implantando itinerarios bilingües en los grados de Educación, demuestra que es posible identificar los componentes efectivos que deben considerarse para un aprendizaje exitoso. En la ponencia, trataré el caso de...
The present article focuses on the opinions, perceptions and attitudes of a group of students (N=23) taking the CLIL itinerary on their Infant Teacher Training Degrees. Our main objective was to reflect upon how students are experiencingthis specific training based on the ‘loop input’ theory (Woodward, 1986 and 1988), thus making
trainees experienc...
Con frecuencia, los estudiantes que se enfrentan a su TFG se enfrentan a importantes dificultades a la hora de diseñar y planificar una investigación, buscar y seleccionar información, resumir ideas principales, redactar con rigor académico y extraer conclusiones científicamente válidas sobre su trabajo. El programa de desarrollo de destrezas imple...
El enfoque pedagógico CLIL/AICLE ha irrumpido en las aulas de nuestros colegios e institutos como una manera efectiva de trabajar en la enseñanza bilingüe, y sin duda ha contribuido a incrementar notablemente el nivel de inglés de nuestros escolares. Si bien este enfoque se basa en experiencias educativas de éxito, su puesta en práctica no es senci...
En esta pequeña publicación un grupo de docentes encargado de la enseñanza en el itinerario bilingüe de los Grados de Magisterio en el Centro Universitario Cardenal Cisneros (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid) desarrollan las características de su modelo pedagógico, basado en el enfoque AICLE.
Can be accessed here: http://aedean.org/wp-content/uploads/AEDEAN-2015-DIG-PR2.pdf
With the advent of bilingual education, one of the main concerns of Spanish Teacher
Education is to help undergraduates be proficient enough in an additional language as well as
to provide them with sufficient knowledge and skills to implement bilingual education
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has transformed the educational scene and brought about a revolution of teaching methods and principles in the bilingual education environment. The major challenge in the implementation of a teacher education curriculum in CLIL is the integration of different teaching approaches to promote content and...
Bilingual education programmes are increasingly important in non-English speaking countries as part of the necessary adaptation demanded by the “White Paper on Education and Training” (1995) in both educational and social fields thus becoming a key element in any long-term academic planning. The present case study analyses the opinion of 17 primary...
En un tiempo de crisis e incertidumbre,
Richard Gerver, profesor, conferenciante y
asesor educativo, nos regala una visión
positiva del futuro de la educación, planteando
no sólo que un cambio educativo es posible
sino también, y más importante, que es
extremadamente necesario para preparar a los
adultos del futuro. Poniendo como ejemplo su
Can be accessed here: http://www.hltmag.co.uk/apr11/sart01.htm
he following article is focused on the study of a literacy experience I developed in a teacher training college in Spain (Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros). A group of students taking an optional subject on English language and literature took part in three activities which aimed...
Mario Rinvolucri es sobradamente conocido por su trabajo como profesor de inglés como lengua extranjera, formador y escritor. Ha escrito más de 70 libros de recursos para profesores en los últimos 30 años y trabaja para Pilgrims (Canterbury, Kent) desde 1974. En 1999 fundó la revista online para profesores de inglés como lengua extranjera: Humanisi...
La presente publicación surge de la necesidad de profundizar en la enseñanza de contenidos y lengua adicional que se identi ca bajo el acrónimo CLIL en inglés y AICLE en castellano. 1 El volumen se divide en ocho capítulos que intentan tratar temas relativos tanto a la teoría como a la práctica de este tipo de enseñanza/aprendizaje. Así pues los au...
Electronic publication. It can be accessed at: http://www.sehacesaber.org/familias/comentariosblogFamilias?metodoAction=contenidosBlog&idContenido=30243
La enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera se ha servido de diferentes materiales para lograr el propósito de instruir a los discentes. En ocasiones, los avances tecnológicos han determinado esta selección de recursos, como ha ocurrido con la llegada de los denominados materiales multimedia.
La inclusión de un material suponía, en muchos casos...
Shifting EFL trainee teachers' reading experience: a study using diaries.
El presente artículo pretende explorar el uso de los textos literarios en el aula de inglés como lengua extranjera. La autora utiliza los conceptos de lectura eferente y lectura estética, desarrollados por L.M. Rosenblatt, y demuestra cómo y por qué la lectura eferente se favorece en el sistema educativo español actual. Después, la autora da razone...
Review of the book by David Heathfield
Las últimas décadas han visto el auge de los modelos de enseña bilingüe en muchos países europeos como una forma de mejorar el conocimiento de uno o más idiomas extranjeros. En España estos modelos son relativamente recientes y no ha sido hasta hace poco que comunidades autónomas tales como la Comunidad de Madrid han puesto en marcha ambiciosos pro...
Desde hace casi tres decadas, el concepto de estrategias de aprendizaje esta siendo centro de atencion en la investigacion y practica docente de las lenguas extranjeras. A pesar de ello, existe poca claridad en torno a ellas, lo que hace necesario un gran esfuerzo de investigacion y experimentacion docente. El presente volumen ofrece una coleccion...
Even though many teachers are avid readers, they often fmd difficulties in selecting suitable texts and designing appropriate activities to work with them in their classrooms. When the chosen text is a poem, this seems to be an overwhelming task, due to the tendency of methodological suggestions to deal with narrative genres, and not poetry. In thi...